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HSK 5 word: freq index 2194
[員工] yuángōng staff

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        yuán, [員], person/employee/member
        yǎnyuán, [演員], actor or actress/performer/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        rényuán, [人員], staff/crew/personnel/CL:個|个[gè]
        chéngyuán, [成員], member
        duìyuán, [隊員], team member
        wěiyuánhuì, [委員會], committee
        yìyuán, [議員], member (of a legislative body)/representative
        yuángōng, [員工], staff/personnel/employee
        cānyìyuán, [參議員], senator
        yùndòngyuán, [運動員], athlete/CL:名[míng],個|个[gè]
        fēixíngyuán, [飛行員], pilot/aviator
        qiúyuán, [球員], sports club member/footballer, golfer etc
        guānyuán, [官員], official (in an organization or government)/administrator
        fúwùyuán, [服務員], waiter/waitress/attendant/customer service personnel/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        gùyuán, [雇員], employee
        huìyuán, [會員], member
        chuányuán, [船員], sailor/crew member
        guǎnlǐyuán, [管理員], manager/administrator
        zhíyuán, [職員], office worker/staff member/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        péishěnyuán, [陪審員], juror
        yǔhángyuán, [宇航員], astronaut
        tuīxiāoyuán, [推銷員], sales representative/salesperson
        xuéyuán, [學員], student/member of an institution of learning/officer cadet
        jiàshǐyuán, [駕駛員], pilot/driver
        jiùshēngyuán, [救生員], lifeguard
        diànyuán, [店員], shop assistant/salesclerk/salesperson
        yóudìyuán, [郵遞員], mailman
        jiēdàiyuán, [接待員], receptionist
        gōngwùyuán, [公務員], functionary/office-bearer
        wěiyuán, [委員], committee member/committee/council/CL:個|个[gè]
        shāngyuán, [傷員], wounded person
线         jiēxiànyuán, [接線員], switchboard operator
        qiánshuǐyuán, [潛水員], diver/frogman
        cáiyuán, [裁員], to cut staff/to lay off employees
        fǔdǎoyuán, [輔導員], coach (teacher or trainer)
        jiǎncháyuán, [檢查員], inspector
        zhuānyuán, [專員], assistant director/commissioner
        bōyīnyuán, [播音員], announcer/broadcaster
        chéngwùyuán, [乘務員], attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc
        fēnxīyuán, [分析員], analyst (e.g. of news)
        dòngyuán, [動員], to mobilize/to arouse/mobilization/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]
        jìshùyuán, [技術員], technician/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhòngyìyuán, [眾議員], member of the US House of Representatives
        shǒuményuán, [守門員], goalkeeper
        shòuhuòyuán, [售貨員], salesperson/CL:個|个[gè]
        yánjiūyuán, [研究員], researcher
        dǎngyuán, [黨員], party member/CL:名[míng],位[wèi],個|个[gè]
        mǎnyuán, [滿員], full complement/at full strength/no vacancies
        zǒngdòngyuán, [總動員], general mobilization (for war etc)
        jiàoyuán, [教員], teacher/instructor/CL:個|个[gè]
        hǎiyuán, [海員], sailor/mariner
        guāncháyuán, [觀察員], observer
        tèpàiyuán, [特派員], special correspondent/sb dispatched on a mission/special commissioner
        cāozuòyuán, [操作員], operator
        lǐnghángyuán, [領航員], navigator
        quányuán, [全員], complete personnel/fully manned
        chéngxùyuán, [程序員], programmer
        chūnàyuán, [出納員], cashier/teller/treasurer
        cáipànyuán, [裁判員], referee
        tuányuán, [團員], member/group member
        tōngxùnyuán, [通訊員], correspondent/reporter/messenger boy
        zhǐdǎoyuán, [指導員], instructor/coach/political instructor (in the PLA)
        Gòngchǎndǎngyuán, [共產黨員], Communist Party member
