巨 ⇒
巨大 jùdà, huge/immense/very large/tremendous/gigantic/enormous
巨人 jùrén, giant
巨 jù, very large/huge/tremendous/gigantic
巨星 jùxīng, (astronomy) giant star/(fig.) superstar (of opera, basketball etc)
巨型 jùxíng, giant/enormous
巨额 jùé, [巨額], large sum (of money)/a huge amount
艰巨 jiānjù, [艱巨], arduous/terrible (task)/very difficult/formidable
巨头 jùtóu, [巨頭], tycoon/magnate/big player (including company, country, school etc)/big shot
巨龙 巨浪 巨款 jùkuǎn, huge sum of money/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
巨石 jùshí, huge rock/boulder/monolith
巨无霸 Jùwúbà/jùwúbà, [巨無霸], Big Mac (McDonald's hamburger), giant/leviathan
巨变 jùbiàn, [巨變], great changes
巨响 jùxiǎng, [巨響], loud sound
事无巨细 shìwújùxì, [事無巨細], lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom)/fig. to deal with ...
巨资 jùzī, [巨資], huge investment/vast sum
巨蟒 jùmǎng, python
巨富 jùfù, enormous sum/millionaire/very rich
巨著 jùzhù, monumental (literary) work
巨石阵 jùshízhèn, [巨石陣], giant stone arrangement/Stonehenge
巨匠 jùjiàng, great master (of literature, music etc)
巨轮 jùlún, [巨輪], large ship/large wheel
巨幅 jùfú, extremely large (of paintings, photographs etc)
巨子 巨细 jùxì, [巨細], big and small
巨制 巨型机 超巨星 巨鹰 巨山 巨根 巨熊 巨灵
资 ⇒
资料 zīliào, [資料], material/resources/data/information/profile (Internet)/CL:份[fèn],個|个[gè]
投资 tóuzī, [投資], investment/to invest
资格 zīgé, [資格], qualifications/seniority
资金 zījīn, [資金], funds/funding/capital
工资 gōngzī, [工資], wages/pay/CL:個|个[gè],份[fèn],月[yuè]
资源 Zīyuán/zīyuán, [資源], Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Guì lín], Guangxi, natural resource (such as water or...
资助 zīzhù, [資助], to subsidize/to provide financial aid/subsidy
资产 zīchǎn, [資產], property/assets
投资者 tóuzīzhě, [投資者], investor
资 zī, [資], resources/capital/to provide/to supply/to support/money/expense
资本 zīběn, [資本], capital (economics)
资深 zīshēn, [資深], veteran (journalist etc)/senior/highly experienced
资料库 zīliàokù, [資料庫], database
资讯 zīxùn, [資訊], information
投资人 tóuzīrén, [投資人], investor
物资 wùzī, [物資], goods/supplies
资本主义 zīběnzhǔyì, [資本主義], capitalism
资历 zīlì, [資歷], qualifications/experience/seniority
筹资 chóuzī, [籌資], to raise resources
资本家 zīběnjiā, [資本家], capitalist
资质 zīzhì, [資質], aptitude/natural endowments
出资 chūzī, [出資], to fund/to put money into sth/to invest
工资单 集资 jízī, [集資], to raise money/to accumulate funds
融资 róngzī, [融資], financing
撤资 薪资 xīnzī, [薪資], salary
自然资源 zìránzīyuán, [自然資源], natural resource
天资 tiānzī, [天資], innate talent/gift/flair/native resource/dowry
资料室 资费 zīfèi, [資費], (postal, telecom etc) service charge
巨资 jùzī, [巨資], huge investment/vast sum
耗资 hàozī, [耗資], to spend/expenditure/to cost
水资源 捐资 juānzī, [捐資], to contribute funds
流动资金 liúdòngzījīn, [流動資金], money in circulation/fluid funds
月工资 老资格 lǎozīgé, [老資格], veteran
合资 hézī, [合資], joint venture
注资 zhùzī, [注資], to inject funds/to put money into (the market)
净资产 邮资 yóuzī, [郵資], postage
投资家 tóuzījiā, [投資家], investor
资产阶级 zīchǎnjiējí, [資產階級], the capitalist class/the bourgeoisie
出资人 莫瑞资 工资表 论资排辈 曼戚资 资力 斥资 chìzī, [斥資], to spend/to allocate funds
资不抵债 资财 zīcái, [資財], assets/capital and materials
劳资 láozī, [勞資], labor and capital/labor and management
固定资产 gùdìngzīchǎn, [固定資產], fixed assets
资本论 Zīběnlùn, [資本論], Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾·馬克思|卡尔·马克思[Kǎ ěr · Mǎ kè sī]
官僚资本 合资企业 外资 wàizī, [外資], foreign investment
科尼伍资 师资 shīzī, [師資], qualified teacher
增资 zēngzī, [增資], capital increase
独资 dúzī, [獨資], wholly-owned (often by foreign company)/exclusive investment
引资 投资方 中资企业 欠资 投资额 资源法