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[烏黑] wūhēi jet-black

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        wūguī, [烏龜], tortoise/cuckold
        wūyā, [烏鴉], crow/raven
        Wū/wū, [烏], abbr. for Ukraine 烏克蘭|乌克兰[Wū kè lán]/surname Wu, crow/black
        Wūkèlán, [烏克蘭], Ukraine
        wūtuōbāng, [烏托邦], utopia (loanword)
        wūyún, [烏雲], black cloud
        wūzéi, [烏賊], cuttlefish
        Wūgāndá, [烏干達], Uganda
        wūhézhīzhòng, [烏合之眾], mob
        Wūzībiékèsītǎn, [烏茲別克斯坦], Uzbekistan
        wūyānzhàngqì, [烏煙瘴氣], billowing smoke (idiom)/foul atmosphere/(fig.) murky atmosphere/in a turmoil
        huàwéiwūyǒu, [化為烏有], to go up in smoke/to vanish
        Wūkèlánrén, [烏克蘭人], Ukrainian (person)
        Wūěrmǔ, [烏爾姆], Ulm (city in Germany)
        wūqībāzāo, [烏七八糟], everything in disorder (idiom)/in a hideous mess/obscene/dirty/filthy
        Wūěr, [烏爾], Ur (Sumerian city c. 4500 BC in modern Iraq)
        Wūsūnguó, [烏孫國], Wusun kingdom of central Asia (c. 300 BC-300 AD)
        Wūlāguī, [烏拉圭], Uruguay
        wūlóngchá, [烏龍茶], oolong tea
        Wūlāěr, [烏拉爾], the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia
        wūhēi, [烏黑], jet-black/dark
        wūlǐ, [烏鱧], Channa argus/snakehead fish
        wūqīng, [烏青], bluish black/bruise/bruising/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        wūmù, [烏木], ebony
        Wūzībiékèrén, [烏茲別克人], Uzbek (person)
        wūshāmào, [烏紗帽], black hat (worn by feudal official)/fig. official post
        Wūlánbātuō, [烏蘭巴托], Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia
        qiāngwūzéi, [槍烏賊], squid
        Wūsū, [烏蘇], Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Tǎ chéng dì qū], Xinjiang
        jīnwū, [金烏], Golden Crow/the sun/the three-legged golden crow that lives in the sun
        wūjī, [烏雞], black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson
        wūyú, [烏魚], gray mullet (Mugil cephalus)/snakehead fish (family Channidae)
        Wūzībiékè, [烏茲別克], Uzbek/abbr. for Uzbekistan
        wūlóng, [烏龍], black dragon/unexpected mistake or mishap/oolong (tea)/udon (loanword from Japan...
        wūlóngqiú, [烏龍球], own goal (ball sports)

        Hēi/hēi, abbr. for Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hēi lóng jiāng], black/dark/sinister/sec...
        hēirén, black person/an illegal
        hēiàn, dark/darkly/darkness
        hēisè, black
        hēibāng, [黑幫], bunch of gangsters/criminal gang/organized crime syndicate
        hēidòng, (astronomy) black hole
        hēiyè, night
        hēishǒudǎng, [黑手黨], mafia
        hēikè, hacker (computing) (loanword)
        hēishèhuì, [黑社會], criminal underworld/organized crime syndicate
        hēidào, dark road/criminal ways/the underworld/see also 白道[bái dào]
        hēishì, black market
        hēishǒu, malign agent who manipulates from behind the scenes/hidden hand/(Tw) mechanic/bl...
        hēibái, black and white/right and wrong/monochrome
        qīhēi, pitch-black
        hēimíngdān, [黑名單], blacklist
        Mùníhēi, München or Munich, capital of Bavaria, Germany
        hēibǎn, blackboard/CL:塊|块[kuài],個|个[gè]
        hēiqián, [黑錢], dirty money
        hēixīngxing, common chimpanzee
        bēihēiguō, [背黑鍋], to be made a scapegoat/to be unjustly blamed
        hēifà, [黑髮], black hair
        hēimǎ, [黑馬], dark horse/fig. unexpected winner
        mǒhēi, to discredit/to defame/to smear sb's name/to bring shame upon (oneself or one's ...
        Hēishān, Montenegro, former Yugoslavia/Heishan county in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning
        hēixīn, ruthless and lacking in conscience/vicious mind full of hatred and jealousy/blac...
        hēitáo, spade ♠ (in card games)
        báizhǐhēizì, [白紙黑字], (written) in black and white
        hēimài, [黑麥], rye (Secale cereale)
        hēiyǐng, shadow/darkness/twilight
        yǒuhēi, dark/black/suntanned
        hēixióng, Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus)
        hēibān, dark spot or blotch on the skin
        hēitǐ, [黑體], bold (typeface)
        hēimù, hidden details/dirty tricks/dark secrets
        hēixiázi, (airplane) black box
        mōhēi, to grope about in the dark
        HēiHǎi, Black Sea
        Déhēilán, [德黑蘭], Tehran, capital of Iran
        hēihù, [黑戶], unregistered resident or household/unlicensed shop
        hēichē, [黑車], unlicensed or unofficial taxi/unlicensed motor vehicle
        hēihūhū, variant of 黑糊糊[hēi hū hū]
        hēiguǎn, clarinet
        hūntiānhēidì, lit. dark sky and black earth (idiom)/fig. pitch dark/to black out/disorderly/tr...
        diāndǎohēibái, [顛倒黑白], lit. to invert black and white (idiom); to distort the truth deliberately/to mis...
        Hēihé, Heihe prefecture-level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hēi lóng jiāng] in ...
        hēihuà, [黑話], argot/bandits' secret jargon/malicious words
        hēisèsù, black pigment/melanin
        hēishā, [黑紗], black armband
        hēiyāyā, [黑壓壓], see 烏壓壓|乌压压[wū yā yā]
        hēizhì, mole
        hēidiāo, sable (Martes zibellina)
        wūhēi, [烏黑], jet-black/dark
        hēidòngdòng, pitch-dark
        hēitàn, coal/charcoal/(of skin) darkly pigmented/charcoal (color)/bituminous coal (minin...
        Hēigéěr, [黑格爾], Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), German philosopher
        qǐzǎotānhēi, [起早貪黑], to be industrious, rising early and going to bed late
        Hēilóngjiāng, [黑龍江], Heilongjiang province (Heilungkiang) in northeast China, abbr. 黑, capital Harbin...
        hēidiàn, lit. inn that kills and robs guests (esp. in traditional fiction)/fig. a scam/pr...
        hēichēnchēn, pitch-black
        hēiqūqū, pitch-black/pitch-dark
        hēibùliūqiū, dark and swarthy
        BōHēi, abbr. for 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那|波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那[Bō sī ní yà hé Hēi sài gē wéi nà] Bosnia and Her...
        hùnxiáohēibái, to confuse black and white/to say that black is white/fig. not to distinguish ri...
        hēigulōngdōng, pitch-black/pitch-dark
        qǐzǎomōhēi, see 起早貪黑|起早贪黑[qǐ zǎo tān hēi]
        hēihūhū, variant of 黑糊糊[hēi hū hū]
        hēisèjīnshǔ, [黑色金屬], ferrous metals (i.e. iron, chromium, manganese and alloys containing them)

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