专 ⇒
专家 zhuānjiā, [專家], expert/specialist/CL:個|个[gè]
专业 zhuānyè, [專業], specialty/specialized field/main field of study (at university)/major/CL:門|门[mén...
专门 zhuānmén, [專門], specialist/specialized/customized
专辑 zhuānjí, [專輯], album/record (music)/special collection of printed or broadcast material
专心 zhuānxīn, [專心], to concentrate/absorption/concentration/engrossed
专 zhuān, [專]/[耑], for a particular person, occasion, purpose/focused on one thing/special/expert/p...
专注 zhuānzhù, [專注], to focus/to concentrate/to give one's full attention
专用 zhuānyòng, [專用], special/dedicated
专栏 zhuānlán, [專欄], special column
专长 zhuāncháng, [專長], specialty/special knowledge or ability
专利 zhuānlì, [專利], patent/sth uniquely enjoyed (or possessed etc) by a certain group of people/mono...
专访 zhuānfǎng, [專訪], to interview (a particular person or on a particular topic)/special interview/sp...
专员 zhuānyuán, [專員], assistant director/commissioner
专程 zhuānchéng, [專程], specifically/specially (for that purpose)
专横 zhuānhèng, [專橫], imperious/peremptory
专题 zhuāntí, [專題], specific topic (addressed by a book, lecture, TV program etc)/article, report or...
专卖店 zhuānmàidiàn, [專賣店], specialty store
专职 zhuānzhí, [專職], special duty/assigned full time to a task
专属 zhuānshǔ, [專屬], to belong or be dedicated exclusively to/proprietary/private/personal
专线 zhuānxiàn, [專線], special-purpose phone line or communications link/hotline/special rail line (e.g...
专一 zhuānyī, [專一], single-minded/concentrated
专制 zhuānzhì, [專制], autocracy/dictatorship
专科 zhuānkē, [專科], specialized subject/branch (of medicine)/specialized training school
专机 专攻 zhuāngōng, [專攻], to specialize in/to major in
专卖 zhuānmài, [專賣], monopoly/exclusive right to trade
专人 zhuānrén, [專人], specialist/person appointed for specific task
专车 zhuānchē, [專車], special (or reserved) train (or bus etc)/limousine/private car used as a taxi an...
专案组 zhuānànzǔ, [專案組], special investigation team (legal or judicial)
专列 zhuānliè, [專列], special train/abbr. for 專門列車|专门列车[zhuān mén liè chē]
专场 zhuānchǎng, [專場], special performance
专集 专家组 专心致志 zhuānxīnzhìzhì, [專心致志], with single-hearted devotion (idiom)
专利权 zhuānlìquán, [專利權], patent right
专有 zhuānyǒu, [專有], exclusive/proprietary
专政 zhuānzhèng, [專政], dictatorship
专业性 zhuānyèxìng, [專業性], professionalism/expertise
专刊 专柜 zhuānguì, [專櫃], sales counter dedicated to a certain kind of product (e.g. alcohol)
专业户 zhuānyèhù, [專業戶], family firm producing a special product/cottage industry
大专 dàzhuān, [大專], three-year college/junior college/professional training college
专用车 专家级 特快专递 tèkuàizhuāndì, [特快專遞], express mail
专科学校 zhuānkēxuéxiào, [專科學校], specialized school/college for professional training/polytechnic
独断专行 dúduànzhuānxíng, [獨斷專行], to decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action/a law unto oneself
专利局 zhuānlìjú, [專利局], patent office
专座 专修 专项 zhuānxiàng, [專項], special/dedicated
专营 zhuānyíng, [專營], to specialize in (a particular product or service)/monopoly
专业课 非专业 专案 zhuānàn, [專案], project
专断 zhuānduàn, [專斷], to act arbitrarily/to make decisions without consulting others
专区 zhuānqū, [專區], special district/prefecture
专递 zhuāndì, [專遞], special delivery/courier
专业化 zhuānyèhuà, [專業化], specialization
专著 zhuānzhù, [專著], monograph/specialized text
专横跋扈 专用道 专营店 zhuānyíngdiàn, [專營店], exclusive agency/franchised shop/authorized store
专事 zhuānshì, [專事], specialized
专一性 专署 专司 zhuānsī, [專司], specialist (responsible some task)
专题片 zhuāntípiàn, [專題片], special report (shown on TV etc)
中专 zhōngzhuān, [中專], vocational secondary school/technical secondary school/trade school/abbr. for 中等...
