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[墊腳石] diànjiǎoshí stepping stone
fig. person used to advance one's career

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        diàn, [墊], pad/cushion/mat/to pad out/to fill a gap/to pay for sb/to advance (money)
        diànzi, [墊子], cushion/mat/pad
        chuángdiàn, [床墊], mattress/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        zuòdiàn, [坐墊], cushion/(motorbike) seat/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        chèndiàn, [襯墊], pad
        qìdiàn, [氣墊], air cushion (as on hovercraft)
        xiédiàn, [鞋墊], insole/shoe insert
        diànjiǎoshí, [墊腳石], stepping stone/fig. person used to advance one's career
        diànjuàn/diànquān, [墊圈], to spread litter in a cowshed, pigsty etc, washer (on bolt)/toilet seat
        diànjiān, [墊肩], shoulder pad
        pūdiàn, [鋪墊], to spread out bedding/bedcover
        qìdiànchuán, [氣墊船], hovercraft/air cushion vehicle
        diànjiao, [墊腳], litter (animal bedding)
        diànpiàn, [墊片], spacer/shim
        diànfù, [墊付], to pay sb else's expense with the expectation of being reimbursed by that person...
        diànbèi, [墊被], mattress

        jiǎo/jué, [腳], foot/leg (of an animal or an object)/base (of an object)/CL:雙|双[shuāng],隻|只[zhī]...
        jiǎozhǐ, [腳趾], toe
        shǒujiǎo, [手腳], hand and foot/movement of limbs/action/trick/step in a procedure (CL: 道[dào])
        jiǎohuái, [腳踝], ankle
        jiǎoxià, [腳下], under the foot
        jiǎobù, [腳步], footstep/step
        jiǎoyìn, [腳印], footprint
        biéjiǎo, [蹩腳], inferior/shoddy/lousy/lame
        dàjiǎo, [大腳], naturally-formed feet (as opposed to bound feet 小腳|小脚[xiǎo jiǎo])/long kick (soc...
        zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo, [指手畫腳], to gesticulate while talking (idiom)/to explain by waving one's hands/to critici...
        jiǎozhǐtou, [腳趾頭], toe
        jiǎojiān, [腳尖], the extremity of the foot
        jiǎotàchē, [腳踏車], bicycle/bike (Tw)/CL:輛|辆[liàng]
        jiǎodǐ, [腳底], soles of the feet
        luòjiǎo, [落腳], to stay for a time/to stop over/to lodge/to sink down (into soft ground)/leftove...
        jiǎogēn, [腳跟], heel
        dòngshǒudòngjiǎo, [動手動腳], to come to blows/to paw/to grope/to get fresh
        bànjiǎoshí, [絆腳石], stumbling block/obstacle/someone who gets in your way
        quánjiǎo, [拳腳], Chinese boxing/fist and feet/punching and kicking
        shǒumángjiǎoluàn, [手忙腳亂], to act with confusion/to be in a flurry/to be flustered
        chìjiǎo, [赤腳], barefoot
        jiǎotàshídì, [腳踏實地], to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without fligh...
        mǎjiǎo, [馬腳], sth one wishes to conceal/the cat (as in "let the cat out of the bag")
        zuòshǒujiǎo, [做手腳], to defraud/to rig up (a scam)
        jiǎoběn, [腳本], script
        tuǐjiǎo, [腿腳], legs and feet/ability to walk/strides
        sānjiǎojià, [三腳架], tripod/derrick crane
        jiǎohòugēn, [腳後跟], heel
        jiǎobǎn, [腳板], the sole of the foot
        xiǎojiǎo, [小腳], bound feet (traditional)
        jiǎoshǒujià, [腳手架], scaffolding
        diànjiǎoshí, [墊腳石], stepping stone/fig. person used to advance one's career
        shuāngjiǎo, [雙腳], two legs/both feet
        máoshǒumáojiǎo, [毛手毛腳], carelessly and haphazardly/to paw/to grope/to get fresh
        jiǎoliào, [腳鐐], fetters/leg-irons
        jiǎozhǎng, [腳掌], the sole of the foot
        shānjiǎo, [山腳], foot of a mountain
        bàofójiǎo, [抱佛腳], lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fi...
