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[其間] qíjiān in between
within that interval
in the meantime

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Word Compounds

        qítā, other/(sth or sb) else/the rest
        qíshí, [其實], actually/in fact/really
        qízhōng, among/in/included among these
        qí, his/her/its/their/that/such/it (refers to sth preceding it)
        qítā, other/the others/else/other than it/in addition to the thing mentioned above
        yóuqí, especially/particularly
        jíqí, [極其], extremely
        qíyú, [其餘], the rest/the others/remaining/remainder/apart from them
        qícì, next/secondly
        Tǔěrqí, Turkey
        mòmíngqímiào, (idiom) baffling/inexplicable
        jíqí, (conjunction linking two nouns) and its .../and their .../and his .../and her .....
        míngfùqíshí, [名副其實], not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
        ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
        Mǎqídùn, [馬其頓], Macedonia
        chūqíbùyì, to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard
        tūrúqílái, [突如其來], to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/happening suddenly
        zìshíqíguǒ, to eat one's own fruit (idiom); fig. suffering the consequences of one's own act...
        qíyī, one of the given (options etc)/the first/firstly
        kuādàqící, [誇大其詞], to exaggerate
        bùjìqíshù, [不計其數], lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable
        wēihūqíwēi, a tiny bit/very little/next to nothing (idiom)
        kuākuāqítán, [誇誇其談], to talk big/to sound off/bombastic/grandiloquent
        zìdéqílè, [自得其樂], to find amusement in one's own way/to enjoy oneself quietly
        qíjiān, [其間], in between/within that interval/in the meantime
        zìshíqílì, lit. to eat off one's own strength (idiom)/fig. to stand on one's own feet/to ea...
        qíhòu, [其後], next/later/after that
        kǎqí, khaki (loanword)
        Tǔěrqírén, a Turk/Turkish person
        shēnlínqíjìng, [身臨其境], (idiom) to experience it for oneself/to actually *be* there (as opposed to readi...
        yǔqí, [與其], rather than.../與其|与其[yǔ qí] A 不如[bù rú] B (rather than A, better to B)
        chōngqíliàng, at most/at best
        qiàrúqífèn, (idiom) appropriate/apt/just right
        shìdéqífǎn, [適得其反], to produce the opposite of the desired result
        zìyuánqíshuō, [自圓其說], to make a story or theory consistent/to give a plausible explanation/to plug the...
        kǎbùqínuò, [卡布其諾], cappuccino (loanword)
        liǎngquánqíměi, [兩全其美], to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to get the best of both worlds/to have it both ...
        wùjìnqíyòng, [物盡其用], to use sth to the full/to make the best use of everything
        qíèr, secondly/the other (usu. of two)/the second
        zuòxiǎngqíchéng, to reap where one has not sown (idiom)
        bùyànqífán, [不厭其煩], not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom)/to take great pains/to be very patien...
        yánguòqíshí, [言過其實], to exaggerate/to overstate the facts
        shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
        gèdéqísuǒ, each in the correct place/each is provided for
        sānjiānqíkǒu, [三緘其口], (idiom) reluctant to speak about it/tight-lipped
        fǎnqídàoérxíngzhī, to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way
        qílèwúqióng, [其樂無窮], boundless joy
        qílèróngróng, [其樂融融], (of relations) joyous and harmonious
        miǎnwéiqínán, [勉為其難], to tackle a difficult job (idiom)/to do sth reluctantly
        dàxíngqídào, rampant/very popular
        bǎisībùdéqíjiě, see 百思不解[bǎi sī bù jiě]
        Mǐqílín, Michelin (tire company)
        zìxíngqíshì, to act as one thinks fit/to have one's own way
        mòmíngqímiào, variant of 莫名其妙[mò míng qí miào]
        měiqímíngyuē, to call by the glorified name of (idiom)
        zhèngzhòngqíshì, [鄭重其事], serious about the matter
        hánhúqící, [含糊其詞], to equivocate/to talk evasively (idiom)
        qísān, thirdly/the third
        gèxíngqíshì, each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way
        guǒbùqírán, just as expected/told you so
        qímàobùyáng, [其貌不揚], (idiom) nothing special to look at/unprepossessing
        qínèi, [其內], included/within that
        tóuqísuǒhào, to adapt to sb's taste/to fit sb's fancy
        wànbiànbùlíqízōng, [萬變不離其宗], many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ...
        rènqízìrán, to let things take their course (idiom)/to leave it to nature/laissez-faire
        sàqímǎ, [薩其馬], see 沙琪瑪|沙琪玛[shā qí mǎ]

