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[實體] shítǐ entity
thing that has a material existence (as opposed to a conceptual, virtual or online existence)
the real thing (as opposed to an image or model of it)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        quèshí, [確實], indeed/really/reliable/real/true
        qíshí, [其實], actually/in fact/really
        shìshíshàng, [事實上], in fact/in reality/actually/as a matter of fact/de facto/ipso facto
        shìshí, [事實], fact/CL:個|个[gè]
        shíjìshàng, [實際上], in fact/in reality/as a matter of fact/in practice
        shízài, [實在], really/actually/indeed/true/real/honest/dependable/(philosophy) reality
        zhēnshí, [真實], true/real
        xiànshí, [現實], reality/actuality/real/actual/realistic/pragmatic/materialistic/self-interested
        shíyànshì, [實驗室], laboratory/CL:間|间[jiān]
        shíhuà, [實話], truth
        lǎoshi, [老實], honest/sincere/well-behaved/open and guileless/naive
        shuōshíhuà, [說實話], to speak the truth/truth to tell/frankly
        shíxiàn, [實現], to achieve/to implement/to realize/to bring about
        shíyàn, [實驗], experiment/test/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]/experimental/to experiment
        zhèngshí, [證實], to confirm (sth to be true)/to verify
        chéngshí, [誠實], honest/honesty/honorable/truthful
        shíjì, [實際], reality/practice/practical/realistic/real/actual
        shílì, [實力], strength
        shíshī, [實施], to implement/to carry out
        shíxísheng, [實習生], intern (student)
        shíxí, [實習], to practice/field work/to intern/internship
        shíhuàshíshuō, [實話實說], to tell the truth/to tell it as it is
        zhōngshí, [忠實], faithful
        shí, [實], real/true/honest/really/solid/fruit/seed/definitely
        shíqíng, [實情], actual situation/truth
        jiēshí/jiēshi, [結實], to bear fruit, rugged/sturdy/strong/durable/buff (physique)
        shíxíng, [實行], to implement/to carry out/to put into practice
        shíjiàn, [實踐], practice/to put into practice/to live up to (a promise)/to carry out (a project)
        chōngshí, [充實], rich/full/substantial/to enrich/to augment/to substantiate (an argument)
        shǔshí, [屬實], to turn out to be true/verified/true
        héshí, [核實], to verify/to check
        shítǐ, [實體], entity/substance/thing that has a material existence (as opposed to a conceptual...
        huòzhēnjiàshí, [貨真價實], genuine goods at fair prices/(fig.) genuine/real/true
        shídì, [實地], on-site
        shízhì, [實質], substance/essence
        shíyòng, [實用], practical/functional/pragmatic/applied (science)
        shíshí, [實時], (in) real time/instantaneous
        rúshí, [如實], as things really are/realistic
        míngfùqíshí, [名副其實], not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
        shíkuàng, [實況], live (e.g. broadcast or recording)/what is actually happening/scene/the real sit...
        bùqièshíjì, [不切實際], unrealistic/impractical
        zhēnshíxìng, [真實性], authenticity/truthfulness/veracity/reality/validity
        zhuóshí, [著實], truly/indeed/severely/harshly
        guǒshí, [果實], fruit (produced by a plant)/(fig.) fruits (of success etc)/results/gains
        jiānshí, [堅實], firm and substantial/solid
        shízhàn, [實戰], real combat/actual combat
        huáérbùshí, [華而不實], flower but no fruit (idiom); handsome exterior but hollow inside/flashy
        qièshí, [切實], feasible/realistic/practical/earnestly/conscientiously
        shídàn, [實彈], live ammunition
        tāshi, [踏實], firmly-based/steady/steadfast/to have peace of mind/free from anxiety/Taiwan pr....
        zhēnshígǎn, [真實感], the feeling that sth is genuine/sense of reality/in the flesh
        jiǎotàshídì, [腳踏實地], to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without fligh...
        shíwù, [實物], material object/concrete object/original object/in kind/object for practical use...
