All Possible Words
保 Bǎo/bǎo, Bulgaria/Bulgarian/abbr. for 保加利亞|保加利亚[Bǎo jiā lì yà], to defend/to protect/to k...
保险 bǎoxiǎn, [保險], insurance/to insure/safe/secure/be sure/be bound to/CL:份[fèn]
保险费 bǎoxiǎnfèi, [保險費], insurance fee
险 xiǎn, [險], danger/dangerous/rugged
费 Fèi/fèi, [費], surname Fei, to cost/to spend/fee/wasteful/expenses
费用 fèiyòng, [費用], cost/expenditure/expense/CL:筆|笔[bǐ],個|个[gè]
用 yòng, to use/to employ/to have to/to eat or drink/expense or outlay/usefulness/hence/t...
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