        dǎzìyuán, [打字員], typist
        fùyuán, [復員], to demobilize/demobilization
        jiāoyìyuán, [交易員], dealer/trader
        bǎoguǎnyuán, [保管員], custodian/storeroom clerk
        lièchēyuán, [列車員], train attendant
        shěnjìyuán, [審計員], accountant/auditor
        xiétiáoyuán, [協調員], coordinator
        zhāodàiyuán, [招待員], usher/greeter
        yìyuán, [譯員], interpreter/translator (esp. oral)
        shòupiàoyuán, [售票員], ticket seller
        sìyǎngyuán, [飼養員], zookeeper/stockman/breeder (of livestock, dogs or poultry etc)
        jiěshuōyuán, [解說員], commentator
        yèwùyuán, [業務員], salesperson
        sùjìyuán, [速記員], stenographer
        jìlùyuán, [記錄員], recorder
        yàoyuán, [要員], key participant/VIP
        hángtiānyuán, [航天員], astronaut
        suíyuán, [隨員], attendant
        wěiyuánzhǎng, [委員長], head of a committee
        cǎigòuyuán, [採購員], buyer/purchasing agent
        jiàozhíyuán, [教職員], teaching and administrative staff
        yíngyèyuán, [營業員], clerk/shop assistant/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhēncháyuán, [偵察員], detective/investigator/scout/spy
        jiǎngjiěyuán, [講解員], guide
        shèyuán, [社員], commune member (PRC, 1958-1985)/member of a society (or other organization)
        shěnpànyuán, [審判員], judge (in court)
广         guǎngbōyuán, [廣播員], (radio) broadcaster
        jiàozhíyuángōng, [教職員工], teaching and administrative staff
        tóudìyuán, [投遞員], courier/mailman
        jiàoliànyuán, [教練員], sports coach/training personnel
        chéngyuánguó, [成員國], member country
        bīngyuán, [兵員], soldiers/troops
        sīlìngyuán, [司令員], commander
        rǒngyuán, [冗員], excess personnel/superfluous staff
        shìfēiyuán, [試飛員], test pilot
        bìngyuán, [病員], sick personnel/person on the sick list/patient
        shāngbìngyuán, [傷病員], the sick and the wounded
        dàyuán, [大員], high official
        huìyuánguó, [會員國], member nation
        lìfǎwěiyuán, [立法委員], member of the Legislative Yuan (Tw)
        tǒngjìyuán, [統計員], statistician
        qínwùyuán, [勤務員], odd job man/army orderly
        dòngyuánlìng, [動員令], order of mobilization
        jiàoyùwěiyuánhuì, [教育委員會], school board
        zhèngzhìwěiyuán, [政治委員], political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)
        chuīshìyuán, [炊事員], cook/kitchen worker
        huàwùyuán, [話務員], phone operator
线         sīxiànyuán, [司線員], line judge (tennis etc)
        shēngyuán, [生員], scholar preparing for imperial examinations (in former times)
        ZhōngyāngWěiyuánhuì, [中央委員會], Central Committee
        guāncèyuán, [觀測員], observer/spotter

        gōngzuò, to work/(of a machine) to operate/job/work/task/CL:個|个[gè],份[fèn],項|项[xiàng]
        tègōng, secret service/special service/secret service agent/special agent
        yuángōng, [員工], staff/personnel/employee
        gōng, work/worker/skill/profession/trade/craft/labor
        gōngjù, tool/instrument/utensil/means (to achieve a goal etc)
        gōngchǎng, [工廠], factory/CL:家[jiā],座[zuò]
        gōngrén, worker/CL:個|个[gè],名[míng]
        gōngzī, [工資], wages/pay/CL:個|个[gè],份[fèn],月[yuè]
        gōngzuòshì, studio/workshop
        gōngchéng, engineering/an engineering project/project/undertaking/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
        gōngchéngshī, [工程師], engineer/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        dǎgōng, to work a temporary or casual job/(of students) to have a job outside of class t...
        kāigōng, [開工], to begin work (of a factory or engineering operation)/to start a construction jo...
