存 ⇒
存在 cúnzài, to exist/to be/existence
生存 shēngcún, to exist/to survive
存 cún, to exist/to deposit/to store/to keep/to survive
幸存者 xìngcúnzhě, [倖存者], survivor
保存 bǎocún, to conserve/to preserve/to keep/to save (a file etc) (computing)
幸存 xìngcún, [倖存], to survive (a disaster)
存活 cúnhuó, to survive (a serious accident)/survival
存款 cúnkuǎn, to deposit money (in a bank etc)/bank savings/bank deposit
储存 chǔcún, [儲存], stockpile/to store/to stockpile/storage
存放 cúnfàng, to deposit/to store/to leave in sb's care
存货 cúnhuò, [存貨], stock/inventory (of material)
存储 cúnchǔ, [存儲], to store up/to stockpile/(computer) to save/to store/memory/storage
不复存在 库存 kùcún, [庫存], property or cash held in reserve/stock
存心 cúnxīn, deliberately
封存 fēngcún, to sequester/to seal up (for safe keeping)/to freeze (an account)/to mothball
共存 gòngcún, to coexist
存档 cúndàng, [存檔], to file/to save a file (computer)/saved data (for a video game etc)
存折 cúnzhé, [存摺], passbook/bankbook
存入 cúnrù, to deposit (e.g. in a bank account)
内存 nèicún, [內存], internal storage/computer memory/random access memory (RAM)
适者生存 shìzhěshēngcún, [適者生存], survival of the fittest
长存 chángcún, [長存], to exist forever
留存 liúcún, to keep/to preserve/extant/to remain (from the past)
残存 cáncún, [殘存], to survive/remnant
现存 xiàncún, [現存], extant/existent/in stock
生死存亡 shēngsǐcúnwáng, matter of life and death
寄存 jìcún, to deposit/to store/to leave sth with sb
并存 bìngcún, [並存], to exist at the same time/to coexist
荡然无存 dàngránwúcún, [蕩然無存], to obliterate completely/to vanish from the face of the earth
存亡 cúnwáng, to live or die/to exist or perish
存根 cúngēn, stub
永存 yǒngcún, everlasting/to endure forever
存储器 cúnchǔqì, [存儲器], memory (computing)
温存 wēncún, [溫存], tender/affectionate/tenderness
缓存 huǎncún, [緩存], (computing) cache/buffer memory
存有 cúnyǒu, to hold in storage/to retain/to harbor (feelings)/to entertain (sentiments)/(of ...
贮存 zhùcún, [貯存], to store/to deposit
存量 cúnliàng, reserves
依存 yīcún, to depend on sth for existence/dependent on
存款单 cúnkuǎndān, [存款單], certificate of deposit
存放在 储存罐 存活率 cúnhuólǜ, (med.) survival rate/(med.) recovery rate
存单 一息尚存 存贮 求同存异 qiútóngcúnyì, [求同存異], to seek common ground, putting differences aside (idiom)
存疑 存取 cúnqǔ, to store and retrieve (money, belongings etc)/(computing) to access (data)
生存权 风韵犹存 fēngyùnyóucún, [風韻猶存], (of an aging woman) still attractive
积存 jīcún, [積存], to stockpile
钱存进 爱永存 名存实亡 míngcúnshíwáng, [名存實亡], the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom)
心存 芜存 寄存器 jìcúnqì, processor register (computing)
盘存 浩气长存 孙孙存 存在论 永存之 钱存好 钱可存 遗存 寄存处 jìcúnchù, [寄存處], warehouse/temporary store/left-luggage office/cloak-room
钱存起 结存 jiécún, [結存], balance/cash in hand
艾米存 存成 生存率 生存链 容耀永存 会永存
活 ⇒
生活 shēnghuó, life/activity/to live/livelihood
活 huó, to live/alive/living/work/workmanship
活动 huódòng, [活動], to exercise/to move about/to operate/to use connections (personal influence)/loo...
