可 ⇒
可以 kěyǐ, can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
可 kě/kè, can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used for emphasis) certai...
可能 kěnéng, might (happen)/possible/probable/possibility/probability/maybe/perhaps/CL:個|个[gè...
可是 kěshì, but/however/(used for emphasis) indeed
可爱 kěài, [可愛], adorable/cute/lovely
可怜 kělián, [可憐], pitiful/pathetic/to have pity on
可怕 kěpà, awful/dreadful/fearful/formidable/frightful/scary/hideous/horrible/terrible/terr...
不可思议 bùkěsīyì, [不可思議], inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable/unfathomable
可惜 kěxī, it is a pity/what a pity/unfortunately
可不 kěbu, see 可不是[kě bu shì]
不可 bùkě, cannot/should not/must not
可笑 kěxiào, funny/ridiculous
可能性 kěnéngxìng, possibility/probability
可恶 kěwù, [可惡], repulsive/vile/hateful/abominable
可悲 kěbēi, lamentable
可靠 kěkào, reliable
尽可能 jǐnkěnéng, [儘可能], as far as possible/to do one's utmost
许可 xǔkě, [許可], to allow/to permit
可疑 kěyí, suspicious/dubious
可卡因 kěkǎyīn, cocaine (loanword)
可乐 kělè, [可樂], amusing/entertaining/(loanword) cola
无家可归 wújiākěguī, [無家可歸], homeless
宁可 nìngkě, [寧可], preferably/one would prefer to...(or not to...)/would rather/(would) be better t...
认可 rènkě, [認可], to approve/approval/acknowledgment/OK
可信 kěxìn, trustworthy
可不可以 可耻 kěchǐ, [可恥], shameful/disgraceful/ignominious
可行 kěxíng, feasible
可言 kěyán, it may be said
许可证 xǔkězhèng, [許可證], license/authorization/permit
可怜虫 kěliánchóng, [可憐蟲], pitiful creature/wretch
可否 kěfǒu, is it possible or not?
无可奉告 wúkěfènggào, [無可奉告], (idiom) "no comment"
不可避免 bùkěbìmiǎn, unavoidably
可可 kěkě, cocoa (loanword)
不可理喻 bùkělǐyù, to be impervious to reason (idiom)/unreasonable
无话可说 wúhuàkěshuō, [無話可說], to have nothing to say (idiom)
无可 wúkě, [無可], can't
可口 kěkǒu, tasty/to taste good
可观 kěguān, [可觀], considerable/impressive/significant
无懈可击 wúxièkějī, [無懈可擊], invulnerable
不可收拾 bùkěshōushí, irremediable/unmanageable/out of hand/hopeless
岌岌可危 jíjíkěwēi, imminent danger (idiom); approaching a crisis
忍无可忍 rěnwúkěrěn, [忍無可忍], more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience/the last straw
可见 kějiàn, [可見], it can clearly be seen (that this is the case)/it is (thus) clear/clear/visible
即可 jíkě, equivalent to 就可以/can then (do sth)/can immediately (do sth)/(do sth) and that w...
可信度 kěxìndù, degree of credibility/reliability
不可开交 bùkěkāijiāo, [不可開交], to be awfully (busy etc)
适可而止 shìkěérzhǐ, [適可而止], to stop before going too far (idiom); to stop while one can/don't overdo it/stop...
不可告人 bùkěgàorén, hidden/kept secret/not to be divulged
可用 可敬 kějìng, venerable
可比 kěbǐ, comparable
可知 kězhī, evidently/clearly/no wonder/knowable
可口可乐 Kěkǒukělè, [可口可樂], Coca-Cola
无计可施 wújìkěshī, [無計可施], no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end/at the end of one's tether/p...
妙不可言 miàobùkěyán, too wonderful for words
可谓 kěwèi, [可謂], it could even be said
可恨 kěhèn, hateful
可人 kěrén, pleasant/agreeable/a person after one's heart (charming person)/a gifted person
可贵 kěguì, [可貴], to be treasured/praiseworthy
可憎 kězēng, disgusting
可嘉 kějiā, laudable
必不可少 bìbùkěshǎo, absolutely necessary/indispensable/essential
坚不可摧 jiānbùkěcuī, [堅不可摧], invulnerable, indestructible, impregnable
贝里可夫 机不可失 jībùkěshī, [機不可失], No time to lose! (idiom)
不可或缺 bùkěhuòquē, necessary/must have
可喜 kěxǐ, making one happy/gratifying/heartening
炙手可热 zhìshǒukěrè, [炙手可熱], lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom)/fig. arrogance of the powerful/a migh...