        xiūjiǎo, [修腳], pedicure
        gāojiǎobēi, [高腳杯], goblet
        jiǎoyāzi, [腳丫子], (coll.) foot
        nièshǒunièjiǎo, [躡手躡腳], to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)
        yùnjiǎo, [韻腳], rhyming word ending a line of verse/rhyme
        xiējiǎo, [歇腳], to stop on the way for a rest
        qiánjiǎo, [前腳], one moment ..., (the next ...)/leading foot (in walking)
        quándǎjiǎotī, [拳打腳踢], lit. to punch and kick (idiom); to beat up/fig. determined to sort out a problem
        suōshǒusuōjiǎo, [縮手縮腳], bound hand and foot (idiom); constrained
        dàshǒudàjiǎo, [大手大腳], extravagant (idiom); to throw away money by the handful/wasteful
        hòujiǎo, [後腳], (one moment ...,) the next .../trailing foot (in walking)
        lòumǎjiǎo, [露馬腳], to reveal the cloven foot (idiom); to unmask one's true nature/to give the game ...
        jiǎozhù, [腳注], footnote
        qīngshǒuqīngjiǎo, [輕手輕腳], (to move or do sth) softly and quietly (idiom)
        jiǎopǔ, [腳蹼], flippers/fins
        zhùjiǎo, [註腳], footnote
        jiǎoqì, [腳氣], beriberi/athlete's foot
        jiǎobózi, [腳脖子], (coll.) ankle
        diànjiao, [墊腳], litter (animal bedding)
        xiūjiǎoshī, [修腳師], pedicurist
        Xiānggǎngjiǎo, [香港腳], athlete's foot
        tiàojiǎo, [跳腳], to stomp or hop about (in anxiety, anger etc)/to dance on one's feet/hopping mad...
        gēnjiǎo, [跟腳], to feet the feet perfectly/to follow closely/hard on sb's heels
        jiǎozhǎo, [腳爪], paw/claw
        jiǎobèi, [腳背], instep (upper surface of the foot)
        chìjiǎoyīshēng, [赤腳醫生], barefoot doctor/farmer with paramedical training (PRC)
        wāqiángjiǎo, [挖牆腳], to undermine/to let someone down/to seduce someone away from something
        jiǎoxuǎn, [腳癬], athlete's foot
        jiǎoxīn, [腳心], arch of the foot
        jiǎofū, [腳夫], porter/bearer
        jiǎomiàn, [腳面], instep (upper surface of the foot)
        sìjiǎoshé, [四腳蛇], lizard/common spoken equivalent of 蜥蜴[xī yì]

        shítou, [石頭], stone/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        zuànshí, [鑽石], diamond/CL:顆|颗[kē]
        Shí/dàn/shí, surname Shi, dry measure for grain equal to ten dou 斗/ten pecks/one hundred lite...
        shíyóu, oil/petroleum
        yánshí, rock
        bǎoshí, [寶石], precious stone/gem/CL:枚[méi],顆|颗[kē]
        yǔnshí, [隕石], meteorite/aerolite/CL:塊|块[kuài],顆|颗[kē]
        dàlǐshí, marble
        shígāo, gypsum CàSO·2(HO)/plaster/plaster cast (for a broken bone)
        shuǐluòshíchū, as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom)/the truth comes to light
        hóngbǎoshí, [紅寶石], ruby
        Shímián/shímián, Shimian County in Ya'an 雅安[Yǎ ān], Sichuan, asbestos
        shíkuài, [石塊], stone/rock
        tiěshíxīncháng, [鐵石心腸], to have a heart of stone/hard-hearted/unfeeling
        shíbǎn, slab/flagstone/slate
        bànjiǎoshí, [絆腳石], stumbling block/obstacle/someone who gets in your way
        kuàngshí, [礦石], ore
        jiāoshí, reef
        jīshí, cornerstone
        huàshí, fossil
        shíguān, sarcophagus
        shíqì, stone tool/stone implement
        suìshí, crushed or broken rock, stone etc
        shíbēi, stele/stone tablet (for inscription)/CL:方[fāng]
        jùshí, huge rock/boulder/monolith
        shíliu, pomegranate
        luòjǐngxiàshí, to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down
        lánbǎoshí, [藍寶石], sapphire
        shíhuà, to petrify/petrochemical industry
        huǒshí, flint (stone)
        cǎishíchǎng, [採石場], stone pit/quarry
        císhí, magnet
        shíhuī, lime (calcium oxide)
        dǎhuǒshí, flint
        éluǎnshí, [鵝卵石], pebble/cobblestone
        diǎnshíchéngjīn, [點石成金], to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing int...
