优 ⇒
优秀 yōuxiù, [優秀], outstanding/excellent
优势 yōushì, [優勢], superiority/dominance/advantage
优雅 yōuyǎ, [優雅], grace/graceful
优先 yōuxiān, [優先], to have priority/to take precedence
优点 yōudiǎn, [優點], merit/benefit/strong point/advantage/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
优美 yōuměi, [優美], graceful/fine/elegant
优 yōu, [優], excellent/superior
优惠 yōuhuì, [優惠], privilege/favorable (terms)/preferential (treatment)/discount (price)
优惠券 yōuhuìquàn, [優惠券], coupon
优胜者 优越 yōuyuè, [優越], superior/superiority
优良 yōuliáng, [優良], fine/good/first-rate
优等生 优异 yōuyì, [優異], exceptional/outstandingly good
优先权 优待 yōudài, [優待], preferential treatment/to give preferential treatment
优质 yōuzhì, [優質], excellent quality
优利亚 优柔寡断 yōuróuguǎduàn, [優柔寡斷], indecisive/irresolute
优胜 yōushèng, [優勝], winning/superior
优先级 优等 yōuděng, [優等], first-rate/of the highest order/high-class/excellent/superior
优厚 yōuhòu, [優厚], generous, liberal (pay, compensation)
优化 yōuhuà, [優化], optimization/to optimize/to make superior
优越感 葛优 GěYōu, [葛優], Ge You (1957-), Chinese actor
盖乌斯·优利乌斯·恺撒 希优顿 全优 quányōu, [全優], overall excellence
优胜劣汰 yōushèngliètài, [優勝劣汰], survival of the fittest (idiom)
养尊处优 yǎngzūnchǔyōu, [養尊處優], to live like a prince (idiom)
优缺点 优于 yōuyú, [優於], to surpass
优惠价 优越性 优劣 yōuliè, [優劣], good and bad/merits and drawbacks
优兰达 希优德 品学兼优 pǐnxuéjiānyōu, [品學兼優], excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for beha...
优选 yōuxuǎn, [優選], to optimize/preferred
优待券 yōudàiquàn, [優待券], discount coupon/complimentary ticket
优惠待遇 优惠卡 优基斯坦 优利亚的赛维莉娅 优生 yōushēng, [優生], eugenics/outstanding student
优比 优利乌斯 优裕 yōuyù, [優裕], plenty/abundance
优生学 yōushēngxué, [優生學], eugenics
优利乌斯·恺撒 优顿 盖乌斯·优利乌斯·恺撒恺撒 占优势 zhànyōushì, [佔優勢], to predominate/to occupy a dominant position
优尼亚 优胜奖 费优 优哉游哉 yōuzāiyóuzāi, [優哉遊哉], see 悠哉悠哉[yōu zāi yōu zāi]
优秀奖 优利亚的盖乌斯
良 ⇒
善良 shànliáng, good and honest/kindhearted
良好 liánghǎo, good/favorable/well/fine
良心 liángxīn, conscience
不良 bùliáng, bad/harmful/unhealthy
新奥尔良 Xīnàoěrliáng, [新奧爾良], New Orleans, Louisiana
良知 liángzhī, innate sense of right and wrong/conscience/bosom friend
良 liáng, good/very/very much
优良 yōuliáng, [優良], fine/good/first-rate
改良 gǎiliáng, to improve (sth)/to reform (a system)
良宵 良机 liángjī, [良機], a good chance/a golden opportunity
精良 jīngliáng, excellent/of superior quality
良药 liángyào, [良藥], good medicine/panacea/fig. a good solution/a good remedy (e.g. to a social probl...
良性 liángxìng, positive (in its effect)/leading to good consequences/virtuous/(medicine) benign...
奥尔良 Àoěrliáng, [奧爾良], Orléans
良师益友 liángshīyìyǒu, [良師益友], good teacher and helpful friend (idiom); mentor
良方 liángfāng, good medicine/effective prescription/fig. good plan/effective strategy
良多 liángduō, considerably/much/quite a bit
天赐良机 良介 错失良机 良慈 奈良 Nàiliáng, Nara, an old capital of Japan
纽奥良 Niǔàoliáng, [紐奧良], New Orleans, Louisiana
良民 liángmín, good people/ordinary people (i.e. not the lowest class)
除暴安良 chúbàoānliáng, to root out the strong and give people peace (idiom); to rob the rich and give t...
良师 从良 cóngliáng, [從良], (of a slave or servant) to be given one's freedom/(of a prostitute) to marry and...
良佐 金玉良言 jīnyùliángyán, gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice
居心不良 jūxīnbùliáng, to harbor evil intentions (idiom)
良策 liángcè, good plan/good idea
良种 liángzhǒng, [良種], improved type/good breed/pedigree
良枝 良久 liángjiǔ, a good while/a long time
永良 良辰美景 liángchénměijǐng, fine time, beautiful scenery (idiom); everything lovely
贤良 xiánliáng, [賢良], (of a man) able and virtuous
喜结良缘 良驹 良善 liángshàn, good
野良 丧尽天良 sàngjìntiānliáng, [喪盡天良], devoid of conscience (idiom); utterly heartless
良江 良苦用心 liángkǔyòngxīn, to ponder earnestly/to give a lot of thought to sth
丽良 纽奥良市 良性肿瘤 liángxìngzhǒngliú, [良性腫瘤], benign tumor
基尔良 赫麦良 温良 wēnliáng, [溫良], warm and kind
良友 liángyǒu, good friend/companion
良坡 良药苦口利于病 太良 良辰佳 良港 liánggǎng, good harbor
良缘 liángyuán, [良緣], good karma/opportune connection with marriage partner
苦口良药 萨玛良 坐失良机 zuòshīliángjī, [坐失良機], to sit and waste a good opportunity (idiom); to lose the chance
勃良地 良玉 良田 liángtián, good agricultural land/fertile land
高品良 良性瘤 何良法 天良 tiānliáng, conscience
元良慈 良材 liángcái, good timber/sound material/fig. able person/sound chap
良人 liángrén, husband (arch.)
良一 良家 liángjiā, good family/innocent people
良将 良庵 良品 逼良为娼 bīliángwéichāng, [逼良為娼], to force an honest girl into prostitution (idiom)/to debauch