托滕可夫 无家可归者 牢不可破 可兰经 Kělánjīng, [可蘭經], Quran (Islamic scripture)
随处可见 可行性 kěxíngxìng, feasibility
百事可乐 BǎishìKělè, [百事可樂], Pepsi
势不可挡 shìbùkědǎng, [勢不可擋], see 勢不可當|势不可当[shì bù kě dāng]
和蔼可亲 héǎikěqīn, [和藹可親], affable/genial
可汗 kèhán, khan (loanword)
妮可 有利可图 yǒulìkětú, [有利可圖], profitable
可取 kěqǔ, acceptable/desirable/worth having
模棱两可 móléngliǎngkě, [模稜兩可], equivocal/ambiguous
无可厚非 wúkěhòufēi, [無可厚非], see 未可厚非[wèi kě hòu fēi]
玛可斯 怒不可遏 nùbùkěè, unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage
可有可无 kěyǒukěwú, [可有可無], not essential/dispensable
情有可原 qíngyǒukěyuán, pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)
可亲 kěqīn, [可親], kindly/nice/amiable
无可奈何 wúkěnàihé, [無可奈何], have no way out/have no alternative/abbr. to 無奈|无奈[wú nài]
马可 可想而知 kěxiǎngérzhī, it is obvious that.../as one can well imagine...
麦可斯 无可挽回 wúkěwǎnhuí, [無可挽回], irrevocable/the die is cast
可贺 戴可夫 非同小可 fēitóngxiǎokě, extremely important/no small matter
有机可乘 yǒujīkěchéng, [有機可乘], to have an opportunity that one can exploit (idiom)
可燃 kěrán, inflammable
急不可待 jíbùkědài, impatient/eager to/anxious to
可塑性 kěsùxìng, plasticity
功不可没 gōngbùkěmò, [功不可沒], one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)
可鄙 kěbǐ, base/mean/despicable
不可多得 bùkěduōdé, hard to come by/rare
尼可拉斯 不可限量 可逆 kěnì, reversible/(math.) invertible
可靠性 kěkàoxìng, reliability
可意 可好 kěhǎo, good or not?/luckily/fortuitously
屈指可数 qūzhǐkěshǔ, [屈指可數], can be counted on one's fingers (idiom)/very few
面目可憎 miànmùkězēng, repulsive countenance/disgusting appearance
指日可待 zhǐrìkědài, imminent/just around the corner (idiom)
不可逆转 bùkěnìzhuǎn, [不可逆轉], irreversible
可信性 毕丝可特 柴可夫斯基 Cháikěfūsījī, Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Russian composer
可视电话 kěshìdiànhuà, [可視電話], videophone
大有可为 dàyǒukěwéi, [大有可為], with great prospects for the future (idiom); well worth doing
密不可分 mìbùkěfēn, inextricably linked (idiom)/inseparable
不可磨灭 bùkěmómiè, [不可磨滅], indelible
可比性 圣马可 深不可测 shēnbùkěcè, [深不可測], deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfathomable depths/incomprehensible/enigmatic an...
可的松 可蕾 无利可图 维可丁 可怜巴巴 kěliánbābā, [可憐巴巴], pathetic/pitiful
切罗基·可苏 不可同日而语 bùkětóngrìéryǔ, [不可同日而語], lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in...
方可 不可动摇 高不可攀 gāobùkěpān, too high to reach (idiom); eminent and unapproachable
尼可勒梅 急不可耐 jíbùkěnài, unable to wait
无可比拟 清晰可见 无可争议 无可争辩 柴可撒 无可置疑 wúkězhìyí, [無可置疑], cannot be doubted (idiom)
可乘之机 难能可贵 nánnéngkěguì, [難能可貴], rare and precious/valuable/remarkable
不可逾越 bùkěyúyuè, impassable/insurmountable/insuperable
乐不可支 lèbùkězhī, [樂不可支], overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch
不可一世 bùkěyīshì, to consider oneself unexcelled in the world/to be insufferably arrogant
马尔可夫 可望而不可及 kěwàngérbùkějí, in sight but unattainable (idiom)/inaccessible
可欺 kěqī, gullible/easily bullied/weak
可望 kěwàng, can be expected (to)/to be expected (to)/hopefully (happening)
不可捉摸 不可估量 bùkěgūliàng, inestimable/incalculable/beyond measure
可持续性 不置可否 bùzhìkěfǒu, decline to comment/not express an opinion/be noncommittal/hedge
迈可·纽曼 可怜相 无可非议 wúkěfēiyì, [無可非議], irreproachable (idiom)/nothing blameworthy about it at all
马可斯 可气 kěqì, [可氣], annoying/irritating/exasperating
可我 麦可 Màikě, [麥可], Mike (name)
不可抗力 bùkěkànglì, unpredictable eventuality/unpreventable/unavoidable/impossible to overcome/nothi...