        gōngyè, [工業], industry
        bàgōng, [罷工], a strike/to go on strike
        qīngjiégōng, [清潔工], cleaner/janitor/garbage collector
        shǒugōng, handwork/manual
        réngōng, artificial/manpower/manual work
        gōnghuì, [工會], labor union/trade union/CL:個|个[gè]
        gōngdì, construction site
        kuànggōng, [礦工], miner
        wángōng, to finish work/to complete a project
        gōngfū/gōngfu, (old) laborer, period of time (may be months, or mere seconds)/spare time/skill/...
        jiāgōng, to process/processing/working (of machinery)
        gōngjùxiāng, toolbox
        shōugōng, to stop work for the day (generally of laborers)/to knock off
        shīgōng, construction/to carry out construction or large-scale repairs
        gōngqián, [工錢], salary/wages
        láogōng, [勞工], labor/laborer
        guǎngōng, plumber/pipe-worker
        gōngzuòzhě, worker
        gōngzuòfú, work clothes
        réngōngzhìnéng, artificial intelligence (AI)
        gōngzuòkuáng, workaholic
        línshígōng, [臨時工], day laborer/temporary work
        diàngōng, [電工], electrician/electrical engineering/electrical work (in a house)
        nǚgōng, working woman/variant of 女紅|女红[nǚ gōng]
        gōngtóu, [工頭], foreman
        zhígōng, [職工], workers/staff/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìgōng, skilled worker
        bānyùngōng, [搬運工], porter
        Gōngténg, Kudō (Japanese surname)
        gōngyì, [工藝], arts and crafts/industrial arts
        réngōnghūxī, artificial respiration (medicine)
        zuògōng, to work with one's hands/manual work/workmanship
        gōngzuòliàng, workload/volume of work
        gōngchéngxué, [工程學], engineering
        fēngōng, to divide up the work/division of labor
        gōngzuòzhàn, (computer) workstation
        gōngzuòrì, workday/working day/weekday
        mùgōng, woodwork/carpentry/woodworker/carpenter
        gōngjiàng, artisan/smith
        tínggōng, to stop work/to shut down/to stop production
        gōngyìpǐn, [工藝品], handicraft article/handiwork/CL:個|个[gè]
        huàgōngchǎng, [化工廠], chemical factory
        gōngzuòtái, [工作檯], workbench/work station
        huàgōng, chemical industry, abbr. of 化學工業|化学工业[huà xué gōng yè]/chemical engineering, abb...
        kǔgōng, hard labor (in penal code)/coolie
        dònggōng, [動工], to start (a building project)
        réngōngshòujīng, artificial insemination
        jiāgōngchǎng, [加工廠], processing plant
        gōngrénjiējí, [工人階級], working class
        gōngzuòzǔ, [工作組], work team/working group/task force
        gōngyèqū, [工業區], industrial zone
        gōngshāng, industry and commerce
        tónggōng, child labor
        tōugōngjiǎnliào, [偷工減料], to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom)/jerry-building/sloppy work
        jiāngōng, [監工], workplace overseer/foreman
        zhōngdiǎngōng, [鐘點工], hourly worker/hourly job
        kuànggōng, [曠工], to skip work/absence without leave
        línggōng, temporary job/odd job
        gōngfēng, worker bee
        bānggōng, [幫工], to help with farm work/casual laborer
        míngōng, migrant worker/temporary worker enlisted on a public project
        chēgōng, [車工], lathe work/lathe operator
        gōngbīng, military engineer
        yìgōng, [義工], volunteer worker/volunteer work
        gōngshāng, [工傷], industrial injury
        shànggōng, to go to work/to start work
        gōngshì, defensive structure/military fortifications/(Tw) construction works/civil engine...
        bīnggōngchǎng, [兵工廠], munitions factory
        měigōng, art design/art designer
        gōngshí, [工時], man-hour
        fèigōngfu, [費工夫], to spend a great deal of time and effort/(of a task) demanding/exacting
        gōngyǒu, workmate
        shǒugōngyì, [手工藝], handicraft/arts and crafts
        bāogōngtóu, [包工頭], chief labor contractor
        fángyùgōngshì, [防禦工事], fortification/defensive structure
        gōngzhěng, fine work/carefully and neatly done
        guǐfǔshéngōng, supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods/uncanny workmanship/supe...
