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Jínísī Guinness (name)

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Word Compounds

        Jí/jí, surname Ji/abbr. for Jilin Province 吉林省[Jí lín Shěng], lucky/giga- (meaning bill...
        jítā, guitar (loanword)/CL:把[bǎ]
        Jímǐ, Jimmy, Jimmie or Jimi (name)
        Jípǔ, Jeep (car brand)
        Fújíníyà, [弗吉尼亞], variant of 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州/Virginia, US state
        Ānjí, Anji county in Huzhou 湖州[Hú zhōu], Zhejiang
        jíxiángwù, mascot
        Jílì/jílì, Geely, Chinese car make, auspicious/lucky/propitious
        Wéijíníyà, [維吉尼亞], Virginia, US state (Tw)
        ānjíěr, [安吉爾], angel (loanword)
        jípǔchē, [吉普車], jeep (military vehicle) (loanword)
        jítā, a guitar
        Wéijíěr, [維吉爾], Virgil or Vergilius (70-19 BC), Roman poet and author of the Aeneid 埃涅阿斯紀|埃涅阿斯纪[...
        Jíēn, Gene (name)
        Fújíníyàzhōu, [弗吉尼亞州], Virginia, US state
        Qiūjíěr, [丘吉爾], variant of 邱吉爾|邱吉尔[Qiū jí ěr]
        guānméndàjí, [關門大吉], to close down a business for good and put the best face on it (idiom)
        jíěrdá, [吉爾達], gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiopian herbivorous monkey similar to baboon
        Jíān, Ji'an prefecture-level city in Jiangxi/also Ji'an County/Ji'an or Chi'an townshi...
        wànshìdàjí, [萬事大吉], everything is fine (idiom); all is well with the world
        jíxiáng, lucky/auspicious/propitious
        Gējílā, Godzilla (Tw)
        Chéngjísīhán, Genghis Khan (1162-1227), founder and ruler of the Mongol Empire
        Jínísī, Guinness (name)
        liūzhīdàjí, to steal away/to beat it
        Bānjí, Bangui, capital of Central African Republic
        Tángjíhēdé, [堂吉訶德], Don Quixote
        Jílāní, Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani (1952-), Pakistan People's Party politician, prime minis...
        Jíbǔsàirén, [吉卜賽人], Gypsy
        Yǒngjí, Yongji county in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province
        YīngjílìHǎixiá, [英吉利海峽], English Channel
        dàjí, very auspicious/extremely lucky
        xiōngduōjíshǎo, everything bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); inauspicious/everything points ...
        Qiūjíěr, [邱吉爾], Winston Churchill (1874-1965), UK politican and prime minister 1940-1945 and 195...
        dàjídàlì, great luck, great profit (idiom); everything is thriving
        Jílóngpō, Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia
        Jítián, Yoshida (Japanese surname and place name)
        Fújíníyà, [佛吉尼亞], Virginia, US state
        Tángjíhēdé, [唐吉訶德], Don Quixote/also written 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Táng jí hē dé]
西         XīFújíníyàzhōu, [西弗吉尼亞州], West Virginia, US state
        Jíbùtí, Djibouti
        jírì, propitious day/lucky day
        féngxiōnghuàjí, misfortune turns to blessing (idiom); to turn an inauspicious start to good acco...
        Jílādé, Gillard (name)
        Gélǔjíyà, [格魯吉亞], Georgia (country)
        Tǎjíkèsītǎn, Tajikistan
        Pǔjí, Phuket (city in Thailand)
        Mòjítuō, Mojito
        Jíěrbótè, [吉爾伯特], Gilbert (name)
        Jíběnsī, Gibbons (name)
        Chāngjí, Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chāng jí Huí zú zì zhì zhōu], Xinjiang
        Jídá, [吉達], Jeddah (Saudi city, on Red Sea)
        Jílóng, Gyirong county, Tibetan: Skyid grong rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
        Nàjíbù, [納吉布], Muhammad Naguib (1901-1984), first president of the Republic of Egypt
        Tǎjíkè, Tajik ethnic group/Tajikistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Xinjiang and Afg...
