哀 ⇒
悲哀 bēiāi, grieved/sorrowful
哀悼 āidào, to grieve over sb's death/to lament sb's death/mourning
节哀 哀伤 āishāng, [哀傷], grief/distress/bereavement/grieved/heartbroken/dejected
哀 Āi/āi, Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yán dì] descended from She...
哀求 āiqiú, to entreat/to implore/to plead
默哀 mòāi, to observe a moment of silence in tribute
致哀 zhìāi, to express grief/to mourn
哀号 āiháo, [哀號], to cry piteously/anguished wailing/same as 哀嚎
喜怒哀乐 xǐnùāilè, [喜怒哀樂], four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huān xǐ], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fèn ...
哀嚎 āiháo, to howl in grief/anguished wailing/same as 哀号
哀思 āisī, grief-stricken thoughts/mourning
哀怨 āiyuàn, grief/resentment/aggrieved/plaintive
哀叹 āitàn, [哀嘆], to sigh/to lament/to bewail
哀愁 āichóu, sorrow/sadness/distressed/sorrowful
哀痛 āitòng, to grieve/to mourn/deep sorrow/grief
哀叫 哀诉 哀鸣 āimíng, [哀鳴], (of animals, the wind etc) to make a mournful sound/whine/moan/wail
莫里哀 Mòlǐāi, Molière (1622-1673), French playwright and actor, master of comedy
哀泣 āiqì, to wail
哀怜 āilián, [哀憐], to feel compassion for/to pity on/to feel sorry for
哀乐 āiyuè, [哀樂], funeral music/plaint/dirge
哀婉 āiwǎn, melancholy/sad and moving
哀歌 āigē, mournful song/dirge/elegy
穆哀 米奴哀
叹 ⇒
惊叹 jīngtàn, [驚嘆], to exclaim in admiration/a gasp of surprise
叹息 tànxī, [嘆息], to sigh/to gasp (in admiration)
叹气 tànqì, [嘆氣], to sigh/to heave a sigh
叹为观止 tànwéiguānzhǐ, [嘆為觀止], (idiom) to gasp in amazement/to acclaim as the peak of perfection
赞叹 zàntàn, [讚嘆], to exclaim in admiration
感叹 gǎntàn, [感嘆], to sigh (with feeling)/to lament
叹 tàn, [嘆]/[歎], to sigh/to exclaim, variant of 嘆|叹[tàn]
感叹号 gǎntànhào, [感嘆號], exclamation mark ! (punct.)
悲叹 bēitàn, [悲嘆]/[悲歎], to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament, to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament
唉声叹气 āishēngtànqì, [唉聲嘆氣], sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom)/to heave deep sighs/to sigh in despair
咏叹调 yǒngtàndiào, [詠嘆調], aria
哀叹 āitàn, [哀嘆], to sigh/to lament/to bewail
感叹词 gǎntàncí, [感嘆詞], interjection (part of speech)/exclamation
惊叹号 jīngtànhào, [驚嘆號], exclamation mark ! (punct.)
叹词 tàncí, [嘆詞], interjection/exclamation
叹服 tànfú, [嘆服], (to gasp) with admiration
慨叹 kǎitàn, [慨嘆], to sigh with regret/lament
赞叹不已 zàntànbùyǐ, [贊嘆不已], to be full of praise (idiom)
长叹 chángtàn, [長嘆], long sigh/deep sigh
令人叹服 长吁短叹 chángxūduǎntàn, [長吁短嘆], long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain
嗟叹 咏叹 兴叹 仰天长叹