        jùngōng, to complete a project
        hàngōng, welder/solderer/CL:名[míng]/welding
        gōngqī, time allocated for a project/completion date
        gōngxīnjiēcéng, [工薪階層], salaried class
        gōngzhuāngkù, [工裝褲], overalls (clothing)/coveralls
        jiàozhíyuángōng, [教職員工], teaching and administrative staff
        gōngdǎng, [工黨], worker's party/labor party
        gōngyèhuà, [工業化], to industrialize/industrialization
        xiàgōngfu, to put in time and energy/to concentrate one's efforts
        lǐgōng, science and engineering as academic subjects
        gōngzuòduì, [工作隊], a working group/a task force
        wùgōng, [務工], to work as a laborer
        gōngzhǒng, [工種], kind of work in production (e.g. benchwork, foundry work etc)
        nángōng, male worker
        qíngōngjiǎnxué, [勤工儉學], to work part time while studying/work-study program
        duǎngōng, temporary job/odd job/seasonal worker
        shuǐnuǎngōng, plumber/heating engineer
        nónggōng, [農工], agricultural worker/abbr. for 農業工人|农业工人/peasant and worker (in Marxism)
        Jīnggōng/jīnggōng, Seiko, Japanese watch and electronics company, refined/delicate/exquisite (craft...
        gōngkē, engineering as an academic subject
        gōngxù, working procedure/process
        shègōng, social work/social worker
        shígōng, stonemasonry/stonemason
        yōnggōng, [傭工], hired laborer/servant
        zhìgōng, volunteer
        huàngōng, [換工], to change workshifts
        dàigōng, to slacken off in one's work/to go slow (as a form of strike)
        tónggōngtóngchóu, equal pay for equal work
        gōnglíng, [工齡], length of service/seniority
        dǎgōngzǎi, young worker/employee/young male worker
        chuángōng, boatman/boat builder
        fùgōng, [復工], to return to work (after stoppage)
        zhuāngxiègōng, [裝卸工], docker/longshoreman
        gōngxuéyuàn, [工學院], school of engineering/college of engineering
        xiàgōng, to knock off (at the end of a day's work)/to finish work
        jiàozhígōng, [教職工], teaching and administrative staff
        wùgōng, [誤工], to delay one's work/to be late for or absent from work/loss of working time
        gōngxīnzú, salaried class
        jiàoyùgōngzuòzhě, educator
        qiángōng, [鉗工], fitter/benchwork
        bàngōngbàndú, [半工半讀], part work, part study/work-study program
        móyánggōng, to idle on the job
        yíchuángōngchéng, [遺傳工程], genetic engineering
        gōngjùshū, [工具書], reference book (such as dictionary, almanac, gazetteer etc)
        núgōng, slave labor/slave worker
        jìgōng, [記工], to record work points 工分[gōng fēn]
        bāogōng, to undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to specifications...
        gōngyìměishù, [工藝美術], applied art
        nóngmíngōng, [農民工], migrant workers
        ānjūgōngchéng, housing project for low-income urban residents
        huàxuégōngyè, [化學工業], chemical industry, abbr. to 化工[huà gōng]
        shǒugōngyè, [手工業], handicraft
        wǎgōng, tiling/bricklaying/plastering
        gōngbǐ, [工筆], gongbi, traditional Chinese painting method characterized by meticulous brush te...
        chǎnyègōngrén, [產業工人], industrial worker
        gōngfēn, work point (measure of work completed in a rural commune in the PRC during the p...
        Gōngnóng/gōngnóng, [工農], Gongnong district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[Hè gǎng], Heilongjiang, workers and peasa...
        hégōngchéng, nuclear engineering
        dǎgōngmèi, young female worker
        gōngdúshēng, [工讀生], student who also works part-time/(old) reform-school student
        bāoshēngōng, indentured laborer

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