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rúlǚbóbīng lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom)
fig. to be extremely cautious
to be skating on thin ice

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        rúguǒ, if/in case/in the event that
        rúhé, how/what way/what
        rúcǐ, in this way/so
        rú, as/as if/such as
        bǐrú, for example/for instance/such as
        wúlùnrúhé, [無論如何], whatever the case/in any event/no matter what/by all possible means
        jiǎrú, if
        rújīn, nowadays/now
        bùrú, not equal to/not as good as/inferior to/it would be better to
        rútóng, like/as
        lìrú, for example/for instance/such as
        zhūrúcǐlèi, [諸如此類], things like this (idiom); and so on/and the rest/etc
        liǎorúzhǐzhǎng, [瞭如指掌], to know sth like the back of one's hand (idiom)/to know (a person, a place etc) ...
        zìrú, unobstructed/unconstrained/smoothly/with ease/freely
        yīrújìwǎng, just as in the past (idiom); as before/continuing as always
        rúxià, as follows
        yóurú, [猶如], similar to/appearing to be
        shǒukǒurúpíng, lit. to guard one's mouth like a closed bottle (idiom); tight-lipped/reticent/no...
        bùjǐnrúcǐ, [不僅如此], not only that, but ...
        rúyì, as one wants/according to one's wishes/ruyi scepter, a symbol of power and good ...
        rúyuàn, [如願], to have one's wishes fulfilled
        rúshí, [如實], as things really are/realistic
        rúyuànyǐcháng, [如願以償], to have one's wish fulfilled
        zhūrú, [諸如], (various things) such as/such as (the following)
        yǒurú, to be like sth/similar to/alike
        yìrúfǎnzhǎng, easy as a hand's turn (idiom); very easy/no effort at all
        pìrú, for example/for instance/such as
        wǎnrú, to be just like
        tūrúqílái, [突如其來], to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/happening suddenly
        rúshìzhòngfù, [如釋重負], as if relieved from a burden (idiom)/to have a weight off one's mind
        rúyúdéshuǐ, [如魚得水], like a fish back in water (idiom); glad to be back in one's proper surroundings
        zhèngrú, just as/precisely as
        bàotiàorúléi, stamp with fury/fly into a rage
        gǔshòurúchái, as thin as a match/emaciated (idiom)
        rúqī, as scheduled/on time/punctual
        rúchūyīzhé, [如出一轍], to be precisely the same/to be no different
        rúyǐngsuíxíng, [如影隨形], as the shadow follows the body (idiom)/closely associated with each other/to fol...
        yīpínrúxǐ, [一貧如洗], penniless
        rúcǐzhèbān, [如此這般], thus and so/such and such
        kōngkōngrúyě, as empty as anything (idiom); completely bereft/to have nothing/vacuous/hollow/e...
        rúlǚbóbīng, lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom)/fig. to be extremely cautious/to be skati...
        xǔxǔrúshēng, vivid and lifelike (idiom); true to life/realistic
        qiàrúqífèn, (idiom) appropriate/apt/just right
        rúzuòzhēnzhān, [如坐針氈], lit. as if sitting on pins and needles/fig. to be in an uncomfortable situation
        dùrìrúnián, a day drags past like a year (idiom); time hangs heavy/time crawls when one is w...
        duījīrúshān, [堆積如山], to pile up like a mountain (idiom)/a mountain of (paperwork etc)/a large number ...
        shǐzhōngrúyī, [始終如一], unswerving from start to finish (idiom)
        wànshìrúyì, [萬事如意], to have all one's wishes (idiom)/best wishes/all the best/may all your hopes be ...
        bīnzhìrúguī, [賓至如歸], guests feel at home (in a hotel, guest house etc)/a home away from home
        rújīsìkě, [如飢似渴], to hunger for sth (idiom); eagerly/to long for sth
        biǎolǐrúyī, [表裡如一], external appearance and inner thoughts coincide (idiom); to say what one means/t...
        chènxīnrúyì, [稱心如意], after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory/everything one could wish
