劝 ⇒
劝 quàn, [勸], to advise/to urge/to try to persuade/to exhort/to console/to soothe
劝说 quànshuō, [勸說], to persuade/persuasion/to advise
劝告 quàngào, [勸告], to advise/to urge/to exhort/exhortation/advice/CL:席[xí]
劝阻 quànzǔ, [勸阻], to advise against/to dissuade
奉劝 fèngquàn, [奉勸], may I offer a bit of advice
劝导 quàndǎo, [勸導], to advise/to attempt to convince
劝架 quànjià, [勸架], to mediate in a quarrel/to intervene in a dispute and try to calm things down
相劝 xiāngquàn, [相勸], to persuade/to exhort/to advise
劝降 规劝 guīquàn, [規勸], to advise
劝诫 quànjiè, [勸誡], to exhort/to admonish
劝解 quànjiě, [勸解], conciliation/mediation/to mollify/to propitiate/to reconcile
劝诱 quànyòu, [勸誘], to prevail upon/to coax
劝退 quàntuì, [勸退], to try to persuade sb to give up (their job, plans etc)
架 ⇒
架 jià, to support/frame/rack/framework/classifier for planes, large vehicles, radios et...
绑架 bǎngjià, [綁架], to kidnap/to abduct/to hijack/a kidnapping/abduction/staking
打架 dǎjià, to fight/to scuffle/to come to blows/CL:場|场[cháng]
吵架 chǎojià, to quarrel/to have a row/quarrel/CL:頓|顿[dùn]
十字架 shízìjià, cross/crucifix/yoke one has to endure
架子 jiàzi, shelf/frame/stand/framework/airs/arrogance
骨架 gǔjià, framework/skeleton
担架 dānjià, [擔架], stretcher/litter/bier
支架 zhījià, trestle/support/frame/to prop sth up
书架 shūjià, [書架], bookshelf/CL:個|个[gè]
架势 jiàshi, [架勢], attitude/position (on an issue etc)
衣架 yījià, clothes hanger/clothes rack
货架 huòjià, [貨架], shelf for goods/shop shelf
框架 kuàngjià, frame/framework/fig. pattern/outline/organizing plan
散架 sǎnjià, to fall apart/exhaustion
三脚架 sānjiǎojià, [三腳架], tripod/derrick crane
招架 zhāojià, to resist/to ward off/to hold one's own/to receive guests
摆架子 bǎijiàzi, [擺架子], to put on airs/to assume great airs
起落架 qǐluòjià, undercarriage
绞刑架 jiǎoxíngjià, [絞刑架], gibbet/hanging post
架设 jiàshè, [架設], to construct/to erect
架构 jiàgòu, [架構], to construct/to build/infrastructure/architecture/framework
高架 gāojià, overhead/elevated (walkway, highway etc)/elevated road
脚手架 jiǎoshǒujià, [腳手架], scaffolding
绞架 jiǎojià, [絞架], gallows/gibbet
招架不住 车架 chējià, [車架], cart/barrow/frame/chassis
臭架子 chòujiàzi, stinking pretension/to give oneself airs and offend others/hateful arrogance
劝架 quànjià, [勸架], to mediate in a quarrel/to intervene in a dispute and try to calm things down
三角架 打群架 高架桥 gāojiàqiáo, [高架橋], high trestle bridge/viaduct/flyover
发射架 士力架 Shìlìjià, Snickers (candy bar)
刀架 床架 画架 huàjià, [畫架], easel/rack for painting
行李架 xínglijià, luggage rack
大陆架 dàlùjià, [大陸架], continental shelf
架空 jiàkōng, to build (a hut etc) on stilts/to install (power lines etc) overhead/(fig.) unfo...
吊架 镜架 jìngjià, [鏡架], eyeglasses frame/CL:副[fù]/mirror support
毛巾架 伞架 空架子 钢架 乐谱架 花架 架式 jiàshi, variant of 架勢|架势[jià shi]
架起 群架 qúnjià, group scuffle/gang fight
官架子 guānjiàzi, putting on official airs
搭架子 dājiàzi, to put up scaffolding/to build a framework/to launch an enterprise
架次 jiàcì, sortie/flight
架桥 jiàqiáo, [架橋], to bridge/to put up a bridge
花架子 huājiàzi, attractive appearance, but without substance
井架 机架 篮球架 网架 wǎngjià, [網架], rack
衣帽架 谱架 挂架 桁架 héngjià, truss (weight-bearing construction of cross-beams)