体 ⇒
尸体 shītǐ, [屍體], dead body/corpse/carcass/CL:具[jù]
身体 shēntǐ, [身體], the body/one's health/CL:具[jù],個|个[gè]/in person
媒体 méitǐ, [媒體], media, esp. news media
体 tǐ, [體], body/form/style/system/substance/to experience/aspect (linguistics)
具体 jùtǐ, [具體], concrete/definite/specific
体内 tǐnèi, [體內], within the body/in vivo (vs in vitro)/internal to
体验 tǐyàn, [體驗], to experience for oneself
体育 tǐyù, [體育], sports/physical education
裸体 luǒtǐ, [裸體], naked
全体 quántǐ, [全體], all/entire
团体 tuántǐ, [團體], group/organization/team/CL:個|个[gè]
体会 tǐhuì, [體會], to know from experience/to learn through experience/to realize/understanding/exp...
人体 réntǐ, [人體], human body
体重 tǐzhòng, [體重], body weight
肉体 ròutǐ, [肉體], physical body
体贴 tǐtiē, [體貼], considerate (of other people's needs)
体力 tǐlì, [體力], physical strength/physical power
气体 qìtǐ, [氣體], gas (i.e. gaseous substance)
集体 jítǐ, [集體], collective (decision)/joint (effort)/a group/a team/en masse/as a group
物体 wùtǐ, [物體], object/body/substance
液体 yètǐ, [液體], liquid
体温 tǐwēn, [體溫], (body) temperature
体育馆 tǐyùguǎn, [體育館], gym/gymnasium/stadium/CL:個|个[gè]
体现 tǐxiàn, [體現], to embody/to reflect/to incarnate
体面 tǐmiàn, [體面], dignity/face (as in "losing face")/honorable/creditable/(of sb's appearance) pre...
整体 zhěngtǐ, [整體], whole entity/entire body/synthesis/as a whole (situation, construction, team etc...
遗体 yítǐ, [遺體], remains (of a dead person)
肢体 zhītǐ, [肢體], limb/limbs and trunk/body
体系 tǐxì, [體系], system/setup/CL:個|个[gè]
体型 tǐxíng, [體型], build/body type
体操 tǐcāo, [體操], gymnastic/gymnastics
群体 qúntǐ, [群體], community/colony
躯体 qūtǐ, [軀體], body/carcass
一体 yītǐ, [一體], an integral whole/all concerned/everybody
体育场 tǐyùchǎng, [體育場], stadium/CL:個|个[gè],座[zuò]
得体 détǐ, [得體], appropriate to the occasion/fitting
体检 tǐjiǎn, [體檢], abbr. for 體格檢查|体格检查[tǐ gé jiǎn chá]
体谅 tǐliàng, [體諒], to empathize/to allow (for sth)/to show understanding/to appreciate
个体 gètǐ, [個體], individual
掩体 yǎntǐ, [掩體], bunker (military)
实体 shítǐ, [實體], entity/substance/thing that has a material existence (as opposed to a conceptual...
总体 zǒngtǐ, [總體], completely/totally/total/entire/overall/population (statistics)
体制 tǐzhì, [體制], system/organization
生命体 染色体 rǎnsètǐ, [染色體], chromosome
晶体 jīngtǐ, [晶體], crystal
体形 tǐxíng, [體形], figure/bodily form
连体 liántǐ, [連體], conjoined (twins)
体育课 立体 lìtǐ, [立體], three-dimensional/solid/stereoscopic
病原体 bìngyuántǐ, [病原體], (med.) pathogen
字体 zìtǐ, [字體], calligraphic style/typeface/font
抗体 kàngtǐ, [抗體], antibody
体格 tǐgé, [體格], bodily health/one's physical state/physique
天体 tiāntǐ, [天體], celestial body/nude body
体液 tǐyè, [體液], bodily fluid
体积 tǐjī, [體積], volume/bulk/CL:個|个[gè]
母体 mǔtǐ, [母體], (zoology, medicine) mother's body/(chemistry etc) parent/matrix/(statistics) pop...
