All Possible Words
康 Kāng/kāng, surname Kang, healthy/peaceful/abundant
塞 Sāi/sāi/sài/sè, Serbia/Serbian/abbr. for 塞爾維亞|塞尔维亚[Sāi ěr wéi yà], to stop up/to squeeze in/to s...
普 pǔ, general/popular/everywhere/universal
普西 pǔxī, psi (Greek letter Ψψ)
西 Xī/xī, the West/abbr. for Spain 西班牙[Xī bān yá]/Spanish, west
翁 Wēng/wēng, surname Weng, elderly man/father/father-in-law/neck feathers of a bird (old)
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