可歌可泣 kěgēkěqì, lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply moving/happy and sad/inspi...
可可粉 缺一不可 quēyībùkě, not a single one is dispensable/can't do without either
不可终日 bùkězhōngrì, [不可終日], to be unable to carry on even for a single day/to be in a desperate situation
可溶性 kěróngxìng, solubility
马可尼 Mǎkění, [馬可尼], Marconi, UK electronics company
马可波罗 MǎkěBōluó, [馬可波羅], Marco Polo (1254-c. 1324), Venetian trader and explorer who traveled the Silk ro...
可燃性 kěránxìng, flammable/flammability
美味可口 měiwèikěkǒu, delicious/tasty
可见光 kějiànguāng, [可見光], visible light/light in optical spectrum
马克·雅可布 道可·朗 塔可尼 可可油 笑容可掬 xiàoróngkějū, smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beaming from ear to ear
切实可行 qièshíkěxíng, [切實可行], feasible
蓝可 米克哈尔·贝里可夫 麦可·欧戴尔 可变 kěbiàn, [可變], variable
可可茶 不可言传 可心 kěxīn, satisfying/to one's liking/to suit sb
基可斯 法可杜德 不可不 卡尔可夫 门可罗雀 ménkěluóquè, [門可羅雀], you can net sparrows at the door (idiom); completely deserted
塔巴可夫 纳可杜契斯 可辨 可赛 由此可见 yóucǐkějiàn, [由此可見], from this, it can be seen that...
可见度 由此可知 马可维治 尚可 shàngkě, not bad/satisfactory
黛安娜·可洛斯 可见一斑 小可怜儿 麦可高赛林 纳可杜契斯镇 无可指责 麦可会 不可分割 bùkěfēngē, inalienable/unalienable/inseparable/indivisible
朱可夫 杰可 贾可布·阿本茨 锐不可当 ruìbùkědāng, [銳不可當], unstoppable/hard to hold back
卡拉希尼可夫 杰可布 亦可 布鲁可林 和妮可·基德曼 可兰 滕可 我可 雅可夫 尼可斯 奥可菲 马可洛夫 可非 麦可拉伦 尼可尔 可莉 可莲 河童可真 妮可长 伊美黛·玛可斯 娜可 马可斯·尤尼斯 尼可泰帕多·帕利斯 迈可本 方可起 罗斯克·可特安斯 迈可·杰克逊 马可真 马可马巴夫 可用性 米切尔可真 妮可拉 西可迪 布鲁逊纳可夫 可读性 费勒门可夫 可真 维可汀 必不可缺 bìbùkěquē, see 必不可少[bì bù kě shǎo]
可刚 尼可莱 可操作性 比纳可杜契斯 可伯 莎妮可·约翰逊 乐子可 奥可拉荷马 巫可 最多可提 戴可 钱可存 尼可尔·基德曼 巴比可文 查尼可勒梅 立等可取 柏可夫 麦可蒂 托可列夫 汤姆·尼可森 麦可特 尼可泰帕·帕利斯 皮可里菲拉市 真可真 成妮可·基德曼 柴可 汤姆麦可维奇 马可士梅杜 温可定 尼可罗·帕格尼尼 剑可真 巴瑞尼可夫 萨卡吉维亚可真 安可曲 尼可·亚当姆 西可巴比 玛丽可都 海可 麦可艾勒 比维可丁 法可斯 波可诺 梅可威兹 势不可当 shìbùkědāng, [勢不可當], impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force
麦可乔丹 利娅可真 尼可拉·特斯拉 唐基可 维可劳尼 布露可 邦可斯 不可名状 bùkěmíngzhuàng, [不可名狀], indescribable/beyond description
雪莉·马可维兹 提姆布可图 波奇帕可斯 米奇·可汉 费可 丝可 约瑟夫库可斯维奇 卡可因 巧可会 丹尼马可士 比切罗基·可苏 潘可维兹 麦可书 尼可基曼 塔可钟 乔尔·麦可里 弗朗科·马可尼 查可·朗 麦可·索罗 马可奥勒利乌斯
气 ⇒
气 qì, [氣], gas/air/smell/weather/to make angry/to annoy/to get angry/vital energy/qi
生气 shēngqì, [生氣], to get angry/to take offense/angry/vitality/liveliness
客气 kèqi, [客氣], polite/courteous/formal/modest
运气 yùnqi, [運氣], luck (good or bad)
空气 kōngqì, [空氣], air/atmosphere
