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bànyèsāngēng in the depth of night
late at night

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Word Compounds

        bàn, half/semi-/incomplete/(after a number) and a half
        yībàn, half
        bànyè, midnight/in the middle of the night
        bànbèizi, [半輩子], half of a lifetime
        duōbàn, most/mostly/most likely
        bànsǐ, half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredness etc)/(tired) to death/(terrified) out o...
        dàbàn, more than half/greater part/most/probably/most likely
        bàntiān, half of the day/a long time/quite a while/midair/CL:個|个[gè]
        bànshù, [半數], half the number/half
        bànjìng, [半徑], radius
        bàndiǎn, [半點], the least bit
        bànshēng, half a lifetime
        bàndǎo, [半島], peninsula
        bànlù, halfway/midway/on the way
        bàntúérfèi, [半途而廢], to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished
        bànjuésài, [半決賽], semifinals
        bànkōng, midair
        bànbiān, [半邊], half of sth/one side of sth
        bànjià, [半價], half price
        bànzìdòng, [半自動], semiautomatic
        bànqiú, hemisphere
        bànshēnxiàng, half-length photo or portrait/bust
        jiǎnbàn, [減半], to reduce by half
        cānbàn, [參半], half/half and half/both ... and .../just as much ... as .../equally
        bànjié, half (of sth)/halfway through
        bànyèsāngēng, in the depth of night/late at night
        Běibànqiú, Northern Hemisphere
        Nánbànqiú, Southern Hemisphere
        guòbàn, [過半], over fifty percent/more than half
        duìbàn, [對半], half-and-half/50-50/to double
        yèbàn, midnight
西         xībànqiú, Western Hemisphere
        BāěrgànBàndǎo, [巴爾幹半島], Balkan Peninsula
        bànjīnbāliǎng, [半斤八兩], not much to choose between the two/tweedledum and tweedledee
        bànchéngpǐn, semi-manufactured goods/semifinished articles/semifinished products
        shìbàngōngbèi, half the work, twice the effect (idiom); the right approach saves effort and lea...
        bàndǎotǐ, [半導體], semiconductor
        yīzhībànjiě, lit. to know one and understand half (idiom); a smattering of knowledge/dilettan...
        bàndiàozi, dabbler/smatterer/tactless and impulsive person
        bànshēnbùsuì, paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia
        xǐyōucānbàn, [喜憂參半], to have mixed feelings (about sth)
        bànyuán, [半圓], semicircle
        bànbiāntiān, [半邊天], half the sky/women of the new society/womenfolk
        yīxīngbàndiǎn, [一星半點], just the tiniest bit/a hint of
        xiàbànnián, second half of the year
        bànshēngbùshóu, underripe/half-cooked/(fig.) not mastered (of a technique)/clumsy/halting
        xiǎobàn, a portion smaller than a half/the lesser part/the smaller part
        bànxìnbànyí, half doubting/dubious/skeptical
        bànyīn, semitone
        yīniánbànzǎi, [一年半載], about a year
        bànbìjiāngshān, half of the country (esp. when half the country has fallen into enemy hands)/vas...
        bànlùchūjiā, switch to a job one was not trained for
        ĀlābóBàndǎo, [阿拉伯半島], Arabian Peninsula
        bànpiào, half-price ticket/half fare
        qiánbànyè, first half of the night (from nightfall to midnight)
        bàngōngkāi, [半公開], semiovert/more or less open
        bàngōngbàndú, [半工半讀], part work, part study/work-study program
        bànshuāiqī, half-life
        bànpíngcù, dabbler/dilettante who speaks as though he were an expert
        shàngbànnián, first half (of a year)
        shàngbànyè, [上半葉], the first half (of a period)
        bànnián, half a year
        bànbǎi, fifty (usually referring to sb's age)
        shàngbànyè, first half of the night/time before midnight
        bàntuībànjiù, half willing and half unwilling (idiom); to yield after making a show of resista...
