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[傷腦筋] shāngnǎojīn to be a real headache
to find sth a real headache
to beat one's brains

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        shānghài, [傷害], to injure/to harm
        shāng, [傷], to injure/injury/wound
        shòushāng, [受傷], to sustain injuries/wounded (in an accident etc)/harmed
        shāngxīn, [傷心], to grieve/to be broken-hearted/to feel deeply hurt
        shāngkǒu, [傷口], wound/cut
        bēishāng, [悲傷], sad/sorrowful
        chuāngshāng, [創傷], wound/injury/trauma
        sǔnshāng, [損傷], to harm/to damage/to injure/impairment/loss/disability
        shāngwáng, [傷亡], casualties/injuries and deaths
        shānghén, [傷痕], scar/bruise
        shāngbā, [傷疤], scar/CL:道[dào]
        shāoshāng, [燒傷], burn (injury)
        cìshāng, [刺傷], to stab
        shānggǎn, [傷感], sad/emotional/sentimental/pathos
        shāngtòng, [傷痛], pain (from wound)/sorrow
        cāshāng, [擦傷], to abrade/to scrape/to chafe/to graze/abrasion/friction burn/scratch
        wàishāng, [外傷], injury/wound/trauma
        yōushāng, [憂傷], distressed/laden with grief
        niǔshāng, [扭傷], a sprain/a crick/to sprain
        gēshāng, [割傷], to gash/to cut/gash/cut
        zhòngshāng, [重傷], seriously hurt/serious injury
        shāngshì, [傷勢], condition of an injury
        shāngyuán, [傷員], wounded person
        āishāng, [哀傷], grief/distress/bereavement/grieved/heartbroken/dejected
        huáshāng, [劃傷], to damage by scratching/to gash/to lacerate
        shāngzhě, [傷者], casualty/victim (of an accident)/wounded person
        zhuóshāng, [灼傷], a burn (tissue damage from heat, chemicals etc)/to burn (the skin etc)/(fig.) (o...
        tàngshāng, [燙傷], to scald
        zhòngshāng, [中傷], to slander/to smear
        shāshānglì, [殺傷力], destructive power/harmfulness
        sǐshāng, [死傷], casualties/dead and injured
        gǎnshāng, [感傷], sad/downhearted/sentimental/pathos/melancholy
        jiùsǐfúshāng, [救死扶傷], to help the dying and heal the injured
        zhìmìngshāng, [致命傷], mortal wound/(fig.) fatal weakness/Achilles' heel
        fùshāng, [負傷], to be wounded/to sustain an injury
        pòshāngfēng, [破傷風], tetanus (lockjaw)
        shāngnǎojīn, [傷腦筋], to be a real headache/to find sth a real headache/to beat one's brains
        nèishāng, [內傷], internal injury/disorder of internal organs (due to improper nutrition, overexer...
        wùshāng, [誤傷], to injure accidentally/accidental injury
        shānghán, [傷寒], typhoid
        qīngshāng, [輕傷], lightly wounded/minor injuries
        shāngcán, [傷殘], disabled/maimed/crippled/(of objects) damaged
        shāshāng, [殺傷], to kill or injure
        dòngshāng, [凍傷], frostbite
        liǎngbàijùshāng, [兩敗俱傷], both sides suffer (idiom)/neither side wins
        biàntǐlínshāng, [遍體鱗傷], covered all over with cuts and bruises/beaten black and blue/be a mass of bruise...
        shāngfēng, [傷風], to catch cold
        zhuàngshāng, [撞傷], bruise/bump
        yǎngshāng, [養傷], to heal a wound/to recuperate (from an injury)
        gōngshāng, [工傷], industrial injury
        shāngtiānhàilǐ, [傷天害理], to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); bloody atrocities that cry to heaven/outrag...
        shāngfēngbàisú, [傷風敗俗], offending public morals (idiom)
        huǐshāng, [毀傷], to injure/to damage
        shāngbìngyuán, [傷病員], the sick and the wounded
        chùjǐngshāngqíng, [觸景傷情], circumstances that evoke mixed feelings (idiom)
        tànshāng, [探傷], to inspect metal for flaws (using X-ray or ultrasound etc)

