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[平臺] píngtái platform
flat-roofed building

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        gōngpíng, fair/impartial
        Hépíng/hépíng, Heping district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/Hoping township in Taichung c...
        Píng/píng, surname Ping, flat/level/equal/to tie (make the same score)/to draw (score)/calm...
        shuǐpíng, level (of achievement etc)/standard/horizontal
        píngjìng, [平靜], tranquil/undisturbed/serene
        píngcháng, ordinary/common/usually/ordinarily
        píngshí, [平時], ordinarily/in normal times/in peacetime
        pínghéng, balance/equilibrium
        píngān, safe and sound/well/without mishap/quiet and safe/at peace
        píngmín, ordinary people/commoner/civilian
        bǎipíng, [擺平], to be fair/to be impartial/to settle (a matter etc)
        píngděng, equal/equality
        TàipíngYáng, Pacific Ocean
        píngjūn, average/on average/evenly/in equal proportions
        píngfán, commonplace/ordinary/mediocre
        píngtái, [平臺], platform/terrace/flat-roofed building
        píngxī, to settle (a dispute)/to quieten down/to suppress
        píngxíng, parallel/of equal rank/simultaneous
        píngānwúshì, [平安無事], safe and sound (idiom)
        píngfāng, square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)
        píngjú, a draw (in competition)/a tie
        píngyuán, field/plain/CL:個|个[gè]
        píngmiàn, plane (flat surface)/print media
        píngfēn, to divide evenly/to bisect (geometry)/deuce (tennis)/tied score
        tàipíngjiān, [太平間], mortuary/morgue
        píngyōng, mediocre/indifferent/commonplace
        Pínghé/pínghé, Pinghe county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhāng zhōu], Fujian, gentle/mild/moderate/placid
        Tàipíng/tàipíng, place name, peace and security
        píngshǒu, (sports) draw/tie
        píngwěn, [平穩], smooth/steady
        píngdàn, flat/dull/ordinary/nothing special
线         dìpíngxiàn, [地平線], horizon
        Píngrǎng, Pyongyang, capital of North Korea
        shēngpíng, life (a person's whole life)/in one's entire life
        yíwéipíngdì, [夷為平地], to level/to raze to the ground
        píngpíng, average/mediocre
        xīnpíngqìhé, [心平氣和], tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress
        píngmiàntú, [平面圖], a plan/a planar graph/a plane figure
        píngdì, to level the land/level ground/plain
        tiānpíng, scales (to weigh things)
        píngtóu, [平頭], flattop/crew cut/common (people)
        hépínggòngchǔ, [和平共處], peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc
        pínghéngmù, beam (gymnastics)/balance beam
        fǔpíng, [撫平], to flatten/to smooth down/to unwrinkle/(fig.) to soothe (emotional wounds)/to he...
        píngtǎn, level/even/smooth/flat
        píngbǎn, slab/plate/dull/monotonous/tablet (computer)
        píngzhěng, smooth/level/to level off/to flatten (remove bumps)
        píngfù, [平復], to pacify/to calm down/to be cured/to be healed
        píngrì, ordinary day/everyday/ordinarily/usually
        pínghuá, flat and smooth
        píngdànwúqí, [平淡無奇], ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothing to write home about
        fēngpínglàngjìng, [風平浪靜], lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment/all is quiet...
        píngyìjìnrén, amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going/modest and unassuming/(of writing) ...
