优 ⇒
优秀 yōuxiù, [優秀], outstanding/excellent
优势 yōushì, [優勢], superiority/dominance/advantage
优雅 yōuyǎ, [優雅], grace/graceful
优先 yōuxiān, [優先], to have priority/to take precedence
优点 yōudiǎn, [優點], merit/benefit/strong point/advantage/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
优美 yōuměi, [優美], graceful/fine/elegant
优 yōu, [優], excellent/superior
优惠 yōuhuì, [優惠], privilege/favorable (terms)/preferential (treatment)/discount (price)
优惠券 yōuhuìquàn, [優惠券], coupon
优胜者 优越 yōuyuè, [優越], superior/superiority
优良 yōuliáng, [優良], fine/good/first-rate
优等生 优异 yōuyì, [優異], exceptional/outstandingly good
优先权 优待 yōudài, [優待], preferential treatment/to give preferential treatment
优质 yōuzhì, [優質], excellent quality
优利亚 优柔寡断 yōuróuguǎduàn, [優柔寡斷], indecisive/irresolute
优胜 yōushèng, [優勝], winning/superior
优先级 优等 yōuděng, [優等], first-rate/of the highest order/high-class/excellent/superior
优厚 yōuhòu, [優厚], generous, liberal (pay, compensation)
优化 yōuhuà, [優化], optimization/to optimize/to make superior
优越感 葛优 GěYōu, [葛優], Ge You (1957-), Chinese actor
盖乌斯·优利乌斯·恺撒 希优顿 全优 quányōu, [全優], overall excellence
优胜劣汰 yōushèngliètài, [優勝劣汰], survival of the fittest (idiom)
养尊处优 yǎngzūnchǔyōu, [養尊處優], to live like a prince (idiom)
优缺点 优于 yōuyú, [優於], to surpass
优惠价 优越性 优劣 yōuliè, [優劣], good and bad/merits and drawbacks
优兰达 希优德 品学兼优 pǐnxuéjiānyōu, [品學兼優], excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for beha...
优选 yōuxuǎn, [優選], to optimize/preferred
优待券 yōudàiquàn, [優待券], discount coupon/complimentary ticket
优惠待遇 优惠卡 优基斯坦 优利亚的赛维莉娅 优生 yōushēng, [優生], eugenics/outstanding student
优比 优利乌斯 优裕 yōuyù, [優裕], plenty/abundance
优生学 yōushēngxué, [優生學], eugenics
优利乌斯·恺撒 优顿 盖乌斯·优利乌斯·恺撒恺撒 占优势 zhànyōushì, [佔優勢], to predominate/to occupy a dominant position
优尼亚 优胜奖 费优 优哉游哉 yōuzāiyóuzāi, [優哉遊哉], see 悠哉悠哉[yōu zāi yōu zāi]
优秀奖 优利亚的盖乌斯
厚 ⇒
厚 hòu, thick/deep or profound/kind/generous/rich or strong in flavor/to favor/to stress
丰厚 fēnghòu, [豐厚], generous/ample
厚道 hòudao, kind and honest/generous/sincere
深厚 shēnhòu, deep/profound
厚厚的 厚重 hòuzhòng, thick/heavy/thickset (body)/massive/generous/extravagant/profound/dignified
厚脸皮 hòuliǎnpí, [厚臉皮], brazen/shameless/impudent/cheek/thick-skinned
无可厚非 wúkěhòufēi, [無可厚非], see 未可厚非[wèi kě hòu fēi]
优厚 yōuhòu, [優厚], generous, liberal (pay, compensation)
浓厚 nónghòu, [濃厚], dense/thick (fog, clouds etc)/to have a strong interest in/deep/fully saturated ...
厚望 hòuwàng, great hopes/great expectations
雄厚 xiónghòu, robust/strong and solid
厚度 hòudù, thickness
厚实 hòushi, [厚實], thick/substantial/sturdy/solid
天高地厚 宽厚 kuānhòu, [寬厚], tolerant/generous/magnanimous/thick and broad (build)/thick and deep (voice)
厚爱 厚礼 hòulǐ, [厚禮], generous gifts
肥厚 féihòu, plump/fleshy/fertile
浑厚 húnhòu, [渾厚], simple and honest/unsophisticated/(music etc) deep and resounding
厚厚 醇厚 chúnhòu, mellow and rich/simple and kind
忠厚 zhōnghòu, honest and considerate
厚薄 hòubáo/hòubó, thickness/also pr. [hòu bó], to favor one and discriminate against the other (ab...
加厚 得天独厚 détiāndúhòu, [得天獨厚], blessed by heaven (idiom)/enjoying exceptional advantages/favored by nature
憨厚 hānhou, simple and honest/straightforward
仁厚 rénhòu, kindhearted/tolerant/honest and generous
敦厚 dūnhòu, genuine/honest and sincere
厚待 hòudài, generous treatment
深情厚谊 shēnqínghòuyì, [深情厚誼], deep friendship
厚此薄彼 hòucǐbóbǐ, to favour one and discriminate against the other
雪厚达 厚非 淳厚 chúnhòu, pure and honest/simple and kind
超厚 厚甲