干活 gànhuó, [幹活], to work/to be employed
活力 huólì, energy/vitality/vigor/vital force
活儿 huór, [活兒], work/(lots of) things to do
复活 fùhuó, [復活], to revive/(lit. and fig.) to come back to life/(religion) resurrection
性生活 xìngshēnghuó, sex life
活该 huógāi, [活該], (coll.) serve sb right/deservedly/ought/should
激活 jīhuó, to activate
活跃 huóyuè, [活躍], active/lively/excited/to enliven/to brighten up
活生生 huóshēngshēng, real (people)/living (artist)/while still alive (e.g. skinned alive)
存活 cúnhuó, to survive (a serious accident)/survival
养活 yǎnghuo, [養活], to provide for/to keep (animals, a family etc)/to raise animals/to feed and clot...
活命 huómìng, life/to survive/to save a life/to scrape a living
复活节 Fùhuójié, [復活節], Easter
私生活 sīshēnghuó, private life
活泼 huópo, [活潑], lively/vivacious/brisk/active/(chemistry) reactive
灵活 línghuó, [靈活], flexible/nimble/agile
快活 kuàihuo, happy/cheerful
活人 huórén, living person
活活 huóhuó, while still alive/simply/totally
死活 sǐhuó, life or death/fate/no matter what/anyway/for the life of me
救活 jiùhuó, to bring back to life
活埋 huómái, to bury alive
忙活 mánghuo, to be really busy/pressing business
活口 活捉 活塞 huósāi, piston/valve
鲜活 xiānhuó, [鮮活], vivid/lively/(of food ingredients) live or fresh
活性 huóxìng, (chemistry) activity/active/activated
活蹦乱跳 huóbèngluàntiào, [活蹦亂跳], to leap and frisk about (idiom); lively/healthy and active
生活费 shēnghuófèi, [生活費], cost of living/living expenses/alimony
生吞活剥 shēngtūnhuóbō, [生吞活剝], to swallow whole (idiom); fig. to apply uncritically
生龙活虎 shēnglónghuóhǔ, [生龍活虎], lit. lively dragon and animated tiger (idiom)/fig. vigorous and lively
你死我活 nǐsǐwǒhuó, lit. you die, I live (idiom); irreconcilable adversaries/two parties cannot coex...
夜生活 yèshēnghuó, night life
绝活 juéhuó, [絕活], specialty/unique skill
活宝 huóbǎo, [活寶], buffoon/clown/ridiculous person
死去活来 sǐqùhuólái, [死去活來], to hover between life and death (idiom)/to suffer terribly/within an inch of one...
活门 huómén, [活門], valve
活像 huóxiàng, to look exactly like/to be the spitting image of
活物 huówù, living animals
半死不活 家务活 累活 活计 huójì, [活計], handicraft/needlework/work
干活儿 gànhuór, [幹活兒], erhua variant of 幹活|干活[gàn huó]
灵活性 línghuóxìng, [靈活性], flexibility
拼死拼活 pīnsǐpīnhuó, one's utmost/(to fight or work) desperately hard/to put up a life or death strug...
针线活 zhēnxiànhuó, [針線活], needlework/sewing
农活 nónghuó, [農活], farm work
活灵活现 huólínghuóxiàn, [活靈活現], living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life/vivid and realistic
苟活 活路 huólù/huólu, through road/way out/way to survive/means of subsistence, labor/physical work
成活 chénghuó, to survive
杂活 záhuó, [雜活], odd jobs
活动室 活到老 重活 zhònghuó, heavy job
肺活量 fèihuóliàng, (medicine) vital capacity
活动房 huódòngfáng, [活動房], prefabricated building/prefab
活性炭 huóxìngtàn, activated carbon
活动家 huódòngjiā, [活動家], activist
脏活 生活会 活脱脱 huótuōtuō, [活脫脫], remarkably alike
活页夹 活结 huójié, [活結], a slip-knot/a noose
神气活现 shénqìhuóxiàn, [神氣活現], arrogant appearance/smug appearance/to act condescending/to put on airs
活页 粗活 cūhuó, unskilled labor/heavy manual work
做活 zuòhuó, to work for a living (esp. of woman needleworker)/life of a group of stones in G...
