All Possible Words
塞 Sāi/sāi/sài/sè, Serbia/Serbian/abbr. for 塞爾維亞|塞尔维亚[Sāi ěr wéi yà], to stop up/to squeeze in/to s...
尔 ěr, [尒]/[爾], variant of 爾|尔[ěr], thus/so/like that/you/thou
吉 Jí/jí, surname Ji/abbr. for Jilin Province 吉林省[Jí lín Shěng], lucky/giga- (meaning bill...
布 bù, [佈], variant of 布[bù]/to announce/to spread, cloth/to declare/to announce/to spread/t...
达 Dá/dá, [達], surname Da, to attain/to reach/to amount to/to communicate/eminent
诺 nuò, [諾], to consent/to promise/(literary) yes!
夫 fū/fú, husband/man/manual worker/conscripted laborer (old), (classical) this, that/he, ...
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