        shíjiān, [時間], time/period/CL:段[duàn]
        fángjiān, [房間], room/CL:間|间[jiān],個|个[gè]
        zhījiān, [之間], between/among/inter-
        jiān/jiàn, [間], between/among/within a definite time or space/room/section of a room or lateral ...
        zhōngjiān, [中間], between/intermediate/mid/middle
        kōngjiān, [空間], space/room/(fig.) scope/leeway/(astronomy) outer space/(physics, math.) space
        jiàndié, [間諜], spy
        xǐshǒujiān, [洗手間], toilet/lavatory/washroom
        qījiān, [期間], period of time/time/time period/period/CL:個|个[gè]
        shùnjiān, [瞬間], in an instant/in a flash
        rénjiān, [人間], the human world/the earth
        wèishēngjiān, [衛生間], bathroom/toilet/WC/CL:間|间[jiān]
        zhōngjiānrén, [中間人], intermediary/mediator
        yīshùnjiān, [一瞬間], split second
        shíjiānbiǎo, [時間表], schedule/timetable
        shìjiān, [世間], world/earth
        yèjiān, [夜間], nighttime/evening or night (e.g. classes)
        wǎnjiān, [晚間], evening/night
        yīshíjiān, [一時間], for a moment/momentarily
        jiànjiē, [間接], indirect
        mínjiān, [民間], among the people/popular/folk/non-governmental/involving people rather than gove...
        tàipíngjiān, [太平間], mortuary/morgue
        géjiān, [隔間], compartment/booth/cubicle/partitioned-off area
        tàojiān, [套間], vestibule/small inner room (opening to others)/suite/apartment
        chējiān, [車間], workshop/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiàngé, [間隔], gap/interval/compartment/to divide/to separate/to leave a gap of (two weeks, thr...
        jiànduàn, [間斷], disconnected/interrupted/suspended
        kōngjiānzhàn, [空間站], space station
        xiāngjiān, [鄉間], in the country/rural/pastoral
        yīmàojiān, [衣帽間], cloakroom
        yīnjiān, [陰間], the nether world/Hades
        qīnmìwújiān, [親密無間], close relation, no gap (idiom); intimate and nothing can come between
        jiànxiē, [間歇], to stop in the middle of sth/intermittent/intermittence
        xiāngjiàn, [相間], to alternate/to follow one another
        qíjiān, [其間], in between/within that interval/in the meantime
        wúyìjiān, [無意間], inadvertently/unintentionally
        jiànxì, [間隙], interval/gap/clearance
        rìjiān, [日間], daytime
        kèjiān, [課間], interval between lessons
        rénjiāndìyù, [人間地獄], hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive...
        rénshìjiān, [人世間], the secular world
        líjiàn, [離間], to drive a wedge between (allies, partners etc)
        zuòxīshíjiān, [作息時間], daily schedule/daily routine
        bāojiān, [包間], private room (in a restaurant, or for karaoke etc)/parlor/booth/compartment
        shìyījiān, [試衣間], fitting room
        fánjiān, [凡間], the secular world
        tiǎobōlíjiàn, [挑撥離間], to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between
        kāifángjiān, [開房間], to take a hotel room/to rent a room
        mínjiānwǔ, [民間舞], folk dance
        zhuījiānpán, [椎間盤], intervertebral disk
        kāijiān, [開間], alcove/bay in a room/unit of length used for rooms, approx. 3.3 meters
        zìlǐhángjiān, [字裡行間], between the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning/connotations
        tiánjiān, [田間], field/farm/farming area/village
        zhōngjiānshāng, [中間商], middleman/broker
        yángjiān, [陽間], the world of the living
        qǐngkèjiān, [頃刻間], in an instant
        jiàndiéwǎng, [間諜網], spy network
        wàijiān, [外間], outer room/the external world/outside
        cǐjiān, [此間], here/this place
        jiànzuò, [間作], interplanting
        jiànhuò, [間或], occasionally/now and then
        niánjiān, [年間], in the years of/during those years/period (of dynasty or decade)
        yāozhuījiānpán, [腰椎間盤], intervertebral disk
        zhōngjiānpài, [中間派], moderate faction/party of compromise/middle ground
        lèijiànjī, [肋間肌], intercostal muscle (between ribs)
        shàshíjiān, [霎時間], in a split second
        zàojiān, [灶間], kitchen (dialect)/CL:間|间[jiān]
        qūjiān, [區間], interval (math.)
        kèjiāncāo, [課間操], setting-up exercises during the break (between classes)
        mínjiānyìshù, [民間藝術], folk art
        fǎnjiànjì, [反間計], stratagem of sowing dissension/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        jiànmiáo, [間苗], thinning out seedlings

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