在 ⇒
在 zài, (located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth/(indicating an actio...
现在 xiànzài, [現在], now/at present/at the moment/modern/current/nowadays
正在 zhèngzài, just at (that time)/right in (that place)/right in the middle of (doing sth)
存在 cúnzài, to exist/to be/existence
实在 shízài, [實在], really/actually/indeed/true/real/honest/dependable/(philosophy) reality
不在乎 bùzàihu, not to care
在乎 zàihu, to care about/equivalent of 在於|在于[zài yú]
放在 在场 zàichǎng, [在場], to be present/to be on the scene
在于 zàiyú, [在於], to be in/to lie in/to consist in/to depend on/to rest with
在家 所在 suǒzài, place/location/(after a noun) place where it is located
在意 zàiyì, to care about/to mind
处在 chǔzài, [處在], to be situated at/to find oneself at
自在 zìzai, free/unrestrained/comfortable/at ease
潜在 qiánzài, [潛在], hidden/potential/latent
在座 zàizuò, to be present
内在 nèizài, [內在], inner/internal/intrinsic/innate
在内 zàinèi, [在內], (included) in it/among them
无处不在 wúchùbùzài, [無處不在], to be everywhere
蒙在鼓里 méngzàigǔlǐ, [矇在鼓裡]/[蒙在鼓裡], variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里[méng zài gǔ lǐ], lit. kept inside a drum (idiom)/fig. compl...
在案 心不在焉 xīnbùzàiyān, absent-minded/preoccupied/inattentive/with one's thoughts wandering
在逃 zàitáo, to be at large (of a criminal)
在世 zàishì, to be alive
实实在在 何在 hézài, where?/what place?
所在地 suǒzàidì, location/site
高高在上 gāogāozàishàng, set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality/aloof and remote
危在旦夕 wēizàidànxī, in imminent peril (idiom)/on the brink of crisis
在行 zàiháng, to be adept at sth/to be an expert in a trade or profession
不复存在 在线 zàixiàn, [在線], online
自由自在 zìyóuzìzài, free and easy (idiom); carefree/leisurely
在心 健在 近在咫尺 jìnzàizhǐchǐ, to be almost within reach/to be close at hand
在编 zàibiān, [在編], to be on the regular payroll/to be on the permanent staff
在握 zàiwò, (fig.) to hold in one's hands/to be within grasp
外在 wàizài, external/extrinsic
在理 zàilǐ, reasonable/sensible
远在 近在眼前 jìnzàiyǎnqián, right under one's nose/right in front of one's eyes/close at hand/imminent
在职 zàizhí, [在職], to be employed/to be in post/on-the-job
在所难免 zàisuǒnánmiǎn, [在所難免], to be unavoidable (idiom)
迫在眉睫 pòzàiméijié, pressing in on one's eyelashes (idiom); imminent
无所不在 wúsuǒbùzài, [無所不在], omnipresent
好在 hǎozài, luckily/fortunately
在所不惜 在此一举 放在眼里 fàngzàiyǎnlǐ, [放在眼裡], to pay attention to/to care about/to attach importance to
在押 历历在目 lìlìzàimù, [歷歷在目], vivid in one's mind (idiom)
不在话下 bùzàihuàxià, [不在話下], to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch
在校 旨在 zhǐzài, to have as its purpose/to be intended to/to aim to (do sth)
满不在乎 mǎnbùzàihu, [滿不在乎], not in the least concerned (idiom)/reckless/couldn't give a damn about it/unpert...
远在天边 在望 铭记在心 逍遥自在 xiāoyáozìzai, [逍遙自在], free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered/outside the reach of the law (of crimina...
在即 zàijí, near at hand/imminent/within sight
在下 zàixià, under/myself (humble)
在野 zàiyě, to be out of (political) office/to be out of power
在读 在册 有约在先 yǒuyuēzàixiān, [有約在先], to have a prior engagement
在天之灵 zàitiānzhīlíng, [在天之靈], soul and spirit of the deceased
在岸 出门在外 在先 zàixiān, to come first/previous/prior/beforehand/first/formerly
大有人在 dàyǒurénzài, there are plenty of such people
势在必行 shìzàibìxíng, [勢在必行], circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative
在建 在劫难逃 箭在弦上 在所不辞 zàisuǒbùcí, [在所不辭], not to refuse to (idiom)/not to hesitate to
有言在先 志在必得 设在 shèzài, [設在], located at/set up in a particular location
在任 在逃犯 芒刺在背 mángcìzàibèi, feeling brambles and thorns in one's back (idiom)/uneasy and nervous/to be on pi...
