做 ⇒
做 zuò, to do/to make/to produce/to write/to compose/to act as/to engage in/to hold (a p...
做到 zuòdào, to accomplish/to achieve
做出 zuòchū, to put out/to issue
叫做 jiàozuò, to be called/to be known as
做爱 zuòài, [做愛], to make love
做梦 zuòmèng, [做夢], to dream/to have a dream/fig. illusion/fantasy/pipe dream
做好 做饭 zuòfàn, [做飯], to prepare a meal/to cook
做法 zuòfǎ, way of handling sth/method for making/work method/recipe/practice/CL:個|个[gè]
做成 做事 zuòshì, to work/to handle matters/to have a job
当做 dàngzuò, [當做], to treat as/to regard as/to look upon as
做主 zuòzhǔ, see 作主[zuò zhǔ]
做人 zuòrén, to conduct oneself/to behave with integrity
做做 小题大做 xiǎotídàzuò, [小題大做], to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom)
说到做到 shuōdàozuòdào, [說到做到], to be as good as one's word (idiom)/to keep one's promise
定做 dìngzuò, to have something made to order
做作 zuòzuo, affected/artificial
装做 做客 zuòkè, to be a guest or visitor
做礼拜 zuòlǐbài, [做禮拜], to go to church on Sunday (of Christians)
看做 kànzuò, to regard as/to look upon as
做菜 zuòcài, to cook/cooking
做工 zuògōng, to work with one's hands/manual work/workmanship
做伴 zuòbàn, to keep sb company/to accompany
做手脚 zuòshǒujiǎo, [做手腳], to defraud/to rig up (a scam)
做鬼 zuòguǐ, to play tricks/to cheat/to get up to mischief/to become a ghost/to give up the g...
做生日 zuòshēngrì, to celebrate a birthday/to give a birthday party
白日做梦 báirìzuòmèng, [白日做夢], to daydream/to indulge in wishful thinking
做文章 zuòwénzhāng, to make an issue of sth/to fuss/to make a song and dance
假戏真做 大做文章 称做 chēngzuò, [稱做], to be called/to be known as
做媒 zuòméi, to act as go-between (between prospective marriage partners etc)
做起 做活 zuòhuó, to work for a living (esp. of woman needleworker)/life of a group of stones in G...
做东 zuòdōng, [做東], to act as host
只说不做 zhǐshuōbùzuò, [只說不做], to be all talk and no action
当家做主 会做人 做操 zuòcāo, to do exercises/to do gymnastics
做功 zuògōng, to act (in opera)/stage business
菜 ⇒
菜 cài, dish (type of food)/vegetable/cuisine/CL:盤|盘[pán],道[dào]/(coll.) (one's) type/(o...
蔬菜 shūcài, vegetables/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
菜单 càidān, [菜單], menu/CL:份[fèn],張|张[zhāng]
泡菜 pàocài, pickled cabbage
小菜 xiǎocài, appetizer/small side dish/easy job/piece of cake/see also 小菜一碟[xiǎo cài yī dié]
饭菜 fàncài, [飯菜], food
点菜 diǎncài, [點菜], to order dishes (in a restaurant)
卷心菜 juǎnxīncài, [捲心菜], cabbage/CL:棵[kē], variant of 卷心菜[juǎn xīn cài]
菠菜 bōcài, spinach/CL:棵[kē]
菜谱 càipǔ, [菜譜], menu (in restaurant)/recipe/cookbook
生菜 shēngcài, lettuce/raw fresh vegetables/greens
主菜 zhǔcài, main course
做菜 zuòcài, to cook/cooking
剩菜 shèngcài, leftovers (food)
甜菜 tiáncài, beet/beetroot
花椰菜 huāyēcài, cauliflower
芹菜 qíncài, celery (Apium graveolens)
白菜 báicài, Chinese cabbage/pak choi/CL:棵[kē], 個|个[gè]
菜饭 家常菜 jiāchángcài, home cooking
青菜 qīngcài, green vegetables/Chinese cabbage
菜刀 càidāo, vegetable knife/kitchen knife/cleaver/CL:把[bǎ]
菜肴 càiyáo, [菜餚], vegetable and meat dishes/dish
种菜 菜园 càiyuán, [菜園], vegetable garden
咸菜 xiáncài, [鹹菜], salted vegetables/pickles
菜市场 càishìchǎng, [菜市場], food market
香菜 xiāngcài, coriander/cilantro/Coriandrum sativum
菜汤 酒菜 jiǔcài, food and drink/food to accompany wine
菜豆 càidòu, kidney bean
菜花 càihuā, cauliflower/gonorrhea
菜色 càisè, dish/lean and hungry look (resulting from vegetarian diet)/emaciated look (from ...
菜馆 càiguǎn, [菜館], (dialect) restaurant
素菜 sùcài, vegetable dish
菜叶 芥菜 jiècài, leaf mustard (Brassica juncea)/also pr. [gài cài]
酸菜 suāncài, pickled vegetables, especially Chinese cabbage
炒菜 chǎocài, to stir-fry/to do the cooking/stir-fried dish
凉菜 菜名 大头菜 名菜 míngcài, famous dishes/specialty dishes
花菜 huācài, cauliflower
紫菜 zǐcài, flavored roasted seaweed/generic term for edible seaweed/Japanese: nori
菜根 菜地 càidì, vegetable field
朝鲜泡菜 野菜 yěcài, wild herb/potherb
川菜 Chuāncài, Sichuan or Szechuan cuisine
冷菜 lěngcài, cold dish/cold food
酱菜 大菜 荠菜 jìcài, [薺菜], shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
韭菜 jiǔcài, garlic chives (Allium tuberosum), aka Chinese chives/(fig.) retail investors who...
菜市 càishì, food market
菜板 càibǎn, chopping board/cutting board/CL:張|张[zhāng]
圆白菜 yuánbáicài, [圓白菜], round white cabbage (i.e. Western cabbage)
油菜 yóucài, oilseed rape (Brassica napus)/flowering edible rape (Brassica chinensis var. ole...
荤菜 hūncài, [葷菜], non-vegetarian dish (including meat, fish, garlic, onion etc)
炒菜锅 菜场 càichǎng, [菜場], food market
黄花菜 huánghuācài, [黃花菜], citron daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni)/golden needles (edible flower)
菜油 càiyóu, rapeseed oil/canola oil
包心菜 bāoxīncài, cabbage
菜籽油 叫菜 八宝菜 牛皮菜 niúpícài, chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet
大白菜 dàbáicài, bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica pekinensis/CL:棵[kē]
菜苗 菜鹅 小白菜 xiǎobáicài, bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica chinensis/CL:棵[kē]
粤菜 Yuècài, [粵菜], Cantonese cuisine
菜摊 菜田 豆芽菜 dòuyácài, bean sprouts
洋白菜 yángbáicài, cabbage (round cabbage most commonly found in Western countries)
龙须菜 lóngxūcài, [龍鬚菜], asparagus/(Tw) young shoots of the chayote vine 佛手瓜[fó shǒu guā]