        bànyuánxíng, [半圓形], semicircular

        yè, [亱], variant of 夜[yè], night
        yèwǎn, night/CL:個|个[gè]
        wǔyè, midnight
        bànyè, midnight/in the middle of the night
        guòyè, [過夜], to spend the night/overnight
        yèzǒnghuì, [夜總會], nightclub/nightspot
        yèli, [夜裡], during the night/at night/nighttime
        zhěngyè, the whole night/all through the night
        jīnyè, tonight/this evening
        shēnyè, very late at night
        hēiyè, night
        yèjiān, [夜間], nighttime/evening or night (e.g. classes)
        yèbān, night shift
        áoyè, to stay up late or all night
        qiányè, the eve/the night before
        rìyè, day and night/around the clock
        chèyè, [徹夜], the whole night
        yèsè, night scene/the dim light of night
        zuóyè, last night
        shǒuyè, to be on all-night duty/to be on night watch/to keep a vigil
        chángyè, [長夜], long dark night/fig. long period of misery and oppression
        yèyīng, [夜鶯], nightingale
        yèmù, curtain of night/gathering darkness
        yèyǐjìrì, [夜以繼日], night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort
        yèkōng, night sky
        yèxiào, evening school/night school
        yèshēnghuó, night life
        liányè, [連夜], that very night/through the night/for several nights in a row
        yèyīng, [夜鷹], nightjar (nocturnal bird in the family Caprimulgidae)
        yuèyè, moonlit night
        zhòuyè, [晝夜], day and night/period of 24 hours/continuously, without stop
        yèxiāo, midnight snack
        zǐyè, midnight
        yèmāozi, [夜貓子], owl/(fig.) night owl
        bànyèsāngēng, in the depth of night/late at night
        yèyóu, [夜遊], to go to some place at night/to take a night trip to (a place)/to sleepwalk
        géyè, overnight/of the previous day
        yèqǔ, nocturne (music)
        xiǎoyèqǔ, serenade
        yèjǐng, nightscape
        TiānfāngYètán/tiānfāngyètán, [天方夜譚], The Arabian Nights (classic story), fantasy story
        kāiyèchē, [開夜車], to burn the midnight oil/to work late into the night
        yèbàn, midnight
        rùyè, nightfall
        yèchǎng, [夜場], evening show (at theater etc)
        yèshì, night market
        chèyèbùmián, [徹夜不眠], to be sleepless all night
        yèshēnrénjìng, [夜深人靜], in the dead of night (idiom)
        mǔyèchā, witch/shrew/vixen
        yèhú, [夜壺], chamber pot
        yèxí, [夜襲], night attack
        yèchā, yaksha (malevolent spirit) (loanword)/(fig.) ferocious-looking person
        xiāoyè, nighttime snack/late-night supper
        dāngyè/dàngyè, [當夜], on that night, that very night/the same night
        yèmángzhèng, night blindness/nyctalopia
        yèbùbìhù, [夜不閉戶], lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society
        zhíyè, on night duty
        qiánbànyè, first half of the night (from nightfall to midnight)
        Yèlángzìdà, lit. Yelang thinks highly of itself (idiom)/fig. foolish conceit
        yèláixiāng, [夜來香], tuberose/Cestrum nocturnum, see also 夜香木
        rìyèjiānchéng, to travel day and night
        shàngbànyè, first half of the night/time before midnight
        yèlánrénjìng, [夜闌人靜], the still of the night (idiom)/late at night

        Sān/sān, surname San, three/3
        sānmíngzhì, sandwich (loanword)/CL:個|个[gè]
        sānshí, thirty/30
        Xīngqīsān, Wednesday
        Zhōusān, [週三], Wednesday
        sānjiǎo, triangle
        sānfēn, somewhat/to some degree
        shísān, thirteen/13
        sānfēnzhīyī, one third
        Sānyuè, March/third month (of the lunar year)
        sānbā, International Women's Day 婦女節|妇女节[Fù nǚ jié], 8th March/foolish/stupid
        dìsānshìjiè, Third World
        dìsānzhě, sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed relationship/the ...