天气 tiānqì, [天氣], weather
勇气 yǒngqì, [勇氣], courage/valor
气氛 qìfēn, [氣氛], atmosphere/mood
脾气 píqi, [脾氣], character/temperament/disposition/bad temper/CL:個|个[gè]
毒气 dúqì, [毒氣], poison gas/toxic gas/manifestation of passion, anger etc (Buddhism)
力气 lìqi, [力氣], strength/CL:把[bǎ]
气味 qìwèi, [氣味], odor/scent
氧气 yǎngqì, [氧氣], oxygen
语气 yǔqì, [語氣], tone/manner of speaking/mood/CL:個|个[gè]
气色 qìsè, [氣色], complexion
气球 qìqiú, [氣球], balloon
气体 qìtǐ, [氣體], gas (i.e. gaseous substance)
发脾气 fāpíqì, [發脾氣], to get angry
气息 qìxī, [氣息], breath/smell/odor/flavor
帅气 shuàiqi, [帥氣], handsome/smart/dashing/elegant
口气 kǒuqì, [口氣], tone of voice/the way one speaks/manner of expression/tone
气质 qìzhì, [氣質], temperament/personality traits/manners
煤气 méiqì, [煤氣], coal gas/gas (fuel)
气死 qìsǐ, [氣死], to infuriate/to be furious/to die from an excess of anger
淘气 táoqì, [淘氣], naughty/mischievous
气候 qìhòu, [氣候], climate/atmosphere/situation/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
透气 tòuqì, [透氣], to flow freely (of air)/to ventilate/to breathe (of fabric etc)/to take a breath...
暖气 nuǎnqì, [暖氣], central heating/heater/warm air
气象 qìxiàng, [氣象], meteorological feature/CL:個|个[gè]/meteorology/atmosphere/ambience/scene
喘气 chuǎnqì, [喘氣], to breathe deeply/to pant
吸气 xīqì, [吸氣], to inhale/to draw in breath
气罐 士气 shìqì, [士氣], morale
大气 dàqì, [大氣], atmosphere (surrounding the earth)/imposing/impressive/stylish
名气 míngqì, [名氣], reputation/fame
气愤 qìfèn, [氣憤], indignant/furious
小气 xiǎoqì, [小氣], stingy/miserly/narrow-minded/petty
人气 rénqì, [人氣], popularity/personality/character
气管 qìguǎn, [氣管], windpipe/trachea/respiratory tract/air duct/gas pipe
气概 qìgài, [氣概], lofty quality/mettle/spirit
怒气 nùqì, [怒氣], anger
气温 qìwēn, [氣溫], air temperature/CL:個|个[gè]
孩子气 háiziqì, [孩子氣], boyish/childish
气流 qìliú, [氣流], stream of air/airflow/slipstream/draft/breath/turbulence (of aircraft)
气压 qìyā, [氣壓], atmospheric pressure/barometric pressure
大气层 dàqìcéng, [大氣層], atmosphere
气势 qìshì, [氣勢], imposing manner/loftiness/grandeur/energetic looks/vigor
丧气 sàngqì/sàngqi, [喪氣], to feel disheartened, unlucky
气泡 qìpào, [氣泡], bubble/blister (in metal)/(of beverages) sparkling/carbonated
充气 chōngqì, [充氣], to inflate
泄气 xièqì, [洩氣], to leak (gas)/to be discouraged/to despair/(disparaging) pathetic/to vent one's ...