        Píngfáng/píngfáng, Pingfang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn] in Heilongjiang, bungalow/single-...
        píngfānggēn, square root
        píngbái, for no reason/gratuitously
        píngshēng, all one's life
        píngbùqīngyún, [平步青雲], to rapidly go up in the world/meteoric rise (of a career, social position etc)
        biǎnpíng, flat/planar
        gōngpíngjiāoyì, fair dealing
        lāpíng, to bring to the same level/to even up/to flare out/to flatten out
        hǎipíngmiàn, sea level
        Píngdìng/píngdìng, Pingding county in Yangquan 陽泉|阳泉[Yáng quán], Shanxi, to pacify
        píngdǐguō, [平底鍋], frying pan
        pūpíng, [鋪平], to spread out (material)/to pave (the way, a road etc)
        bùpíng, uneven/injustice/unfairness/wrong/grievance/indignant/dissatisfied
        píngqǐpíngzuò, to be on an equal footing
        nánnǚpíngděng, equality of the sexes
        chípíng, to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc)/fair/unbiased
        píngfāngmǐ, square meter
        píngfǎn, to redress (an injustice)/to rehabilitate (sb whose reputation was unjustly sull...
        dǎbàobùpíng, to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice/to fight for justice/also writte...
        fènfènbùpíng, [憤憤不平], to feel indignant/to feel aggrieved
        tiānxiàtàipíng, the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
        píngtān, [平攤], to spread out/(fig.) to share equally
        píngjūnzhí, average value
        píngxīnérlùn, [平心而論], to be honest, ...
        sùmèipíngshēng, to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted/a complete stranger/n...
        yángpíng, [陽平], evenly rising tone, the second tone of putonghua
        píngdǐ, flat bottomed/low heeled
        pínghuǎn, [平緩], level/almost flat/not strongly sloping/fig. moderate/mild-mannered/gentle
        pínghuájī, smooth muscle (anatomy)/non-striated muscle
        Píngshān, Pingshan county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shí jiā zhuāng], Hebei/Pingshan district...
        píngyí, translation (geometry)
        Píngchéng, Heisei, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1989-2019) of emperor Aki...
        hépíngtánpàn, [和平談判], peace negotiations
        Lèpíng, [樂平], Leping county level city in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi
        gēwǔshēngpíng, lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idiom)/fig. to make a show of happ...
        píngjūnshù, [平均數], mean (statistics)
线         píngxíngxiàn, [平行線], parallel lines
        píngjià, [平價], reasonably priced/inexpensive/to keep prices down/(currency exchange) parity
        píngwén, [平紋], plain weave
        píngfānggōnglǐ, square kilometer
忿忿         fènfènbùpíng, variant of 憤憤不平|愤愤不平[fèn fèn bù píng]
        píngpàn, to put down a revolt/to pacify a rebellion
        píngshí, [平實], simple and unadorned/plain/(of land) level/even
        píngfēnqiūsè, to both share the limelight/to both have an equal share of
        bānpíng, to equalize/to level the score/to pull back the advantage
        shuǐpíngmiàn, horizontal plane/level surface/water level
        yīmǎpíngchuān, [一馬平川], flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country
        shuǐpíngyí, [水平儀], level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/surveyor's level
        píngmǐ, square meter/short for 平方米
        Dōngpíng, [東平], Dongping county in Tai'an 泰安[Tài ān], Shandong
        Pínggǔ, Pinggu rural district of Beijing, formerly Pinggu county
        bàobùpíng, to be outraged by an injustice
西         Xīpíng, Xiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhù mǎ diàn], Henan
        sìpíngbāwěn, [四平八穩], everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious and unimaginary
        Hépíngxiāng, [和平鄉], Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tái zhōng xiàn], Taiwan
        Píngdǐngshān, [平頂山], Pingdingshan prefecture level city in Henan
        āotūbùpíng, uneven (surface)/bumpy (road)
        píngsù, usually/habitually/ordinarily/normally
        chéngpíng, (periods of) peace and prosperity/peaceful
        míngbùpíng, [鳴不平], to cry out against injustice/to protest unfairness
        Píngshùn/píngshùn, [平順], Pingshun, county in Shanxi, smooth/smooth-going/plain sailing
        píngděnghùlì, mutual benefit/to share profits equitably
        Kāipíng, [開平], Kaiping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/Kaiping district of Tangs...
