寄 ⇒
寄 jì, to send/to mail/to entrust/to depend on/to attach oneself to/to live (in a house...
寄生虫 jìshēngchóng, [寄生蟲], parasite (biology)/(fig.) freeloader
寄宿 jìsù, to stay/to lodge/to board
寄托 jìtuō, [寄託], to entrust (to sb)/to place (one's hope, energy etc) in/a thing in which you inv...
寄养 jìyǎng, [寄養], to place in the care of sb (a child, pet etc)/to foster/to board out
寄生 jìshēng, to live in or on another organism as a parasite/to live by taking advantage of o...
邮寄 yóujì, [郵寄], to mail/to send by post
寄信 寄予 jìyǔ, to place (hope, importance etc) on/to express/to show/to give
槲寄生 hújìshēng, mistletoe
寄存 jìcún, to deposit/to store/to leave sth with sb
寄居 jìjū, to live away from home
寄主 jìzhǔ, host (of a parasite)
寄居蟹 jìjūxiè, hermit crab
寄信人 寄放 jìfàng, to leave sth with sb
寄送 jìsòng, to send/to transmit
寄生物 jìshēngwù, parasite
寄售 jìshòu, sale on consignment
寄存器 jìcúnqì, processor register (computing)
寄出 jìchū, to mail/to send by post
寄来 寄语 寄宿生 jìsùshēng, boarder
寄存处 jìcúnchù, [寄存處], warehouse/temporary store/left-luggage office/cloak-room
寄生蜂 乔许寄来 寄生蟹 寄费
予 ⇒
给予 jǐyǔ, [給予], to accord/to give/to show (respect)
赐予 cìyǔ, [賜予], to grant/to bestow
赋予 fùyǔ, [賦予], to assign/to entrust (a task)/to give/to bestow
授予 shòuyǔ, to award/to confer
予 yú/yǔ, (archaic) I/me, to give
予以 yǔyǐ, to give/to impose/to apply
不予 bùyú, to withhold/to refuse
寄予 jìyǔ, to place (hope, importance etc) on/to express/to show/to give
赠予 zèngyǔ, [贈予], to give a present/to accord (a favor)/to grant
免予 准予 zhǔnyǔ, to grant/to approve/to permit