体能 tǐnéng, [體能], physical capability/stamina
星体 xīngtǐ, [星體], celestial body (planet, satellite etc)
船体 chuántǐ, [船體], hull/body of a ship
融为一体 róngwéiyītǐ, [融為一體], to fuse together (idiom)/hypostatic union (religion)
固体 gùtǐ, [固體], solid
解体 jiětǐ, [解體], to break up into components/to disintegrate/to collapse/to crumble
下体 xiàtǐ, [下體], lower body/euphemism for genitals/root and stem of plants
大体上 dàtǐshàng, [大體上], overall/in general terms
机体 jītǐ, [機體], organism (biology)/airframe (aeronautics)
扁桃体 biǎntáotǐ, [扁桃體], tonsil
体育运动 tǐyùyùndòng, [體育運動], sports/physical culture
受体 shòutǐ, [受體], receptor (biochemistry)/acceptor (semiconductors)
体恤 tǐxù, [體恤], to empathize with/to show solicitude for/T-shirt (loanword)
大体 dàtǐ, [大體], in general/more or less/in rough terms/basically/on the whole/overall situation/...
生物体 shēngwùtǐ, [生物體], organism
体质 tǐzhì, [體質], constitution
合体 hétǐ, [合體], to combine/combination/composite character (i.e. a synonym of 合體字|合体字[hé tǐ zì])...
球体 qiútǐ, [球體], spheroid
转体 zhuǎntǐ, [轉體], to roll over/to turn over (one's body)
体态 tǐtài, [體態], figure/physique/posture
立体声 lìtǐshēng, [立體聲], stereo sound
形体 xíngtǐ, [形體], figure/physique/form and structure
有机体 yǒujītǐ, [有機體], organism
体味 tǐwèi, [體味], body odor/to appreciate a subtle taste
多媒体 duōméitǐ, [多媒體], multimedia
圣体 shèngtǐ, [聖體], the Emperor's body/Jesus' body/communion wafer (in Christian mass)
体统 tǐtǒng, [體統], decorum/propriety/arrangement or form (of piece of writing)
体无完肤 tǐwúwánfū, [體無完膚], lit. cuts and bruises all over (idiom); fig. totally refuted
黑体 hēitǐ, [黑體], bold (typeface)
政体 zhèngtǐ, [政體], form of government/system of government
主体 zhǔtǐ, [主體], main part/bulk/body/subject/agent
体罚 tǐfá, [體罰], corporal punishment
体育版 流体 liútǐ, [流體], fluid
车体 遍体鳞伤 biàntǐlínshāng, [遍體鱗傷], covered all over with cuts and bruises/beaten black and blue/be a mass of bruise...
立方体 lìfāngtǐ, [立方體], cube/cubic
载体 zàitǐ, [載體], carrier (chemistry)/vector (epidemiology)/vehicle or medium
五体投地 wǔtǐtóudì, [五體投地], to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulate sb
单体 dāntǐ, [單體], monomer
三位一体 SānwèiYītǐ, [三位一體], Holy Trinity/trinity
导体 dǎotǐ, [導體], conductor (of electricity or heat)
线粒体 xiànlìtǐ, [線粒體], mitochondrion
本体 běntǐ, [本體], main part/torso/the thing in itself/noumenon (object of purely intellectual perc...
共同体 gòngtóngtǐ, [共同體], community
胴体 dòngtǐ, [胴體], carcass/naked body
体育界 tǐyùjiè, [體育界], sports circles/the sporting world
脑垂体 nǎochuítǐ, [腦垂體], pituitary gland
体温计 tǐwēnjì, [體溫計], clinical thermometer
自由体操 zìyóutǐcāo, [自由體操], floor (gymnastics)
半导体 bàndǎotǐ, [半導體], semiconductor
落体 体表 tǐbiǎo, [體表], surface of the body/periphery of the body/body thermometer/(literary) a person's...
体操课 等离子体 děnglízǐtǐ, [等離子體], plasma (physics)
体魄 tǐpò, [體魄], physique/build
体恤衫 tǐxùshān, [體恤衫], T-shirt/CL:件[jiàn]
体育部 体贴入微 tǐtiērùwēi, [體貼入微], to show every possible consideration (idiom); meticulous care
身体力行 shēntǐlìxíng, [身體力行], to practice what one preaches (idiom)
联合体 晶体管 jīngtǐguǎn, [晶體管], transistor
肌体 jītǐ, [肌體], the body/organism (usually human)/(fig.) fabric (of society etc)/cohesive struct...
