兴 ⇒
高兴 gāoxìng, [高興], happy/glad/willing (to do sth)/in a cheerful mood
兴趣 xìngqù, [興趣], interest (desire to know about sth)/interest (thing in which one is interested)/...
兴奋 xīngfèn, [興奮], excited/excitement/(physiology) excitation
兴 Xīng/xīng/xìng, [興], surname Xing, to rise/to flourish/to become popular/to start/to encourage/to get...
扫兴 sǎoxìng, [掃興], to have one's spirits dampened/to feel disappointed
即兴 jíxìng, [即興], improvisation (in the arts)/impromptu/extemporaneous
兴奋剂 xīngfènjì, [興奮劑], stimulant/doping (in athletics)
尽兴 jìnxìng, [盡興], to enjoy oneself to the full/to one's heart's content
兴致 xìngzhì, [興致], mood/spirits/interest
文艺复兴 Wényìfùxīng, [文藝復興], the Renaissance
复兴 Fùxīng/fùxīng, [復興], Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Hán dān shì], Hebei/Fuxing or Fuhsing tow...
兴起 xīngqǐ, [興起], to rise/to spring up/to burgeon/to be aroused/to come into vogue
感兴趣 gǎnxìngqù, [感興趣], to be interested
兴许 xìngxǔ, [興許], perhaps
兴高采烈 xìnggāocǎiliè, [興高采烈], happy and excited (idiom)/in high spirits/in great delight
助兴 zhùxìng, [助興], to add to the fun/to liven things up
兴旺 xīngwàng, [興旺], prosperous/thriving/to prosper/to flourish
高高兴兴 gāogāoxìngxìng, [高高興興], cheerful and optimistic/in a good mood/gaily
余兴 兴奋点 新兴 Xīnxīng/xīnxīng, [新興], Xinxing county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yún fú], Guangdong/Xinxing or Hsinhsing district o...
兴头 xìngtou, [興頭], keen interest/concentrated attention
兴隆 Xīnglóng/xīnglóng, [興隆], Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Chéng dé], Hebei, prosperous/thriving/flourishing
兴建 xīngjiàn, [興建], to build/to construct
兴风作浪 xīngfēngzuòlàng, [興風作浪], to incite trouble/to stir up havoc
雅兴 yǎxìng, [雅興], refined and elegant attitude of mind
兴师动众 xīngshīdòngzhòng, [興師動眾], to muster large forces/to get a great number of people involved (in carrying out...
兴盛 xīngshèng, [興盛], to flourish/to thrive
兴致勃勃 xìngzhìbóbó, [興致勃勃], to become exhilarated (idiom); in high spirits/full of zest
时兴 shíxīng, [時興], fashionable/popular
振兴 Zhènxīng/zhènxīng, [振興], Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dān dōng shì], Liaoning, to revive/to...
复兴党 Fùxīngdǎng, [復興黨], Baath Party
败兴 bàixìng, [敗興], disappointed
邦妮兴 咸兴 Xiánxīng, [咸興], Hamhung, North Korea
兴旺发达 xīngwàngfādá, [興旺發達], prosperous and developing/flourishing
兴衰 xīngshuāi, [興衰], prosperity and decline (of a kingdom)/rise and fall
兴冲冲 xìngchōngchōng, [興沖沖], full of joy and expectations/animatedly
东兴 Dōngxīng, [東興], Dongxing district of Neijiang city 內江市|内江市[Nèi jiāng shì], Sichuan/Dongxing coun...
兴科 百废待兴 bǎifèidàixīng, [百廢待興], many things waiting to be done (idiom)/a thousand things to do
意兴 yìxìng, [意興], interest/enthusiasm
佩兴斯 饶有兴趣 ráoyǒuxìngqù, [饒有興趣], engrossing
佩兴 饶有兴致 谈兴 列克兴 即兴曲 艾文兴 弗拉兴 金俊兴 阴兴阳 荣兴 兴利除弊 xīnglìchúbì, [興利除弊], to promote what is useful and get rid of what is harmful (idiom)
大兴土木 dàxīngtǔmù, [大興土木], to carry out large scale construction
兴叹 兴办 xīngbàn, [興辦], to begin/to set in motion
兴标 兴波 泰兴 Tàixīng, [泰興], Taixing county level city in Taizhou 泰州[Tài zhōu], Jiangsu
兰兴 真喜兴 李兴镇 兴味 xìngwèi, [興味], interest/taste
冲 ⇒
冲 chōng/chòng, [沖]/[衝], (of water) to dash against/to mix with water/to infuse/to rinse/to flush/to deve...
