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[主權] zhǔquán sovereignty

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        zhǔyi, plan/idea/decision/CL:個|个[gè]/Beijing pr. [zhú yi]
        zhǔ, owner/master/host/individual or party concerned/God/Lord/main/to indicate or sig...
        zhǔrén, master/host/owner/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhǔyào, main/principal/major/primary
        gōngzhǔ, princess
        zhǔtí, [主題], theme/subject
        zhǔrèn, director/head/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhǔjué, leading role/lead
        zhǔguǎn, in charge/responsible for/person in charge/manager
        zhǔyì, [主義], -ism/ideology
        zhǔxí, chairperson/premier/chairman/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        zhǔdòng, [主動], to take the initiative/to do sth of one's own accord/spontaneous/active/opposite...
        zhǔchí, to take charge of/to manage or direct/to preside over/to uphold/to stand for (ju...
        zhǔchírén, TV or radio presenter/host/anchor
        mínzhǔ, democracy
        zhǔjiào, bishop
        zhǔfù, [主婦], housewife/woman of senior authority in a household/the lady of the house/hostess
        Jiùshìzhǔ, the Savior (in Christianity)
        Tiānzhǔjiào, Catholicism
        Mínzhǔdǎng, [民主黨], Democratic Party
        zhǔzǎi, to dominate/to rule/to dictate/master
        gùzhǔ, employer
        zhǒngzúzhǔyì, [種族主義], racism
        lǐngzhǔ, [領主], feudal lord/suzerain/overlord
        Tiānzhǔjiàotú, Catholic/follower of Catholicism
        zhǔbiān, [主編], editor in chief
        dézhǔ, recipient (of an award)/winner (in a competition)
        diànzhǔ, shop owner
        zhǔzhāng, [主張], to advocate/to stand for/view/position/stand/proposition/viewpoint/assertion/CL:...
        zuòzhǔ, see 作主[zuò zhǔ]
        zhǔjī, [主機], main engine/(military) lead aircraft/(computing) host computer/main processor/se...
        zhǔgōng, Your Highness/Your Majesty
        zhǔdǎo, [主導], leading/dominant/prevailing/to lead/to direct/to dominate
        nǚzhǔrén, hostess/mistress
        gòngchǎnzhǔyì, [共產主義], communism
使         zhǔshǐ, to mastermind/to orchestrate/to instigate/mastermind/instigator
        jūnzhǔ, monarch/sovereign
        chēzhǔ, [車主], vehicle owner
        zìzhǔ, independent/to act for oneself/autonomous
        kǒngbùzhǔyì, [恐怖主義], terrorism
        Zhēnzhǔ, Allah
        zhǔréngōng, hero (of a novel or film)/main protagonist
        zhǔguān, [主觀], subjective
        mǎizhǔ, [買主], customer
        Tiānzhǔ, God (in Catholicism)/abbr. for 天主教[Tiān zhǔ jiào], Catholicism
        réndàozhǔyì, [人道主義], humanism/humanitarian (aid)
        yèzhǔ, [業主], owner/proprietor
        dàzhǔjiào, archbishop/primate (of a church)/metropolitan
        sōuzhǔyi, [餿主意], rotten idea
        zhǔxiū, to major in
        shèhuìzhǔyì, [社會主義], socialism
        zìzuòzhǔzhāng, [自作主張], to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom); to act on one's own initiative
        zhǔliú, main stream (of a river)/fig. the essential point/main viewpoint of a matter/mai...
        zuòzhǔ, to decide/to make decisions/to take responsibility (for deciding)/to be in charg...
        zīběnzhǔyì, [資本主義], capitalism
        fángzhǔ, landlord/house owner
        zhǔyè, [主頁], home page
        dìzhǔ, landlord/landowner/host
        BáixuěGōngzhǔ, Snow White
        bùyóuzìzhǔ, can't help; involuntarily (idiom)
        zhǔlì, main force/main strength of an army
        zhǔchú, [主廚], chef/to be the chef
        wéizhǔ, [為主], to rely mainly on/to attach most importance to
        Zàowùzhǔ, the Creator (in religion or mythology)/God
宿         sùzhǔ, host
        zhǔchǎng, [主場], home ground (sports)/home field/main venue/main stadium
        zhǔcài, main course
        zhǔjiàn, [主見], one's own view/having definite opinions
        zìyóuzhǔyì, [自由主義], liberalism
        zhǔquán, [主權], sovereignty
        zhǔbàn, [主辦], to organize/to host (a conference or sports event)
        zhǔdòngmài, [主動脈], aorta/principal artery
        hóngyīzhǔjiào, [紅衣主教], Catholic Cardinal
        zhǔdòngquán, [主動權], initiative (as in "seize the initiative")/advantageous position that allows one ...
