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[複寫] fùxiě to duplicate
to carbon copy

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        huīfù, [恢復], to reinstate/to resume/to restore/to recover/to regain/to rehabilitate
        fùzá, [複雜], complicated/complex
        chóngfù, [重複]/[重覆], to repeat/to duplicate/CL:個|个[gè], variant of 重複|重复[chóng fù]
        bàofù, [報復], to make reprisals/to retaliate/revenge/retaliation
        fùchóu, [復仇], to avenge/vengeance
        kāngfù, [康復], to recuperate/to recover (health)/to convalesce
        fùzhì, [複製], to duplicate/to make a copy of/to copy/to reproduce/to clone
        fùhuó, [復活], to revive/(lit. and fig.) to come back to life/(religion) resurrection
        huífù, [回復], to reply/to recover/to return (to a previous condition)/Re: in reply to (email)
        xiūfù, [修復], to restore/to renovate/restoration/(computing) to fix (a bug)
        dáfù, [答復]/[答覆], variant of 答覆|答复[dá fù], to answer/to reply/Reply to: (in email header)
        fǎnfù, [反復]/[反覆], variant of 反覆|反复[fǎn fù], repeatedly/over and over/to upend/unstable/to come and...
        fù, [復]/[複]/[覆], to go and return/to return/to resume/to return to a normal or original state/to ...
        fùyuán, [復原], to restore (sth) to (its) former condition/to recover from illness/recovery
        Fùhuójié, [復活節], Easter
        fùhé, [復合]/[複合], (of people who were estranged) to be reconciled/(of a couple) to get back togeth...
        fùsū, [復甦]/[復蘇], to recover (health, economic)/to resuscitate/anabiosis, variant of 復甦|复苏[fù sū]/...
        fùxí, [復習]/[複習], to review/revision/CL:次[cì], variant of 復習|复习[fù xí]
        fùyìn, [複印], to photocopy/to duplicate a document
        rìfùyīrì, [日復一日], day after day
        fùzhí, [復職], to resume a post
        fùyìnjiàn, [複印件], photocopy/duplicate
        fùshēng, [復生], to be reborn/to recover/to come back to life/to regenerate
        fùfā, [復發], to recur (of a disease)/to reappear/to relapse (into a former bad state)
        fùzhìpǐn, [複製品], replica/reproduction
        fùyìnjī, [複印機], photocopier
        fùgǔ, [復古], to return to old ways (a Confucian aspiration)/to turn back the clock/neoclassic...
        fùchū, [復出], to come back out of retirement/to get involved again after having withdrawn
        Wényìfùxīng, [文藝復興], the Renaissance
        Fùxīng/fùxīng, [復興], Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Hán dān shì], Hebei/Fuxing or Fuhsing tow...
        láifùqiāng, [來復槍], rifle (loanword)/also written 來福槍|来福枪
        fùchá, [復查], rechecking/re-inspection/reexamination
        bùfù, [不復], no longer/no more
        yīqùbùfùfǎn, [一去不復返], gone forever
        niánfùyīnián, [年復一年], over the years/year after year
        fǎnfùwúcháng, [反覆無常], unstable/erratic/changeable/fickle
        fùsài, [複賽], (sports) semifinal or quarterfinal/to compete in a semifinal (or a quarterfinal)
        fùshù, [複述]/[覆述], to repeat (one's own words or sb else's)/(in the classroom) to paraphrase what o...
        fǎnfǎnfùfù, [反反復復], repeatedly/time and time again
        píngfù, [平復], to pacify/to calm down/to be cured/to be healed
        fùshù, [複數], plural/complex number (math.)
        fùběn, [複本], copy
        cuòzōngfùzá, [錯綜複雜], tangled and complicated (idiom)
        fùjiàn, [復健], rehabilitation/recuperate
        fùwèi, [復位], to restore sb or sth to its original position/to regain the throne/to reset (a d...
        fùzhěn, [復診], another visit to doctor/further diagnosis
        fùyuán, [復員], to demobilize/demobilization
        fùzáhuà, [複雜化], to complicate/to become complicated
        fùzáxìng, [複雜性], complexity
        huīfùqī, [恢復期], convalescence
        wànjiébùfù, [萬劫不復], consigned to eternal damnation/with no hope of reprieve
        fùhūn, [復婚], to remarry (the same person)
        shīérfùdé, [失而復得], to lose sth and then regain it (idiom)
        fùshěn, [復審], to review a judicial case/to reexamine
        fánfù, [繁複], complicated
        fùyìnzhǐ, [複印紙], photocopier paper
        chóngfùxìng, [重覆性], repetitive
        zhōuérfùshǐ, [週而復始], lit. the cycle comes back to the start (idiom); to move in circles/the wheel com...
        fùhé, [復核], to reconsider/to reexamine/to review (e.g. a report prior to accepting it)
        wúyǐfùjiā, [無以復加], in the extreme (idiom)/incapable of further increase
        sǐhuīfùrán, [死灰復燃], lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence/sth ma...
        shōufù, [收復], to recover (lost territory etc)/to recapture
        wǎngfù, [往復], to go and come back/to make a return trip/backwards and forwards (e.g. of piston...
        fùdú, [復讀]/[複讀], to return to the same school and repeat a course from which one has already grad...
        Fùxīngdǎng, [復興黨], Baath Party
        Guāngfù/guāngfù, [光復], Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Huā lián Xiàn], east Taiwa...
        fùshì, [複式], double/multiple/compound/combined/double-entry (accounting)
        FùhuójiéDǎo, [復活節島], Easter Island
        fùfāng, [複方], compound prescription (involving several medicines)
        fùxué, [復學], to return to school (after an interruption)/to resume one's studies
        gùtàifùméng, [故態復萌], to revert to old ways
        fùshì, [複試], to sit for the second round of a two-stage exam
        fùhuì, [復會], to resume a meeting
线         láifùxiàn, [來復線], rifling (spiral lines on inside of gun barrel imparting spin to the bullet)
        fùxiězhǐ, [複寫紙], carbon paper
        fùgōng, [復工], to return to work (after stoppage)
        fùguī, [復歸], to return/to come back
        fùlì, [複利], compound interest
        pīfù, [批復], to reply officially to a subordinate
        fùmìng, [復命], to report on completion of a mission/debriefing
        fùxiě, [複寫], to duplicate/to carbon copy
        fùxìng, [複姓], two-character surname such as 司馬|司马 or 諸葛|诸葛
        fùhécáiliào, [複合材料], composite material
        fùxìn, [復信], to reply to a letter

