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[五彩繽紛] wǔcǎibīnfēn all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display

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Word Compounds

        wǔ, five/5
        dìwǔ, fifth
        Zhōuwǔ, [週五], Friday
        Xīngqīwǔ, Friday
        wǔshí, fifty
        shíwǔ, fifteen/15
        WǔjiǎoDàlóu, [五角大樓], the Pentagon
        Wǔyuè, May/fifth month (of the lunar year)
        Lǐbàiwǔ, [禮拜五], Friday
        wǔjīndiàn, hardware store/ironmonger's store
        wǔjiǎoxīng, pentagram
        wǔfēnzhīyī, one fifth
        èrbǎiwǔ, idiot/stupid person/a dope
        wǔxīngjí, [五星級], five-star (hotel)
        wǔjīn, metal hardware (nuts and bolts)/the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and ...
        wǔxīng, the five visible planets, namely: Mercury 水星, Venus 金星, Mars 火星, Jupiter 木星, Sat...
        yīwǔyīshí, lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full deta...
        wǔyī, 5-1 (May 1st)
        wǔguān, five sense organs of TCM (nose, eyes, lips, tongue, ears 鼻目口舌耳)/facial features
        wǔwǔ, 50-50/equal (share, partnership etc)
        wǔtǐtóudì, [五體投地], to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulate sb
        wǔyuèfèn, May
        wǔcǎi, five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue)/multicolored
        wǔyánliùsè, [五顏六色], multi-colored/every color under the sun
        wǔzàngliùfǔ, [五臟六腑], five viscera and six bowels (TCM)
        Wǔzhǐshān, Wuzhi or Mount Five Finger, Hainan/Wuzhishan City, Hainan
        wǔhuābāmén, [五花八門], myriad/all kinds of/all sorts of
        wǔyīn, five notes of pentatonic scale, roughly do, re, mi, sol, la/five classes of init...
        wǔzàng, [五臟], five viscera of TCM, namely: heart 心[xīn], liver 肝[gān], spleen 脾[pí], lungs 肺[f...
        wǔhuāròu, pork belly/streaky pork
        Wǔdài, Five Dynasties, period of history between the fall of the Tang dynasty (907) and...
        wǔcǎibīnfēn, [五彩繽紛], all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
        Wǔtái, [五臺], Wutai city and county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xīn zhōu], Shanxi
        wǔniánjìhuà, [五年計劃], Five-Year Plan
        wǔxiāng, five spice seasoned/incorporating the five basic flavors of Chinese cooking (swe...
        wǔgǔ, [五穀], five crops, e.g. millet 粟[sù], soybean 豆[dòu], sesame 麻[má], barley 麥|麦[mài], ri...
        gésānchàwǔ, every few days (idiom)
        wǔguāngshísè, bright and multicolored/of rich variety/(fig.) dazzling/glitzy
        wǔxíng, five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水
        sānwǔ, several/three or five
        sānwǔchéngqún, in groups of three or four (idiom)
        sānfānwǔcì, over and over again (idiom)
        wǔgǔfēngdēng, [五穀豐登], abundant harvest of all food crops/bumper grain harvest
        Wǔyuèjié, [五月節], Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)
        wǔbiānxíng, [五邊形], pentagon
线         wǔxiànpǔ, [五線譜], (music) staff/stave
        guòwǔguānzhǎnliùjiàng, [過五關斬六將], lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom)/fig. to surmount all dif...
        wǔhúsìhǎi, all parts of the country
        língdiǎnwǔ, [零點五], zero point five, 0.5/one half
        wǔjiā, Acanthopanax gracilistylus
        Wǔyuè, [五嶽], Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists, namely: Mt Tai 泰山[Tài Shān] in Shandong, M...
        wǔshì, the fifth (of series of numbered kings)
        wǔzǐqí, five-in-a-row (game similar to tic-tac-toe)/Japanese: gomoku/gobang
宿         bìxiùwǔ, [畢宿五], Aldebaran or Alpha Tauri
        wǔjiǎoxíng, pentagon