在业 存放在 成竹在胸 chéngzhúzàixiōng, see 胸有成竹[xiōng yǒu chéng zhú]
在教 zàijiào, to be a believer (in a religion, esp. Islam)
不在少数 我在 联在 重在 重任在肩 事在人为 shìzàirénwéi, [事在人為], the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort...
在校生 人生在世 郑在赫 在非 在岗 在我 悠闲自在 姜在景 在押犯 别在意 金在范 在位 zàiwèi, on the throne/reigning (monarch)
姜在旭 释在馨 李在容 贤在 在格兰 在雅基 意在 存在论 卓在勋 在洋 安在 宋在浩 余在庆 在礼成 车在 在那 赵在景 会在 一定在 锁在 李阔在 在高河 别在娴 曾在藩 在革 在超 郑在荣 在薇 在南 在勋 彭妮关在 在丰 南在根 金在民 金在植 金在焕 在波 在材 在某 在枢 在明 朴在容 玄在旭 民在君 郑在英 包在目 在弘 在楠山 在传 涂在 现在时 韩在喜
于 ⇒
关于 guānyú, [關於], pertaining to/concerning/with regard to/about/a matter of
于 Yú/yú, [於], surname Yu, to go/to take/sentence-final interrogative particle/variant of 於|于[y...
对于 duìyú, [對於], regarding/as far as sth is concerned/with regards to
终于 zhōngyú, [終於], at last/in the end/finally/eventually
属于 shǔyú, [屬於], to be classified as/to belong to/to be part of
于是 yúshì, [於是], thereupon/as a result/consequently/thus/hence
由于 yóuyú, [由於], due to/as a result of/thanks to/owing to/since/because
在于 zàiyú, [在於], to be in/to lie in/to consist in/to depend on/to rest with
处于 chǔyú, [處於], to be in (some state, position, or condition)
出于 chūyú, [出於], due to/to stem from
至于 zhìyú, [至於], as for/as to/to go so far as to
等于 děngyú, [等於], to equal/to be tantamount to
取决于 基于 jīyú, [基於], because of/on the basis of/in view of/on account of
过于 guòyú, [過於], too much/excessively
用于 yòngyú, use in/use on/use for
位于 wèiyú, [位於], to be located at/to be situated at/to lie
鉴于 jiànyú, [鑒於], in view of/seeing that/considering/whereas
善于 shànyú, [善於], to be good at/to be adept at
以至于 yǐzhìyú, [以至於], down to/up to/to the extent that...
不至于 bùzhìyú, [不至於], unlikely to go so far as to/not as bad as
置于 zhìyú, to place/to put (at or in a position)/to be located
有助于 yǒuzhùyú, [有助於], to contribute to/to promote
忠于 zhōngyú, [忠於], to be loyal to
乐于 lèyú, [樂於], willing (to do sth)/to take pleasure in
生于 低于 dīyú, to be lower than
忙于 mángyú, [忙於], busy with
限于 xiànyú, [限於], to be limited to/to be confined to
来源于 láiyuányú, [來源於], to originate in
无动于衷 wúdòngyúzhōng, [無動於衷], aloof/indifferent/unconcerned
源于 yuányú, [源於], has its origins in
高于 gāoyú, [高於], greater than/to exceed
归于 guīyú, [歸於], to belong to/affiliated to/to result in sth/to incline towards
急于 jíyú, [急於], eager to/in a hurry to
无济于事 wújìyúshì, [無濟於事], to no avail/of no use
有鉴于此 yǒujiànyúcǐ, [有鑒於此], in view of this/to this end
重归于好 敢于 gǎnyú, [敢於], to have the courage to do sth/to dare to/bold in
耿耿于怀 gěnggěngyúhuái, [耿耿於懷], to take troubles to heart (idiom); brooding
有利于 于事无补 yúshìwúbǔ, [於事無補], unhelpful/useless
少于 大于 dàyú, [大於], greater than/bigger than/more than, >
利于 lìyú, [利於], to be beneficial/to be good for
勇于 yǒngyú, [勇於], to dare to/to be brave enough to
莫过于 mòguòyú, [莫過於], nothing can surpass
同归于尽 tóngguīyújìn, [同歸於盡], to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes/to take sb down with on...