臭气 chòuqì, [臭氣], stench
俗气 súqì, [俗氣], tacky/inelegant/in poor taste/vulgar/banal
天然气 tiānránqì, [天然氣], natural gas
小淘气 Xiǎotáoqì/xiǎotáoqì, [小淘氣], Rogue, Marvel Comics superhero, rascal
打气 dǎqì, [打氣], to inflate/to pump up/fig. to encourage/to boost morale
不景气 bùjǐngqì, [不景氣], slack/in a slump
福气 fúqi, [福氣], good fortune/a blessing
出气 chūqì, [出氣], to give vent to anger
叹气 tànqì, [嘆氣], to sigh/to heave a sigh
手气 shǒuqì, [手氣], luck (in gambling)
骨气 gǔqì, [骨氣], unyielding character/courageous spirit/integrity/moral backbone
喷气机 pēnqìjī, [噴氣機], jet plane
排气 páiqì, [排氣], to ventilate
气囊 qìnáng, [氣囊], air sac/aerostat gasbag
喷气 pēnqì, [噴氣], jet/blast of air/spurt of gas
喷气式 pēnqìshì, [噴氣式], jet-propelled
心平气和 xīnpíngqìhé, [心平氣和], tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress
火气 huǒqì, [火氣], anger/internal heat (TCM)
疝气 shànqì, [疝氣], hernia
气馁 qìněi, [氣餒], to be discouraged
透不过气 电气 diànqì, [電氣], electricity/electric/electrical
淘气鬼 死气沉沉 sǐqìchénchén, [死氣沉沉], dead atmosphere/lifeless/spiritless
消气 xiāoqì, [消氣], to cool one's temper
断气 duànqì, [斷氣], to stop breathing/to breathe one's last/to die/to cut the gas supply
小气鬼 xiǎoqìguǐ, [小氣鬼], miser/penny-pincher
热气球 rèqìqiú, [熱氣球], hot air balloon
和气 héqi, [和氣], friendly/polite/amiable
通气 tōngqì, [通氣], ventilation/aeration/to keep each other informed/to release information
香气 xiāngqì, [香氣], fragrance/aroma/incense
热气 rèqì, [熱氣], steam/heat/CL:股[gǔ]
气枪 qìqiāng, [氣槍], an air gun
气派 qìpài, [氣派], impressive/stylish/magnificent/imposing manner/dignified air
雾气 wùqì, [霧氣], fog/mist/vapor
氧气瓶 一口气 yīkǒuqì, [一口氣], one breath/in one breath/at a stretch
怨气 yuànqì, [怨氣], grievance/resentment/complaint
义气 yìqì, [義氣], spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice/code of brotherhood/also pr. [yì qi]
晦气 huìqì, [晦氣], bad luck/unlucky/calamitous/wretched
争气 zhēngqì, [爭氣], to work hard for sth/to resolve on improvement/determined not to fall short
傻气 shǎqì, [傻氣], foolishness/nonsense/foolish
换气 huànqì, [換氣], to take a breath (in swimming)/to ventilate
氮气 dànqì, [氮氣], nitrogen
趾高气扬 zhǐgāoqìyáng, [趾高氣揚], high and mighty (idiom); arrogant
忍气吞声 rěnqìtūnshēng, [忍氣吞聲], to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence/to swallow one's anger/to...
朝气 zhāoqì, [朝氣], vitality/dynamism
气急败坏 qìjíbàihuài, [氣急敗壞], flustered and exasperated/utterly discomfited
神气 shénqì, [神氣], expression/manner/vigorous/impressive/lofty/pretentious
怒气冲冲 nùqìchōngchōng, [怒氣沖沖], spitting anger (idiom); in a rage
气闸 qìzhá, [氣閘], pneumatic brake/airlock
灵气 língqì, [靈氣], spiritual influence (of mountains etc)/cleverness/ingeniousness
乌烟瘴气 wūyānzhàngqì, [烏煙瘴氣], billowing smoke (idiom)/foul atmosphere/(fig.) murky atmosphere/in a turmoil
元气 yuánqì, [元氣], strength/vigor/vitality/(TCM) vital energy
冷气 lěngqì, [冷氣], air conditioning (Tw)
氢气 qīngqì, [氫氣], hydrogen (gas)
漏气 lòuqì, [漏氣], to leak air or gas
咽气 yànqì, [嚥氣], to die/to breathe one's last
气孔 qìkǒng, [氣孔], air-bubble/pore/stoma
支气管 zhīqìguǎn, [支氣管], bronchial tube/bronchus
撒气 sāqì, [撒氣], to leak (of air)/to go flat (of a tire)/to vent one's anger
废气 fèiqì, [廢氣], exhaust gas/industrial waste gas/steam
神清气爽 shénqīngqìshuǎng, [神清氣爽], (idiom) full of vitality/relaxed and alert
支气管炎 zhīqìguǎnyán, [支氣管炎], bronchitis
气垫 qìdiàn, [氣墊], air cushion (as on hovercraft)
平心静气 憋气 biēqì, [憋氣], to feel suffocated or oppressed/to choke with resentment/to feel injured or rese...
