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HSK 5 word: freq index 2158
[在於] zàiyú to be in
to lie in
to consist in
to depend on
to rest with

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Word Compounds

        zài, (located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth/(indicating an actio...
        xiànzài, [現在], now/at present/at the moment/modern/current/nowadays
        zhèngzài, just at (that time)/right in (that place)/right in the middle of (doing sth)
        cúnzài, to exist/to be/existence
        shízài, [實在], really/actually/indeed/true/real/honest/dependable/(philosophy) reality
        bùzàihu, not to care
        zàihu, to care about/equivalent of 在於|在于[zài yú]
        zàichǎng, [在場], to be present/to be on the scene
        zàiyú, [在於], to be in/to lie in/to consist in/to depend on/to rest with
        suǒzài, place/location/(after a noun) place where it is located
        zàiyì, to care about/to mind
        chǔzài, [處在], to be situated at/to find oneself at
        zìzai, free/unrestrained/comfortable/at ease
        qiánzài, [潛在], hidden/potential/latent
        zàizuò, to be present
        nèizài, [內在], inner/internal/intrinsic/innate
        zàinèi, [在內], (included) in it/among them
        wúchùbùzài, [無處不在], to be everywhere
        méngzàigǔlǐ, [矇在鼓裡]/[蒙在鼓裡], variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里[méng zài gǔ lǐ], lit. kept inside a drum (idiom)/fig. compl...
        xīnbùzàiyān, absent-minded/preoccupied/inattentive/with one's thoughts wandering
        zàitáo, to be at large (of a criminal)
        zàishì, to be alive
        hézài, where?/what place?
        suǒzàidì, location/site
        gāogāozàishàng, set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality/aloof and remote
        wēizàidànxī, in imminent peril (idiom)/on the brink of crisis
        zàiháng, to be adept at sth/to be an expert in a trade or profession
线         zàixiàn, [在線], online
        zìyóuzìzài, free and easy (idiom); carefree/leisurely
        jìnzàizhǐchǐ, to be almost within reach/to be close at hand
        zàibiān, [在編], to be on the regular payroll/to be on the permanent staff
        zàiwò, (fig.) to hold in one's hands/to be within grasp
        wàizài, external/extrinsic
        zàilǐ, reasonable/sensible
        jìnzàiyǎnqián, right under one's nose/right in front of one's eyes/close at hand/imminent
        zàizhí, [在職], to be employed/to be in post/on-the-job
        zàisuǒnánmiǎn, [在所難免], to be unavoidable (idiom)
        pòzàiméijié, pressing in on one's eyelashes (idiom); imminent
        wúsuǒbùzài, [無所不在], omnipresent
        hǎozài, luckily/fortunately
        fàngzàiyǎnlǐ, [放在眼裡], to pay attention to/to care about/to attach importance to
        lìlìzàimù, [歷歷在目], vivid in one's mind (idiom)
        bùzàihuàxià, [不在話下], to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch
        zhǐzài, to have as its purpose/to be intended to/to aim to (do sth)
        mǎnbùzàihu, [滿不在乎], not in the least concerned (idiom)/reckless/couldn't give a damn about it/unpert...
        xiāoyáozìzai, [逍遙自在], free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered/outside the reach of the law (of crimina...
        zàijí, near at hand/imminent/within sight
        zàixià, under/myself (humble)
        zàiyě, to be out of (political) office/to be out of power
        yǒuyuēzàixiān, [有約在先], to have a prior engagement
        zàitiānzhīlíng, [在天之靈], soul and spirit of the deceased
        zàixiān, to come first/previous/prior/beforehand/first/formerly
        dàyǒurénzài, there are plenty of such people
        shìzàibìxíng, [勢在必行], circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative
        zàisuǒbùcí, [在所不辭], not to refuse to (idiom)/not to hesitate to
        shèzài, [設在], located at/set up in a particular location
        mángcìzàibèi, feeling brambles and thorns in one's back (idiom)/uneasy and nervous/to be on pi...
        chéngzhúzàixiōng, see 胸有成竹[xiōng yǒu chéng zhú]
        zàijiào, to be a believer (in a religion, esp. Islam)
        shìzàirénwéi, [事在人為], the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort...
        zàiwèi, on the throne/reigning (monarch)

