夹 ⇒
夹 jiā/jiá/jià, [夾]/[裌], to press from either side/to place in between/to sandwich/to carry sth under arm...
夹克 jiākè, [夾克], jacket (loanword)/also pr. [jiá kè]
文件夹 wénjiànjiā, [文件夾], folder/file (paper)
皮夹 píjiā, [皮夾], wallet/Taiwan pr. [pí jiá]
夹子 jiāzi, [夾子], clip/clamp/tongs/folder/wallet
夹心 jiāxīn, [夾心], to fill with stuffing (e.g. in cooking)/stuffed
弹夹 dànjiā, [彈夾], ammunition clip/cartridge clip/magazine (for ammunition)
发夹 fàjiā, [髮夾], hair clip
夹板 jiābǎn, [夾板], splint/clamp/vise (as torture instrument)
皮夹克 夹层 jiācéng, [夾層], interval between two layers/double-layered/mezzanine
夹克衫 夹杂 jiāzá, [夾雜], to mix together (disparate substances)/to mingle/a mix/to be tangled up with
钱夹 qiánjiā, [錢夾], wallet/Taiwan pr. [qián jiá]
夹击 jiājī, [夾擊], pincer attack/attack from two or more sides/converging attack/attack on a flank/...
皮夹子 夹带 jiādài, [夾帶], to carry within it/to be mixed in/to slip sth in/to intersperse/(hydrology etc) ...
活页夹 领带夹 夹竹桃 jiāzhútáo, [夾竹桃], oleander (Nerium indicum)/Taiwan pr. [jià zhú táo]
夹缝 jiāfèng, [夾縫], crack/crevice
夹攻 jiāgōng, [夾攻], attack from two sides/pincer movement/converging attack/attack on a flank/fork i...
夹角 jiājiǎo, [夾角], angle (between two intersecting lines)
卷发夹 衣夹 yījiā, [衣夾], clothespin/clothes peg
夹馅 jiāxiàn, [夾餡], stuffed (of food)/with filling
夹道欢迎 jiādàohuānyíng, [夾道歡迎], to line the streets in welcome
夹墙 雨夹雪 yǔjiāxuě, [雨夾雪], sleet/mixture of snow and rain
夹道 jiādào, [夾道], a narrow street (lined with walls)/to line the street
夹棍 jiāgùn, [夾棍], leg vise (torture instrument)
夹具 jiājù, [夾具], clamp/fixture (machining)
带 ⇒
带 dài, [帶], band/belt/girdle/ribbon/tire/area/zone/region/CL:條|条[tiáo]/to wear/to carry/to t...
带来 dàilái, [帶來], to bring/to bring about/to produce
带走 dàizǒu, [帶走], to carry/to take away
带子 dàizi, [帶子], belt/band/ribbon/strap/girdle/(coll.) audio or video tape/Farrer's scallop (Chla...
录像带 lùxiàngdài, [錄像帶], video cassette/CL:盤|盘[pán]
领带 lǐngdài, [領帶], necktie/CL:條|条[tiáo]
安全带 ānquándài, [安全帶], seat belt/safety belt
携带 xiédài, [攜帶], to carry (on one's person)/to support (old)/Taiwan pr. [xī dài]
带领 dàilǐng, [帶領], to guide/to lead
带有 dàiyǒu, [帶有], to have/to involve
皮带 pídài, [皮帶], strap/leather belt/CL:條|条[tiáo],根[gēn]
磁带 cídài, [磁帶], magnetic tape/CL:盤|盘[pán],盒[hé]
腰带 yāodài, [腰帶], belt
地带 dìdài, [地帶], zone/CL:個|个[gè]
胶带 jiāodài, [膠帶], adhesive tape/rubber belt/recording tape
带到 绷带 bēngdài, [繃帶], bandage (loanword)
一带 yīdài, [一帶], region/district
鞋带 xiédài, [鞋帶], shoelace/CL:根[gēn],雙|双[shuāng]
热带 rèdài, [熱帶], the tropics/tropical
录音带 lùyīndài, [錄音帶], audio tape/CL:盤|盘[pán],盒[hé]
带路 dàilù, [帶路], to lead the way/to guide/to show the way/fig. to instruct
带入 带回 dàihuí, [帶回], to bring back
顺带 shùndài, [順帶], (do sth) in passing/incidentally (while doing sth else)
带头 dàitóu, [帶頭], to take the lead/to be the first/to set an example
附带 fùdài, [附帶], supplementary/incidentally/in parentheses/by chance/in passing/additionally/seco...