        rúyìsuànpán, [如意算盤], counting one's chickens before they are hatched
        rúchīrúzuì, [如癡如醉], lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom)/fig. intoxicated by sth/obsessed with/mad...
        rúruò, if
        rúlái, [如來], tathagata (Buddha's name for himself, having many layers of meaning - Sanskrit: ...
        rúrìzhōngtiān, lit. like the sun at noon (idiom)/fig. to be at the peak of one's power, career ...
        rúhuǒrútú, like wildfire (idiom)/unstoppable
        yījiànrúgù, [一見如故], familiarity at first sight
        qiǎoshérúhuáng, lit. to have a tongue like a reed (idiom)/fig. to have a glib tongue
        shìsǐrúguī, [視死如歸], to view death as a return home/to not be afraid of dying/to face death with equa...
        tiězhèngrúshān, [鐵證如山], irrefutable evidence
        huījīnrútǔ, [揮金如土], lit. to squander money like dirt (idiom)/fig. to spend money like water/extravag...
        rúfǎpáozhì, [如法炮製], lit. to follow the recipe (idiom)/fig. to follow a set pattern
        huīhànrúyǔ, [揮汗如雨], to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (him)
        rúléiguàněr, [如雷貫耳], lit. like thunder piercing the ear/a well-known reputation (idiom)
        duōrúniúmáo, as many as the hair of the ox (idiom)/great amount of/countless
        rúlángsìhǔ, lit. like wolves and tigers/ruthless
        zìkuìbùrú, ashamed of being inferior (idiom)/to feel inferior to others
        shìrúpòzhú, [勢如破竹], like a hot knife through butter (idiom)/with irresistible force
        qīnrúyījiā, [親如一家], family-like close relationship (idiom)
        rúhǔtiānyì, lit. like a tiger that has grown wings/with redoubled power (idiom)
        hérú, how about/what kind of
        huǎngrúgéshì, like a thing of the previous generation/as if it were a lifetime ago
        chéngrú, [誠如], it is exactly as
        rúgù, as before/as usual/(to be) like old friends
        hànrúyǔxià, sweating like rain (idiom); to perspire profusely/sweating like a pig
        qiàrú, just as if
        bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn, [百聞不如一見], seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times (idiom); seeing for oneself i...
        huǎngrú, to be as if.../to be rather like...
        yīránrúgù, back to where we were (idiom); absolutely no improvement/Things haven't changed ...
        wěnrúTàiShān, [穩如泰山], steady as Mt Tai/as safe as houses
        huìmòrúshēn, [諱莫如深], important matter that must be kept secret (idiom); don't breathe a word of it to...
        rúshǔjiāzhēn, [如數家珍], lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom)/fig. to be very familiar w...
        lèirúyǔxià, [淚如雨下], tears falling like rain (idiom)
        rúhuāsìyù, delicate as a flower, refined as a precious jade (idiom)/(of a woman) exquisite
        fúrúDōngHǎi, [福如東海], may your happiness be as immense as the East Sea (idiom)
        xiāngjìngrúbīn, [相敬如賓], to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom)/mutual respect between husband a...
        zhífǎrúshān, [執法如山], to maintain the law as firm as a mountain (idiom); to enforce the law strictly
        jíwùrúchóu, [疾惡如仇], to hate evil as one hates an enemy (idiom)
        àimínrúzǐ, [愛民如子], to love the common people as one's own children (praise for a virtuous ruler)
        duōyīshìbùrúshǎoyīshì, it is better to avoid unnecessary trouble (idiom)/the less complications the bet...
        gānzhīrúyí, [甘之如飴], lit. as sweet as syrup (idiom, from Book of Songs); to endure hardship gladly/a ...
        ZhāngChúnrú, [張純如], Iris Chang (1968-2004), Chinese American historian and author of the Rape of Nan...
        rúqìrúsù, [如泣如訴], lit. as if weeping and complaining (idiom)/fig. mournful (music or singing)
        rúhuòzhìbǎo, [如獲至寶], as if gaining the most precious treasure
        mòrú, it would be better