活动性 活靶 存活率 cúnhuólǜ, (med.) survival rate/(med.) recovery rate
活水 活佛 huófó, Living Buddha/title of Mongolian Lamas from 17th century
轻活 活火山 huóhuǒshān, active volcano
激活剂 复活节岛 FùhuójiéDǎo, [復活節島], Easter Island
苦活 kǔhuó, bitter work/sweated labor
零活 社会活动 shèhuìhuódòng, [社會活動], social activity
活期 huóqī, (banking) current (account)/checking (account)/demand (deposit etc)
罗复活 不顾死活 搞活 gǎohuó, to enliven/to invigorate/to revitalize
活菩萨 huópúsà, [活菩薩], a living Buddha/fig. compassionate person/saint
活动日 活化石 huóhuàshí, living fossil
活络 活气 huóqì, [活氣], spirited atmosphere
细活 成活率 chénghuólǜ, survival rate/rate of success
用活 出活 chūhuó, to finish a job on time/to produce the goods
揽活 路复活 活地狱 活动靶 手活 shǒuhuó, manipulation (e.g. ball handling in sport)/hand job
力气活 活食 子复活 生活区 交活 盘活 生活化 活版 huóbǎn, typography/movable type
生活版 活塞杆
率 ⇒
率 lǜ/shuài, rate/frequency, to lead/to command/rash/hasty/frank/straightforward/generally/us...
频率 pínlǜ, [頻率], frequency
几率 jīlǜ, [幾率], probability/odds
收视率 shōushìlǜ, [收視率], ratings (of a TV show)
效率 xiàolǜ, efficiency
坦率 tǎnshuài, frank (discussion)/blunt/open
草率 cǎoshuài, careless/negligent/sloppy/not serious
概率 gàilǜ, probability (math.)
轻率 qīngshuài, [輕率], cavalier/offhand/reckless
率领 shuàilǐng, [率領], to lead/to command/to head
比率 bǐlǜ, ratio/rate/percentage
成功率 死亡率 sǐwánglǜ, mortality rate
犯罪率 有效率 直率 zhíshuài, candid/frank
支持率 zhīchílǜ, support level/popularity rating
利率 lìlǜ, interest rates
率先 shuàixiān, to take the lead/to show initiative
功率 gōnglǜ, rate of work/power (output)
速率 sùlǜ, speed/rate
失业率 shīyèlǜ, [失業率], unemployment rate
分辨率 fēnbiànlǜ, resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)
命中率 mìngzhònglǜ, hit rate/scoring rate
汇率 huìlǜ, [匯率], exchange rate
圆周率 yuánzhōulǜ, [圓周率], (math.) the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (π)
表率 biǎoshuài, example/model
上座率 准确率 率直 shuàizhí, frank/straightforward/blunt
发病率 fābìnglǜ, [發病率], incidence of a disease/disease rate
率真 shuàizhēn, frank and sincere/candid
回报率 大功率 存活率 cúnhuólǜ, (med.) survival rate/(med.) recovery rate
兑换率 duìhuànlǜ, [兌換率], currency exchange rate
利润率 lìrùnlǜ, [利潤率], profit margin
市场占有率 shìchǎngzhànyǒulǜ, [市場佔有率], market share
出勤率 发生率 fāshēnglǜ, [發生率], rate of occurrence
增长率 zēngzhǎnglǜ, [增長率], growth rate (esp. in economics)
年利率 或然率 huòránlǜ, probability (math.)
通货膨胀率 税率 使用率 治愈率 投票率 tóupiàolǜ, proportion of vote/turnout in election
错误率 生产率 shēngchǎnlǜ, [生產率], productivity/efficiency of production
占有率 升学率 通过率 统率 tǒngshuài, [統率], to command/to direct
曲率 qūlǜ, curvature
收益率 shōuyìlǜ, earnings rate/earnings yield (finance)
出生率 chūshēnglǜ, birthrate
生育率 shēngyùlǜ, birth rate
储蓄率 chǔxùlǜ, [儲蓄率], savings rate
成活率 chénghuólǜ, survival rate/rate of success
保险费率 贴现率 tiēxiànlǜ, [貼現率], discount rate
斜率 xiélǜ, slope
粗率 cūshuài, rough/coarse/crude/without due care/ill-considered
耗油率 折射率 zhéshèlǜ, index of refraction
概率论 gàilǜlùn, [概率論], probability (math.)
传输率 chuánshūlǜ, [傳輸率], transmission rate
利用率 结案率 导磁率 吸收率 率先垂范 出错率 转化率 入学率 rùxuélǜ, [入學率], percentage of children who enter school
电功率 diàngōnglǜ, [電功率], electric power (measured in watts)
生存率 覆盖率 fùgàilǜ, [覆蓋率], coverage
开工率 百分率 bǎifēnlǜ, percentage/percent