健 ⇒
健康 jiànkāng, health/healthy
健身 jiànshēn, to exercise/to keep fit/to work out/physical exercise
健 jiàn, healthy/to invigorate/to strengthen/to be good at/to be strong in
健身房 jiànshēnfáng, gym/gymnasium
健忘 jiànwàng, forgetful
健全 jiànquán, robust/sound
健壮 jiànzhuàng, [健壯], robust/healthy/sturdy
保健 bǎojiàn, health protection/health care/to maintain in good health
健谈 jiàntán, [健談], entertaining in conversation
健在 东健 强健 qiángjiàn, [強健], sturdy
健美 jiànměi, healthy and beautiful/to do fitness exercises/abbr. for 健美運動|健美运动[jiàn měi yùn d...
健身操 复健 fùjiàn, [復健], rehabilitation/recuperate
健将 稳健 wěnjiàn, [穩健], firm/stable and steady
健四郎 运动健将 矫健 jiǎojiàn, [矯健], strong and healthy/vigorous
健美操 jiànměicāo, aerobics/aerobic dance (school P.E. activity)
健硕 jiànshuò, [健碩], well-built (physique)/strong and muscular
身心健康 健身器 赵健 健步 强身健体 保健品 健怡 保健室 雄健 xióngjiàn, vigorous/robust/powerful
佐佐木健太郎 井上健治 保健食品 健儿 jiànér, [健兒], top athlete/heroic warrior
健三郎 保健所 保健操 bǎojiàncāo, health exercises
保健员 体健 健体来 要健怡 健一君 李健安 李健格 行健 宫健二 壮健 康健 kāngjiàn, healthy/fit
健次郎 大江健三郎 DàjiāngJiànsānláng, Oe Kenzaburo (1935-) Japanese novelist and 1994 Nobel laureate
健士 健太 健二 健体 中村健 松户健二 健胃 刘健明 冈野健夫 健美裤 保健网 刘健 健身球 周复健
壮 ⇒
强壮 qiángzhuàng, [強壯], strong/sturdy/robust
壮 Zhuàng/zhuàng, [壯], Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the PRC's second most numerous ethnic group, to ...
壮观 zhuàngguān, [壯觀], spectacular/magnificent sight
健壮 jiànzhuàng, [健壯], robust/healthy/sturdy
雄心壮志 壮大 zhuàngdà, [壯大], to expand/to strengthen
壮举 zhuàngjǔ, [壯舉], magnificent feat/impressive feat/heroic undertaking/heroic attempt
壮汉 粗壮 cūzhuàng, [粗壯], thick and solid
壮丽 zhuànglì, [壯麗], magnificence/magnificent/majestic/glorious
茁壮 zhuózhuàng, [茁壯], healthy and strong/sturdy/thriving/vigorous/robust/flourishing
壮烈 zhuàngliè, [壯烈], brave/heroic
壮胆 年轻力壮 niánqīnglìzhuàng, [年輕力壯], young and vigorous (idiom)
壮志 zhuàngzhì, [壯志], great goal/magnificent aspiration
身强力壮 shēnqiánglìzhuàng, [身強力壯], strong and vigorous/sturdy/robust
壮实 zhuàngshi, [壯實], robust/sturdy
老当益壮 lǎodāngyìzhuàng, [老當益壯], old but vigorous (idiom); hale and hearty despite the years
壮丁 zhuàngdīng, [壯丁], able-bodied man (capable of fighting in a war)
壮年 zhuàngnián, [壯年], lit. robust years/prime of life/summer/able-bodied (fit for military service)/ma...
雄壮 xióngzhuàng, [雄壯], majestic/awesome/full of power and grandeur
壮士 zhuàngshì, [壯士], hero/fighter/brave strong guy/warrior (in armor)
精壮 壮美 zhuàngměi, [壯美], magnificent
理直气壮 lǐzhíqìzhuàng, [理直氣壯], in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one'...
身强体壮 豪言壮语 háoyánzhuàngyǔ, [豪言壯語], bold, visionary words
青壮年 qīngzhuàngnián, [青壯年], the prime of one's life
悲壮 bēizhuàng, [悲壯], solemn and stirring/moving and tragic
膘肥体壮 biāoféitǐzhuàng, [膘肥體壯], (of a livestock animal) plump and strong/well-fed
少壮派 shàozhuàngpài, [少壯派], young guard/young and vigorous group with new ideas/new wave
壮志未酬 马壮 兵强马壮 bīngqiángmǎzhuàng, [兵強馬壯], lit. strong soldiers and sturdy horses (idiom)/fig. a well-trained and powerful ...
壮健 豪情壮志 háoqíngzhuàngzhì, [豪情壯志], lofty ideals/noble aspirations
春子壮 壮阔 zhuàngkuò, [壯闊], grand/majestic/vast
肥壮 féizhuàng, [肥壯], stout and strong
体壮 力壮 桂和壮