蒸气 zhēngqì, [蒸氣], vapor/steam
才气 cáiqì, [才氣], talent (usually literary or artistic)
一气呵成 yīqìhēchéng, [一氣呵成], to do something at one go/to flow smoothly
颐指气使 yízhǐqìshǐ, [頤指氣使], lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial ge...
气象学 qìxiàngxué, [氣象學], meteorology
冷空气 氯气 lǜqì, [氯氣], chlorine
灰心丧气 huīxīnsàngqì, [灰心喪氣], downhearted/downcast/in despair
燃气 ránqì, [燃氣], fuel gas (coal gas, natural gas, methane etc)
气人 qìrén, [氣人], to anger/to annoy
风气 fēngqì, [風氣], general mood/atmosphere/common practice
志气 zhìqì, [志氣], ambition/resolve/backbone/drive/spirit
赌气 dǔqì, [賭氣], to act in a fit of pique/to get in a huff/to be peeved
老气 血气方刚 xuèqìfānggāng, [血氣方剛], full of sap (idiom); young and vigorous
气魄 qìpò, [氣魄], spirit/boldness/positive outlook/imposing attitude
尾气 wěiqì, [尾氣], exhaust (i.e. waste gas from engine)/emissions
生闷气 shēngmènqì, [生悶氣], to seethe/to sulk/to be pissed off (vulgar)
生气勃勃 shēngqìbóbó, [生氣勃勃], full of vitality
沼气 zhǎoqì, [沼氣], marsh gas/methane CH
热气腾腾 rèqìténgténg, [熱氣騰騰], piping hot
意气风发 yìqìfēngfā, [意氣風發], high-spirited/full of mettle
沉住气 chénzhùqì, [沉住氣], to keep cool/to stay calm
意气用事 yìqìyòngshì, [意氣用事], to let emotions affect one's decisions
斗气 dòuqì, [鬥氣], to have a grudge against
气象局 qìxiàngjú, [氣象局], weather bureau/meteorological office
气力 qìlì, [氣力], strength/energy/vigor/talent
气喘 qìchuǎn, [氣喘], to gasp for breath/asthma
气态 qìtài, [氣態], gaseous state (physics)/manner/air/bearing
锐气 ruìqì, [銳氣], acute spirit/dash/drive
气冲冲 qìchōngchōng, [氣沖沖], furious/enraged
肺气肿 fèiqìzhǒng, [肺氣腫], emphysema
气话 qìhuà, [氣話], angry words/sth said in the moment of anger
服气 fúqì, [服氣], to be convinced/to accept
出气筒 chūqìtǒng, [出氣筒], (metaphorical) punching bag/undeserving target of sb's wrath
动气 dòngqì, [動氣], to get angry
男子气 nánzǐqì, [男子氣], manly/masculine
底气 dǐqì, [底氣], lung capacity/lung power/stamina/confidence
血气 xuèqì, [血氣], blood and vital breath/bloodline (i.e. parentage)/valor
气喘吁吁 qìchuǎnxūxū, [氣喘吁吁], to pant/to gasp for breath
娇气 jiāoqì, [嬌氣], delicate/squeamish/finicky
气胸 qìxiōng, [氣胸], pneumothorax (medicine)
煤气灯 气压计 qìyājì, [氣壓計], barometer
盛气凌人 shèngqìlíngrén, [盛氣凌人], overbearing/arrogant bully
湿气 shīqì, [濕氣], moisture/humidity/athlete's foot/tinea/eczema
怪里怪气 guàilǐguàiqì, [怪里怪氣], eccentric/odd-looking/peculiar
扬眉吐气 傲气 àoqì, [傲氣], air of arrogance/haughtiness
气量 qìliàng, [氣量], (lit. quantity of spirit)/moral character/degree of forbearance/broad-mindedness...