        shízhìxìng, [實質性], substantive/substantial/material/considerable
        yǎnjiànwéishí, [眼見為實], seeing is believing
        shíjù, [實據], factual evidence
        shíyè, [實業], industry/commercial enterprise
        shíshì, [實事], fact/actual thing/practical matter
        jìshí, [紀實], record of actual events/documentary (factual rather than fictional)
        zhēnxīnshíyì, [真心實意], genuine and sincere (idiom)/wholehearted
        yányánshíshí, [嚴嚴實實], (sealed) tightly/(wrapped) closely/(covered) completely
        pǔshí, [樸實], plain/simple/guileless/down-to-earth/sincere and honest
        shíxīn, [實心], sincere/solid
        yánshi, [嚴實], (sealed) tight/close/(hidden) safely/securely
        zhāshi/zháshi, [扎實]/[紮實], strong/solid/sturdy/firm/practical, see 扎實|扎实[zhā shi]
        shíhuì, [實惠], tangible benefit/material advantages/cheap/economical/advantageous (deal)/substa...
        shízhìmíngguī, [實至名歸], fame follows merit (idiom)
        xiànshízhǔyì, [現實主義], realism
        luòshí, [落實], practical/workable/to implement/to carry out/to decide
        shílì, [實例], actual example/living example/illustration/demonstration/(computing) instance
        hòushi, [厚實], thick/substantial/sturdy/solid
        shíshìqiúshì, [實事求是], to seek truth from facts (idiom)/to be practical and realistic
        hèqiāngshídàn, [荷槍實彈], (idiom) armed/carrying a loaded firearm
        shízé, [實則], actually/in fact
        chāoxiànshízhǔyì, [超現實主義], surrealism
        yánguòqíshí, [言過其實], to exaggerate/to overstate the facts
        shíyòngzhǔyì, [實用主義], pragmatism
        wùshí, [務實], pragmatic/dealing with concrete issues
        shígàn, [實幹], to work industriously/to get things done
        zhuàngshi, [壯實], robust/sturdy
        shízú, [實足], full/complete/all of
        shíyèjiā, [實業家], industrialist
        fùzhūshíshī, [付諸實施], to put into practice/to carry out (idiom)
        jùshí, [據實], according to the facts
        shígànjiā, [實幹家], sb who gets things done/doer
        xiěshí, [寫實], realism/realistic portrayal/realistic/true to life
        shǐshí, [史實], historical fact
        tātāshíshí, [踏踏實實], steady/steadfast
        shízhèng, [實證], actual proof/concrete evidence/empirical
        yǒumíngwúshí, [有名無實], lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name/nominal
        míngbùfùshí, [名不副實], the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact/Reality...
        xiàngshí, [橡實], acorn
        xiángshí, [詳實], detailed and reliable/full and accurate
        shíjǐng, [實景], real scene (not set up or posed)/real location (not a film studio set or theater...
        kǒushí, [口實], food/salary (old)/a pretext/a cause for gossip
        zhēnqíngshíyì, [真情實意], out of genuine friendship (idiom)/sincere feelings
        píngshí, [平實], simple and unadorned/plain/(of land) level/even
        shíshǔ, [實屬], (to) really (be)
        shīshí, [失實], to give a false picture of the situation
        qièshíkěxíng, [切實可行], feasible
        zhāzhashíshí, [扎扎實實], firm/solid/reliable/real/practical
        mìshí, [密實], close (texture)/dense/densely woven
        xūshí, [虛實], what is true and what is false/(to get to know) the real situation
        lǎoshibājiāo, [老實巴交], (coll.) docile/well-behaved/biddable
        yīnshí, [殷實], thriving/well-off/substantial
        míngbùfúshí, [名不符實], the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it doesn't live up to its reput...
        míngcúnshíwáng, [名存實亡], the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom)
        wěishí, [委實], indeed/really (very much so)
        shíxiào, [實效], actual effect/practical result/efficacy
        shízhèngzhǔyì, [實證主義], positivism/empiricism
        tāshi, [塌實], variant of 踏實|踏实[tā shi]
        zhēncáishíxué, [真才實學], solid learning/real ability and learning/genuine talent
        xiángshí, [翔實], complete and accurate
        yìngshí, [硬實], sturdy/robust
        shíshù, [實數], real number (math.)/actual value
        shícè, [實測], to take measurements/measured (speed etc)/observed (as opposed to "estimated")/o...
