凹 ⇒
凹 āo/wā, depressed/sunken/indented/concave/female (connector etc), variant of 窪|洼[wā]/(us...
凹陷 āoxiàn, to cave in/hollow/sunken/depressed
凹槽 āocáo, recess/notch/groove/fillister
凹凸 āotū, concave or convex/bumps and holes/uneven (surface)/rugged
凹坑 āokēng, concave depression/crater
凹凸不平 āotūbùpíng, uneven (surface)/bumpy (road)
槽 ⇒
槽 cáo, trough/manger/groove/channel/(Tw) (computing) hard drive
水槽 shuǐcáo, sink
跳槽 tiàocáo, to change jobs/job-hopping
凹槽 āocáo, recess/notch/groove/fillister
沟槽 gōucáo, [溝槽], groove/furrow/trench
牛槽 食槽 shícáo, manger
槽牙 cáoyá, molar tooth