废 ⇒
废话 fèihuà, [廢話], nonsense/rubbish/superfluous words/You don't say!/No kidding! (gently sarcastic)
废物 fèiwù, [廢物], rubbish/waste material/useless person
废 fèi, [廢]/[癈], to abolish/to abandon/to abrogate/to discard/to depose/to oust/crippled/abandone...
废弃 fèiqì, [廢棄], to discard/to abandon (old ways)/to invalidate
废墟 fèixū, [廢墟], ruins
废除 fèichú, [廢除], to abolish/to abrogate/to repeal
残废 cánfèi, [殘廢], deformity/handicapped
窝囊废 wōnangfèi, [窩囊廢], (coll.) spineless coward/wimp/a good-for-nothing
半途而废 bàntúérfèi, [半途而廢], to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished
废品 fèipǐn, [廢品], production rejects/seconds/scrap/discarded material
颓废 tuífèi, [頹廢], decadent/dispirited/depressed/dejected
荒废 huāngfèi, [荒廢], to abandon (cultivated fields)/no longer cultivated/to lie waste/wasted/to negle...
废人 fèirén, [廢人], handicapped person/useless person
废料 fèiliào, [廢料], waste products/refuse/garbage/good-for-nothing (derog.)
作废 zuòfèi, [作廢], to become invalid/to cancel/to delete/to nullify
报废 bàofèi, [報廢], to scrap/to be written off
废铁 fèitiě, [廢鐵], scrap iron
废纸 fèizhǐ, [廢紙], waste paper
废掉 fèidiào, [廢掉], to depose (a king)
核废料 废弃物 废气 fèiqì, [廢氣], exhaust gas/industrial waste gas/steam
废旧 fèijiù, [廢舊], worn out/old-fashioned and dilapidated
废止 fèizhǐ, [廢止], to repeal (a law)/to put an end to/abolition/annulled
废水 fèishuǐ, [廢水], waste water/drain water/effluent
废寝忘食 fèiqǐnwàngshí, [廢寢忘食], to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom)/to skip one's sleep and meals/to ...
废黜 fèichù, [廢黜], to depose (a king)
废置 fèizhì, [廢置], to discard/to shelve as useless
废油 废液 fèiyè, [廢液], waste liquids
变废为宝 百废待兴 bǎifèidàixīng, [百廢待興], many things waiting to be done (idiom)/a thousand things to do
废票 废渣 fèizhā, [廢渣], industrial waste product/slag
废弃地 因噎废食 yīnyēfèishí, [因噎廢食], lit. not eating for fear of choking (idiom); fig. to cut off one's nose to spite...
渣 ⇒
渣 zhā, slag (in mining or smelting)/dregs
渣滓 zhāzǐ, residue/dregs/disreputable people
残渣 cánzhā, [殘渣], remainder/filtered out residue/sediment/waste product/debris/detritus/rubbish
渣子 煤渣 méizhā, slack
矿渣 kuàngzhā, [礦渣], slag (mining)
废渣 fèizhā, [廢渣], industrial waste product/slag
油渣 渣土 沉渣 豆腐渣 dòufuzhā, okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu)