口 ⇒
口 kǒu, mouth/classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, well...
伤口 shāngkǒu, [傷口], wound/cut
借口 jièkǒu, to use as an excuse/on the pretext/excuse/pretext
开口 kāikǒu, [開口], to open one's mouth/to start to talk
出口 chūkǒu, an exit/CL:個|个[gè]/to speak/to export/(of a ship) to leave port
口袋 kǒudài, pocket/bag/sack/CL:個|个[gè]
门口 ménkǒu, [門口], doorway/gate/CL:個|个[gè]
人口 rénkǒu, population/people
口音 kǒuyīn/kǒuyin, oral speech sounds (linguistics), voice/accent
入口 rùkǒu, entrance/to import
口味 kǒuwèi, a person's preferences/tastes (in food)/flavor
口香糖 kǒuxiāngtáng, chewing gum
口径 kǒujìng, [口徑], caliber/diameter of opening
胃口 wèikǒu, appetite/liking
胸口 xiōngkǒu, pit of the stomach
港口 gǎngkǒu, port/harbor
口信 kǒuxìn, oral message
窗口 chuāngkǒu, window/opening providing restricted access (e.g. customer service window)/comput...
口供 kǒugòng, oral confession (as opposed to 筆供|笔供[bǐ gòng])/statement/deposition
口红 kǒuhóng, [口紅], lipstick
住口 zhùkǒu, shut up/shut your mouth/stop talking
亲口 qīnkǒu, [親口], one's own mouth/fig. in one's own words/to say sth personally
路口 lùkǒu, crossing/intersection (of roads)
口气 kǒuqì, [口氣], tone of voice/the way one speaks/manner of expression/tone
家门口 口水 kǒushuǐ, saliva
口哨 kǒushào, whistle
进口 jìnkǒu, [進口], to import/imported/entrance/inlet (for the intake of air, water etc)
口中 口渴 kǒukě, thirsty
枪口 qiāngkǒu, [槍口], muzzle of a gun
口号 kǒuhào, [口號], slogan/catchphrase/CL:個|个[gè]
灭口 mièkǒu, [滅口], to kill sb to prevent them from divulging a secret/to silence sb
口令 kǒulìng, oral command/a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts)/password (u...
通风口 tōngfēngkǒu, [通風口], air vent/opening for ventilation
可口 kěkǒu, tasty/to taste good
守口如瓶 shǒukǒurúpíng, lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped/reticent/no...
活口 十字路口 shízìlùkǒu, crossroads/intersection
口头 kǒutóu, [口頭], oral/verbal
切口 qiēkǒu/qièkǒu, incision/notch/slit/gash/margin of a page/trimmed edge (of a page in a book), sl...
牲口 shēngkou, animals used for their physical strength (mules, oxen etc)/beast of burden
口子 kǒuzi, hole/opening/cut/gap/gash/my husband or wife/classifier for people (used for ind...
糊口 húkǒu, [餬口], to scrape a meager living/to get by with difficulty, variant of 糊口[hú kǒu]
口腔 kǒuqiāng, oral cavity
漱口 shùkǒu, to rinse one's mouth/to gargle
口技 kǒujì, beat boxing/vocal mimicry/ventriloquism
接口 jiēkǒu, interface/port/connector
口头禅 kǒutóuchán, [口頭禪], Zen saying repeated as cant/(fig.) catchphrase/mantra/favorite expression/stock ...
缺口 quēkǒu, nick/jag/gap/shortfall
随口 suíkǒu, [隨口], (speak) without thinking the matter through
突破口 脱口而出 tuōkǒuérchū, [脫口而出], to blurt out/to let slip (an indiscreet remark)
口臭 kǒuchòu, bad breath/halitosis
口角 kǒujiǎo/kǒujué, corner of the mouth, altercation/wrangle/angry argument
口舌 kǒushé, dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip/to talk sb round
可口可乐 Kěkǒukělè, [可口可樂], Coca-Cola
洞口 Dòngkǒu/dòngkǒu, Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shào yáng], Hunan, cave mouth/tunnel entrance
创口 chuāngkǒu, [創口], a wound/a cut
口才 kǒucái, eloquence
封口 fēngkǒu, to close up/to heal (of wound)/to keep one's lips sealed
口琴 kǒuqín, harmonica
口齿 kǒuchǐ, [口齒], mouth and teeth/enunciation/to articulate/diction/age (of cattle, horses etc)
口述 kǒushù, to dictate/to recount orally
裂口 lièkǒu, breach/split/rift/vent (volcanic crater)
交叉口 jiāochākǒu, (road) intersection
入口处 火山口 huǒshānkǒu, volcanic crater
大门口 口感 kǒugǎn, taste/texture (of food)/how food feels in the mouth
进出口 jìnchūkǒu, [進出口], import and export
口罩 kǒuzhào, mask (surgical etc)
登机口 dēngjīkǒu, [登機口], departure gate (aviation)
街口 口吻 kǒuwěn, tone of voice/connotation in intonation/accent (regional etc)/snout/muzzle/lips/...
关口 guānkǒu, [關口], pass/gateway/(fig.) juncture
户口 hùkǒu, [戶口], population (counted as number of households for census or taxation)/registered r...
袖口 xiùkǒu, cuff
一口气 yīkǒuqì, [一口氣], one breath/in one breath/at a stretch
口里 虎口 hǔkǒu, tiger's den/dangerous place/the web between the thumb and forefinger of a hand
口口声声 kǒukoushēngshēng, [口口聲聲], to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again
口风 kǒufēng, [口風], meaning behind the words/what sb really means to say/one's intentions as reveale...
倒胃口 dǎowèikǒu, to spoil one's appetite/fig. to get fed up with sth
目瞪口呆 mùdèngkǒudāi, dumbstruck (idiom); stupefied/stunned
舱口 松口 sōngkǒu, [鬆口], to let go of sth held in one's mouth/(fig.) to relent/to yield
信口开河 xìnkǒukāihé, [信口開河], to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out
信口 xìnkǒu, to blurt sth out/to open one's mouth without thinking
张口 zhāngkǒu, [張口], to open one's mouth (to eat, speak etc)/to gape/to start talking (esp. to make a...
口误 端口 duānkǒu, interface/port
赞不绝口 zànbùjuékǒu, [讚不絕口]/[贊不絕口], to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven, to praise without cea...
口型 刀口 dāokǒu, the edge of a knife/cut/incision
口碑 kǒubēi, public praise/public reputation/commonly held opinions/current idiom
渡口 dùkǒu, ferry crossing
山口 Shānkǒu/shānkǒu, Yamaguchi (Japanese surname and place name)/Yamaguchi prefecture in southwest of...
口吃 kǒuchī, to stammer/to stutter/also pr. [kǒu jí]
绝口 顺口 shùnkǒu, [順口], to read smoothly (of text)/to blurt out (without thinking)/to suit one's taste (...
改口 gǎikǒu, to change one's tune/to modify one's previous remark/to change the way one addre...
上口 shàngkǒu, to be able to read aloud fluently/to be suitable (easy enough) for reading aloud
领口 lǐngkǒu, [領口], collar/neckband/neckline/the place where the two ends of a collar meet
小两口 xiǎoliǎngkǒu, [小兩口], (coll.) young married couple
破口大骂 pòkǒudàmà, [破口大罵], to abuse roundly
口语 kǒuyǔ, [口語], colloquial speech/spoken language/vernacular language/slander/gossip/CL:門|门[mén]
道口 出口处 两口子 liǎngkǒuzi, [兩口子], husband and wife
异口同声 yìkǒutóngshēng, [異口同聲], different mouths, same voice/to speak in unison (idiom)
朗朗上口 lǎnglǎngshàngkǒu, to flow right off the tongue (of lyrics or poetry)/to recite with ease/catchy (o...
交口 Jiāokǒu, Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lǚ liáng], Shanxi 山西
闸口 Zhákǒu/zhákǒu, [閘口], area in the Shangcheng district of Hangzhou, open sluice gate/(toll) station/boa...
岔口 chàkǒu, junction/fork in road
矢口否认 shǐkǒufǒurèn, [矢口否認], to deny flatly
小口径 口粮 kǒuliáng, [口糧], ration
口福 kǒufú, happy knack for chancing upon fine food
进口商 jìnkǒushāng, [進口商], importer/import business
单口相声 dānkǒuxiàngshēng, [單口相聲], comic monologue/one-person comic sketch
对口 duìkǒu, [對口], (of two performers) to speak or sing alternately/to be fit for the purposes of a...
三缄其口 sānjiānqíkǒu, [三緘其口], (idiom) reluctant to speak about it/tight-lipped
心口 xīnkǒu, pit of the stomach/solar plexus/words and thoughts
宫口 绕口令 ràokǒulìng, [繞口令], tongue-twister
爽口 shuǎngkǒu, fresh and tasty
川口 心服口服 xīnfúkǒufú, to accept wholeheartedly/to embrace/to be won over
口试 kǒushì, [口試], oral examination/oral test
口服 kǒufú, to take medicine orally/oral (contraceptive etc)/to say that one is convinced
口若悬河 kǒuruòxuánhé, [口若懸河], mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab
隘口 àikǒu, narrow mountain pass/defile
一口咬定 yīkǒuyǎodìng, to arbitrarily assert/to allege/to stick to one's statement/to cling to one's vi...
进口货 牲口棚 风口 fēngkǒu, [風口], air vent/drafty place/wind gap (geology)/tuyere (furnace air nozzle)
拗口 àokǒu, hard to pronounce/awkward-sounding
琅琅上口 进口车 风口浪尖 fēngkǒulàngjiān, [風口浪尖], where the wind and the waves are the fiercest/at the heart of the struggle
豁口 血口 xuèkǒu, bloody mouth (from devouring freshly killed prey)
心直口快 xīnzhíkǒukuài, frank and outspoken (idiom)/straight speaking/to say what one thinks
夸口 kuākǒu, [誇口], to boast
人口数 rénkǒushù, [人口數], population
海口 Hǎikǒu/hǎikǒu, Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province 海南省[Hǎi nán Shěng], ...
口诀 kǒujué, [口訣], mnemonic chant/rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order ...
空口无凭 进口税 河口 hékǒu, estuary/the mouth of a river
口岸 kǒuàn, a port for external trade/a trading or transit post on border between countries
口实 kǒushí, [口實], food/salary (old)/a pretext/a cause for gossip
井口 jǐngkǒu, entrance to mine
众口 切入口 口头语 kǒutóuyǔ, [口頭語], pet phrase/regularly used expression/manner of speaking
巷口 口译 kǒuyì, [口譯], interpreting
谷口 Gǔkǒu, Taniguchi (Japanese surname)
脍炙人口 kuàizhìrénkǒu, [膾炙人口], appealing to the masses/universally appreciated (idiom)
美味可口 měiwèikěkǒu, delicious/tasty
苦口婆心 kǔkǒupóxīn, earnest and well-meaning advice (idiom); to persuade patiently
虎口脱险 口出狂言 kǒuchūkuángyán, to speak conceited nonsense/to come out with arrogant claptrap
村口 改改口 顺口溜 shùnkǒuliū, [順口溜], popular piece of doggerel/common phrase repeated as a jingle
插口 chākǒu, socket (for an electric plug)/to interrupt (sb speaking)/to butt in
合口味 汉口 Hànkǒu, [漢口], Hankou, part of Wuhan 武漢|武汉 at the junction of Han river and Changjiang in Hubei
口授 忌口 jìkǒu, abstain from certain food (as when ill)/avoid certain foods/be on a diet
瓶口 出口商 chūkǒushāng, exporter/export business
牙口 众口一词 zhòngkǒuyīcí, [眾口一詞], all of one voice/unanimous
那口子 出口量 饭来张口 单口 路口处 港口区 Gǎngkǒuqū, [港口區], Gangkou district of Fangchenggang city 防城港市[Fáng chéng gǎng shì], Guangxi
口诛笔伐 kǒuzhūbǐfá, [口誅筆伐], to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom)/to denounce by word and pen
出口额 chūkǒué, [出口額], export amount
两口儿 liǎngkǒur, [兩口兒], husband and wife/couple
有口皆碑 yǒukǒujiēbēi, every voice gives praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation
出气口 chūqìkǒu, [出氣口], gas or air outlet/emotional outlet
售票口 shòupiàokǒu, ticket window
黑口 老两口 交口称赞 三岔路口 一口口 进气口 口形 口疮 kǒuchuāng, [口瘡], mouth ulcer
口盖 决口 juékǒu, [決口], (of a watercourse) to breach its banks/(of a dam) to burst
户口本 hùkǒuběn, [戶口本], household register/household registration booklet/residence certificate
总人口 zǒngrénkǒu, [總人口], total population
野口勇 入海口 rùhǎikǒu, estuary
坂口 卡巴洛山口 取水口 溪口 Xīkǒu, Xikou or Hsikou township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jiā yì xiàn], west Taiwan
纸口袋 良药苦口利于病 进口商品 苦口良药 库什山口 断口 鱼口 有口难言 进口量 口腹 kǒufù, (fig.) food
进水口 jìnshuǐkǒu, [進水口], water inlet
伯尔山口 虹口 口传 kǒuchuán, [口傳], orally transmitted
简口斯基 口紧 胡同口 山口幸彦 喇叭口 子口 户口簿 hùkǒubù, [戶口簿], household register
出海口 漱口液 排污口
香 ⇒
香 xiāng, fragrant/sweet smelling/aromatic/savory or appetizing/(to eat) with relish/(of s...
香槟 xiāngbīn, [香檳], champagne (loanword)
香水 xiāngshuǐ, perfume/cologne
香烟 xiāngyān, [香煙], cigarette/smoke from burning incense/CL:支[zhī],條|条[tiáo]
口香糖 kǒuxiāngtáng, chewing gum
香肠 xiāngcháng, [香腸], sausage/CL:根[gēn]
香蕉 xiāngjiāo, banana/CL:枝[zhī],根[gēn],個|个[gè],把[bǎ]
香港 Xiānggǎng, Hong Kong
香草 xiāngcǎo, aromatic herb/vanilla/alternative name for Eupatorium fortunei/(fig.) loyal and ...
香味 xiāngwèi, fragrance/bouquet/sweet smell/CL:股[gǔ]
香料 xiāngliào, spice/flavoring/condiment/perfume
香槟酒 xiāngbīnjiǔ, [香檳酒], champagne (loanword)/CL:瓶[píng],杯[bēi]
郁金香 yùjīnxiāng, [鬱金香], tulip
芳香 fāngxiāng, balmy/fragrant/aromatic (chemistry)
香皂 xiāngzào, perfumed soap/toilet soap/CL:塊|块[kuài]
香椿 xiāngchūn, Chinese toon (Toona sinensis), deciduous tree whose young leaves are used as a v...
茴香 huíxiāng, fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
香格里拉 Xiānggélǐlā, Shangri-La (mythical location)/Shangri-La town and county in Dêqên or Diqing Tib...