        DèngXiǎopíng, [鄧小平], Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Chinese communist leader, de facto leader of PRC 1978...
        píngzè, level and oblique tones (technical term for Classical Chinese rhythmic poetry)
        Ēnpíng, Enping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong
        píngzhuāng, [平裝], paperback/paper-cover
        Kāngpíng/kāngpíng, Kangping county in Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳, Liaoning, peace and prosperity
        píngjiǎmíng, hiragana (Japanese script)
        Píngjiāng, Pingjiang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Sū zhōu shì], Jiangsu/Pingjiang county...
        Yánpíng, Yanping district of Nanping city 南平市[Nán píng shì] Fujian/Yanping township in Ta...
        píngshēng, [平聲], level or even tone/first and second tones in modern Mandarin
        Píngchuān/píngchuān, Pingchuan district of Baiyin city 白銀市|白银市[Bái yín shì], Gansu, an expanse of fla...
        píngbǎn, lithographic plate
        Pínghú, Pinghu county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jiā xīng], Zhejiang
        Yuánpíng, Yuanping county level city in Xinzhou 忻州[Xīn zhōu], Shanxi
        Sìpíng, Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
        Gāopíng, Gaoping, city in 山西[Shān xī]/Cao Bang, Vietnam
        kǎnkěbùpíng, potholed and bumpy road (idiom); fig. full of disappointment and dashed hopes
        hépínggē, [和平鴿], dove of peace
        píngbǎnchē, [平板車], handcart/trolley/flatbed truck
        tàipíngmén, [太平門], emergency exit
        Píngyě, Hirano (Japanese surname)
        píngzhuāngběn, [平裝本], paperback (book)

        Tái/tái, [檯]/[臺]/[颱], Taiwan (abbr.)/surname Tai, (classical) you (in letters)/variant of 臺|台[tái], de...
        wǔtái, [舞臺], stage/arena/fig. in the limelight
        táishàng, [臺上], on stage
        táicí, [臺詞], an actor's lines/dialogue/Taiwanese word
        diànshìtái, [電視臺], television station/CL:個|个[gè]
        diàntái, [電臺], transmitter-receiver/broadcasting station/radio station/CL:個|个[gè],家[jiā]
        shàngtái, to rise to power (in politics)/to go on stage (in the theater)
        hòutái, [後台], backstage area/behind-the-scenes supporter/(computing) back-end/background
        yángtái, [陽台]/[陽臺], variant of 陽臺|阳台[yáng tái], balcony/porch
        táijiē, [臺階], steps/flight of steps/step (over obstacle)/fig. way out of an embarrassing situa...
        guìtái, [櫃台]/[櫃檯]/[櫃臺], variant of 櫃檯|柜台[guì tái], sales counter/front desk/bar/(of markets, medicines e...
        qiántái, [前臺], stage/proscenium/foreground in politics etc (sometimes derog.)/front desk/recept...
        píngtái, [平臺], platform/terrace/flat-roofed building
        zhàntái, platform (at a railway station)
        xiàtái, [下臺], to go off the stage/to fall from position of prestige/to step down (from office ...