纽带 niǔdài, [紐帶], tie/link/bond
带劲 dàijìn, [帶勁], energetic/exciting/of interest
脐带 qídài, [臍帶], umbilical cord
丝带 sīdài, [絲帶], ribbon
吊带 diàodài, [吊帶], suspenders/garters/shoulder strap/brace/sling
声带 shēngdài, [聲帶], vocal cords/vocal folds/(motion picture) soundtrack
带队 绶带 shòudài, [綬帶], ribbon (as a decoration)/cordon (diagonal belt worn as a sign of office or honor...
面带微笑 韧带 rèndài, [韌帶], ligament
外带 wàidài, [外帶], take-out (fast food)/(outer part of) tire/as well/besides/into the bargain/outer...
带刺 dàicì, [帶刺], thorny/(fig.) barbed/sarcastic
热带雨林 rèdàiyǔlín, [熱帶雨林], tropical rain forest
带动 dàidòng, [帶動], to spur/to provide impetus/to drive
传送带 chuánsòngdài, [傳送帶], conveyor belt/transmission belt
缎带 duàndài, [緞帶], ribbon
彩带 cǎidài, [彩帶], colored ribbon/streamer/CL:條|条[tiáo]
连带 liándài, [連帶], to be related/to entail/to involve/joint (liability etc)
佩带 pèidài, [佩帶], to wear (as accessories)/carry at the waist
吊袜带 diàowàdài, [吊襪帶], suspenders (for stockings)
背带 bēidài, [背帶], braces/suspenders/sling (for a rifle)/straps (for a knapsack)
卡带 kǎdài, [卡帶], cassette tape
略带 lüèdài, [略帶], having slightly/somewhat carrying
里带 lǐdài, [裡帶], inner tube (of tire)
裤腰带 kùyāodài, [褲腰帶], waistband
裤带 kùdài, [褲帶], belt (in trousers)/CL:根[gēn]
带宽 dàikuān, [帶寬], bandwidth
宽带 kuāndài, [寬帶], broadband
绑带 bǎngdài, [綁帶], bandage/puttee
拖泥带水 tuōnídàishuǐ, [拖泥帶水], lit. wading in mud and water/a slovenly job/sloppy
海带 hǎidài, [海帶], kelp
带电 dàidiàn, [帶電], to electrify/to charge/electrification/live (as in "live wire")
热带鱼 rèdàiyú, [熱帶魚], tropical fish
色带 捎带 夹带 jiādài, [夾帶], to carry within it/to be mixed in/to slip sth in/to intersperse/(hydrology etc) ...
松紧带 sōngjǐndài, [鬆緊帶], (a length of) elastic
表带 biǎodài, [表帶]/[錶帶], watchband/watch strap, watchband/watch strap
带伤 带兵 dàibīng, [帶兵], to lead troops
带病 dàibìng, [帶病], to carry a disease/carrier/vector
水龙带 shuǐlóngdài, [水龍帶], layflat industrial hose/fire hose
音带 yīndài, [音帶], audio tape
隔离带 盒带 hédài, [盒帶], cassette tape/abbr. for 盒式錄音磁帶|盒式录音磁带/CL:盤|盘[pán]
带菌者 dàijūnzhě, [帶菌者], asymptomatic carrier
裙带关系 qúndàiguānxi, [裙帶關係], favoritism shown to sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other fe...
领带夹 绸带 带状 拖带 tuōdài, [拖帶], traction/towing/pulling
帽带 轮带 带头人 裙带 qúndài, [裙帶], waistband of a skirt/(fig.) related to the wife or another female family member
腿带 林带 纸带 zhǐdài, [紙帶], paper tape/ticker tape/paper streamer
保险带 带班 亚热带 yàrèdài, [亞熱帶], subtropical (zone or climate)
袜带 wàdài, [襪帶], garter
白带 báidài, [白帶], leukorrhea
输送带 shūsòngdài, [輸送帶], conveyor belt
腹带 fùdài, [腹帶], belly band
断裂带 duànlièdài, [斷裂帶], fault zone (geology)
磁带机 cídàijī, [磁帶機], tape drive
风带 频带 píndài, [頻帶], frequency range/bandwidth
飘带 piāodài, [飄帶], streamer/pennant
雨带 带鱼 dàiyú, [帶魚], ribbonfish/hairtail/beltfish/cutlassfish (family Trichiuridae)
月经带 拐带 绿化带 温带 wēndài, [溫帶], temperate zone
履带 lǚdài, [履帶], caterpillar track (propulsion system used on bulldozers etc)/(literary) shoes an...
基地带 武装带 示范带 寒带 hándài, [寒帶], polar climate
带笑 传动带 chuándòngdài, [傳動帶], transmission belt