停 ⇒
停 tíng, to stop/to halt/to park (a car)
停止 tíngzhǐ, to stop/to halt/to cease
停下 tíngxià, to stop
停车 tíngchē, [停車], to pull up (stop one's vehicle)/to park/(of a machine) to stop working/to stall
停车场 tíngchēchǎng, [停車場], parking lot/car park
暂停 zàntíng, [暫停], to suspend/time-out (e.g. in sports)/stoppage/pause (media player)
停手 停电 tíngdiàn, [停電], to have a power failure/power cut
停留 tíngliú, to stay somewhere temporarily/to stop over
停职 tíngzhí, [停職], to suspend (sb) from duties
停火 tínghuǒ, to cease fire/ceasefire
不停 bùtíng, incessant
停战 tíngzhàn, [停戰], armistice/cease fire
停车位 停机 tíngjī, [停機], (of a machine) to stop/to shut down/to park a plane/to finish shooting (a TV pro...
停顿 tíngdùn, [停頓], to halt/to break off/pause (in speech)
停靠 tíngkào, to call at/to stop at/berth
停停 停滞 tíngzhì, [停滯], stagnation/at a standstill/bogged down
停机坪 tíngjīpíng, [停機坪], aircraft parking ground/apron/tarmac (at airport)
停息 tíngxī, to stop/to cease
停泊 tíngbó, to anchor/anchorage/mooring (of a ship)
停工 tínggōng, to stop work/to shut down/to stop production
停学 停业 tíngyè, [停業], to cease trading (temporarily or permanently)/to close down
停滞不前 tíngzhìbùqián, [停滯不前], stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant/in a rut/at a standstill
调停 tiáotíng, [調停], to reconcile/to mediate/to bring warring parties to agreement/to arbitrate
停歇 tíngxiē, to stop for a rest
马不停蹄 mǎbùtíngtí, [馬不停蹄], unrelenting/without stopping to rest
停车费 停步 tíngbù, to come to a stand/to stop
停课 tíngkè, [停課], to stop classes/to close (of school)
停放 tíngfàng, to park (a car etc)/to moor (a boat etc)/to leave sth (in a place)
停水 悬停 xuántíng, [懸停], to hover (helicopter, computer mouse etc)
停车楼 停刊 停产 tíngchǎn, [停產], to stop production
停赛 停车处 停薪留职 tíngxīnliúzhí, [停薪留職], leave of absence without pay
调停人 停机场 停机库 关停 guāntíng, [關停], (of a power plant, refinery etc) to shut down
停薪 停当 tíngdàng, [停當], settled/accomplished/ready
停表 tíngbiǎo, stopwatch/(sports) to stop the clock
表 ⇒
表现 biǎoxiàn, [表現], to show/to show off/to display/to manifest/expression/manifestation/show/display...
表演 biǎoyǎn, play/show/performance/exhibition/to perform/to act/to demonstrate/CL:場|场[chǎng]
代表 dàibiǎo, representative/delegate/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè],名[míng]/to represent/to stand for/on b...
表情 biǎoqíng, (facial) expression/to express one's feelings/expression
表示 biǎoshì, to express/to show/to say/to state/to indicate/to mean
表 biǎo, [錶], exterior surface/family relationship via females/to show (one's opinion)/a model...
表达 biǎodá, [表達], to express/to convey
表明 biǎomíng, to make clear/to make known/to state clearly/to indicate/known
发表 fābiǎo, [發表], to issue/to publish
表面 biǎomiàn, surface/face/outside/appearance
手表 shǒubiǎo, [手錶], wrist watch/CL:塊|块[kuài],隻|只[zhī],個|个[gè]
外表 wàibiǎo, external/outside/outward appearance
表格 biǎogé, form/table/CL:張|张[zhāng],份[fèn]
表弟 biǎodì, younger male cousin via female line
时间表 shíjiānbiǎo, [時間表], schedule/timetable
表妹 biǎomèi, younger female cousin via female line
表演者 表哥 biǎogē, older male cousin via female line
深表 表扬 biǎoyáng, [表揚], to praise/to commend
表态 biǎotài, [表態], to declare one's position/to say where one stands
列表 lièbiǎo, list
日程表 rìchéngbiǎo, daily schedule
表决 biǎojué, [表決], to decide by vote/to vote
图表 túbiǎo, [圖表], chart/diagram
申请表 shēnqǐngbiǎo, [申請表], application form
怀表 huáibiǎo, [懷錶], pocket watch
表姐 biǎojiě, older female cousin via female line
表白 biǎobái, to explain oneself/to express/to reveal one's thoughts or feelings/declaration/c...
表亲 biǎoqīn, [表親], cousin (via female line)
仪表 yíbiǎo, [儀表], appearance/bearing/meter (i.e. measuring instrument)
地表 dìbiǎo, the surface (of the earth)
表皮 biǎopí, epidermis/cuticle
表露 biǎolù, to show/to reveal (one's feelings etc)
表彰 biǎozhāng, to honor/to commend/to cite (in dispatches)
字母表 zìmǔbiǎo, alphabet
钟表 zhōngbiǎo, [鐘錶], clock
表述 biǎoshù, to formulate/enunciation/to explain sth precisely
行程表 表象 biǎoxiàng, idea
表演赛 biǎoyǎnsài, [表演賽], exhibition match
代表作 dàibiǎozuò, representative work (of an author or artist)
表层 biǎocéng, [表層], surface layer
表里 biǎolǐ, [表裡], the outside and the inside/one's outward show and inner thoughts/exterior and in...