        zhǔzhǐ, gist/main idea/general tenor/one's judgment
        guānliáozhǔyì, [官僚主義], bureaucracy
        zhǔgù, [主顧], client/customer
        xìzhǔrèn, chairman of department/dean/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè]
        dìguózhǔyì, [帝國主義], imperialism
        zhàizhǔ, [債主], creditor
        wúzhèngfǔzhǔyì, [無政府主義], anarchism
        wùguīyuánzhǔ, [物歸原主], to return something to its rightful owner
        zhǔzhìyīshī, [主治醫師], doctor-in-charge/resident physician
        làngmànzhǔyì, [浪漫主義], romanticism
        bānzhǔrèn, teacher in charge of a class
        jiàozhǔ, founder or leader of a religion or sect/(fig.) revered figure
        àiguózhǔyì, [愛國主義], patriotism
        màizhǔ, [賣主], seller
        zhǔyīn, keynote/principal tone/tonic/vowel
        lèguānzhǔyì, [樂觀主義], optimism
        zhǔxuánlǜ, theme or subject (music)
        xiānrùwéizhǔ, [先入為主], lit. first impression is strongest
        shèhuìzhǔyìzhě, [社會主義者], socialist
        zhǔzi, Master (term used by servant)/Your Majesty/operator (of machine)
        zhǔfàn, culprit
        zhǔduì, [主隊], host team (at sports event)/host side
        zhǔgōng, main assault/to focus on/to specialize in/to major in
        núlìzhǔ, [奴隸主], slave owner
线         zhǔxiàn, [主線], main line (of communication)/main thread (of a plotline or concept)/central them...
        zhǔtǐ, [主體], main part/bulk/body/subject/agent
        gèrénzhǔyì, [個人主義], individualism
        chuánzhǔ, ship's captain/owner of ship
        Zhēnzhǔdǎng, [真主黨], Hezbollah (Lebanon Islamic group)
        jūnzhǔzhì, monarchy
        xiànshízhǔyì, [現實主義], realism
        jīhuìzhǔyì, [機會主義], opportunism/pragmatism
        zhǔlóu, [主樓], main building
        bàzhǔ, a powerful chief of the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC)/ove...
        jìzhǔ, host (of a parasite)
        chāoxiànshízhǔyì, [超現實主義], surrealism
        zìzhǔquán, [自主權], ability to make one's own decisions
        dúlìzìzhǔ, [獨立自主], independent and autonomous (idiom); self-determination/to act independently/to m...
        mínzhǔzhǔyì, [民主主義], democracy
        Mǎkèsīzhǔyì, [馬克思主義], Marxism
        shīzhǔ, owner of sth lost or stolen
        shíyòngzhǔyì, [實用主義], pragmatism
        hùzhǔ, [戶主], head of the household
        zhǔcì, the important and the less important/primary and secondary
        zhǔxīngǔ, backbone/mainstay/pillar/definite view/one's own judgment
        mínzúzhǔyì, [民族主義], nationalism/national self-determination/principle of nationalism, the first of D...
        cáizhǔ, [財主], rich man/moneybags
        xūwúzhǔyì, [虛無主義], nihilism
        zhǔyǔ, [主語], subject (in grammar)
        zhǔjiǎng, [主講], to give a lecture/to lecture on
        kuàngzhǔ, [礦主], proprietor of a mine
        zhǔyè, [主業], main business
        fēnlièzhǔyì, [分裂主義], separatism
        zìránzhǔyì, [自然主義], naturalism (philosophy)
        jíquánzhǔyì, [極權主義], totalitarianism
        wùzhǔ, owner
        zhǔshí, main food/staple (rice and noodles)
        zhǔcóng, [主從], master-slave (computing)/client-server (computing)/primary and secondary
        xíngshìzhǔyì, [形式主義], Formalism (art)
        xuānbīnduózhǔ, [喧賓奪主], lit. the voice of the guest overwhelms that of the host (idiom)/fig. a minor pla...