冲浪 chōnglàng, [衝浪], to surf/surfing
冲动 chōngdòng, [衝動], to have an urge/to be impetuous/impulse/urge
冲突 chōngtū, [衝突], conflict/to conflict/clash of opposing forces/collision (of interests)/contentio...
冲击 chōngjī, [沖擊]/[衝擊], variant of 衝擊|冲击[chōng jī], to attack/to batter/(of waves) to pound against/shoc...
脉冲 màichōng, [脈衝], pulse (physics)
冲洗 chōngxǐ, [沖洗], to rinse/to wash/to develop (photographic film)
冲刺 chōngcì, [衝刺], to sprint/to spurt/to dash/big effort
冲破 chōngpò, [衝破], breakthrough/to overcome an obstacle quickly
冲撞 chōngzhuàng, [衝撞], to collide/jerking motion/to impinge/to offend/to provoke
冲击波 chōngjībō, [衝擊波], shock wave/blast wave
冲走 chōngzǒu, [沖走], to flush away
冲锋枪 chōngfēngqiāng, [衝鋒槍], submachine gun
冲天 chōngtiān, [沖天], to soar/to rocket
冲锋 chōngfēng, [衝鋒], to charge/to assault/assault
冲击力 chōngjīlì, [衝擊力], force of impact or thrust
冲绳 Chōngshéng, [沖繩], Okinawa, Japan
俯冲 fǔchōng, [俯衝], to dive down fast/to swoop down
缓冲 huǎnchōng, [緩衝], buffer/to cushion/to adjust to sharp changes
冲澡 chōngzǎo, [沖澡], to take a shower
冲凉 chōngliáng, [沖涼], (dialect) to take a shower
要冲 yàochōng, [要衝], road hub/major crossroad
横冲直撞 héngchōngzhízhuàng, [橫衝直撞], lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving...
怒气冲冲 nùqìchōngchōng, [怒氣沖沖], spitting anger (idiom); in a rage
冲劲 chòngjìn, [衝勁], dynamism/drive
对冲 duìchōng, [對沖], hedging (finance)
冲刷 chōngshuā, [沖刷], to cleanse/to scrub/to scour/to wash down/to erode/to wash away
冲昏头脑 chōnghūntóunǎo, [沖昏頭腦]/[衝昏頭腦], lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rational...
冲淡 chōngdàn, [沖淡], to dilute
冲锋陷阵 chōngfēngxiànzhèn, [衝鋒陷陣], to charge and break through enemy lines
气冲冲 qìchōngchōng, [氣沖沖], furious/enraged
缓冲器 huǎnchōngqì, [緩衝器], buffer (computer science)
首当其冲 shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
冲力 chōnglì, [衝力], impulse
冲散 冲压 chòngyā, [沖壓], to stamp/to press (sheet metal)/Taiwan pr. [chōng yā]
怒发冲冠 nùfàchōngguān, [怒髮衝冠], lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom)/fig. seething in ang...
冲绳岛 ChōngshéngDǎo, [沖繩島], Okinawa Island
冲田 猛冲 měngchōng, [猛衝], to charge forward
兴冲冲 xìngchōngchōng, [興沖沖], full of joy and expectations/animatedly
一飞冲天 冲剂 chōngjì, [沖劑], medicine to be taken after being mixed with water (or other liquid)
冲开 冲垮 chōngkuǎ, [衝垮], to burst/to break through/to topple
缓冲区 冲绳县 Chōngshéngxiàn, [沖繩縣], Okinawa prefecture, Japan
冲毁 夏树冲 冲杀 chōngshā, [衝殺], to charge
冲床 chòngchuáng, [衝床], stamping press (metalworking)
冲茶 别冲水 金炳冲 李冲怡 冲锋号 冲积 chōngjī, [沖積], to alluviate/alluviation/alluvial
冲程 chōngchéng, [衝程], stroke (of a piston)
陈冲 ChénChōng, [陳沖], Joan Chen (1961-), Chinese born American actress
杰冲我 冲量 干劲冲天 怒冲冲 nùchōngchōng, [怒沖沖], furiously