All Possible Words
布 bù, [佈], variant of 布[bù]/to announce/to spread, cloth/to declare/to announce/to spread/t...
布里斯托 Bùlǐsītuō, Bristol
里 lǐ/Lǐ, [裏]/[裡], variant of 裡|里[lǐ], lining/interior/inside/internal/also written 裏|里[lǐ], Li (su...
斯 Sī/sī, Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Sī luò fá kè], (phonetic)/this
托 tuō, [託], prop/support (for weight)/rest (e.g. arm rest)/thanks to/to hold in one's hand/t...
卡 kǎ/qiǎ, to stop/to block/(computing) (coll.) slow/(loanword) card/CL:張|张[zhāng],片[piàn]/...
密 Mì/mì, surname Mi/name of an ancient state, secret/confidential/close/thick/dense
诺 nuò, [諾], to consent/to promise/(literary) yes!
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