        shāwénzhǔyì, [沙文主義], chauvinism
        zhǔpú, [主僕], master and servant
        zhǔyīn, main reason
        lìjǐzhǔyì, [利己主義], egoism
        xiūzhèngzhǔyì, [修正主義], revisionism
        dāngjiāzuòzhǔ, [當家作主], to be in charge in one's own house (idiom)/to be the master of one's own affairs
        jīngyànzhǔyì, [經驗主義], empiricism
        jìnyùzhǔyì, [禁慾主義], asceticism
        ZìyóuMínzhǔdǎng, [自由民主黨], Liberal Democratic Party
        gōnglìzhǔyì, [功利主義], utilitarianism
        qǐyèzhǔ, [企業主], owner of enterprise
        zhímínzhǔyì, [殖民主義], colonialism
        jiàotiáozhǔyì, [教條主義], dogmatism
        zhǔjiàng, [主將], commander-in-chief (military)/star player (sports)/key figure (in an organizatio...
        xiǎnglèzhǔyì, [享樂主義], hedonism
        zhǔrénwēng, master (of the house)/main character in a novel etc/hero or heroine
        shīzhǔ, benefactor (term used by a monk to address a layperson)/donor (semiconductor)
        zhǔxítuán, [主席團], presidium
        shìzhǔ, victim (of a criminal)/party involved (in a dispute etc)/main instigator
        bǎoshǒuzhǔyì, [保守主義], conservatism
        mínzhǔhuà, to convert to democracy/democratic transformation
        wéiwùzhǔyì, [唯物主義], materialism, philosophical doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality
        jūnguózhǔyì, [軍國主義], militarism
        bàijīnzhǔyì, [拜金主義], money worship
        bīnzhǔ, [賓主], host and guest
线         zhǔgànxiàn, [主幹線], trunk line (of road, network etc)/backbone (cable)
        bǎohùzhǔyì, [保護主義], protectionism
        zhǔzhóu, [主軸], axis/principal axis (in mechanics, optics, botany etc)/main axle (of engine)
        zhǔgàn, [主幹], trunk/main/core
        shízhèngzhǔyì, [實證主義], positivism/empiricism
        zhǔfá, [主罰], penalty (kick)
        dōngdàozhǔ, [東道主], host/official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference)
        chǎngzhǔ, [廠主], factory owner
        màoxiǎnzhǔyì, [冒險主義], adventurism (a left-wing error against Mao's line during the 1930s)
        rénwénzhǔyì, [人文主義], humanism
        běnběnzhǔyì, [本本主義], book worship/bookishness
        lìzhǔ, advocate strongly
        jítǐzhǔyì, [集體主義], collectivism
        guójìzhǔyì, [國際主義], internationalism
        kǔzhǔ, victim's family (esp. in murder case)
        Lièníngzhǔyì, [列寧主義], Leninism
        Sānmínzhǔyì, [三民主義], Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three Principles of the People (late 1890s)
        zhǔshuài, [主帥], (military) commander-in-chief/(sports) team manager/coach
        zhǔgé, nominative case (grammar)
        GāngguǒMínzhǔGònghéguó, [剛果民主共和國], Democratic Republic of Congo
        mínzhǔgémìng, democratic revolution/bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude t...