君主专制 专业班 一专多能 专版 专稿 专论 专责 zhuānzé, [專責], specific responsibility
专用线 专有权
司 ⇒
公司 gōngsī, (business) company/company/firm/corporation/incorporated/CL:家[jiā]
司机 sījī, [司機], chauffeur/driver/CL:個|个[gè]
司 Sī/sī, surname Si, to take charge of/to manage/department (under a ministry)
上司 shàngsi, boss/superior
官司 guānsi, lawsuit/CL:場|场[cháng]
司法 sīfǎ, judicial/(administration of) justice
阿司匹林 āsīpǐlín, aspirin (loanword)
司令 sīlìng, commanding officer
盎司 àngsī, ounce (British imperial system) (loanword)
司法部 Sīfǎbù, Ministry of Justice (PRC etc)/Justice Department (USA etc)
打官司 dǎguānsi, to file a lawsuit/to sue/to dispute
司法部长 司令官 sīlìngguān, commander/officer in charge
司令部 sīlìngbù, headquarters/military command center
土司 tǔsī, sliced bread (loanword from "toast")/government-appointed hereditary tribal head...
有限公司 yǒuxiàngōngsī, limited company/corporation
百货公司 bǎihuògōngsī, [百貨公司], department store
总司令 zǒngsīlìng, [總司令], commander-in-chief/top military commander for a country or theater of operations
子公司 zǐgōngsī, subsidiary company/subsidiary corporation
总公司 zǒnggōngsī, [總公司], parent company/head office
分公司 fēngōngsī, subsidiary company/branch office
司空见惯 sīkōngjiànguàn, [司空見慣], a common occurrence (idiom)
跨国公司 kuàguógōngsī, [跨國公司], transnational corporation/multinational corporation
顶头上司 dǐngtóushàngsi, [頂頭上司], one's immediate superior
司法部门 母公司 mǔgōngsī, parent company
各司其职 司仪 sīyí, [司儀], master of ceremonies (MC)
司长 sīzhǎng, [司長], bureau chief
股份公司 gǔfèngōngsī, joint-stock company
律政司 Lǜzhèngsī, Department of Justice (Hong Kong)
开司米 kāisīmǐ, [開司米], cashmere (loanword)
司法权 sīfǎquán, [司法權], jurisdiction
吃官司 chīguānsī, to face legal action/to get sued
皮包公司 píbāogōngsī, lit. briefcase company/dummy corporation/shell company/fly-by-night company
司法局 集团公司 油公司 司令员 sīlìngyuán, [司令員], commander
公司法 gōngsīfǎ, corporations law
司基 司马 Sīmǎ, [司馬], Minister of War (official title in pre-Han Chinese states)/two-character surname...
司书 司放 司统 种子公司 专司 zhuānsī, [專司], specialist (responsible some task)
司马昭 SīmǎZhāo, [司馬昭], Sima Zhao (211-265), military general and statesman of Cao Wei 曹魏[Cáo Wèi]
寿司愈 司徒而特 斋藤太司 司马迁 SīmǎQiān, [司馬遷], Sima Qian (145-86 BC), Han Dynasty historian, author of Records of the Grand His...
司乐冰 司线员 sīxiànyuán, [司線員], line judge (tennis etc)
司特华 司通 司星 司才 司炉 sīlú, [司爐], stoker (worker operating a coal fire, esp. for a steam engine)
司粉 司罗 司人 司奇 玛司亚斯