        mìmishíshi, [密密實實], thick/concentrated
        xūxūshíshí, [虛虛實實], hard to tell if it's real or sham

        shītǐ, [屍體], dead body/corpse/carcass/CL:具[jù]
        shēntǐ, [身體], the body/one's health/CL:具[jù],個|个[gè]/in person
        méitǐ, [媒體], media, esp. news media
        tǐ, [體], body/form/style/system/substance/to experience/aspect (linguistics)
        jùtǐ, [具體], concrete/definite/specific
        tǐnèi, [體內], within the body/in vivo (vs in vitro)/internal to
        tǐyàn, [體驗], to experience for oneself
        tǐyù, [體育], sports/physical education
        luǒtǐ, [裸體], naked
        quántǐ, [全體], all/entire
        tuántǐ, [團體], group/organization/team/CL:個|个[gè]
        tǐhuì, [體會], to know from experience/to learn through experience/to realize/understanding/exp...
        réntǐ, [人體], human body
        tǐzhòng, [體重], body weight
        ròutǐ, [肉體], physical body
        tǐtiē, [體貼], considerate (of other people's needs)
        tǐlì, [體力], physical strength/physical power
        qìtǐ, [氣體], gas (i.e. gaseous substance)
        jítǐ, [集體], collective (decision)/joint (effort)/a group/a team/en masse/as a group
        wùtǐ, [物體], object/body/substance
        yètǐ, [液體], liquid
        tǐwēn, [體溫], (body) temperature
        tǐyùguǎn, [體育館], gym/gymnasium/stadium/CL:個|个[gè]
        tǐxiàn, [體現], to embody/to reflect/to incarnate
        tǐmiàn, [體面], dignity/face (as in "losing face")/honorable/creditable/(of sb's appearance) pre...
        zhěngtǐ, [整體], whole entity/entire body/synthesis/as a whole (situation, construction, team etc...
        yítǐ, [遺體], remains (of a dead person)
        zhītǐ, [肢體], limb/limbs and trunk/body
        tǐxì, [體系], system/setup/CL:個|个[gè]
        tǐxíng, [體型], build/body type
        tǐcāo, [體操], gymnastic/gymnastics
        qúntǐ, [群體], community/colony
        qūtǐ, [軀體], body/carcass
        yītǐ, [一體], an integral whole/all concerned/everybody
        tǐyùchǎng, [體育場], stadium/CL:個|个[gè],座[zuò]
        détǐ, [得體], appropriate to the occasion/fitting
        tǐjiǎn, [體檢], abbr. for 體格檢查|体格检查[tǐ gé jiǎn chá]
        tǐliàng, [體諒], to empathize/to allow (for sth)/to show understanding/to appreciate
        gètǐ, [個體], individual
        yǎntǐ, [掩體], bunker (military)
        shítǐ, [實體], entity/substance/thing that has a material existence (as opposed to a conceptual...
        zǒngtǐ, [總體], completely/totally/total/entire/overall/population (statistics)
        tǐzhì, [體制], system/organization
        rǎnsètǐ, [染色體], chromosome
        jīngtǐ, [晶體], crystal
        tǐxíng, [體形], figure/bodily form
        liántǐ, [連體], conjoined (twins)
        lìtǐ, [立體], three-dimensional/solid/stereoscopic
        bìngyuántǐ, [病原體], (med.) pathogen
        zìtǐ, [字體], calligraphic style/typeface/font
        kàngtǐ, [抗體], antibody
        tǐgé, [體格], bodily health/one's physical state/physique
        tiāntǐ, [天體], celestial body/nude body
        tǐyè, [體液], bodily fluid
        tǐjī, [體積], volume/bulk/CL:個|个[gè]
        mǔtǐ, [母體], (zoology, medicine) mother's body/(chemistry etc) parent/matrix/(statistics) pop...
