填 ⇒
填 tián, to fill or stuff/(of a form etc) to fill in
填补 tiánbǔ, [填補], to fill a gap/to fill in a blank (on a form)/to overcome a deficiency
填写 tiánxiě, [填寫], to fill in a form/to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form)
填充 tiánchōng, pad/padding
填充物 填表 tiánbiǎo, fill a form
装填 填词 tiáncí, [填詞], to compose a poem (to a given tune)
填料 tiánliào, packing material
填平 填报 填空 tiánkòng, to fill a job vacancy/to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper)
义愤填膺 yìfèntiányīng, [義憤填膺], righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); to feel indignant at injustice
填鸭式 tiányāshì, [填鴨式], force feeding (as a teaching method)
填筑 填鸭 tiányā, [填鴨], to force-feed ducks/(cooking) stuffed duck
料 ⇒
资料 zīliào, [資料], material/resources/data/information/profile (Internet)/CL:份[fèn],個|个[gè]
饮料 yǐnliào, [飲料], drink/beverage
料 liào, material/stuff/grain/feed/to expect/to anticipate/to guess
材料 cáiliào, material/data/makings/stuff/CL:個|个[gè],種|种[zhǒng]
塑料 sùliào, plastics/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
预料 yùliào, [預料], to forecast/to anticipate/expectation
燃料 ránliào, fuel
料到 liàodào, to foresee/to anticipate
照料 zhàoliào, to tend/to take care of sb
香料 xiāngliào, spice/flavoring/condiment/perfume
意料 yìliào, to anticipate/to expect
料理 liàolǐ, to arrange/to handle/to cook/cuisine/art of cooking
出乎意料 chūhūyìliào, beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
原料 yuánliào, raw material/CL:個|个[gè]
颜料 yánliào, [顏料], paint/dye/pigment
出人意料 chūrényìliào, unexpected (idiom)/surprising
塑料袋 sùliàodài, plastic bag
布料 bùliào, cloth/material
调料 tiáoliào, [調料], condiment/seasoning/flavoring
肥料 féiliào, fertilizer/manure
资料库 zīliàokù, [資料庫], database
笑料 xiàoliào, source of laughter/laughing stock/butt/joke (person)
配料 pèiliào, ingredients (in a cooking recipe)/to mix materials according to directions
涂料 túliào, [塗料], paint
料想 liàoxiǎng, to expect/to presume/to think (sth is likely)
饲料 sìliào, [飼料], feed/fodder
废料 fèiliào, [廢料], waste products/refuse/garbage/good-for-nothing (derog.)
染料 rǎnliào, dye
意料之中 yìliàozhīzhōng, to come as no surprise/as expected
料子 liàozi, material
佐料 zuǒliào, condiments/seasoning
木料 mùliào, lumber/timber
核废料 泡沫塑料 pàomòsùliào, styrofoam
不出所料 bùchūsuǒliào, as expected
面料 miànliào, material for making clothes/CL:塊|块[kuài]
衣料 yīliào, material for clothing
加料 jiāliào, to feed in/to load (raw material, supplies, fuel etc)/to supply/fortified (with ...
软饮料 ruǎnyǐnliào, [軟飲料], soft drink
偷工减料 tōugōngjiǎnliào, [偷工減料], to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom)/jerry-building/sloppy work
塑料布 原材料 yuáncáiliào, raw materials/unprocessed materials
资料室 双料 油料 yóuliào, oilseed/oil/fuel
填料 tiánliào, packing material
始料未及 shǐliàowèijí, not expected at the outset (idiom)/unforeseen/to be surprised by the turn of eve...
养料 yǎngliào, [養料], nutriment/nourishment
不料 bùliào, unexpectedly/to one's surprise
始料不及 毛料 máoliào, rough lumber/woollen cloth
出乎预料 chūhūyùliào, [出乎預料], beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
作料 zuóliao, condiments/seasoning
谁料 shéiliào, [誰料], who would have thought that/who would have expected that
草料 cǎoliào, fodder
史料 shǐliào, historical material or data
饵料 有机肥料 敷料 fūliào, medical dressing
燃料油 ránliàoyóu, fuel oil
塑料纸 核燃料 héránliào, nuclear fuel
材料费 辅料 fǔliào, [輔料], auxiliary ingredients/supplementary materials
料及 liàojí, to anticipate/forecast/expectation/anticipation
料器 liàoqì, glassware/colored glass household vessel
糖料 燃料库 塑料管 质料 zhìliào, [質料], material/matter
边角料 biānjiǎoliào, [邊角料], scrap/bits and pieces left over
装料 zhuāngliào, [裝料], to load/to charge/to feed (esp. a machine)
石料 大料 dàliào, Chinese anise/star anise
合成染料 用料 yòngliào, ingredients/material
塑料套 料理台 燃料箱 物料 wùliào, material
饲料厂 复合材料 fùhécáiliào, [複合材料], composite material