划 ⇒
计划 jìhuà, [計劃], plan/project/program/to plan/to map out/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
划 huá/huà, [劃], to row/to paddle/profitable/worth (the effort)/it pays (to do sth), to cut/to sl...
策划 cèhuà, [策劃], to plot/to scheme/to bring about/to engineer/planning/producer/planner
规划 guīhuà, [規劃], to plan (how to do sth)/planning/plan/program
划船 huáchuán, to row a boat/rowing boat/rowing (sport)
筹划 chóuhuà, [籌劃], to plan and prepare
划痕 huáhén, [劃痕], a scratch
划算 huásuàn, to calculate/to weigh (pros and cons)/to view as profitable/worthwhile/value for...
划伤 huáshāng, [劃傷], to damage by scratching/to gash/to lacerate
谋划 móuhuà, [謀劃], to scheme/to plot/conspiracy
划分 huàfēn, [劃分], to divide up/to partition/to differentiate
划破 huápò, [劃破], to cut open/to rip/to streak across (lightning, meteor etc)/to pierce (scream, s...
划清 huàqīng, [劃清], clear dividing line/to distinguish clearly
策划人 cèhuàrén, [策劃人], sponsor/plotter/schemer
计划书 比划 bǐhua, [比劃], to gesture/to gesticulate/to practice the moves of a martial art by imitating th...
策划者 计划生育 jìhuàshēngyù, [計劃生育], family planning
划桨 huájiǎng, [划槳], to paddle
划艇 huátǐng, rowing boat/racing row-boat
划水 出谋划策 chūmóuhuàcè, [出謀劃策], to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/to give advice (idiom)
皮划艇 píhuátǐng, [皮劃艇], canoe/kayak
计划表 划定 huàdìng, [劃定], to demarcate/to delimit
划着 下划线 xiàhuàxiàn, [下劃線], underscore _/underline
划时代 huàshídài, [劃時代], epoch-marking
按计划 划线 huàxiàn, [劃線], to delineate/to draw a line/to underline
整齐划一 zhěngqíhuàyī, [整齊劃一], to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)
五年计划 wǔniánjìhuà, [五年計劃], Five-Year Plan
划一 huàyī, [劃一], uniform/to standardize
划归 huàguī, [劃歸], to incorporate/to put under (external administration)
城市规划委员会 无计划 划不来 huábulái, [划不來], not worth it
划得来 huádelái, [划得來], worth it/it pays to
计划性 划拳 huáquán, finger-guessing game
计划委员会 计划经济 jìhuàjīngjì, [計劃經濟], planned economy
计划生育委员会 笔划 bǐhuà, [筆劃], variant of 筆畫|笔画[bǐ huà]
计划署 计划处 区划 qūhuà, [區劃], subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)
线 ⇒
线 xiàn, [綫]/[線], variant of 線|线[xiàn], thread/string/wire/line/CL:條|条[tiáo],股[gǔ],根[gēn]/(after a...
线索 xiànsuǒ, [線索], trail/clues/thread (of a story)
路线 lùxiàn, [路線], itinerary/route/political line (e.g. right revisionist road)/CL:條|条[tiáo]
无线电 wúxiàndiàn, [無線電], wireless
热线 rèxiàn, [熱線], hotline (communications link)
线路 xiànlù, [線路], line/circuit/wire/road/railway track/bus route
视线 shìxiàn, [視線], line of sight
底线 dǐxiàn, [底線], to underline/bottom line/base line (in sports)/baseline/minimum/spy/plant
光线 guāngxiàn, [光線], light ray/CL:條|条[tiáo],道[dào]/light/illumination/lighting (for a photograph)
电线 diànxiàn, [電線], wire/power cord/CL:根[gēn]
无线 wúxiàn, [無線], wireless
前线 qiánxiàn, [前線], front line/military front/workface/cutting edge
曲线 qūxiàn, [曲線], curve/curved line/indirect/in a roundabout way
直线 zhíxiàn, [直線], straight line/sharply (rise or fall)
射线 shèxiàn, [射線], ray
航线 hángxiàn, [航線], air or shipping route
电话线 diànhuàxiàn, [電話線], telephone line/telephone wire
天线 tiānxiàn, [天線], antenna/mast/connection with high-ranking officials
线条 xiàntiáo, [線條], line (in drawing, calligraphy etc)/the lines or contours of a three-dimensional ...
防线 fángxiàn, [防線], defensive line or perimeter/CL:道[dào]
内线 有线电视 yǒuxiàndiànshì, [有線電視], cable television
一线 yīxiàn, [一線], front line
战线 zhànxiàn, [戰線], battle line/battlefront/front
有线 yǒuxiàn, [有線], wired/cable (television)
接线员 jiēxiànyuán, [接線員], switchboard operator
眼线 yǎnxiàn, [眼線], informer/snitch/spy/scout/(cosmetics) eye line
海岸线 hǎiànxiàn, [海岸線], coastline/seaboard/shoreline
地平线 dìpíngxiàn, [地平線], horizon
红外线 hóngwàixiàn, [紅外線], infrared ray
警戒线 jǐngjièxiàn, [警戒線], police cordon/alert level
界线 jièxiàn, [界線], limits/bounds/dividing line
在线 zàixiàn, [在線], online
接线 jiēxiàn, [接線], wiring/to connect a wire
阵线 zhènxiàn, [陣線], a front (militant group)/line of battle/alignment (towards a political party etc...