        tǐnéng, [體能], physical capability/stamina
        xīngtǐ, [星體], celestial body (planet, satellite etc)
        chuántǐ, [船體], hull/body of a ship
        róngwéiyītǐ, [融為一體], to fuse together (idiom)/hypostatic union (religion)
        gùtǐ, [固體], solid
        jiětǐ, [解體], to break up into components/to disintegrate/to collapse/to crumble
        xiàtǐ, [下體], lower body/euphemism for genitals/root and stem of plants
        dàtǐshàng, [大體上], overall/in general terms
        jītǐ, [機體], organism (biology)/airframe (aeronautics)
        biǎntáotǐ, [扁桃體], tonsil
        tǐyùyùndòng, [體育運動], sports/physical culture
        shòutǐ, [受體], receptor (biochemistry)/acceptor (semiconductors)
        tǐxù, [體恤], to empathize with/to show solicitude for/T-shirt (loanword)
        dàtǐ, [大體], in general/more or less/in rough terms/basically/on the whole/overall situation/...
        shēngwùtǐ, [生物體], organism
        tǐzhì, [體質], constitution
        hétǐ, [合體], to combine/combination/composite character (i.e. a synonym of 合體字|合体字[hé tǐ zì])...
        qiútǐ, [球體], spheroid
        zhuǎntǐ, [轉體], to roll over/to turn over (one's body)
        tǐtài, [體態], figure/physique/posture
        lìtǐshēng, [立體聲], stereo sound
        xíngtǐ, [形體], figure/physique/form and structure
        yǒujītǐ, [有機體], organism
        tǐwèi, [體味], body odor/to appreciate a subtle taste
        duōméitǐ, [多媒體], multimedia
        shèngtǐ, [聖體], the Emperor's body/Jesus' body/communion wafer (in Christian mass)
        tǐtǒng, [體統], decorum/propriety/arrangement or form (of piece of writing)
        tǐwúwánfū, [體無完膚], lit. cuts and bruises all over (idiom); fig. totally refuted
        hēitǐ, [黑體], bold (typeface)
        zhèngtǐ, [政體], form of government/system of government
        zhǔtǐ, [主體], main part/bulk/body/subject/agent
        tǐfá, [體罰], corporal punishment
        liútǐ, [流體], fluid
        biàntǐlínshāng, [遍體鱗傷], covered all over with cuts and bruises/beaten black and blue/be a mass of bruise...
        lìfāngtǐ, [立方體], cube/cubic
        zàitǐ, [載體], carrier (chemistry)/vector (epidemiology)/vehicle or medium
        wǔtǐtóudì, [五體投地], to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulate sb
        dāntǐ, [單體], monomer
        SānwèiYītǐ, [三位一體], Holy Trinity/trinity
        dǎotǐ, [導體], conductor (of electricity or heat)
线         xiànlìtǐ, [線粒體], mitochondrion
        běntǐ, [本體], main part/torso/the thing in itself/noumenon (object of purely intellectual perc...
        gòngtóngtǐ, [共同體], community
        dòngtǐ, [胴體], carcass/naked body
        tǐyùjiè, [體育界], sports circles/the sporting world
        nǎochuítǐ, [腦垂體], pituitary gland
        tǐwēnjì, [體溫計], clinical thermometer
        zìyóutǐcāo, [自由體操], floor (gymnastics)
        bàndǎotǐ, [半導體], semiconductor
        tǐbiǎo, [體表], surface of the body/periphery of the body/body thermometer/(literary) a person's...
        děnglízǐtǐ, [等離子體], plasma (physics)
        tǐpò, [體魄], physique/build
        tǐxùshān, [體恤衫], T-shirt/CL:件[jiàn]
        tǐtiērùwēi, [體貼入微], to show every possible consideration (idiom); meticulous care
        shēntǐlìxíng, [身體力行], to practice what one preaches (idiom)
        jīngtǐguǎn, [晶體管], transistor
        jītǐ, [肌體], the body/organism (usually human)/(fig.) fabric (of society etc)/cohesive struct...