        guānyú, [關於], pertaining to/concerning/with regard to/about/a matter of
        Yú/yú, [於], surname Yu, to go/to take/sentence-final interrogative particle/variant of 於|于[y...
        duìyú, [對於], regarding/as far as sth is concerned/with regards to
        zhōngyú, [終於], at last/in the end/finally/eventually
        shǔyú, [屬於], to be classified as/to belong to/to be part of
        yúshì, [於是], thereupon/as a result/consequently/thus/hence
        yóuyú, [由於], due to/as a result of/thanks to/owing to/since/because
        zàiyú, [在於], to be in/to lie in/to consist in/to depend on/to rest with
        chǔyú, [處於], to be in (some state, position, or condition)
        chūyú, [出於], due to/to stem from
        zhìyú, [至於], as for/as to/to go so far as to
        děngyú, [等於], to equal/to be tantamount to
        jīyú, [基於], because of/on the basis of/in view of/on account of
        guòyú, [過於], too much/excessively
        yòngyú, use in/use on/use for
        wèiyú, [位於], to be located at/to be situated at/to lie
        jiànyú, [鑒於], in view of/seeing that/considering/whereas
        shànyú, [善於], to be good at/to be adept at
        yǐzhìyú, [以至於], down to/up to/to the extent that...
        bùzhìyú, [不至於], unlikely to go so far as to/not as bad as
        zhìyú, to place/to put (at or in a position)/to be located
        yǒuzhùyú, [有助於], to contribute to/to promote
        zhōngyú, [忠於], to be loyal to
        lèyú, [樂於], willing (to do sth)/to take pleasure in
        dīyú, to be lower than
        mángyú, [忙於], busy with
        xiànyú, [限於], to be limited to/to be confined to
        láiyuányú, [來源於], to originate in
        wúdòngyúzhōng, [無動於衷], aloof/indifferent/unconcerned
        yuányú, [源於], has its origins in
        gāoyú, [高於], greater than/to exceed
        guīyú, [歸於], to belong to/affiliated to/to result in sth/to incline towards
        jíyú, [急於], eager to/in a hurry to
        wújìyúshì, [無濟於事], to no avail/of no use
        yǒujiànyúcǐ, [有鑒於此], in view of this/to this end
        gǎnyú, [敢於], to have the courage to do sth/to dare to/bold in
怀         gěnggěngyúhuái, [耿耿於懷], to take troubles to heart (idiom); brooding
        yúshìwúbǔ, [於事無補], unhelpful/useless
        dàyú, [大於], greater than/bigger than/more than, >
        lìyú, [利於], to be beneficial/to be good for
        yǒngyú, [勇於], to dare to/to be brave enough to
        mòguòyú, [莫過於], nothing can surpass
        tóngguīyújìn, [同歸於盡], to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes/to take sb down with on...
        jièyú, [介於], between/intermediate/to lie between
        miǎnyú, [免於], to be saved from/to be spared (something)
        xiànyú, [陷於], caught in (a bad situation)/to fall into (trap etc)
        sǐyúfēimìng, [死於非命], violent death (idiom); to die in a disaster/an unnatural death
便         biànyú, [便於], easy to/convenient for
        duōyú, [多於], more than/greater than
        xiǎoyú, [小於], less than, <
        fùyú, to be full of/to be rich in
        yìyú, [易於], very likely/prone to
        lèyúzhùrén, [樂於助人], willing to help others
        xiāngdāngyú, [相當於], equivalent to
        jǐncìyú, [僅次于], second only to.../(in second place) preceded only by...
        gōngzhūyúshì, [公諸於世], to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know
        shènzhìyú, [甚至於], so much (that)/even (to the extent that)
        pòyú, [迫於], constrained/restricted/forced to/under pressure to do sth
        cìyú, [次於], second after/second only to
        wénmíngyúshì, [聞名於世], world-famous
        qūyú, [趨於], to tend towards
        fánghuànyúwèirán, [防患於未然], see 防患未然[fáng huàn wèi rán]
        shūyú, [疏於], to fail to pay sufficient attention to/to be negligent in regard to/to be lackin...
        píyúbēnmìng, [疲於奔命], (idiom) terribly busy/up to one's ears in work
        yǒubèiyú, [有悖於], to go against
        ānyúxiànzhuàng, [安於現狀], to take things as they are (idiom)/to leave a situation as it is/to be happy wit...
        ānyú, [安於], to feel contented with
        yǒulàiyú, [有賴於], to rely on/to depend on
        dìngyú, [定於], set at/scheduled at
        yuányú, [緣於], to originate from/to come from the fact that/owing to/because of
        yōuyú, [優於], to surpass
        yìyúyánbiǎo, [溢於言表], to exhibit one's feelings in one's speech
齿         xiūyúqǐchǐ, [羞於啟齒], to be too shy to speak one's mind (idiom)
        gānyú, [甘於], to be willing to/to be ready to/to be content with/accepting (of restriction, sa...
        yúshìhū, [於是乎], therefore
        zhòngyúTàiShān, [重於泰山], heavier than Mt Tai (idiom); fig. extremely serious matter
        jíyúqiúchéng, [急於求成], anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand instant success/impatient for resul...
        bùjuéyúěr, [不絕於耳], (of sound) to never stop/to fall incessantly on the ear/to linger on
        jiàhuòyúrén, [嫁禍於人], to pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to blame others/to pass the buck
        xǐxíngyúsè, [喜形於色], face light up with delight (idiom); to beam with joy
        bīnyú, [瀕於], near to/approaching (collapse)
        yányúlǜjǐ, [嚴於律己], to be strict with oneself
        bùyàyú, [不亞於], no less than/not inferior to
        bùxiàyú, as many as/no less than/not inferior to/as good as/on a par with
        qīngchūyúlánérshèngyúlán, [青出於藍而勝於藍], lit. the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo (idiom)/...
        yúxīnbùrěn, [於心不忍], can't bear to

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