体操队 tǐcāoduì, [體操隊], gymnastics team
体腔 tǐqiāng, [體腔], body cavity/coelom (biology)
体裁 tǐcái, [體裁], genre/style/form of writing
集体舞 立体派 Lìtǐpài, [立體派], Cubism
体细胞 tǐxìbāo, [體細胞], somatic cell
立体感 强身健体 印刷体 yìnshuātǐ, [印刷體], printed style (as opposed to cursive)/typeface
团体照 直体 体坛 tǐtán, [體壇], sporting circles/the world of sport
一体化 yītǐhuà, [一體化], integration/incorporation/unification
水体 shuǐtǐ, [水體], body of water
病体 螺旋体 luóxuántǐ, [螺旋體], Spirochaetes, phylum of extremophile bacteria/spiral-shaped bacterium, e.g. caus...
具体化 jùtǐhuà, [具體化], to concretize
垂体 chuítǐ, [垂體], pituitary gland
集体性 墙体 草体 cǎotǐ, [草體], see 草書|草书[cǎo shū]
事体 shìtǐ, [事體], things/affairs/decorum
结晶体 jiéjīngtǐ, [結晶體], a crystal
磁体 cítǐ, [磁體], magnet/magnetic body
文体 wéntǐ, [文體], genre of writing/literary form/style/literary recreation and sporting activities
软体动物 ruǎntǐdòngwù, [軟體動物], mollusk/mollusks
经济体 繁体 fántǐ, [繁體], traditional form of Chinese, as opposed to simplified form 簡體|简体[jiǎn tǐ]
体育场馆 tǐyùchǎngguǎn, [體育場館], gymnasium
幼体 yòutǐ, [幼體], the young (unborn or newborn) of an animal/larva
山体 shāntǐ, [山體], form of a mountain
超导体 chāodǎotǐ, [超導體], superconductor
宽体 罐体 异体 yìtǐ, [異體], variant form (of a Chinese character)
广播体操 体征 tǐzhēng, [體徵], (medical) sign/physical sign
身强体壮 个体户 gètǐhù, [個體戶], self-employed/a private firm (PRC usage)
胶体 jiāotǐ, [膠體], colloid
晶状体 jīngzhuàngtǐ, [晶狀體], lens/crystalline lens
统一体 tǒngyītǐ, [統一體], whole/single entity
膘肥体壮 biāoféitǐzhuàng, [膘肥體壯], (of a livestock animal) plump and strong/well-fed
立体图 lìtǐtú, [立體圖], three-dimensional figure/hologram/stereogram
绝缘体 juéyuántǐ, [絕緣體], electrical insulation/heat insulation
玻璃体 bōlítǐ, [玻璃體], vitreous humor
黄体酮 huángtǐtóng, [黃體酮], progesterone
具体说来 正体 zhèngtǐ, [正體], standard form (of a Chinese character)/plain font style (as opposed to bold or i...
水晶体 体院 体香 体貌 tǐmào, [體貌], appearance
玉体 集体所有 具体地说 体体面面 体健 团体赛 体式 tǐshì, [體式], format/form
整体而言 体性 tǐxìng, [體性], disposition
体校 tǐxiào, [體校], sports college/school of physical training
欧共体 Ōugòngtǐ, [歐共體], abbr. for 歐洲共同體|欧洲共同体, European Community (old term for the EU, European Union)
本体论 běntǐlùn, [本體論], ontology
正方体 zhèngfāngtǐ, [正方體], a rectangular parallelepiped
手写体 shǒuxiětǐ, [手寫體], handwritten form/cursive
自传体 衣不蔽体 yībùbìtǐ, [衣不蔽體], lit. clothes not covering the body (idiom)/fig. poverty-stricken
立体式 盛体强 体操房 健体来 二重体 睫状体 jiézhuàngtǐ, [睫狀體], ciliary body (in the eye, containing the focusing muscles)
灵体 língtǐ, [靈體], soul
宿体 集体主义 jítǐzhǔyì, [集體主義], collectivism
圆柱体 yuánzhùtǐ, [圓柱體], cylinder (geometry)
浑然一体 húnrányītǐ, [渾然一體], to blend into one another/to blend together well
分体 诗体 shītǐ, [詩體], poetic form or genre
叶绿体 yèlǜtǐ, [葉綠體], chloroplast
健体 自治体 军体 jūntǐ, [軍體], military sports/military fitness (curriculum etc)/abbr. for 軍事體育|军事体育
书信体 体长 tǐcháng, [體長], body length
流体力学 liútǐlìxué, [流體力學], fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics
斜体字 xiétǐzì, [斜體字], italic letter/slanting typeface
体膨胀 通体 tōngtǐ, [通體], (of sb or sth) whole or entire body
四面体 sìmiàntǐ, [四面體], tetrahedron
年老体弱 niánlǎotǐruò, [年老體弱], old and weak (idiom)
几何体 细胞体 体察 tǐchá, [體察], to experience/to observe
体壮 噬菌体 shìjūntǐ, [噬菌體], bacteriophage/phage/virus that infects bacteria
体环 箱体 主体性 体检表 量体裁衣 liángtǐcáiyī, [量體裁衣], lit. measure the body then tailor the suit (idiom); fig. to act according to act...