        zàisān, over and over again/again and again
        sānjiǎozhōu, delta (geography)
        sānjiǎoxíng, triangle
        shuōsāndàosì, [說三道四], to make thoughtless remarks (idiom)/to criticize/gossip
        sānliú, third-rate/inferior
        sānwéi, [三維], three-dimensional/3D
        sānchángliǎngduǎn, [三長兩短], unexpected misfortune/unexpected accident/sudden death
        sānjí, [三級], grade 3/third class/category C
        sānsīérhòuxíng, [三思而後行], think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance
        biēsān, [癟三], (Wu dialect) bum/wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing
        sānhéhuì, [三合會], triad, Chinese crime gang/triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dyna...
        sānyècǎo, [三葉草], clover/trefoil
        Lǐbàisān, [禮拜三], Wednesday
        sānbùqǔ, trilogy
        sānjiǎojià, [三腳架], tripod/derrick crane
        jiēèrliánsān, [接二連三], one after another (idiom)/in quick succession
        bànyèsāngēng, in the depth of night/late at night
        Sānxīng/sānxīng, Sanxing or Sanhsing township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yí lán xiàn], Taiwan/Samsun...
        tiāosānjiǎnsì, [挑三揀四], to be picky/to be choosy
        sānlúnchē, [三輪車], pedicab/tricycle
        sānyuèfèn, March
        sānjūn, [三軍], (in former times) upper, middle and lower army/army of right, center and left/(i...
        sānshì, the Third (of numbered kings)
        huǒmàosānzhàng, to get really angry
        SānwèiYītǐ, [三位一體], Holy Trinity/trinity
        sānjiǎokù, [三角褲], briefs/panties
        sānjiānqíkǒu, [三緘其口], (idiom) reluctant to speak about it/tight-lipped
        shìbùguòsān, [事不過三], a thing should not be attempted more than three times (idiom)/don't repeat the s...
退         tuìbìsānshè, [退避三捨], lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of super...
        sānqīèrshíyī, three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/the facts of the matter/the actual situation
        yuēfǎsānzhāng, [約法三章], to agree on three laws (idiom)/three-point covenant/(fig.) preliminary agreement...
        sānbāo, "three-guarantee service": repair, exchange, refund
        sānyánliǎngyǔ, [三言兩語], in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly
        bùsānbùsì, dubious/shady/neither one thing nor the other/neither fish nor fowl/nondescript
        sānshēngyǒuxìng, the blessing of three lifetimes (idiom)/(courteous language) it's my good fortun...
        sānliǎng, [三兩], two or three
        sānbǎo, [三寶], the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism, namely: the Buddha 佛, the Dharma 法 (hi...
        zhāosānmùsì, lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change sth tha...
        chūsān, third year in junior middle school
        shísānrì, thirteenth day of a month
        sānjiàojiǔliú, the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucian...
        dīsānxiàsì, servile
        yībōsānzhé, calligraphic flourish with many twists/fig. many twists and turns
        sānyèchóng, [三葉蟲], trilobite
        gésānchàwǔ, every few days (idiom)
        xīnguānshàngrènsānbǎhuǒ, (of a newly appointed official) to make bold changes on assuming office (idiom)
        Sānyáng, Sanyō, Japanese electronics company
        Sānmíng, Sanming prefecture level city in Fujian
        Sānlíng, Mitsubishi
        sānliánshèng, [三連勝], hat-trick (sports)
        ZhāngsānLǐsì, [張三李四], Zhang the Third and Li the Fourth (idiom)/Tom, Dick and Harry
        sānwǔ, several/three or five
        sānwǔchéngqún, in groups of three or four (idiom)
        sānduànlùn, [三段論], syllogism (deduction in logic)
        sānjiǎotiě, [三角鐵], triangle (musical instrument)/angle iron
        qísān, thirdly/the third
        sānfānwǔcì, over and over again (idiom)
        rùmùsānfēn, written in a forceful hand/penetrating/profound
        sānjiǎoxué, [三角學], trigonometry
        sānjiǎofǎ, trigonometry (math.)