介于 jièyú, [介於], between/intermediate/to lie between
免于 miǎnyú, [免於], to be saved from/to be spared (something)
公诸于众 毁于一旦 陷于 xiànyú, [陷於], caught in (a bad situation)/to fall into (trap etc)
死于非命 sǐyúfēimìng, [死於非命], violent death (idiom); to die in a disaster/an unnatural death
便于 biànyú, [便於], easy to/convenient for
多于 duōyú, [多於], more than/greater than
难于 小于 xiǎoyú, [小於], less than, <
富于 fùyú, to be full of/to be rich in
易于 yìyú, [易於], very likely/prone to
乐于助人 lèyúzhùrén, [樂於助人], willing to help others
相当于 xiāngdāngyú, [相當於], equivalent to
仅次于 jǐncìyú, [僅次于], second only to.../(in second place) preceded only by...
始于 公诸于世 gōngzhūyúshì, [公諸於世], to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know
甚至于 shènzhìyú, [甚至於], so much (that)/even (to the extent that)
迫于 pòyú, [迫於], constrained/restricted/forced to/under pressure to do sth
次于 cìyú, [次於], second after/second only to
亚于 居于 闻名于世 wénmíngyúshì, [聞名於世], world-famous
趋于 qūyú, [趨於], to tend towards
归因于 无异于 防患于未然 fánghuànyúwèirán, [防患於未然], see 防患未然[fáng huàn wèi rán]
疏于 shūyú, [疏於], to fail to pay sufficient attention to/to be negligent in regard to/to be lackin...
疲于奔命 píyúbēnmìng, [疲於奔命], (idiom) terribly busy/up to one's ears in work
有悖于 yǒubèiyú, [有悖於], to go against
适于 无愧于 安于现状 ānyúxiànzhuàng, [安於現狀], to take things as they are (idiom)/to leave a situation as it is/to be happy wit...
安于 ānyú, [安於], to feel contented with
有赖于 yǒulàiyú, [有賴於], to rely on/to depend on
定于 dìngyú, [定於], set at/scheduled at
缘于 yuányú, [緣於], to originate from/to come from the fact that/owing to/because of
有别于 借助于 始于足下 优于 yōuyú, [優於], to surpass
苦于 溢于言表 yìyúyánbiǎo, [溢於言表], to exhibit one's feelings in one's speech
羞于启齿 xiūyúqǐchǐ, [羞於啟齒], to be too shy to speak one's mind (idiom)
甘于 gānyú, [甘於], to be willing to/to be ready to/to be content with/accepting (of restriction, sa...
于是乎 yúshìhū, [於是乎], therefore
出生于 勿施于人 强加于人 于今 于艾滋 先于 重于泰山 zhòngyúTàiShān, [重於泰山], heavier than Mt Tai (idiom); fig. extremely serious matter
常见于 负于 无助于 急于求成 jíyúqiúchéng, [急於求成], anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand instant success/impatient for resul...
不致于 有益于 千里之行始于足下 不绝于耳 bùjuéyúěr, [不絕於耳], (of sound) to never stop/to fall incessantly on the ear/to linger on
勤于 于是我 嫁祸于人 jiàhuòyúrén, [嫁禍於人], to pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to blame others/to pass the buck
喜形于色 xǐxíngyúsè, [喜形於色], face light up with delight (idiom); to beam with joy
濒于 bīnyú, [瀕於], near to/approaching (collapse)
于平成 于微 于斯 不利于 耽于 严于律己 yányúlǜjǐ, [嚴於律己], to be strict with oneself
寓教于乐 立于不败之地 于昭和 建于 不亚于 bùyàyú, [不亞於], no less than/not inferior to
有损于 不下于 bùxiàyú, as many as/no less than/not inferior to/as good as/on a par with
于剑 良药苦口利于病 于杰克 于昆绍 于亚琛 于亚亨 青出于蓝而胜于蓝 qīngchūyúlánérshèngyúlán, [青出於藍而勝於藍], lit. the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo (idiom)/...
于素美 于是顺 于圣 于心不忍 yúxīnbùrěn, [於心不忍], can't bear to
于汝 于柏林 于非 于蓝 于言 于亚历基 于是爱 于是圣 于斯曼 于用法 于青萍 于公元 于朝妍 受制于人 拘于 于纳尔逊 于景虎 有碍于 于明熙 薄于云水 取信于民 于真 于雷文伍德 有鉴于 于一根 于吉 于一堂 见于