美体照 单倍体 dānbèitǐ, [單倍體], haploid (single chromosome)
女体盛 nǚtǐchéng, [女體盛], nyotaimori or "body sushi", Japanese practice of serving sushi on the body of a ...
统 ⇒
总统 zǒngtǒng, [總統], president (of a country)/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng],屆|届[jiè]
系统 xìtǒng, [系統], system/CL:個|个[gè]
传统 chuántǒng, [傳統], tradition/traditional/convention/conventional/CL:個|个[gè]
统治 tǒngzhì, [統治], to rule (a country)/to govern/rule/regime
血统 xuètǒng, [血統], blood relationship/lineage/parentage
统一 tǒngyī, [統一], to unify/to unite/to integrate
统计 tǒngjì, [統計], statistics/to count/to add up
统统 tǒngtǒng, [統統], totally
统治者 tǒngzhìzhě, [統治者], ruler
统计学 tǒngjìxué, [統計學], statistics
统 tǒng, [統], to gather/to unite/to unify/whole
统帅 tǒngshuài, [統帥], command/commander-in-chief
正统 Zhèngtǒng/zhèngtǒng, [正統], Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixth Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇[Zhū Qí zh...
统领 tǒnglǐng, [統領], to lead/to command/commander/officer
神经系统 shénjīngxìtǒng, [神經系統], nervous system
操作系统 cāozuòxìtǒng, [操作系統], operating system
总统府 zǒngtǒngfǔ, [總統府], presidential palace
体统 tǐtǒng, [體統], decorum/propriety/arrangement or form (of piece of writing)
循环系统 xúnhuánxìtǒng, [循環系統], circulatory system
统治权 tǒngzhìquán, [統治權], sovereignty/dominion/dominance
消化系统 xiāohuàxìtǒng, [消化系統], digestive system/gastrointestinal tract
统一战线 tǒngyīzhànxiàn, [統一戰線], united front
非传统 系统性 xìtǒngxìng, [系統性], systematic
笼统 lǒngtǒng, [籠統], general/broad/sweeping/lacking in detail/vague
呼吸系统 hūxīxìtǒng, [呼吸系統], respiratory system
总统令 正统派 统制 tǒngzhì, [統制], to control
统筹 tǒngchóu, [統籌], an overall plan/to plan an entire project as a whole
子系统 zǐxìtǒng, [子系統], subsystem
供电系统 统帅部 传统型 统称 tǒngchēng, [統稱], to be collectively called/collective term/general designation
统治阶级 统计局 一统天下 大一统 dàyītǒng, [大一統], unification (of the nation)/large scale unification
统计表 tǒngjìbiǎo, [統計表], statistical table/chart
统御 tǒngyù, [統御], control
统一体 tǒngyītǐ, [統一體], whole/single entity
统计员 tǒngjìyuán, [統計員], statistician
司统 统率 tǒngshuài, [統率], to command/to direct
统管 tǒngguǎn, [統管], unified administration
传统式 大总统 dàzǒngtǒng, [大總統], president (of a country)/same as 總統|总统
统一性 tǒngyīxìng, [統一性], unity
中统 系统工程 统辖 tǒngxiá, [統轄], to govern/to have complete control over/to be in command of
统揽全局 统共 tǒnggòng, [統共], altogether/in total
军统 短统袜 系统化 代总统 王统