        zōngpàizhǔyì, [宗派主義], sectarianism
        zhǔhángdào, main channel
        shūjīzhǔjiào, [樞機主教], cardinal (of the Catholic Church)

        quánlì, [權利], right (i.e. an entitlement to sth)/(classical) power and wealth
        Quán/quán, [權], surname Quan, authority/power/right/(literary) to weigh/expedient/temporary
        quánlì, [權力], power/authority
        huòmiǎnquán, [豁免權], immunity from prosecution
        shòuquán, [授權], to authorize
        tèquán, [特權], prerogative/privilege/privileged
        quánwēi, [權威], authority/authoritative/power and prestige
        wúquán, [無權], to have no right/to have no authority
        jiānhùquán, [監護權], custody (of a child)
        quánxiàn, [權限], scope of authority/extent of power/(access etc) privileges
        rénquán, [人權], human rights
        zhèngquán, [政權], regime/political power
        qìquán, [棄權], to abstain from voting/to forfeit/to waive one's right to vote/to abdicate
        zhǎngquán, [掌權], to wield (political etc) power/be in power
        quányì, [權益], rights/interests/rights and benefits
        kòngzhìquán, [控制權], control (as in "to win control")
        quánshì, [權勢], power/influence
        quánquán, [全權], full powers/total authority/plenipotentiary powers
        nǚquán, [女權], women's rights
        suǒyǒuquán, [所有權], ownership/possession/property rights/title (to property)
        zhíquán, [職權], authority/power over others
        dàquán, [大權], power/authority
        fāyánquán, [發言權], the right of speech
        bǎnquán, [版權], copyright
        Mínquán/mínquán, [民權], Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shāng qiū], Henan, civil liberties
        quánhéng, [權衡], to consider/to weigh (a matter)/to balance (pros and cons)
        chǎnquán, [產權], property right
        jìchéngquán, [繼承權], right of inheritance
        gǔquán, [股權], equity shares/stock right
        tóupiàoquán, [投票權], suffrage/right to vote
        zhǔquán, [主權], sovereignty
        yuèquán, [越權], to go beyond one's authority/arrogation
        gōngmínquán, [公民權], civil rights/citizenship rights
        zhǔdòngquán, [主動權], initiative (as in "seize the initiative")/advantageous position that allows one ...
        yǐnsīquán, [隱私權], privacy right
        xuǎnjǔquán, [選舉權], suffrage
        qīnquán, [侵權], to infringe the rights of/to violate/infringement
        duóquán, [奪權], to seize power
        quányízhījì, [權宜之計], plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/makeshift stratagem/interim step
        tǒngzhìquán, [統治權], sovereignty/dominion/dominance
        quánzhàng, [權杖], scepter
        dāngquán, [當權], to hold power
        qiángquán, [強權], power/might
        dāngquánzhě, [當權者], ruler/those in power/the authorities
        wángquán, [王權], royalty/royal power
        quánguì, [權貴], influential officials/bigwigs
        zhuānlìquán, [專利權], patent right
        quánbǐng, [權柄], authority
使         shǐyòngquán, [使用權], usage rights
        zìzhǔquán, [自主權], ability to make one's own decisions
        lǐngdǎoquán, [領導權], leadership authority
        jūliúquán, [居留權], right of abode (law)
        sīfǎquán, [司法權], jurisdiction
        qīquán, [期權], option
        zhàiquánrén, [債權人], creditor
        cuànquán, [篡權], to usurp power
        bàquán, [霸權], hegemony/supremacy
        tèxǔquán, [特許權], patent/franchise/concession
        zhàiquán, [債權], creditor's rights (law)
        fǒujuéquán, [否決權], veto power
        jíquán, [極權], totalitarian
        cáichǎnquán, [財產權], property rights
        jíquánzhǔyì, [極權主義], totalitarianism
        shénquán, [神權], divine right (of kings)
        quánwēixìng, [權威性], authoritative/(having) authority
        quánshù, [權術], art of politics/political tricks (often derog.)/power play/to play at politics/u...
        shěnpànquán, [審判權], jurisdiction/judicial authority
        zhīpèiquán, [支配權], authority to dispose of sth
        zhùzuòquán, [著作權], copyright
        wéiquán, [維權], to defend (legal) rights
        biǎojuéquán, [表決權], right to vote/vote
        quánwèi, [權位], power and position (politics)
        fàngquán, [放權], to delegate power/to decentralize
        quánquándàibiǎo, [全權代表], a plenipotentiary (representative)
        bīngquán, [兵權], military leadership/military power
        zhēngquánduólì, [爭權奪利], scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle
        jíquán, [集權], centralized power (history), e.g. under an Emperor or party
        quánnéng, [權能], power
        quánmóu, [權謀], trickery/tactics
        zhōngyāngjíquán, [中央集權], centralized state power
        jiāquán, [加權], (math.) to weight/weighting/weighted (average, index etc)
        shòuquán, [受權], authorized/entrusted (with authority)
        huángquán, [皇權], imperial power
        yǒuquán, [有權], to have the right to/to be entitled to/to have authority/powerful
        yǐquánmóusī, [以權謀私], to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)
        sàngquánrǔguó, [喪權辱國], to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country (idiom)/to surrender territory ...
        quánqiě, [權且], temporarily/for the time being
        dāngquánpài, [當權派], persons or faction in authority
        shìquán, [事權], position/authority/responsibility
        wēiquán, [威權], authority/power

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