        xiě, [寫], to write
        xiěxìn, [寫信], to write a letter
        xiězuò, [寫作], to write/to compose/writing/written works
        suōxiě, [縮寫], abbreviation/to abridge
        pīnxiě, [拼寫], to spell
        xiězì, [寫字], to write characters
        miáoxiě, [描寫], to describe/to depict/to portray/description
        tèxiě, [特寫], feature article/close-up (filmmaking, photography etc)
        tiánxiě, [填寫], to fill in a form/to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form)
        gǎixiě, [改寫], to revise/to edit
        shūxiě, [書寫], to write
        biānxiě, [編寫], to compile
        dàxiě, [大寫], capital letters/uppercase letters/block letters/banker's anti-fraud numerals
        zhuànxiě, [撰寫], to write/to compose
        xiězhào, [寫照], portrayal
        xiězhēn, [寫真], portrait/to describe sth accurately
        chāoxiě, [抄寫], to copy/to transcribe
        qīngmiáodànxiě, [輕描淡寫], to sketch in light shades/to play down/to deemphasize (idiom)
        xiěxià, [寫下], to write down
        sùxiě, [速寫], quick sketch
        dàxiězìmǔ, [大寫字母], capital letters/uppercase letters
        xiězìtái, [寫字檯], writing desk
        jiǎnxiě, [簡寫], to write characters in simplified form/the simplified form of a character/to abb...
        pǔxiě, [譜寫], to compose (a piece of music)/(fig.) to create, by one's actions, a narrative (g...
        xiěfǎ, [寫法], style of writing (literary style)/way of writing a character/spelling
        xiěshí, [寫實], realism/realistic portrayal/realistic/true to life
        xiězìlóu, [寫字樓], office building
        xiěyì/xièyì, [寫意], to suggest (rather than depict in detail)/freehand style of Chinese painting, ch...
        tīngxiě, [聽寫], (of a pupil) to write down (in a dictation exercise)/dictation/(music) to transc...
        xiǎoxiě, [小寫], lowercase
        xiěshēng, [寫生], to sketch from nature/to do a still life drawing
        téngxiě, [謄寫], to transcribe/to make a fair copy
        fùxiězhǐ, [複寫紙], carbon paper
        fùxiě, [複寫], to duplicate/to carbon copy
        shǒuxiětǐ, [手寫體], handwritten form/cursive
        tíxiě, [題寫], to create a work of calligraphy for display in a prominent place (typically, a s...
        móxiě, [摹寫], to trace over/to copy (a calligraphy model)/facsimile/(fig.) to depict/to portra...
        dàxiǎoxiě, [大小寫], capitals and lowercase letters
        mòxiě, [默寫], to write from memory

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