        táifēng, [臺風]/[颱風], stage presence, poise, hurricane/typhoon
        kàntái, terrace/spectator's grandstand/viewing platform
        táiqiú, billiards
        táixià, off the stage/in the audience
        shǒushùtái, [手術檯], operating table
        táizi, [檯子]/[臺子], desk/(pool etc) table, platform/stand
        kòngzhìtái, [控制臺], control desk/console
        Táiqián/táiqián, Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pú yáng], Henan, front of the stage
        Táiwān, [台灣]/[臺灣], variant of 臺灣|台湾[Tái wān], Taiwan
        táidēng, [檯燈], desk lamp/table lamp
        jiǎngtái, [講臺], platform/rostrum/lectern/(teacher's) desk
        zhuǎntái/zhuàntái, [轉台], to change the channel (TV), rotating stage/swivel table
        duàntóutái, [斷頭台], guillotine/scaffold
        zhútái, [燭臺], candlestick/candle holder
        chuāngtái, [窗臺], window sill/window ledge
        táimiàn, [檯面], tabletop/countertop/(fig.) public view/plain sight/(gambling) stake
        tǎtái, control tower
        shūzhuāngtái, [梳妝檯], dressing table
        kuǎtái, [垮臺], to fall from power/to collapse/demise
        táiqiúzhuō, billiards table
        yuètái, [月臺], railway platform
        Táiběi, [臺北], Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan, Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan
        tiānwéntái, observatory
        gōngzuòtái, [工作檯], workbench/work station
        Qīngwǎtái, [青瓦臺], Blue House (Cheong Wa Dae), residence of the president of South Korea in Seoul
        fúwùtái, [服務台]/[服務臺], service desk/information desk/reception desk, service desk/information desk/rece...
        lèitái, [擂臺], elevated stage on which martial competitions or duels were held/arena/ring
        qiántáicí, [潛臺詞], unspoken dialogue in a play, left for the audience to infer/subtext/(fig.) impli...
        chūtái, [出臺], to officially launch (a policy, program etc)/to appear on stage/to appear public...
        dǎotái, [倒臺], to overthrow/downfall/to fall from power/to go bankrupt
        xiězìtái, [寫字檯], writing desk
        zhǎntái, [展臺], display counter/stand/booth
        Táishān, Taishan county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong
        qiútái, [球檯], table (for games using balls)
        pàotái, [砲臺], fort/battery
        lǐngjiǎngtái, [領獎臺], (winner's) podium
        zhàitáigāozhù, [債臺高築], lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom); heavily in debt
        chàngduìtáixì, [唱對臺戲], to put on a rival show (idiom); to set oneself up against sb/to get into confron...
        táizhù, [臺柱], pillar/mainstay/star performer
        lèitáisài, [擂臺賽], single-elimination open tournament (the winner stays on until he is himself defe...
        Wǔtái, [五臺], Wutai city and county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xīn zhōu], Shanxi
        Táizhōng, [臺中], Taizhong or Taichung city and county in central Taiwan, Taizhong or Taichung cit...
        Gāotái, Gaotai county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhāng yè], Gansu
        yàntái, [硯臺], ink stone/ink slab/CL:方[fāng]
        chāitái, [拆臺], (theater) to dismantle the stage/(fig.) to pull the rug out from under sb's feet...
        táishì, (of an appliance) tabletop model/(of a computer) desktop model
        tiàotái, [跳臺], diving platform/diving tower/landing platform
        jìnshuǐlóutái, [近水樓臺], lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one's proximity to the powerf...
        qìxiàngtái, [氣象台], meteorological office/weather forecasting office
        Diàoyútái, [釣魚臺], Diaoyu Islands, located between Taiwan and Okinawa, controlled by Japan – which ...
        pīngpāngqiútái, [乒乓球檯], table-tennis table
        táibù, [檯布], tablecloth
        dǎlèitái, [打擂臺], (old) to fight on the leitai/(fig.) to enter a contest
        lútái, [爐臺], stove top/hob
        táijī, [臺基], stylobate (architecture)
        Táiběishì, [臺北市], Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan, Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan
        Táidú, [台獨], Taiwan independence/(of Taiwan) to declare independence
        cāozuòtái, operating desk/control panel/console
        jìnshuǐlóutáixiāndéyuè, [近水樓臺先得月], the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from...
        làtái, [蠟臺], candlestick/candle holder
        xìtái, [戲臺], stage
        Tiāntāi, Mt Tiantai near Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴 in Zhejiang, the center of Tiantai Buddhism 天台宗/T...
        táizuò, pedestal
        Táijiāng, Taijiang district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fú zhōu shì], Fujian
        dēngtái, [燈臺], lampstand

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