偷 ⇒
偷 tōu, to steal/to pilfer/to snatch/thief/stealthily
偷走 偷偷 tōutōu, stealthily/secretly/covertly/furtively/on the sly
小偷 xiǎotōu, thief
偷窃 tōuqiè, [偷竊], to steal/to pilfer
偷情 tōuqíng, to carry on a clandestine love affair
偷看 tōukàn, to peep/to peek/to steal a glance
偷听 tōutīng, [偷聽], to eavesdrop/to monitor (secretly)
偷窥 tōukuī, [偷窺], to peep/to peek/to act as voyeur
偷偷摸摸 tōutōumōmō, surreptitious/sneaky
偷袭 tōuxí, [偷襲], to mount a sneak attack/to raid
偷拍 tōupāi, to take a picture of a person without permission or without their knowledge
偷懒 tōulǎn, [偷懶], to goof off/to be lazy
偷盗 tōudào, [偷盜], to steal
偷渡 tōudù, illegal immigration/to stowaway (on a ship)/to steal across the international bo...
偷运 tōuyùn, [偷運], to smuggle
小偷小摸 偷车贼 偷生 tōushēng, to live without purpose
偷猎 tōuliè, [偷獵], to poach
偷工减料 tōugōngjiǎnliào, [偷工減料], to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom)/jerry-building/sloppy work
偷税 tōushuì, [偷稅], tax evasion
偷渡者 tōudùzhě, smuggled illegal alien/stowaway
偷人 偷猎者 tōulièzhě, [偷獵者], poacher
偷梁换柱 tōuliánghuànzhù, [偷梁換柱], lit. to steal a rafter and replace it with a column/to replace the original with...
偷闲 tōuxián, [偷閑]/[偷閒], to snatch a moment of leisure/to take a break from work/also written 偷閒|偷闲[tōu x...
忙里偷闲 偷电 偷安 tōuān, to shirk responsibility/thoughtless pleasure-seeking
偷空 tōukòng, to take some time out/to make use of a spare moment
偷漏税 偷奸耍滑 偷逃税 惯偷 guàntōu, [慣偷], habitual thief
袭 ⇒
袭击 xíjī, [襲擊], attack (esp. surprise attack)/raid/to attack
袭 xí, [襲], to attack/to inherit/classifier for suits (esp. of funeral robes)
突袭 tūxí, [突襲], surprise attack
偷袭 tōuxí, [偷襲], to mount a sneak attack/to raid
空袭 kōngxí, [空襲], air raid/attack from the air
侵袭 qīnxí, [侵襲], to invade/to assail/onslaught
抄袭 chāoxí, [抄襲], to plagiarize/to copy/to attack the flank or rear of an enemy
奇袭 qíxí, [奇襲], surprise attack/raid
世袭 shìxí, [世襲], succession/inheritance/hereditary
奔袭 bēnxí, [奔襲], long-range raid
夜袭 yèxí, [夜襲], night attack
沿袭 yánxí, [沿襲], to carry on as before/to follow (an old custom etc)
承袭 chéngxí, [承襲], to inherit/to follow/to adopt