HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]

All Possible Words

        Shǐ/shǐ, surname Shi, history/annals/title of an official historian in ancient China
        tǎn, flat/open-hearted/level/smooth
        fǎ/Fǎ, [㳒]/[灋], variant of 法[fǎ], France/French/abbr. for 法國|法国[Fǎ guó]/Taiwan pr. [Fà], law/met...
法兰         fǎlán, [法蘭], flange (loanword)
法兰克         Fǎlánkè, [法蘭克], the Franks (Germanic people who arrived in Europe from 600 AD and took over Fran...
        Lán/lán, [蘭], surname Lan/abbr. for Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lán zhōu], Gansu, orchid (蘭花|兰花 Cymbidium go...
兰克         Lánkè, [蘭克], Rank (name)/Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886), important German historian
        Kè/kè/kēi, [剋]/[尅], abbr. for 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[Kè luó dì yà], Croatia/(Tw) abbr. for 克羅埃西亞|克罗埃西亚[Kè luó āi ...
        fū/fú, husband/man/manual worker/conscripted laborer (old), (classical) this, that/he, ...
        Sī/sī, Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Sī luò fá kè], (phonetic)/this
        jī, base/foundation/basic/radical (chemistry)/(slang) gay

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