        diànnǎo, [電腦], computer/CL:臺|台[tái]
        nǎozi, [腦子], brains/mind/CL:個|个[gè]
        nǎodài, [腦袋], head/skull/brains/mental capability/CL:顆|颗[kē],個|个[gè]
        nǎo, [腦], brain/mind/head/essence
        dànǎo, [大腦], brain/cerebrum
        tóunǎo, [頭腦], brains/mind/skull/(fig.) gist (of a matter)/leader/boss
        nǎohǎi, [腦海], the mind/the brain
        nǎozhèndàng, [腦震盪], (med.) cerebral concussion
        nǎojīn, [腦筋], brains/mind/head/way of thinking
        nǎojiāng, [腦漿], brains
        shǒunǎo, [首腦], head (of state)/summit (meeting)/leader
        nǎoliú, [腦瘤], brain tumor
        hòunǎosháo, [後腦勺], back of the head
        nǎomén, [腦門], forehead
        nǎoxìbāo, [腦細胞], brain cell
        jiǎojìnnǎozhī, [絞盡腦汁], to rack one's brains
        nǎomóyán, [腦膜炎], meningitis
        nǎodiànbō, [腦電波], see 腦波|脑波[nǎo bō]
        hòunǎo, [後腦], hindbrain/back of the head
        nǎodiàntú, [腦電圖], electroencephalogram (EEG)
        shāngnǎojīn, [傷腦筋], to be a real headache/to find sth a real headache/to beat one's brains
        nǎoké, [腦殼], skull/(fig.) brain (mental capacity)
        nǎolì, [腦力], mental capacity
        nǎoguā, [腦瓜], skull/brain/head/mind/mentality/ideas
        nǎoyán, [腦炎], brain fever/encephalitis/meningitis
        dòngnǎojīn, [動腦筋], to use one's brains/to think
        nǎomó, [腦膜], meninx/meninges/membranes lining the brain
        xiàqiūnǎo, [下丘腦], hypothalamus (anatomy)
        chōnghūntóunǎo, [沖昏頭腦]/[衝昏頭腦], lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rational...
        xiǎonǎo, [小腦], cerebellum (part of the brain)
        nǎosuǐ, [腦髓], brain tissue/gray matter/brain/medulla
        nǎochuítǐ, [腦垂體], pituitary gland
        zhìzhīnǎohòu, [置之腦後], to banish from one's thoughts/to ignore/to take no notice
        tóuhūnnǎozhàng, [頭昏腦脹], giddy/one's head spins
        nǎoyìxuè, [腦溢血], cerebral hemorrhage/stroke
        nǎoshì, [腦室], ventricles of the brain
        nǎoshénjīng, [腦神經], cranial nerves
        nǎotān, [腦癱], cerebral palsy
        zhāngnǎo, [樟腦], camphor C0H6O
        nǎozhī, [腦汁], brains
        tàntóutànnǎo, [探頭探腦], to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)
        zéitóuzéinǎo, [賊頭賊腦], lit. to behave like a thief/furtive/underhand
        nǎoguāzi, [腦瓜子], see 腦瓜|脑瓜[nǎo guā]
线         zhēntóuxiànnǎo, [針頭線腦], needle and thread/sewing implements/needlework/(fig.) unimportant thing
        nǎojì, [腦際], mind/memory
        lèngtóulèngnǎo, [愣頭愣腦], rash/impetuous/reckless
        zhāngnǎowán, [樟腦丸], camphor balls/moth balls
        nǎolìláodòng, [腦力勞動], mental labor/intellectual work
        tóuhūnnǎozhàng, [頭昏腦漲], variant of 頭昏腦脹|头昏脑胀[tóu hūn nǎo zhàng]
        nǎoménzi, [腦門子], forehead (dialect)
        nǎochōngxuè, [腦充血], stroke/cerebral hemorrhage
        qiūnǎo, [丘腦], thalamus
        wēidiànnǎo, [微電腦], microcomputer
        yīgǔnǎor, [一股腦兒], erhua variant of 一股腦|一股脑[yī gǔ nǎo]
        yīgǔnǎor, [一古腦兒], variant of 一股腦兒|一股脑儿[yī gǔ nǎo r]

        chōujīn, cramp/charley horse/to pull a tendon
        nǎojīn, [腦筋], brains/mind/head/way of thinking
        jīn, muscle/tendon/veins visible under the skin/sth resembling tendons or veins (e.g....
        jīnpílìjìn, [筋疲力盡], body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired/spent
        shāngnǎojīn, [傷腦筋], to be a real headache/to find sth a real headache/to beat one's brains
        gāngjīn, [鋼筋], steel reinforcing bar
        dòngnǎojīn, [動腦筋], to use one's brains/to think
        jīngǔ, muscles and bones/physique/strength/courage
        jīndǒu, tumble/somersault
        xiàngpíjīn, rubber band
        píjīn, rubber band
        qīngjīn, veins/blue veins
        jīnluò, [筋絡], tendons and muscles

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