啼 ⇒
哭哭啼啼 kūkutítí, to weep endlessly/interminable wailing
啼 tí, [嗁], to cry/to weep aloud/to crow/to hoot, variant of 啼[tí]
啼笑皆非 tíxiàojiēfēi, lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/between laughter and tears
啼哭 tíkū, to cry/to wail
哭 ⇒
哭 kū, to cry/to weep
哭泣 kūqì, to weep
哭喊 kūhǎn, to wail
哭声 kūshēng, [哭聲], sound of weeping
痛哭 tòngkū, to cry bitterly
哭哭啼啼 kūkutítí, to weep endlessly/interminable wailing
哭诉 kūsù, [哭訴], to lament/to complain tearfully/to wail accusingly
哭鼻子 kūbízi, to snivel (usually humorous)
哭闹 痛哭流涕 tòngkūliútì, weeping bitter tears
哭叫 哭丧着脸 kūsangzheliǎn, [哭喪著臉], sullen/to scowl miserably
哭丧 kūsāng, [哭喪], to wail at a funeral/formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the departed
哭笑不得 kūxiàobùdé, lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/both funny and extremely embarr...
又哭又闹 号啕大哭 抱头痛哭 bàotóutòngkū, [抱頭痛哭], to weep disconsolately/to cry on each other's shoulder
欲哭无泪 哭穷 kūqióng, [哭窮], to bewail one's poverty/to complain about being hard up/to pretend to be poor
啼哭 tíkū, to cry/to wail
嚎哭 háokū, to bawl/to cry/to wail/to howl/also written 號哭|号哭[háo kū]
号哭 háokū, [號哭], to bawl/to wail/to cry