管线 guǎnxiàn, [管線], pipeline/general term for pipes, cables etc
线圈 xiànquān, [線圈], solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil
紫外线 zǐwàixiàn, [紫外線], ultraviolet ray
毛线 máoxiàn, [毛線], knitting wool/wool yarn
电线杆 diànxiàngān/diànxiàngǎn, [電線杆]/[電線桿], electric pole/telephone pole/lamppost/CL:根[gēn], electric pole/telephone pole/la...
无线电话 wúxiàndiànhuà, [無線電話], radio telephony/wireless telephone
生产线 shēngchǎnxiàn, [生產線], assembly line/production line
专线 zhuānxiàn, [專線], special-purpose phone line or communications link/hotline/special rail line (e.g...
长线 chángxiàn, [長線], long term
线路板 路线图 lùxiàntú, [路線圖], route map/roadmap (also fig.)
弧线 húxiàn, [弧線], arc
占线 zhànxiàn, [佔線], busy (telephone line)
封锁线 fēngsuǒxiàn, [封鎖線], blockade line/CL:道[dào]
外线 wàixiàn, [外線], (military) line of troops encircling an enemy position/(telephony) outside line/...
边线 biānxiàn, [邊線], sideline/foul line
起跑线 qǐpǎoxiàn, [起跑線], the starting line (of a race)/scratch line (in a relay race)
分界线 fēnjièxiàn, [分界線], dividing line
单线 火线 Huǒxiàn/huǒxiàn, [火線], FireWire (IEEE 1394 data-transfer interface), firing line (battle)/live electric...
导线 dǎoxiàn, [導線], electrical lead
导火线 dǎohuǒxiàn, [導火線], fuse (for explosives)/(fig.) proximate cause/the last straw
红线 hóngxiàn, [紅線], red line
牵线 qiānxiàn, [牽線], to pull strings/to manipulate (a puppet)/to control from behind the scene/to med...
引线 yǐnxiàn, [引線], fuse (for an explosive device)/electrical lead/intermediary/catalyst/(dialect) s...
流水线 liúshuǐxiàn, [流水線], assembly line/(computing) pipeline
基线 jīxiàn, [基線], base (of a triangle)/base line (in geodetic survey)/horizontal
线性 xiànxìng, [線性], linear/linearity
干线 gànxiàn, [幹線], main line/trunk line
黑线 一线生机 丝线 sīxiàn, [絲線], thread/silk yarn
主线 zhǔxiàn, [主線], main line (of communication)/main thread (of a plotline or concept)/central them...
无线电波 wúxiàndiànbō, [無線電波], radio waves/wireless electric wave
牵线搭桥 针线 zhēnxiàn, [針線], needle and thread/needlework
针线活 zhēnxiànhuó, [針線活], needlework/sewing
统一战线 tǒngyīzhànxiàn, [統一戰線], united front
边境线 支线 zhīxiàn, [支線], branch line/side road/spur/fig. secondary plot (in a story)
放射线 fàngshèxiàn, [放射線], radiation/rays of radiation
拆线 chāixiàn, [拆線], to remove stitches (from a wound)
日界线 线粒体 xiànlìtǐ, [線粒體], mitochondrion
生命线 shēngmìngxiàn, [生命線], lifeline
西线 非线性 fēixiànxìng, [非線性], nonlinear (math.)
斜线 xiéxiàn, [斜線], diagonal line/slanting line/slash (punct.)/forward slash (computing)
出线 chūxiàn, [出線], (sports) to go out of bounds/to go over the line/to qualify for the next round o...
伽马射线 gāmǎshèxiàn, [伽馬射線], gamma rays
线轴 xiànzhóu, [線軸], thread spool
水平线 中线 zhōngxiàn, [中線], half-way line/median line
控制线 线头 抛物线 pāowùxiàn, [拋物線], parabola
铜线 子午线 zǐwǔxiàn, [子午線], meridian
下线 xiàxiàn, [下線], to go offline
第一线 下划线 xiàhuàxiàn, [下劃線], underscore _/underline
膛线 tángxiàn, [膛線], rifling (helical grooves inside the barrel of a gun)
横线 héngxiàn, [橫線], horizontal line/horizontal coordinate line
边界线 biānjièxiàn, [邊界線], boundary line/border line
沿线 yánxiàn, [沿線], along the line (e.g. railway)/the region near the line
纱线 shāxiàn, [紗線], yarn
总线 zǒngxiàn, [總線], computer bus
划线 huàxiàn, [劃線], to delineate/to draw a line/to underline
全线 quánxiàn, [全線], the whole front (in a war)/the whole length (of a road or railway line)
穿针引线 chuānzhēnyǐnxiàn, [穿針引線], lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig. to act as a go-between
有线电话 轴线 zhóuxiàn, [軸線], central axis (line)
国境线 拉线 风景线 退居二线 tuìjūèrxiàn, [退居二線], to withdraw to the second line of duty/to resign from a leading post (and assume...