        sānwénzhì, sandwich (loanword)
        chángsān, [長三], (old) high-class prostitute
鹿         Sānlù, Sanlu (brand)
        sānbāndǎo, three-shift system (work rostering)
        sānbùguǎn, of undetermined status/unregulated
        sānxián, sanxian, large family of 3-stringed plucked musical instruments, with snakeskin ...
        Sānguó, [三國], Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/several Three Kingdoms period...
        Sānyuán, Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xián yáng], Shaanxi
        sānhéyī, three in one/triple
        bùguǎnsānqīèrshíyī, regardless of the consequences/recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic for...
        sānléngjìng, [三稜鏡], (triangular) prism
        MùwèiSān, [木衛三], Ganymede (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter III
        sāntiānliǎngtóu, [三天兩頭], lit. twice every three days (idiom); practically every day/frequently
        JīnYǒngsān, Kim Young-sam (1927-), South Korean politician, president 1993-1998
        DàjiāngJiànsānláng, Oe Kenzaburo (1935-) Japanese novelist and 1994 Nobel laureate
        sānjiǎohánshù, [三角函數], trigonometric function
        dìsānshí, thirtieth
        sānqī, pseudoginseng (Panax pseudoginseng), hemostatic herb
        SānguóYǎnyì, [三國演義], Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luó Guàn zhōng], one of t...
        sānjítiào, [三級跳], triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and jump
        sānfútiān, three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August...
        Sānmínzhǔyì, [三民主義], Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three Principles of the People (late 1890s)
        Sānyà, [三亞], Sanya prefecture level city, Hainan
        sānmèi, Samadhi (Buddhist term)
        shísāndiǎn, [十三點], half-witted/nitwit
        sāntiáo, [三條], three of a kind (poker)
        jǔyīfǎnsān, [舉一反三], to raise one and infer three/to deduce many things from one case (idiom)
        sāngùmáolú, [三顧茅廬], lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage/cf famous episode in the fictiona...
        sāntōng, T-joint/T-piece/T-pipe/three links
        Sānzàng, Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to I...

        gēng/gèng, to change or replace/to experience/one of the five two-hour periods into which t...
        gèngjiā, more (than sth else)/even more
        gēngyīshì, change room/dressing room/locker room/toilet
        gèngwéi, [更為], even more
        gēnghuàn, [更換], to replace (a worn-out tire etc)/to change (one's address etc)
        gēngxīn, to replace the old with new/to renew/to renovate/to upgrade/to update/to regener...
        gēnggǎi, to alter
        gēngzhèng, to correct/to make a correction
        biàngēng, [變更], to change/to alter/to modify
        gēngniánqī, menopause/andropause
        zhīgēngniǎo, [知更鳥], redbreast/robin
        Dígēngsī, Dickens (name)/Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English novelist
        gèngshàngyīcénglóu, [更上一層樓], to take it up a notch/to bring it up a level
        zìlìgēngshēng, regeneration through one's own effort (idiom)/self-reliance
        gēngyī, to change clothes/to go to the toilet (euphemism)
        bànyèsāngēng, in the depth of night/late at night
        gēngtì, to take over (from one another)/to alternate/to replace/to relay
·         Cháěrsī·Dígēngsī, [查爾斯·狄更斯], Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English novelist
        gèngyǒushènzhě, furthermore (idiom)
        gēngmíng, to change name
        gēngxīnhuàndài, [更新換代], reform and renewal/generational change
        gēngdié, to alternate/to change
        dǎgēng, to sound the night watches (on clappers or gongs, in former times)

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