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zuòyǐ seat

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Word Compounds

        Zuò/zuò, surname Zuo, to sit/to take a seat/to take (a bus, airplane etc)/to bear fruit/v...
        zuòxia, to sit down
        zuòláo, to be imprisoned
        chéngzuò, to ride (in a vehicle)
        zuòbiāo, [坐標], coordinate (geometry)
        zuòyǐdàibì, [坐以待斃], to sit and wait for death (idiom); resigned to one's fate
        zuòlìbùān, lit. agitated sitting or standing (idiom)/restless/fidgety
        zuòqí, [坐騎], saddle horse/mount
        zuòluò, to be situated/to be located (of a building)
        zuòdiàn, [坐墊], cushion/(motorbike) seat/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        zuòlěngbǎndèng, to hold an inconsequential job/to receive a cold reception/to be kept waiting fo...
        jìngzuò, [靜坐], to sit quietly/to meditate/to stage a sit-in
        rúzuòzhēnzhān, [如坐針氈], lit. as if sitting on pins and needles/fig. to be in an uncomfortable situation
        yǎngwòqǐzuò, [仰臥起坐], sit-up (physical exercise)
        xiánzuò, [閑坐], to sit around/to sit idly
        duānzuò, to sit upright
        píngqǐpíngzuò, to be on an equal footing
        zuòxiǎngqíchéng, to reap where one has not sown (idiom)
        hòuzuò, [後坐], recoil (of a gun)/backlash
        zuògǔshénjīng, [坐骨神經], sciatic nerve
        hòuzuòlì, [後坐力], recoil (of a gun)/backlash/reactive force
        zuòzhèn, [坐鎮], (of a commanding officer) to keep watch/to oversee
        zuòdìng, to be seated
        zuòxí, seat (at a banquet)/to attend a banquet
        wéizuò, [圍坐], to sit in a circle/seated around (a narrator)
        zuòshōuyúlì, [坐收漁利], benefit from others' dispute (idiom)
        zuògǔ, ischium
        zuòchán, [坐禪], to sit in meditation/to meditate
        dǎzuò, to sit in meditation/to meditate
        zuòyǐ, seat/chair
        zuòjǐngguāntiān, [坐井觀天], lit. to view the sky from the bottom of a well (idiom); ignorant and narrow-mind...
        zuòhuà, to die in a seated posture (Buddhism)
        zuòshīliángjī, [坐失良機], to sit and waste a good opportunity (idiom); to lose the chance
        zuòbiāoxì, [座標系], coordinate system (geometry)
        zuòchīshānkōng, lit. just sitting and eating, one can deplete even a mountain of wealth (idiom)/...

        yǐzi, chair/CL:把[bǎ],套[tào]
        lúnyǐ, [輪椅], wheelchair
        yǐ, chair
        zuòyǐ, seat
        chángyǐ, [長椅], bench
        tǎngyǐ, deck chair/recliner/couch/lounge
        shuìyǐ, couch
        yáoyǐ, [搖椅], rocking chair
        jiāoyǐ, old-style wooden folding armchair, typically featuring a footrest/(fig.) positio...
        yǐbèi, the back of a chair
        zhédiéyǐ, [折疊椅], folding chair/deck chair
        zhuànyǐ, [轉椅], swivel chair/children's roundabout
        zuòyǐ, seat/chair
        téngyǐ, rattan chair
        fúshǒuyǐ, armchair
        kàobèiyǐ, high-back chair

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