电源线 diànyuánxiàn, [電源線], power cable (of an appliance etc)
贫困线 对角线 duìjiǎoxiàn, [對角線], (geometry) a diagonal
无线电报 线路图 搭线 流线型 liúxiànxíng, [流線型], sleek/streamlined
安全线 死亡线 线形 线呢 双曲线 shuāngqūxiàn, [雙曲線], hyperbola
平行线 píngxíngxiàn, [平行線], parallel lines
绒线 róngxiàn, [絨線], wool/woolen thread
铁路线 tiělùxiàn, [鐵路線], railway line
环线 huánxiàn, [環線], ring road/circle line (e.g. rail or subway)
纬线 wěixiàn, [緯線], woof/line of latitude/parallel
线团 xiàntuán, [線團], ball of string
二线 虚线 xūxiàn, [虛線], dotted line/dashed line/(math.) imaginary line
传输线 chuánshūxiàn, [傳輸線], transmission line
输电线 锋线 上纲上线 shànggāngshàngxiàn, [上綱上線], to criticize (as a matter of principle)
线衣 线缆 xiànlǎn, [線纜], cable/wire/cord (computer)
输油管线 新干线 Xīngànxiàn, [新幹線], Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed train)
电力线 侧线 螺线管 luóxiànguǎn, [螺線管], solenoid/coil
北回归线 Běihuíguīxiàn, [北回歸線], Tropic of Cancer
针线包 地线 dìxiàn, [地線], earth (wire)/ground
针头线脑 zhēntóuxiànnǎo, [針頭線腦], needle and thread/sewing implements/needlework/(fig.) unimportant thing
粗线条 高压线 gāoyāxiàn, [高壓線], high tension power line
海平线 来复线 láifùxiàn, [來復線], rifling (spiral lines on inside of gun barrel imparting spin to the bullet)
南回归线 Nánhuíguīxiàn, [南回歸線], Tropic of Capricorn
宇宙射线 yǔzhòushèxiàn, [宇宙射線], cosmic ray
双绞线 shuāngjiǎoxiàn, [雙絞線], unshielded twisted pair/UTP
切线 qiēxiàn, [切線], tangent line (geometry)
线段 xiànduàn, [線段], line segment
银线 曲线图 qūxiàntú, [曲線圖], line graph/line diagram
生死线 无线电台 岸线 斑马线 bānmǎxiàn, [斑馬線], crosswalk/zebra crossing
垂直线 chuízhíxiàn, [垂直線], vertical line
变线 回归线 huíguīxiàn, [回歸線], tropic/one of the two latitude lines, Tropic of Capricorn or Tropic of Cancer
连接线 运输线 分数线 fēnshùxiàn, [分數線], horizontal line (in a fraction)/minimum passing score
主干线 zhǔgànxiàn, [主幹線], trunk line (of road, network etc)/backbone (cable)
垂线 chuíxiàn, [垂線], (math.) perpendicular line/vertical line
线装 线列 毛线针 máoxiànzhēn, [毛線針], knitting needle
棉线 miánxiàn, [棉線], cotton thread/yarn cotton
三线 接地线 羊肠线 五线谱 wǔxiànpǔ, [五線譜], (music) staff/stave
渐近线 绒线帽 线型 绒线衫 水线 麻线 装配线 zhuāngpèixiàn, [裝配線], assembly line/production line
内外线 铁道线 一针一线 前锋线 出线权 散兵线 粉线 旅游线 司线员 sīxiànyuán, [司線員], line judge (tennis etc)
隔离线 等温线 接线箱 法线 fǎxiàn, [法線], normal line to a surface
有线电 经纬线 jīngwěixiàn, [經緯線], lines of latitude and longitude/warp and woof
十字线 经线 jīngxiàn, [經線], warp/line of longitude/meridian (geography)
铁线蕨 母线 mǔxiàn, [母線], generating line/generatrix (in geometry)/bus (in electronics)/bus bar
单行线 dānxíngxiàn, [單行線], one-way road
光谱线 曲线美 准线 zhǔnxiàn, [準線], directrix line of a parabola/guide line
线手套 线板 线绳 xiànshéng, [線繩], string/cotton rope
布线图 专用线 中继线 捻线 裤线 竖线 温饱线 后防线 有线广播 国界线 guójièxiàn, [國界線], border between countries/line forming the border
捻线机 新线