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Dōngzhì Winter Solstice, 22nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣
>二十四节气 22nd December-5th January

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        dōngtiān, winter/CL:個|个[gè]
        dōng/Dōng, [鼕], winter, surname Dong, (onom.) beating a drum/rat-a-tat
        dōngjì, winter
        dōngmián, hibernation
        hándōng, wintry
        dōngqīng, holly
        dōngguā, wax gourd (Cucurbitaceae, Benincasa hispida)/white gourd/white hairy melon/Chine...
        guòdōng, [過冬], to get through the winter
        yándōng, [嚴冬], severe winter
        rěndōng, honeysuckle/Lonicera japonica
        lóngdōng, midwinter/the depth of winter
        dōngyī, winter clothes
        Dōngzhì, Winter Solstice, 22nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 22nd December-5th Januar...
        DōngÀohuì, [冬奧會], Winter Olympics
        dīngdōng, (onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound
        Dōnggōng, [冬宮], Winter Palace (St Petersburg)/Hermitage Museum
        dōnggū, donko shiitake mushroom, a prized type of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) cultivated...
        Bōsāidōng, Poseidon, God of the sea in Greek mythology
        tiānméndōng, [天門冬], asparagus
        dōngsǔn, [冬筍], winter bamboo shoots (smaller and tenderer as a result of being dug out before t...
        dōngbùlā, Dombra or Tambura, Kazakh plucked lute
        yuèdōng, to pass the winter/to overwinter/to live through the winter

        shènzhì, even/so much so that
        zhìshǎo, at least/(to say the) least
        zhì, to arrive/most/to/until
        zhìyú, [至於], as for/as to/to go so far as to
        zhìjīn, so far/to this day/until now
        yǐzhìyú, [以至於], down to/up to/to the extent that...
        bùzhìyú, [不至於], unlikely to go so far as to/not as bad as
        zhìguānzhòngyào, [至關重要], extremely important/vital/crucial/essential
        zhìjí, [至極], very/extremely
        zhízhì, lasting until/up till (the present)
        zhìshàng, supreme/paramount/above all else
        zhìcǐ, up until now/so far
        zìshǐzhìzhōng, [自始至終], from start to finish (idiom)
        zhìgāowúshàng, [至高無上], supreme/paramount/unsurpassed
        yǐzhì, down to/up to/to such an extent as to .../also written 以至於|以至于[yǐ zhì yú]
        jiézhì, up to (a time)/by (a time)
        shízhìjīnrì, [時至今日], (idiom) up to the present/even now/now (in contrast with the past)/at this late ...
        nǎizhì, and even/to go so far as to
        shènzhìyú, [甚至於], so much (that)/even (to the extent that)
        wúwēibùzhì, [無微不至], in every possible way (idiom); meticulous
        zhìqīn, [至親], next of kin/closely related
        bīnzhìrúguī, [賓至如歸], guests feel at home (in a hotel, guest house etc)/a home away from home
        shízhìmíngguī, [實至名歸], fame follows merit (idiom)
        rénzhìyìjìn, [仁至義盡], extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to dut...
        zhìlǐmíngyán, wise saying/words of wisdom
        zhìduō, up to the maximum/upper limit/at most
        fēnzhìtàlái, [紛至沓來], to come thick and fast (idiom)
        rénjìhǎnzhì, [人跡罕至], lit. men's footprints are rare (idiom)/fig. off the beaten track/lonely/deserted
        Dōngzhì, Winter Solstice, 22nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 22nd December-5th Januar...
        Xiàzhì, Xiazhi or Summer Solstice, 10th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st June-6th ...
怀         guānhuáibèizhì, [關懷備至], the utmost care (idiom); to look after sb in every possible way
        zhìjiāo, best friend
        zhìbǎo, [至寶], most valuable treasure/most precious asset
        bèizhì, [備至], to the utmost/in every possible way
        rúhuòzhìbǎo, [如獲至寶], as if gaining the most precious treasure
        jízhì, by the time that

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