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[威嚴] wēiyán dignified

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Word Compounds

        wēixié, [威脅], to threaten/to menace
        wēishìjì, whiskey (loanword)
        Wēilián, William or Wilhelm (name)
        Xiàwēiyí, Hawaii, US state
        wēi, power/might/prestige
        Wēilì, Wylie (name)/Turrell Wylie, originator of the Wylie transcription of Tibetan scr...
        DùWēi, Du Wei (1982-), Shanghai soccer star/Dewey (name)
        quánwēi, [權威], authority/authoritative/power and prestige
        wēilì, might/formidable power
        Wēinísī, Venice/Venezia
        Nuówēi, Norway
        Wēiěrxùn, [威爾遜], Wilson (name)
        shìwēi, to demonstrate (as a protest)/a demonstration/a military show of force
        Wēiěrshì, [威爾士], Wales, constituent nation of UK
        wēifēng, [威風], might/awe-inspiring authority/impressive
        Gélínwēizhì, Greenwich
        Kēwēitè, Kuwait
        Wēixìn/wēixìn, Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhāo tōng], Yunnan, prestige/reputation/trust/credi...
        Hǎimíngwēi, Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), American novelist and journalist
        shìwēizhě, demonstrator/protester
        Wēilìsī, Willis (name)
        Àosīwēixīn, [奧斯威辛], Auschwitz (concentration camp)
        wēishìjìjiǔ, whiskey (loanword)
        wēiyán, [威嚴], dignified/imposing/august/awe-inspiring/awe/prestige/dignity
        Àisēnháowēiěr, [艾森豪威爾], Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), US army general and politician, Supreme Allied...
        Wēisīkāngxīngzhōu, Wisconsin, US state
        Bǎiwēi, Budweiser (beer)
        Wēisīkāngxīng, Wisconsin, US state
        wēiwàng, prestige
        zhùwēi, to cheer for/to encourage/to boost the morale of
        wēihè, [威嚇], to threaten/to intimidate/to cow
        wēiměng, bold and powerful
        wēilíng, [威靈], authority/prestige/supernatural spirit
        wēibī, to threaten/to coerce/to intimidate
        xiàmǎwēi, [下馬威], display of severity immediately on taking office/(fig.) initial show of strength
耀         yàowǔyángwēi, [耀武揚威], to show off one's military strength (idiom); to strut around/to bluff/to bluster
        wēishè, [威懾], to cower by military force/deterrence
        zuòwēizuòfú, tyrannical abuse (idiom); riding roughshod over people
        Bàowēiěr, [鮑威爾], Powell (name)
        wēiwǔ, might/formidable
        Wēiliánsībǎo, Williamsburg, Virginia
        wēimíng, fame for fighting prowess/military glory
        LùyìWēidēng, Louis Vuitton (brand)
        hújiǎhǔwēi, lit. the fox exploits the tiger's might (idiom); fig. to use powerful connection...
·         Wēilián·Shāshìbǐyà, [威廉·莎士比亞], William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet and playwright
        quánwēixìng, [權威性], authoritative/(having) authority
        Wēisīkāngxīn, Wisconsin
        Shǐdíwēi, Joseph Stilwell (1883-1946), commander of US forces in China, Burma and India in...
        shēngwēi, [聲威], prestige/renown/influence
        yínwēi, abuse of authority/tyrannical abuse
        wēiyí, [威儀], majestic presence/awe-inspiring manner
        Sīwēishìlán, [斯威士蘭], Swaziland
        XīnNánWēiěrshì, [新南威爾士], New South Wales, southeast Australian state
        Àowēiěr, [奧威爾], Orwell (name)/George Orwell (1903-1950), British novelist, author of Animal Farm...
        wēifēnglǐnlǐn, [威風凜凜], majestic/awe-inspiring presence/impressive power
        Wēishì, Visa (credit card)
        héwēishè, [核威懾], nuclear deterrence
·         Qiáozhì·Àowēiěr, [喬治·奧威爾], George Orwell (1903-1950), British novelist, author of Animal Farm 動物農場|动物农场 and...
        Huáwēi, [華威], Warwick (name)/University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
        wēishì, [威勢], might/power and influence
        Wēimǎ, [威瑪], Weimar (German city)
        wēiquán, [威權], authority/power
        Xīnbāwēi, Zimbabwe (Tw)
        Hànnuòwēi, [漢諾威], Hanover
        Wēiqítuō, Wichita (city in Kansas)

        yánzhòng, [嚴重], grave/serious/severe/critical
        yánsù, [嚴肅], solemn/grave/serious/earnest/severe
        yángé, [嚴格], strict/stringent/tight/rigorous
        zūnyán, [尊嚴], dignity/sanctity/honor/majesty
        yánlì, [嚴厲], severe/strict
        Yán/yán, [嚴], surname Yan, tight (closely sealed)/stern/strict/rigorous/severe/father
        yánmì, [嚴密], strict/tight (organization, surveillance etc)
        yánjùn, [嚴峻], grim/severe/rigorous
        zhuāngyán, [莊嚴], solemn/dignified/stately
        sēnyán, [森嚴], strict/rigid/tight (security)
        yánkù, [嚴酷], bitter/harsh/grim/ruthless/severe/cut-throat (competition)
        yánxíng, [嚴刑], strict law/cruel punishment/to carry out cruel law rigorously
        yánzhòngxìng, [嚴重性], seriousness
        yánjìn, [嚴禁], to strictly prohibit
        yánjǐn, [嚴謹], rigorous/strict/careful/cautious/compact/well-knit
        jièyán, [戒嚴], to impose martial law/to impose emergency measures
        wēiyán, [威嚴], dignified/imposing/august/awe-inspiring/awe/prestige/dignity
        yánshǒu, [嚴守], to strictly maintain
        yányánshíshí, [嚴嚴實實], (sealed) tightly/(wrapped) closely/(covered) completely
        yánshi, [嚴實], (sealed) tight/close/(hidden) safely/securely
        yánhán, [嚴寒], bitter cold/severe winter
        yánchéng, [嚴懲], to punish severely
        yánjiā, [嚴加], sternly/strictly/harshly/stringently/rigorously
        jièyánlìng, [戒嚴令], martial law
        yánzhèng, [嚴正], sternly/solemn
        yándōng, [嚴冬], severe winter
        yánsīhéfèng, [嚴絲合縫], to fit tightly (idiom)/to join seamlessly/to fit snugly
        yánmíng, [嚴明], strict and impartial/firm
        cóngyán, [從嚴], strict/rigorous/severely
        yánchá, [嚴查], to investigate strictly
        yánfáng, [嚴防], to take strict precautions/on your guard
        yáncí, [嚴詞], forceful (criticism etc)/to use strong words
        yándǎ, [嚴打], to crack down on/to take severe measures against
        yánzhěng, [嚴整], (of troops) in neat formation/(fig.) orderly
        yányúlǜjǐ, [嚴於律己], to be strict with oneself
        yánchéngbùdài, [嚴懲不貸], to punish severely (idiom)
        yánjǐn, [嚴緊], strict/tight

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