        tǐcāoduì, [體操隊], gymnastics team
        tǐqiāng, [體腔], body cavity/coelom (biology)
        tǐcái, [體裁], genre/style/form of writing
        Lìtǐpài, [立體派], Cubism
        tǐxìbāo, [體細胞], somatic cell
        yìnshuātǐ, [印刷體], printed style (as opposed to cursive)/typeface
        tǐtán, [體壇], sporting circles/the world of sport
        yītǐhuà, [一體化], integration/incorporation/unification
        shuǐtǐ, [水體], body of water
        luóxuántǐ, [螺旋體], Spirochaetes, phylum of extremophile bacteria/spiral-shaped bacterium, e.g. caus...
        jùtǐhuà, [具體化], to concretize
        chuítǐ, [垂體], pituitary gland
        cǎotǐ, [草體], see 草書|草书[cǎo shū]
        shìtǐ, [事體], things/affairs/decorum
        jiéjīngtǐ, [結晶體], a crystal
        cítǐ, [磁體], magnet/magnetic body
        wéntǐ, [文體], genre of writing/literary form/style/literary recreation and sporting activities
        ruǎntǐdòngwù, [軟體動物], mollusk/mollusks
        fántǐ, [繁體], traditional form of Chinese, as opposed to simplified form 簡體|简体[jiǎn tǐ]
        tǐyùchǎngguǎn, [體育場館], gymnasium
        yòutǐ, [幼體], the young (unborn or newborn) of an animal/larva
        shāntǐ, [山體], form of a mountain
        chāodǎotǐ, [超導體], superconductor
        yìtǐ, [異體], variant form (of a Chinese character)
        tǐzhēng, [體徵], (medical) sign/physical sign
        gètǐhù, [個體戶], self-employed/a private firm (PRC usage)
        jiāotǐ, [膠體], colloid
        jīngzhuàngtǐ, [晶狀體], lens/crystalline lens
        tǒngyītǐ, [統一體], whole/single entity
        biāoféitǐzhuàng, [膘肥體壯], (of a livestock animal) plump and strong/well-fed
        lìtǐtú, [立體圖], three-dimensional figure/hologram/stereogram
        juéyuántǐ, [絕緣體], electrical insulation/heat insulation
        bōlítǐ, [玻璃體], vitreous humor
        huángtǐtóng, [黃體酮], progesterone
        zhèngtǐ, [正體], standard form (of a Chinese character)/plain font style (as opposed to bold or i...
        tǐmào, [體貌], appearance
        tǐshì, [體式], format/form
        tǐxìng, [體性], disposition
        tǐxiào, [體校], sports college/school of physical training
        Ōugòngtǐ, [歐共體], abbr. for 歐洲共同體|欧洲共同体, European Community (old term for the EU, European Union)
        běntǐlùn, [本體論], ontology
        zhèngfāngtǐ, [正方體], a rectangular parallelepiped
        shǒuxiětǐ, [手寫體], handwritten form/cursive
        yībùbìtǐ, [衣不蔽體], lit. clothes not covering the body (idiom)/fig. poverty-stricken
        jiézhuàngtǐ, [睫狀體], ciliary body (in the eye, containing the focusing muscles)
        língtǐ, [靈體], soul
        jítǐzhǔyì, [集體主義], collectivism
        yuánzhùtǐ, [圓柱體], cylinder (geometry)
        húnrányītǐ, [渾然一體], to blend into one another/to blend together well
        shītǐ, [詩體], poetic form or genre
绿         yèlǜtǐ, [葉綠體], chloroplast
        jūntǐ, [軍體], military sports/military fitness (curriculum etc)/abbr. for 軍事體育|军事体育
        tǐcháng, [體長], body length
        liútǐlìxué, [流體力學], fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics
        xiétǐzì, [斜體字], italic letter/slanting typeface
        tōngtǐ, [通體], (of sb or sth) whole or entire body
        sìmiàntǐ, [四面體], tetrahedron
        niánlǎotǐruò, [年老體弱], old and weak (idiom)
        tǐchá, [體察], to experience/to observe
        shìjūntǐ, [噬菌體], bacteriophage/phage/virus that infects bacteria
        liángtǐcáiyī, [量體裁衣], lit. measure the body then tailor the suit (idiom); fig. to act according to act...
        dānbèitǐ, [單倍體], haploid (single chromosome)
        nǚtǐchéng, [女體盛], nyotaimori or "body sushi", Japanese practice of serving sushi on the body of a ...

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