气缸 qìgāng, [氣缸], cylinder (engine)
煤气站 气盛 qìshèng, [氣盛], red-blooded/full of vim/impetuous
土气 tǔqì, [土氣], rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated
屏气 bǐngqì, [屏氣], to hold one's breath
淘气包 一鼓作气 yīgǔzuòqì, [一鼓作氣], in a spurt of energy
气筒 qìtǒng, [氣筒], inflator/bicycle pump
水蒸气 shuǐzhēngqì, [水蒸氣], vapor
岔气 一气 yīqì, [一氣], at one go/at a stretch/for a period of time/forming a gang
傻里傻气 shǎlishǎqì, [傻裡傻氣], foolish/stupid
毒气弹 dúqìdàn, [毒氣彈], poison gas shell/poison gas grenade
气势汹汹 qìshìxiōngxiōng, [氣勢洶洶], aggressive/truculent/overbearing
气阀 气团 qìtuán, [氣團], air mass
阴阳怪气 yīnyángguàiqì, [陰陽怪氣], eccentric/peculiar/mystifying
一气之下 yīqìzhīxià, [一氣之下], in a fit of pique/in a fury
唉声叹气 āishēngtànqì, [唉聲嘆氣], sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom)/to heave deep sighs/to sigh in despair
景气 jǐngqì, [景氣], (of economy, business etc) flourishing/prosperous
暖气片 nuǎnqìpiàn, [暖氣片], radiator (for heating)
凉气 沆瀣一气 hàngxièyīqì, [沆瀣一氣], to act in collusion (idiom); in cahoots with/villains will look after one anothe...
杀气 shāqì, [殺氣], murderous spirit/aura of death/to vent one's anger
通气孔 tōngqìkǒng, [通氣孔], an airvent/a louvre/airflow orifice
阳刚之气 氩气 珠光宝气 解气 光气 guāngqì, [光氣], phosgene CÓCl, a poisonous gas/carbonyl chloride
气功 qìgōng, [氣功], qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises
气度 qìdù, [氣度], bearing/manner/presence
气恼 qìnǎo, [氣惱], to be annoyed/to get angry
小有名气 大气压 dàqìyā, [大氣壓], atmospheric pressure
脚气 jiǎoqì, [腳氣], beriberi/athlete's foot
正气 zhèngqì, [正氣], healthy environment/healthy atmosphere/righteousness/vital energy (in Chinese me...
神气活现 shénqìhuóxiàn, [神氣活現], arrogant appearance/smug appearance/to act condescending/to put on airs
气垫船 qìdiànchuán, [氣墊船], hovercraft/air cushion vehicle
气门 qìmén, [氣門], valve (esp. tire valve)/accelerator (obsolete term for 油門|油门)/stigma (zool.)/spi...
牛气 niúqi, [牛氣], (coll.) haughty/overbearing/(economics) bullish
气动 qìdòng, [氣動], pneumatic
好气 hǎoqì, [好氣], to be happy/to be in a good mood
气焰 qìyàn, [氣焰], arrogance/haughtiness
小家子气 xiǎojiāziqì, [小家子氣], petty/small-minded
寒气 hánqì, [寒氣], cold air
有气无力 yǒuqìwúlì, [有氣無力], weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited
受气包 shòuqìbāo, [受氣包], (fig.) punching bag
新气象 英气 yīngqì, [英氣], heroic spirit
闷气 朝气蓬勃 zhāoqìpéngbó, [朝氣蓬勃], full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous/energetic/a bright spark
客气话 kèqihuà, [客氣話], words of politeness/politesse/decorous talking/talk with propriety
气动力 土里土气 tǔlǐtǔqì, [土裡土氣], unsophisticated/rustic/uncouth
意气 可气 kěqì, [可氣], annoying/irritating/exasperating
好声好气 气慨 气锅 气旋 qìxuán, [氣旋], cyclone
稚气 zhìqì, [稚氣], childish nature/infantile/juvenile/puerile
杀气腾腾 shāqìténgténg, [殺氣騰騰], ferocious/murderous-looking
书生气 受气 shòuqì, [受氣], to be mistreated/to be bullied
阔气 kuòqi, [闊氣], lavish/generous/bounteous/prodigal
嗲声嗲气 供气 油气 yóuqì, [油氣], oil and gas
霸气 bàqì, [霸氣], imperious/aggressive/assertive/dictatorial manner/boldness/CL:股[gǔ]
老气横秋 lǎoqìhéngqiū, [老氣橫秋], old and decrepit/proud of one's age and experience (idiom)
串通一气 chuàntōngyīqì, [串通一氣], to act in collusion (idiom)
气化 qìhuà, [氣化], to vaporize/evaporation/carburetion/氣|气[qì] transformation in TCM (i.e. transfor...
