冤 ⇒
冤枉 yuānwang, to accuse wrongly/to treat unjustly/injustice/wronged/not worthwhile
冤 yuān, [寃], injustice/grievance/wrong, old variant of 冤[yuān]
冤家 yuānjia, enemy/foe/(in opera) sweetheart or destined love
冤案 yuānàn, miscarriage of justice
冤魂 yuānhún, ghost of one who died unjustly/departed spirit demanding vengeance for grievance...
冤大头 yuāndàtóu, [冤大頭], spendthrift and foolish/sb with more money than sense
冤屈 yuānqū, to receive unjust treatment/injustice
含冤 hányuān, wronged/to suffer false accusations
冤家对头 yuānjiāduìtóu, [冤家對頭], enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy
不白之冤 bùbáizhīyuān, unrighted wrong/unredressed injustice
蒙冤 méngyuān, to be wronged/to be subjected to an injustice
冤情 yuānqíng, facts of an injustice/circumstances surrounding a miscarriage of justice
冤狱 yuānyù, [冤獄], unjust charge or verdict/miscarriage of justice/frame-up
喊冤 hǎnyuān, to cry out a grievance
洗冤 xǐyuān, lit. to wash out a grievance/fig. to right a wrong/to redress an injustice
申冤 shēnyuān, to appeal for justice/to demand redress for a grievance
沉冤 冤孽 yuānniè, sin (in Buddhism)/enmity leading to sin
诉冤 sùyuān, [訴冤], to complain/to vent one's grievances
冤仇 yuānchóu, rancor/enmity/hatred resulting from grievances
伸冤 shēnyuān, to right wrongs/to redress an injustice
魂 ⇒
灵魂 línghún, [靈魂], soul/spirit
鬼魂 guǐhún, ghost
魂 hún, [䰟], old variant of 魂[hún], soul/spirit/immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from...
神魂 shénhún, mind/state of mind (often abnormal)
销魂 xiāohún, [銷魂], ecstasy/rapture/to feel overwhelming joy or sorrow
阴魂 yīnhún, [陰魂], ghost/spirit
魂魄 húnpò, soul
惊魂 jīnghún, [驚魂], in a panicked state/frightened
冤魂 yuānhún, ghost of one who died unjustly/departed spirit demanding vengeance for grievance...
还魂 huánhún, [還魂], to return from the grave/(old) to recycle (waste products)
亡魂 wánghún, soul of the deceased/departed spirit
魂灵 húnlíng, [魂靈], soul/mind/idea
孤魂 gūhún, lonely soul
魂飞魄散 húnfēipòsàn, [魂飛魄散], lit. the soul flies away and scatters (idiom)/fig. to be frightened stiff/spooke...
招魂 魂牵梦萦 húnqiānmèngyíng, [魂牽夢縈], to miss/to yearn day and night
幽魂 yōuhún, ghost/spirit (of the dead)
惊魂未定 安魂曲 迷魂药 迷魂阵 míhúnzhèn, [迷魂陣], stratagem to trap sb/to bewitch and trap
忠魂 魂兮归来 国魂 迷魂汤 míhúntāng, [迷魂湯], potion that makes the soul forget its previous life/(fig.) words or actions inte...