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[舉杯] jǔbēi to toast sb (with wine etc)
to drink a toast

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Word Compounds

        jǔ, [擧]/[舉], variant of 舉|举[jǔ], to lift/to hold up/to cite/to enumerate/to act/to raise/to c...
        jǔxíng, [舉行], to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
        xuǎnjǔ, [選舉], to elect/election/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]
        jǔbàn, [舉辦], to conduct/to hold
        jǔdòng, [舉動], act/action/activity/move/movement
        jǔshǒu, [舉手], to raise a hand/to put up one's hand (as signal)
        jǔzhǐ, [舉止], bearing/manner/mien
        jǔqǐ, [舉起], to heave/to lift/to raise up/to uphold
        jǔbào, [舉報], to report (malefactors to the police)/to denounce
        qīngéryìjǔ, [輕而易舉], easy/with no difficulty
        yījǔyīdòng, [一舉一動], every movement/each and every move
        jǔbēi, [舉杯], to toast sb (with wine etc)/to drink a toast
        qīngjǔwàngdòng, [輕舉妄動], to act blindly without thinking (idiom)
        jiǎnjǔ, [檢舉], to report (an offense to the authorities)/to inform against sb
        táiju, [抬舉], to lift sth up/to elevate sb/to honor sb (with compliments, gifts, promotions et...
        yījǔ, [一舉], a move/an action/in one move/at a stroke/in one go
        míngzhìzhījǔ, [明智之舉], sensible act
        zhuàngjǔ, [壯舉], magnificent feat/impressive feat/heroic undertaking/heroic attempt
        jǔzhòng, [舉重], to lift weights/weight-lifting (sports)
        jǔcuò, [舉措], to move/to act/action/decision/conduct/manner
        jǔzúqīngzhòng, [舉足輕重], to play a critical role (idiom)/influential
        gāojǔ, [高舉], to lift up/to hold high
        xuǎnjǔquán, [選舉權], suffrage
        shànjǔ, [善舉], meritorious deed/benevolent act
        duōcǐyījǔ, [多此一舉], to do more than is required (idiom); superfluous/gilding the lily
        tuījǔ, [推舉], to elect/to choose/press (weightlifting technique)
        lièjǔ, [列舉], a list/to list/to enumerate
        jǔlì, [舉例], to give an example
        jǔlìláishuō, [舉例來說], for example
        jǔshìwénmíng, [舉世聞名], world-famous (idiom)
        jǔshì, [舉世], throughout the world/world ranking (e.g. first)
        yījǔliǎngdé, [一舉兩得], one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone
        jǔshìwúshuāng, [舉世無雙], unrivaled (idiom); world number one/unique/unequaled
        dàjǔ, [大舉], (do sth) on a large scale
        chuàngjǔ, [創舉], pioneering work
        jǔjiàn, [舉薦], to recommend
        jǔqíbùdìng, [舉棋不定], to hesitate over what move to make (idiom); to waver/to shilly-shally
        jǔbùwéijiān, [舉步維艱], to make progress only with great difficulty (idiom)
        jǔshǒutóuzú, [舉手投足], one's every movement (idiom)/comportment/gestures
        jǔjiā, [舉家], the whole family
        jǔguóshàngxià, [舉國上下], the entire nation/the whole country, from the leadership to the rank and file
        jīngrénzhījǔ, [驚人之舉], to astonish people (with a miraculous feat)
        jǔmù, [舉目], to look/to raise one's eyes
        jǔmùwúqīn, [舉目無親], to look up and see no-one familiar (idiom); not having anyone to rely on/without...
        tǐngjǔ, [挺舉], clean and jerk (weightlifting technique)
        jǔshìzhǔmù, [舉世矚目], to receive worldwide attention
        shèngjǔ, [盛舉], grand event/magnificent undertaking
        bùshèngméijǔ, [不勝枚舉], too numerous to mention individually or one by one
        kējǔ, [科舉], imperial examination
        jǔbùshèngjǔ, [舉不勝舉], too numerous to list (idiom); innumerable
        jǔbàozhě, [舉報者], informer/snitch
        jǔrén, [舉人], graduate/successful candidate in the imperial provincial examination
        jǔyīfǎnsān, [舉一反三], to raise one and infer three/to deduce many things from one case (idiom)

        bēi, [桮]/[盃], cup/trophy cup/classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup, variant...
        gānbēi, [乾杯], to drink a toast/Cheers! (proposing a toast)/Here's to you!/Bottoms up!/lit. dry...
        bēizi, cup/glass/CL:個|个[gè],隻|只[zhī]
        jiǎngbēi, [獎杯], trophy cup
        zhǐbēi, [紙杯], paper cup
        jǔbēi, [舉杯], to toast sb (with wine etc)/to drink a toast
        jiǔbēi, wine cup
        Shìjièbēi, World Cup
        bōlibēi, drinking glass
        chábēi, teacup/tea-glass/cup/mug/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        gāojiǎobēi, [高腳杯], goblet
        shāobēi, [燒杯], beaker (glassware)
        bēishuǐchēxīn, [杯水車薪], lit. a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood (idiom); fig. an utterly inade...
        tānbēi, [貪杯], to drink in excess
        jiāobēijiǔ, formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding c...
        liángbēi, measuring cup/graduated measuring cylinder
        pěngbēi, to win a championship/to come out top/to take the cup

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