香气 xiāngqì, [香氣], fragrance/aroma/incense
香甜 xiāngtián, fragrant and sweet/sound (sleep)
花香 huāxiāng, fragrance of flowers
丁香 dīngxiāng, lilac (Syringia vulgaris)/clove (Eugenia aromatica)
香波 xiāngbō, shampoo (loanword)/see 洗髮皂|洗发皂[xǐ fà zào]
檀香山 Tánxiāngshān, Honolulu, capital of Hawaii/also transliterated as 火奴魯魯|火奴鲁鲁
麝香 shèxiāng, musk
香奈 香榭丽舍 Xiāngxièlìshè, [香榭麗舍], Champs Élysées
吃香 chīxiāng, popular/in demand/well regarded
春香 松香 sōngxiāng, rosin/pine rosin
清香 qīngxiāng, sweet scent/fragrant odor
香子 香香 藿香 huòxiāng, wrinkled giant hyssop/Agastache rugosa (botany)
香艳 xiāngyàn, [香艷], alluring/erotic/romantic
香喷喷 xiāngpēnpēn, [香噴噴], delicious/savory
香菜 xiāngcài, coriander/cilantro/Coriandrum sativum
瑞香 ruìxiāng, winter daphne
香菇 xiānggū, shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible mushroom
香瓜 xiāngguā, cantaloupe melon
檀香 tánxiāng, sandalwood
喷香 pènxiāng, [噴香], fragrant/delicious
香醇 xiāngchún, rich and mellow (flavor or aroma)
香娜 紫丁香 zǐdīngxiāng, lilac
香烟盒 香夏子 烧香 shāoxiāng, [燒香], to burn incense
香油 xiāngyóu, sesame oil/perfumed oil
芳香剂 乳香 rǔxiāng, frankincense
香炉 xiānglú, [香爐], a censer (for burning incense)/incense burner/thurible
香火 xiānghuǒ, incense burning in front of a temple/burning joss sticks
丁香花 醇香 抹香鲸 mǒxiāngjīng, [抹香鯨], sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)/cachalot
里香子 香花 xiānghuā, fragrant flower/fig. beneficial (of artworks etc)
香港脚 Xiānggǎngjiǎo, [香港腳], athlete's foot
香精 xiāngjīng, seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressing/essences
五香 wǔxiāng, five spice seasoned/incorporating the five basic flavors of Chinese cooking (swe...
阿香 薰香 惠里香 真香 zhēnxiāng, awesome (expression of approval used hypocritically after bitching about the exa...
檀香木 浓香 nóngxiāng, [濃香], strong fragrance/pungent
香干 xiānggān, [香乾], smoked bean curd
香米 古色古香 gǔsègǔxiāng, interesting and appealing (of old locations, objects etc)
香农 焚香 fénxiāng, to burn incense
果香 香蒲 xiāngpú, Typha orientalis/broadleaf cumbungi/bulrush/cattail
香苗 香粉 xiāngfěn, face powder/talcum powder
香烛 xiāngzhú, [香燭], joss stick and candle
馨香 xīnxiāng, fragrance/fragrant (of incense)
香川 香普利 酒香 幽香 yōuxiāng, delicate fragrance
香子兰 xiāngzǐlán, [香子蘭], vanilla/Vanilla planifolia
田由香 查布丽丝香 吉恩·希伯香 香蕉叶 体香 木香 mùxiāng, costus root (medicinal herb)/aucklandia/Saussurea costus/Dolomiaea souliei
香脂 xiāngzhī, balsam/face cream
香芹 晚香玉 香夏 芸香 yúnxiāng, [蕓香], Rutaceae/the citrus family
甜香 香吻 xiāngwěn, kiss
香恩 加香 香农河 南香新 白里香 香泽 波特贝拉香 大茴香 dàhuíxiāng, Chinese anise/star anise
夜来香 yèláixiāng, [夜來香], tuberose/Cestrum nocturnum, see also 夜香木
朝香 书香 shūxiāng, [書香], literary reputation
香车宝马 xiāngchēbǎomǎ, [香車寶馬], magnificent carriage and precious horses (idiom); rich family with extravagant l...
库鲁克香 由香子 沉香 chénxiāng, Chinese eaglewood/agarwood tree (Aquilaria agallocha)/lignum aloes
麦香 白香宾 国色天香 guósètiānxiāng, [國色天香], national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an outstanding beauty
小茴香 xiǎohuíxiāng, fennel/fennel seed
国香 百香果 bǎixiāngguǒ, passion fruit
喷喷香 pēnpēnxiāng, [噴噴香], see 香噴噴|香喷喷[xiāng pēn pēn]
香薰 xiāngxūn, aromatherapy
香吻中 香客 xiāngkè, Buddhist pilgrim/Buddhist worshipper
香宾 香浓 培根香 根香柱 那薰香 斯坦·香 涂香 香酥鸡 余香 香气扑鼻 异香 yìxiāng, [異香], rare perfume
秦爷敬香 美香