均 ⇒
均 jūn, equal/even/all/uniform
平均 píngjūn, average/on average/evenly/in equal proportions
均匀 jūnyún, [均勻], even/well-distributed/homogeneous/well-proportioned (figure, body etc)
均衡 jūnhéng, equal/balanced/harmony/equilibrium
势均力敌 shìjūnlìdí, [勢均力敵], evenly matched (idiom)
均等 jūnděng, equal/impartial/fair
平均值 píngjūnzhí, average value
均分 jūnfēn, to split/to divide equally
人均 rénjūn, per capita
平均数 píngjūnshù, [平均數], mean (statistics)
不均 bùjūn, uneven/distributed unevenly
申河均 均势 jūnshì, [均勢], equilibrium of forces/balance of power
卡萨诺瓦均 朴镇均 均值 jūnzhí, average value
王均爱 人均收入 年均 niánjūn, annual average (rate)
等 ⇒
等 děng, class/rank/grade/equal to/same as/to wait for/to await/et cetera/and so on/et al...
等等 děngděng, et cetera/and so on .../wait a minute!/hold on!
等待 děngdài, to wait/to wait for
等于 děngyú, [等於], to equal/to be tantamount to
等候 děnghòu, to wait/to wait for
等到 děngdào, to wait until/by the time when (sth is ready etc)
平等 píngděng, equal/equality
久等 jiǔděng, to wait for a long time
等级 děngjí, [等級], grade/rank/status
头等舱 tóuděngcāng, [頭等艙], 1st class cabin
上等 shàngděng, highest quality/top-notch
中等 zhōngděng, medium
头等 tóuděng, [頭等], first class/prime/main
同等 tóngděng, equal to/having the same social class or status
等离子 二等 èrděng, second class/second-rate
高等 gāoděng, high-level/higher (animals, education etc)/advanced (math etc)
优等生 一等 yīděng, first class/grade A
等同 děngtóng, to equate/equal to
何等 héděng, what kind?/how, what/somewhat
高人一等 gāorényīděng, a cut above others/superior
坐等 高等教育 gāoděngjiàoyù, higher education
下等 劣等 上等货 均等 jūnděng, equal/impartial/fair
相等 xiāngděng, equal/equally/equivalent
优等 yōuděng, [優等], first-rate/of the highest order/high-class/excellent/superior
不等 bùděng, unequal/varied
一等奖 yīděngjiǎng, [一等獎], first prize
男女平等 nánnǚpíngděng, equality of the sexes
三等 等位 děngwèi, (physics) equipotential
低等 dīděng, inferior
等式 děngshì, an equality/an equation
等离子体 děnglízǐtǐ, [等離子體], plasma (physics)
低人一等 二等奖 甲等 jiǎděng, grade A/first-class
特等 tèděng, special grade/top quality
等闲之辈 děngxiánzhībèi, [等閒之輩], (in the negative) (not) to be trifled with
等价 děngjià, [等價], equal/equal in value/equivalent
等腰 等值 děngzhí, of equal value
三等奖 次等 cìděng, second class/second rate
对等 duìděng, [對等], equal status/equal treatment/parity (under the law)/equity/reciprocity
上等兵 shàngděngbīng, private first class (army rank)
等边 等价交换 等闲 děngxián, [等閒], ordinary/common/unimportant/idly/for no reason
等分 děngfēn, division into equal parts/equipartition
劣等货 初等教育 chūděngjiàoyù, primary education/junior school education
劣等生 等份 等号 děnghào, [等號], (math.) equals sign =
初等 chūděng, elementary (i.e. easy)
平等互利 píngděnghùlì, mutual benefit/to share profits equitably
等闲视之 恒等式 héngděngshì, [恆等式], identity (math.)
等差 děngchā, degree of disparity/equal difference
星等 xīngděng, magnitude of a star
立等可取 等温线 高等学校 gāoděngxuéxiào, [高等學校], colleges and universities
各色人等 等距 děngjù, equidistant
等角 等长 等比级数 děngbǐjíshù, [等比級數], geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...)
二等功 特等奖 高等级