HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]

All Possible Words

        kǎ/qiǎ, to stop/to block/(computing) (coll.) slow/(loanword) card/CL:張|张[zhāng],片[piàn]/...
卡拉         Kǎlā/kǎlā, Kara, city in northern Togo 多哥[Duō gē]/Cara, Karla etc (name), karaoke
        lā, to pull/to play (a bowed instrument)/to drag/to draw/to chat
        Mǎ/mǎ, [馬], surname Ma/abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Mǎ lái xī yà], horse/CL:匹[pǐ]/horse or c...
        zuǒ, to assist/assistant/aide/to accompany
        fū/fú, husband/man/manual worker/conscripted laborer (old), (classical) this, that/he, ...

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