        Tǎjíkèrén, Tajik (person)
        Jíěrjísīsītǎn, [吉爾吉斯斯坦], Kyrgyzstan
        jíxiōng, good and bad luck (in astrology)
        jízhào, lucky omen
        Hāmǐjíduōdùn, [哈米吉多頓], Armageddon (in Revelation 16:6)
        bùlājí, woman's dress (loanword from Russian)/gown
        Yīngjílì, England (historical loan, from English)
        Gǔjílātè, Gujarat, state in west India
        Jíyějiā, Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain)
        Dàjílǐng, [大吉嶺], Darjeeling, town in India
        hājísī, haggis (a Scottish dish) (loanword)
        Gǔjílātèbāng, Gujarat, state in west India

        ní, Buddhist nun/(often used in phonetic spellings)
        Dānní, Danny (name)
        Níkè, Nick (name)
        Dānnísī, Dennis (name)
        Dānníěr, [丹尼爾], Daniel (name)
        Kěnnídí, Kennedy (name)/J.F. Kennedy (1917-1963), US Democrat politician, president 1961-...
        Jiālìfúníyà, [加利福尼亞], California
        Āndōngní, [安東尼], Anthony (name)
        Nísī, Nice (city in France)
        Wēinísī, Venice/Venezia
        bǐjīní, bikini (loanword)
        Āěrbāníyà, [阿爾巴尼亞], Albania
        Fújíníyà, [弗吉尼亞], variant of 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州/Virginia, US state
        Dísīní, Disney (company name, surname)/also written 迪士尼[Dí shì ní]
        Níkèsōng, Richard Nixon (1913-1994), US president 1969-1974/surname Nixon
        Luómǎníyà, [羅馬尼亞], Romania
        Nírìlìyà, [尼日利亞], Nigeria
        Duōmǐníkè, Dominica
        Wéijíníyà, [維吉尼亞], Virginia, US state (Tw)
        Níěrsēn, [尼爾森], Nielsen or Nelson (name)
        Mùníhēi, München or Munich, capital of Bavaria, Germany
        Xīní, Sydney, capital of New South Wales, Australia
        Jiālìfúníyàzhōu, [加利福尼亞州], California
        TàitǎnníkèHào, [泰坦尼克號], RMS Titanic, British passenger liner that sank in 1912
        Bōsīníyà, [波斯尼亞], Bosnia
        Yàměiníyà, [亞美尼亞], Armenia, capital Yerevan 埃里溫|埃里温[Āi lǐ wēn]
        Míngnísūdá, [明尼蘇達], Minnesota, USA
        Suǒní, Sony
        Míngnísūdázhōu, [明尼蘇達州], Minnesota
        Bīnxīfǎníyàzhōu, [賓夕法尼亞州], Pennsylvania
        Kěnníyà, [肯尼亞], Kenya
        Fēiníkèsī, Phoenix, capital of Arizona/also 鳳凰城|凤凰城[Fèng huáng chéng]
        Níjiālāguā, Nicaragua
        Díshìní, Disney (company name, surname)/Walt Disney (1901-1966), American animator and fi...
        Fújíníyàzhōu, [弗吉尼亞州], Virginia, US state
        nígǔdīng, nicotine (loanword)
        Níkèsēn, Nixon (name)/Richard M Nixon (1913-1994), US president 1969-1974
        Nàníyà, [納尼亞], Narnia, children's fantasy world in stories by C.S. Lewis
        Mǎnílā, [馬尼拉], Manila, capital of Philippines
        NíluóHé, [尼羅河], Nile (river)
        nílóng, [尼龍], nylon (loanword)
        Āmǎní, [阿瑪尼], Armani (fashion designer)
        Yìnní, Indonesia (abbr. for 印度尼西亞|印度尼西亚)
        Āěrbāníyàrén, [阿爾巴尼亞人], Albanian (person)
        Kǎiníēn, [凱尼恩], Kenyon/Canyon (name)
        nígū, Buddhist nun
        Níbóěr, [尼泊爾], Nepal
        Tǎnsāngníyà, [坦桑尼亞], Tanzania
        Mòsuǒlǐní, Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Italian fascist dictator, "Il Duce", president 192...