        lǚxíng, to fulfill (one's obligations)/to carry out (a task)/to implement (an agreement)...
        lǚlì, [履歷], background (academic and work)/curriculum vitae/résumé
西         xīzhuānggélǚ, [西裝革履], dressed in Western-style clothes/impeccably attired
        rúlǚbóbīng, lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom)/fig. to be extremely cautious/to be skati...
        bùlǚ, gait/to walk
        lǚ, shoe/to tread on
        lǚlìbiǎo, [履歷表], curriculum vitae (CV)/resume
        bùlǚwéijiān, [步履維艱], to have difficulty walking (idiom)/to walk with difficulty
        lǚyuē, [履約], to keep a promise/to honor an agreement
        lǚdài, [履帶], caterpillar track (propulsion system used on bulldozers etc)/(literary) shoes an...

        kèbó, unkind/harsh/cutting/mean/acrimony/to embezzle by making illegal deductions
        Bó/báo/bó/bò, surname Bo, thin/cold in manner/indifferent/weak/light/infertile, meager/slight/...
        báobǐng, [薄餅], thin flat cake/pancake/pizza
        bòhe, field mint/peppermint
        bóruò, weak/frail
        qiǎnbó, [淺薄], superficial
        xībó, thin/rarefied
        wēibó, scanty/meager
        dānbó, [單薄], weak/frail/thin/flimsy
        rúlǚbóbīng, lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom)/fig. to be extremely cautious/to be skati...
        bómó, membrane/film/CL:層|层[céng]
        báopiàn, thin slice/thin section/flake/Taiwan pr. [bó piàn]
        qīngbó, [輕薄], light (weight)/frivolous/a philanderer/to scorn/disrespectful
        bówù, [薄霧], mist/haze
        bòheyóu, peppermint oil
        wàngzìfěibó, to be unduly humble (idiom)/to undervalue oneself
        bóqíng, inconstant in love/fickle
        báocuì, crispy/thin and brittle/a crispy fried cracker
        miánbó, [綿薄], my humble effort/my meager contribution (humble)
        dànbó, thin/light/flagging/faint
        bómù, dusk/twilight
        hòubáo/hòubó, thickness/also pr. [hòu bó], to favor one and discriminate against the other (ab...
        bólǐ, [薄禮], my meager gift (humble)
        báozhǐ, [薄紙], tissue/kleenex
        fěibó, humble/meager/thin/to despise
        liǎnpíbáo, [臉皮薄], thin-skinned/sensitive
        hòucǐbóbǐ, to favour one and discriminate against the other
        jíbó, (of land) infertile/barren
        báobǎn, thin plate/sheet/lamina/Taiwan pr. [bó bǎn]
        bólì, small profits
        bómìng, to be born under an unlucky star (usu. of women)/to be born unlucky
        bódì, barren land/poor soil

        bīng, [氷], ice/CL:塊|块[kuài]/to chill sth/(of an object or substance) to feel cold/(of a per...
        bīngxiāng, icebox/freezer cabinet/refrigerator/CL:臺|台[tái],個|个[gè]
        bīngqílín, ice cream
        bīngjīlíng, ice cream
        bīngkuài, [冰塊], ice cube/ice chunk
        huábīng, to skate/skating
        bīngqiú, ice hockey/puck
        bīnglěng, ice-cold
        bīngdòng, [冰凍], to freeze
        liūbīng, ice skating/(slang) to do meth
        bīngshān, iceberg/CL:座[zuò]
        bīngchuān, glacier
        bīnggùn, popsicle/ice lolly/CL:根[gēn]
        bīngxuě, ice and snow
        bīngbàng, popsicle/ice pop/CL:根[gēn]
        jiébīng, [結冰], to freeze
        liūbīngchǎng, [溜冰場], ice rink/skating rink
        Bīngdǎo, [冰島], Iceland
        bīngzhèn, [冰鎮], iced
        bīngliáng, [冰涼], ice-cold
        bīngguì, [冰櫃], freezer/deep freeze/refrigerator
        bīngdiāo, ice sculpture
        gānbīng, [乾冰], dry ice (i.e. frozen CÓ)/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        bīnghé, glacier
        bīngbáo, hail/hailstone/CL:場|场[cháng],粒[lì]
        liūbīngxié, skating shoes/ice skates/roller skates/roller blades
        bīngxié, skating boots/skates
        bīngdài, ice bag
        rúlǚbóbīng, lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom)/fig. to be extremely cautious/to be skati...
        bīngzhù, icicle
        diànbīngxiāng, [電冰箱], refrigerator/CL:個|个[gè]
        bīngchǎng, [冰場], skating or ice rink/ice stadium/ice arena
        bīngdāo, ice skates/ice skate blades
        bīngtiānxuědì, a world of ice and snow
        bīngtáng, crystal sugar/rock candy
        hànbīng, roller skating
        bàobīng, shaved or crushed ice dessert or beverage
        lěngruòbīngshuāng, as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of woman); icy manner/frigid
        jiābīng, (of a drink) iced/on the rocks
        fúbīng, ice floe
        bīngfēngbào, [冰風暴], icy storm/hailstorm
        bīngdiǎn, [冰點], freezing point
        bīngshā, slushie/smoothie/crushed ice drink/frappucino
        bīnggùnr, [冰棍兒], ice lolly/popsicle
        bàngbīng, popsicle
        jiānbīng, [堅冰], ice/(fig.) frosty relationship
        bīngjiào, icehouse
        bīngpiàn, borneol
        bīngshuāng, moral integrity/austerity
        bīngqiúchǎng, [冰球場], ice hockey rink
        Běibīngyáng, Arctic ocean
        bīnggài, [冰蓋], ice sheet
        bīngjīng, ice crystals
        pòbīngchuán, ice breaker
        bīnggāo, ice-cream/popsicle/ice-lolly/sorbet
        bīngshuǐ, iced water
        bīngzhuān, [冰磚], ice-cream brick
        Nánbīngyáng, Southern Ocean
        bīnggǎo, [冰鎬], ice pick
        bīngtǎ, serac
        Sīlèbīng, [思樂冰], Slurpee (drink)
        bīngdòng, hole in ice/crevasse
        bīnghuǒ, fire and ice/combination of sharply contrasting or incompatible elements
        Xīngbīnglè, [星冰樂], Frappuccino
        bīngtánghúlu, [冰糖葫蘆], tanghulu/candied fruits on bamboo skewers dipped in sugar syrup, a common Chines...
        bīngchuānqī, ice age
退         tuìbīng, to thaw (frozen food)/to bring to room temperature
        bīngqīngyùjié, [冰清玉潔], clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom); spotless/irreproachable/incorruptible

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