        jīngcǎi, wonderful/marvelous/brilliant
        cǎi, (bright) color/variety/applause/applaud/lottery prize
        cǎipái, dress rehearsal
        cǎihóng, rainbow/CL:道[dào]
        cǎipiào, lottery ticket
        sècǎi, tint/coloring/coloration/(fig.) flavor/character
        guāngcǎi, luster/splendor/radiance/brilliance
        hècǎi, to acclaim/to cheer
        cǎisè, color/multi-colored/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        yúncai, [雲彩], (coll.) cloud/CL:朵[duǒ]
姿         duōzīduōcǎi, diversity (of forms and colors)
        fēngfùduōcǎi, [豐富多彩], richly colorful
        dàfàngyìcǎi, [大放異彩], to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment)/to demonstrate extraordinary talen...
        guāngcǎiduómù, [光彩奪目], dazzling/brilliant
        cǎichē, [彩車], float (in a parade)
        cǎidài, [彩帶], colored ribbon/streamer/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        duōcǎi, colorful/flamboyant
        tóucǎi, [頭彩], first prize in a lottery
        yìcǎi, [異彩], extraordinary splendor
        jiǎncǎi, to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony)
        dàocǎi, adverse audience reaction: boos and jeers, hissing, catcalls or deliberate appla...
        guàcǎi, [掛彩], to decorate for festive occasions/to be wounded in action
        zhòngcǎi, to win a lottery
        mícǎifú, camouflage clothing
        cǎihuì, [彩繪], painted/colored painted-on designs
        wǔcǎi, five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue)/multicolored
        cǎidiàn, [彩電], color TV
        wǔcǎibīnfēn, [五彩繽紛], all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
        cǎitóu, [彩頭], good omen/good luck (in business etc)/profits (gained in gambling, lottery etc)
        cǎimín, lottery player
        qīcǎi, seven colors/a variety of colors/multi-colored/rainbow-colored
        liúguāngyìcǎi, lit. flowing light and overflowing color/brilliant lights and vibrant colors (id...
        cǎihuà, [彩畫], color painting
        xuànlìduōcǎi, [絢麗多彩], bright and colorful/gorgeous
        huácǎi, [華彩], gorgeous/resplendent or rich color
        bócǎi, lottery
        shuǐcǎihuà, [水彩畫], watercolor/aquarelle
        nóngmòzhòngcǎi, [濃墨重彩], thick and heavy in colors/to describe sth in colorful language with attention to...
        cǎiqí, colored flag
        cǎiyún, [彩雲], rosy clouds/CL:朵[duǒ]
姿         duōcǎiduōzī, elegant and graceful posture/splendid, full of content
        cǎiyìn, color printing/abbr. for 彩色印刷[cǎi sè yìn shuā]
        zhāngdēngjiécǎi, [張燈結彩], to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)
        cǎilǐ, [彩禮], betrothal gift/bride price

        bīnfēn, [繽紛], vast and various/rich and diverse
        wǔcǎibīnfēn, [五彩繽紛], all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display

        jiūfēn, [糾紛], dispute
        fēnfēn, [紛紛], one after another/in succession/one by one/continuously/diverse/in profusion/num...
        fēnzhēng, [紛爭], to dispute
        fēn, [紛], numerous/confused/disorderly
        yìlùnfēnfēn, [議論紛紛], to discuss spiritedly (idiom)/tongues are wagging
        fēnfēi, [紛飛], to swirl in the air (of thickly falling snowflakes, flower petals etc)/to flutte...
        bīnfēn, [繽紛], vast and various/rich and diverse
        fēnzhìtàlái, [紛至沓來], to come thick and fast (idiom)
        fēnluàn, [紛亂], numerous and disorderly
        wǔcǎibīnfēn, [五彩繽紛], all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
        fēnrǎo, [紛擾], turmoil/unrest/disturbance
        fēnfán, [紛繁], numerous and complicated
        zhòngshuōfēnyún, [眾說紛紜], opinions differ (idiom)
        fēnchéng, [紛呈], brilliant and varied/(often in the combination 精彩纷呈)
        fēnfēnyángyáng, [紛紛揚揚], fluttering about (of leaves etc)
        fēnyún, [紛紜], diverse and muddled/many and confused

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