        Duōmǐníjiā, Dominica/Dominican Republic
        Qiēní, Cheney (name)/Richard B. "Dick" Cheney (1941-), US Republican politician, vice-p...
        Bóluòníyà, [博洛尼亞], Bologna
        Nímǔ, Nîmes (city in France)
        Míngníābōlìsī, Minneapolis, a nameplace in the USA, notably in Minnesota
        Jínísī, Guinness (name)
        Tūnísī, Tunisia/Tunis, capital of Tunisia
        Jílāní, Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani (1952-), Pakistan People's Party politician, prime minis...
        Àoěrbāní, [奧爾巴尼], Albany, New York
        Bùláiní, [布萊尼], Bryne (City in Rogaland, Norway)
        DuōmǐníjiāGònghéguó, [多米尼加共和國], Dominican Republic
西         Yìndùníxīyà, [印度尼西亞], Indonesia
        ShèngĀndōngníào, [聖安東尼奧], San Antonio, Texas
        Gēbáiní, Mikolaj Kopernik or Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Polish astronomer, mathemat...
西         Bīnxīfǎníyà, [賓西法尼亞], Pennsylvania/also written 賓夕法尼亞|宾夕法尼亚
        LāKēlǔníyà, [拉科魯尼亞], La Coruña or A Coruña (city in Galicia, Spain)
西         Bōlìníxīyà, [波利尼西亞], Polynesia
        Bùliètǎní, [佈列塔尼], Brittany or Bretagne, area of western France
西         pánníxīlín, [盤尼西林], penicillin (loanword)
        Àishāníyà, [愛沙尼亞], Estonia
        Gélínnízhì, Greenwich (former location of Greenwich observatory, at zero longitude)/refers t...
        mǎdīngní, [馬丁尼], martini (loanword)
        Bóěrní, [伯爾尼], Bern, capital of Switzerland
        bùlǎngní, brownie (pastry) (loanword)
        Fújíníyà, [佛吉尼亞], Virginia, US state
        Lāhèmànnínuòfū, [拉赫曼尼諾夫], Rachmaninoff or Rachmaninov (name)/Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), Russian comp...
西         XīFújíníyàzhōu, [西弗吉尼亞州], West Virginia, US state
        Sīluòwénníyà, [斯洛文尼亞], Slovenia
        Pǔqìní, Puccini
        pàníní, (loanword) panini
        fēnní, pfennig (monetary unit) (loanword)
        zǔní, damping
        ÈěrNínuò, [厄爾尼諾], El Niño, equatorial climate variation in the Pacific
        Tǎsīmǎníyà, [塔斯馬尼亞], Tasmania (Tw)
        Lánbójīní, [蘭博基尼], Lamborghini (Italian car manufacturer)
西         Mìkèluóníxīyà, [密克羅尼西亞], Micronesia in southwest pacific
        Mǎkění, [馬可尼], Marconi, UK electronics company
        ōuní, [歐尼], (female usage) older sister (loanword from Korean "eonni")
        Wēnníbó, [溫尼伯], Winnipeg, capital of Manitoba, Canada
        Āduōnísī, Adonis, figure in Greek mythology
        Tèlìnídá, [特立尼達], Trinidad
        Géluózīní, [格羅茲尼], Grozny, capital of Chechen Republic, Russia
·         Ānnà·Kǎliènínà, Anna Karenina, novel by Leo Tolstoy 列夫·托爾斯泰|列夫·托尔斯泰[Liè fū · Tuō ěr sī tài]
        NíjiālāPùbù, Niagara Falls (Tw)