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piānjī extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances)

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        piān, to lean/to slant/oblique/prejudiced/to deviate from average/to stray from the in...
        piānjiàn, [偏見], prejudice
        piānlí, [偏離], to deviate/to diverge/to wander
        piānpiān, (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortun...
        piānzhí, [偏執], prejudice/bigotry
        piānpì, remote/desolate/far from the city
        piānài, [偏愛], to be partial towards sth/to favor/to prefer/preference/favorite
        piānyuǎn, [偏遠], remote/far from civilization
        piānhào, to prefer/to be partial to sth/preference
        piānxiàng, partial towards sth/to prefer/to incline/erroneous tendencies (Leftist or Revisi...
        piāntǎn, to bare one shoulder/(fig.) to side with/to discriminate in favor of
        piānchā, bias/deviation
        piānjī, extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances)
        piānxīn, partial/biased/prejudiced/eccentric
        bùpiānbùyǐ, even-handed/impartial/unbiased/exact/just
        piānzhuǎn, [偏轉], deflection (physics)/deviation (away from a straight line)
        piānyí, displacement/deviation/offset
        piānpō, [偏頗], biased/partial
        piānxiá, [偏狹], prejudiced/narrow-minded
        piānfāng, folk remedy/home remedy
        yǐpiāngàiquán, (lit.) to take a part for the whole/to generalize
        piānzhòng, to stress in a prejudiced way/to emphasize sth unduly
        piāntí, [偏題], obscure question/trick exam question/catch question/CL:道[dào]
        piānqiǎo, by coincidence/it so happened that/fortunately/against expectation
        piānzhènguāng, polarization of light/polarized light
        piāntīngpiānxìn, [偏聽偏信], selective listening/to hear what one wants to hear
        yuèpiānshí, partial eclipse of the moon
        piānpáng, component of a Chinese character (as the radical or the phonetic part)
        piānfáng, side room/concubine
        piāntān, [偏癱], paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia
        piānguāng, polarized light
        piānshí, partial to (some kinds of food, usu. unhealthy)/having likes and dislikes/partia...

        jīdòng, [激動], to move emotionally/to stir up (emotions)/to excite
        gǎnjī, to be grateful/to appreciate/thankful
        cìjī, to provoke/to irritate/to upset/to stimulate/to excite/irritant
        jīqíng, passion/fervor/enthusiasm/strong emotion
        jīliè, (of competition or fighting) intense/fierce/(of pain) acute/(of an expression of...
        jīlì, [激勵], to encourage/to urge/motivation/incentive
        bīngjīlíng, ice cream
        jīguāng, laser
        jīnù, to infuriate/to enrage/to exasperate
        jī, to arouse/to incite/to excite/to stimulate/sharp/fierce/violent
        jīhuó, to activate
        jījìn, [激進], radical/extreme/extremist
        jīfā, [激發], to arouse/to excite
        jīsù, hormone
        gǎnjībùjìn, [感激不盡], can't thank sb enough (idiom)
        jīqǐ, to arouse/to evoke/to cause/to stir up
        guòjī, [過激], drastic/extreme/aggressive
        jīzhàn, [激戰], to fight fiercely/fierce battle
        cíjīsù, estrogen
        jīliú, torrent/torrential current/whitewater
        piānjī, extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances)
        jīzēng, to increase rapidly/to shoot up
        jīáng, impassioned/worked up
        jīguāngqì, laser
        xìngjīsù, sex hormone
        jījiàngfǎ, [激將法], indirect, psychological method of getting sb to do as one wishes (e.g. questioni...
        jīdàng, [激盪]/[激蕩], to rage/to dash/to surge, to rage/to dash/to surge/also written 激盪|激荡
        jīfèn, [激憤], to stir up emotions/furious/angry/anger
        shēngzhǎngjīsù, [生長激素], growth hormone
        cìjīxìng, thrilling/exciting/stimulating/irritating/provocative/pungent/spicy
        jīméi, kinase (biochemistry)
        kāngkǎijīáng, impassioned/vehement
        Jīlàng, Mountain Dew
        jīfèn, [激奮], aroused/excited
        yùnjīsù, progesterone
        cìjīsù, growth hormone

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