表兄弟 biǎoxiōngdì, male cousins via female line
金表 表现力 biǎoxiànlì, [表現力], expressive power
时刻表 shíkèbiǎo, [時刻表], timetable/schedule
仪表盘 yíbiǎopán, [儀表盤], dashboard/indicator panel
代表团 dàibiǎotuán, [代表團], delegation/CL:個|个[gè]
报表 bàobiǎo, [報表], forms for reporting statistics/report forms
填表 tiánbiǎo, fill a form
登记表 dēngjìbiǎo, [登記表], registration form
代表性 dàibiǎoxìng, representativeness/representative/typical
课程表 kèchéngbiǎo, [課程表], class timetable
代表队 dàibiǎoduì, [代表隊], delegation
秒表 miǎobiǎo, stopwatch
难以言表 负债表 周期表 zhōuqībiǎo, [週期表], periodic table (chemistry)/abbr. of 元素週期表|元素周期表[yuán sù zhōu qī biǎo], periodic ...
表里如一 biǎolǐrúyī, [表裡如一], external appearance and inner thoughts coincide (idiom); to say what one means/t...
座位表 表演家 党代表 演员表 表率 biǎoshuài, example/model
报名表 bàomíngbiǎo, [報名表], application form/registration form/CL:張|张[zhāng]
计划表 表姐妹 biǎojiěmèi, female cousins via female line
乘法表 chéngfǎbiǎo, multiplication table
体表 tǐbiǎo, [體表], surface of the body/periphery of the body/body thermometer/(literary) a person's...
表带 biǎodài, [表帶]/[錶帶], watchband/watch strap, watchband/watch strap
表达式 biǎodáshì, [表達式], expression (math.)
老表 里程表 lǐchéngbiǎo, odometer
进度表 jìndùbiǎo, [進度表], timeline/work schedule
调查表 diàochábiǎo, [調查表], questionnaire/inventory list/CL:張|张[zhāng],份[fèn]
履历表 lǚlìbiǎo, [履歷表], curriculum vitae (CV)/resume
电子表 溢于言表 yìyúyánbiǎo, [溢於言表], to exhibit one's feelings in one's speech
数据表 代表大会 表盘 biǎopán, [表盤]/[錶盤], meter dial/watch face, variant of 表盤|表盘[biǎo pán]/watch face
表征 biǎozhēng, [表徵], symbol/indicator/representation
表链 注册表 zhùcèbiǎo, [注冊表], Windows registry
表演艺术家 课表 kèbiǎo, [課表], school timetable
一览表 表面积 电表 diànbiǎo, [電表], power meter/ammeter/amperemeter/wattmeter/kilowatt-hour meter
节目表 晴雨表 qíngyǔbiǎo, barometer
表面文章 biǎomiànwénzhāng, superficial show/going through the motions
为人师表 wéirénshībiǎo, [為人師表], to serve as a model for others (idiom)/to be a worthy teacher
制表 zhìbiǎo, [製表], to tabulate/tabulation/scheduling/watchmaking
马表 mǎbiǎo, [馬表], stopwatch
表演队 速度表 略表 表决权 biǎojuéquán, [表決權], right to vote/vote
统计表 tǒngjìbiǎo, [統計表], statistical table/chart
工资表 表达力 全权代表 quánquándàibiǎo, [全權代表], a plenipotentiary (representative)
表扬信 表叔 biǎoshū, son of grandfather's sister/son of grandmother's brother or sister/father's youn...
词汇表 夜光表 单词表 跑表 pǎobiǎo, [跑錶], stopwatch
戴表 dàibiǎo, to wear a watch/a homophone for 代表 used to avoid Internet censorship in the PRC
曝光表 bàoguāngbiǎo, light meter/exposure meter
张表 计时表 咪表 日历表 浅表 年表 niánbiǎo, timeline/chronology/annals/financial year/year
挂表 明细表 míngxìbiǎo, [明細表], schedule/subsidiary ledger/a detailed list
对数表 表侄 biǎozhí, [表姪], son of a male cousin via female line
地表水 dìbiǎoshuǐ, surface water
表语 biǎoyǔ, [表語], predicative
视力表 shìlìbiǎo, [視力表], eye chart (used by optician)
压力表 表面张力 biǎomiànzhānglì, [表面張力], surface tension
中表 对照表 duìzhàobiǎo, [對照表], comparison table
电流表 diànliúbiǎo, [電流表], ammeter
温度表 wēndùbiǎo, [溫度表], thermometer
修表 表现性 排名表 páimíngbiǎo, league table/roll of honor
戴名表 高度表 代表会 马赫表 星历表 值日表 表意 biǎoyì, to express meaning/ideographic
万国表 表演性 体检表 油压表 表功 biǎogōng, to show off one's accomplishments (often derog.)
表嫂 biǎosǎo, wife of older male cousin via female line
表针 biǎozhēn, [錶針], hand of a clock
停表 tíngbiǎo, stopwatch/(sports) to stop the clock