空气锤 气象卫星 qìxiàngwèixīng, [氣象衛星], weather satellite
妖气 yāoqì, [妖氣], sinister appearance/monster-like appearance
煤气灶 和和气气 héhéqìqì, [和和氣氣], polite and amiable
财大气粗 cáidàqìcū, [財大氣粗], rich and imposing/rich and overbearing
喜气洋洋 xǐqìyángyáng, [喜氣洋洋], full of joy (idiom); jubilation
电气化 diànqìhuà, [電氣化], electrification
成气候 胆气 dǎnqì, [膽氣], courageous/bold
怄气 òuqì, [慪氣], to sulk/to squabble
毫不客气 háobùkèqi, [毫不客氣], no trace of politeness/unrestrained (criticism)
性气 蒸气浴 喘喘气 气象台 qìxiàngtái, [氣象台], meteorological office/weather forecasting office
气鼓鼓 qìgǔgǔ, [氣鼓鼓], seething/fuming
阳气 气窗 煤气罐 牛脾气 niúpíqi, [牛脾氣], bullheadedness/stubborn
豪气 háoqì, [豪氣], heroic spirit/heroism
煤气炉 习气 xíqì, [習氣], custom/practice (usually a regrettable one)
硬气 yìngqì, [硬氣], firm/unyielding/strong-willed
气喘病 qìchuǎnbìng, [氣喘病], asthma
理直气壮 lǐzhíqìzhuàng, [理直氣壯], in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one'...
荡气回肠 dàngqìhuícháng, [蕩氣回腸], heart-rending (drama, music, poem etc)/deeply moving
气呼呼 qìhūhū, [氣呼呼], panting with rage
客客气气 胎气 气节 qìjié, [氣節], moral integrity/unflinching righteousness
气闷 氨气 ānqì, [氨氣], ammonia (gas)
蒸气机 正气凛然 泄气话 小里小气 xiǎolixiǎoqì, [小裡小氣], stingy/petty
芥子气 jièzǐqì, [芥子氣], mustard gas
气冷 潮气 cháoqì, [潮氣], humidity/moisture
出气口 chūqìkǒu, [出氣口], gas or air outlet/emotional outlet
输气 喜气 xǐqì, [喜氣], hilarity/cheerful atmosphere
氙气 老脾气 气吁吁 qìxūxū, [氣吁吁], to pant/to gasp for breath
排气阀 储气罐 chǔqìguàn, [儲氣罐], gas canister/gas storage tank
洋气 yángqì, [洋氣], Western style/foreign flavor/trendy/fashionable
嚣张气焰 xiāozhāngqìyàn, [囂張氣焰], overweening attitude/threatening manner
气绝身亡 吭气 kēngqì, [吭氣], to utter a sound
邪气 xiéqì, [邪氣], evil influence/unhealthy trend/pathogeny (cause of disease) in TCM/as opposed to...
秋高气爽 qiūgāoqìshuǎng, [秋高氣爽], clear and refreshing autumn weather
进气口 松气 sōngqì, [鬆氣], to relax one's efforts
乡土气息 财气 冒气 秀气 xiùqi, [秀氣], delicate/graceful
活气 huóqì, [活氣], spirited atmosphere
骄气 jiāoqi, [驕氣], arrogance
送气 sòngqì, [送氣], aspiration (phonetics, explosion of breath on consonants distinguishing Chinese ...
气雾剂 qìwùjì, [氣霧劑], aerosol
浩气长存 液化气 yèhuàqì, [液化氣], liquid gas/bottled gas (fuel)
燃气轮机 ránqìlúnjī, [燃氣輪機], gas turbine
回肠荡气 huíchángdàngqì, [回腸盪氣], soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork)/heart-rending/deeply moving
气势如虹 地气 氙气灯 液化气罐 狂气 暖湿气流 煞气 shāqì/shàqì, [煞氣], to vent one's anger on (an innocent party)/to take it out on (sb), baleful look/...
气泵 qìbèng, [氣泵], air pump
脂粉气 zhīfěnqì, [脂粉氣], feminine quality/effeminate
暖空气 心气 xīnqì, [心氣], intention/motive/state of mind/ambition/aspiration/heart 氣|气[qì] (TCM)
气性 雾气腾腾 气浪 力气活 节气 jiéqi, [節氣], solar term
气度不凡 沼气池 语气词 yǔqìcí, [語氣詞], modal particle
暖气团 瘴气 浊气 气乎乎 语气助词 yǔqìzhùcí, [語氣助詞], modal particle
接气 气哼哼 qìhēnghēng, [氣哼哼], enraged/furious/livid
香气扑鼻 换气扇 声气 shēngqì, [聲氣], voice/tone/information
气昂昂 qìángáng, [氣昂昂], full of vigor/spirited/valiant
一身正气 石油气