        yùshí, precious stones/jade and stone
        níshíliú, landslide/torrent of mud and stones/mudslide
        shènjiéshí, [腎結石], kidney stone
        diànjiǎoshí, [墊腳石], stepping stone/fig. person used to advance one's career
        shíxiàng, stone statue
        shíyīng, quartz
        Pánshí/pánshí, Panshi county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province, boulder
        suìshí, flint
        shíhuīshí, limestone
        lìshí, [礫石], gravel/pebbles
        yǔnshíkēng, [隕石坑], meteorite impact crater
        shíjiàng, stonemason
绿         lǜbǎoshí, [綠寶石], beryl
        luǎnshí, cobble/pebble
        shāshí, sandstone/sand and stone/aggregate
        xītiěshí, [吸鐵石], a magnet/same as 磁鐵|磁铁
        Shítián, Ishida (Japanese surname and place name)
        Shíchéng, Shicheng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
        ShíGǎng, [石崗], Shek Kong (area in Hong Kong)
        shímò, black lead/graphite/plumbago
        Huángshí, [黃石], Huangshi prefecture-level city in Hubei
        jùshízhèn, [巨石陣], giant stone arrangement/Stonehenge
        shílà, [石蠟], paraffin wax
        hǎikūshílàn, [海枯石爛], lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom)/fig. forever/until the...
        Shíchuān, Ishikawa (Japanese surname and place name)
        diànjīshí, a foundation stone/a cornerstone
        guīshí, siliceous rock
        shíruǐ, reindeer moss/litmus (chemistry)
        jīngāngshí, [金剛石], diamond/also called 鑽石|钻石[zuàn shí]
        Xīnshíqì, Neolithic
        huāgāngshí, [花崗石], granite
        shíjiē, [石階], stone step
        dǎnjiéshí, [膽結石], gallstone
        tóushíwènlù, [投石問路], lit. to toss a stone to find out what's ahead (idiom)/fig. to test the waters
        jīnshí, metal and stone/fig. hard objects/inscription on metal or bronze
        shídiāo, stone carving/carved sculpture
        módāoshí, whetstone (for honing knives)
        JiǎngJièshí, [蔣介石], Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975), military leader, head of the Nationalist government...
        shísōng, [石鬆], Lycopodiopsida (club mosses)
        Shízhù/shízhù, Shizhu Tujia autonomous county, Chongqing, stela/upright stone/obelisk
        shígōng, stonemasonry/stonemason
绿         lǜsōngshí, [綠松石], turquoise (gemstone)
        luànshí, [亂石], rocks/stones/rubble/riprap
        chángshí, [長石], stone beam/horizontal slab of stone/feldspar or felspar (geology)
        jiéshí, [結石], calculus/stone
        huáshí, talc
        dànbáishí, opal
        shízhú, China pink/Dianthus chinensis (botany)
        shíhuīyán, limestone
        shāshí, sand and stones
        xiāoshí, niter/saltpeter/potassium nitrate KNǑ
        shìjīnshí, [試金石], touchstone/fig. test that sth is genuine
        pánshí, [盤石], variant of 磐石[pán shí]
        shíbānyú, [石斑魚], grouper (Portuguese: garoupa)/also called 鮨/Epinephelinae (subfamily of Serranid...
        huóhuàshí, living fossil
        shuǐmóshí, terrazzo
        shēngshíhuī, calcium oxide CaO/quicklime
        shíkū, rock cave/grotto/cliff caves (often with Buddhist statues)
        fúshí, pumice
        shípòtiānjīng, [石破天驚], earth-shattering/breakthrough/remarkable and original work
        yíngshí, [螢石], fluorite CáF/fluorspar/fluor
        tǔshíliú, (Tw) debris flow/mudslide
        shéwénshí, [蛇紋石], serpentine (geology)
        zhōngrǔshí, [鐘乳石], stalactite
        Shítànjì, [石炭紀], Carboniferous (geological period 354-292m years ago)
        shúshígāo, plaster of Paris/calcined gypsum
        báiyúnshí, [白雲石], dolomite
穿         dīshuǐchuānshí, dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields succes...
        shízhì, [石質], stony
        tiěkuàngshí, [鐵礦石], iron ore
        línhuīshí, apatite/phosphatic limestone
        zhěshí, ocher (pigment)
        huīshí, [輝石], pyroxene (family of rock-forming minerals)/augite
        shítànsuān, phenol C6HOH/same as 苯酚
        shísǔn, [石筍], stalagmite
        Shíquán, Shiquan County in Ankang 安康[Ān kāng], Shaanxi
        shíkè, stone inscription/carved stone
        shínǚ, female suffering absence or atresia of vagina (as birth defect)
        Shíjǐng, Ishii (Japanese surname)
        Shímén, [石門], Shimen or Shihmen township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xīn běi shì], Taiwan
        shísuàn, red spider lily (Lycoris radiata)
        shíchéndàhǎi, lit. to throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea (idiom)/fig. to e...

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