开 ⇒
开始 kāishǐ, [開始], to begin/beginning/to start/initial/CL:個|个[gè]
开 kāi, [開], to open/to start/to turn on/to boil/to write out (a prescription, check, invoice...
离开 líkāi, [離開], to depart/to leave
开心 kāixīn, [開心], to feel happy/to rejoice/to have a great time/to make fun of sb
打开 dǎkāi, [打開], to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on/to switch on
开枪 kāiqiāng, [開槍], to open fire/to shoot a gun
放开 fàngkāi, [放開], to let go/to release
开玩笑 kāiwánxiào, [開玩笑], to play a joke/to make fun of/to joke
开车 kāichē, [開車], to drive a car
走开 zǒukāi, [走開], to leave/to walk away/to beat it/to move aside
开门 kāimén, [開門], to open a door (lit. and fig.)/to open for business
分开 fēnkāi, [分開], to separate/to part
开除 kāichú, [開除], to expel (a member of an organization)/to fire (an employee)
开口 kāikǒu, [開口], to open one's mouth/to start to talk
滚开 gǔnkāi, [滾開], to boil (of liquid)/boiling hot/Get out!/Go away!/fuck off (rude)
公开 gōngkāi, [公開], public/to publish/to make public
开火 kāihuǒ, [開火], to open fire
解开 jiěkāi, [解開], to untie/to undo/to solve (a mystery)
开会 kāihuì, [開會], to hold a meeting/to attend a meeting
开头 kāitóu, [開頭], beginning/to start
展开 zhǎnkāi, [展開], to unfold/to carry out/to be in full swing/to launch
开放 kāifàng, [開放], to bloom/to open/to be open (to the public)/to open up (to the outside)/to be op...
敞开 chǎngkāi, [敞開], to open wide/unrestrictedly
避开 bìkāi, [避開], to avoid/to evade/to keep away from
开场 kāichǎng, [開場], to begin/to open/to start/beginning of an event
开通 kāitōng/kāitong, [開通], to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transportation routes etc), o...
开拍 kāipāi, [開拍], to begin shooting (a movie, a scene of a movie etc)/to start the bidding (auctio...
张开 zhāngkāi, [張開], to open up/to spread/to extend
开发 kāifā, [開發], to exploit (a resource)/to open up (for development)/to develop
开工 kāigōng, [開工], to begin work (of a factory or engineering operation)/to start a construction jo...
闪开 shǎnkāi, [閃開], to get out of the way
躲开 duǒkāi, [躲開], to stay out of (hot water, trouble, awkward situation etc)/to avoid (sb)
开庭 kāitíng, [開庭], to begin a (judicial) court session
开启 kāiqǐ, [開啟], to open/to start/(computing) to enable
让开 ràngkāi, [讓開], to get out of the way/to step aside
开战 kāizhàn, [開戰], to start a war/to make war/to battle against
切开 拉开 lākāi, [拉開], to pull open/to pull apart/to space out/to increase
松开 sōngkāi, [鬆開], to release/to let go/to loosen/to untie/to come loose
开动 kāidòng, [開動], to start/to set in motion/to move/to march/to dig in (eating)/to tuck in (eating...
召开 zhàokāi, [召開], to convene (a conference or meeting)/to convoke/to call together
开张 kāizhāng, [開張], to open a business/first transaction of a business day
开关 kāiguān, [開關], power switch/gas valve/to open the city (or frontier) gate/to open and close/to ...
抛开 pāokāi, [拋開], to throw out/to get rid of
开膛 揭开 jiēkāi, [揭開], to uncover/to open
散开 sànkāi, [散開], to separate/to disperse
开胃 kāiwèi, [開胃], to whet the appetite/appetizing/to amuse oneself at sb's expense/to tease
挪开 nuókāi, [挪開], to move (sth) aside/to step aside/to move over (when sitting on a bench)/to shif...
开支 kāizhī, [開支], expenditures/expenses/CL:筆|笔[bǐ], 項|项[xiàng]/to spend money/(coll.) to pay wages
开端 kāiduān, [開端], start/beginning
开业 kāiyè, [開業], to open a business/to open a practice/open (for business)
开诚布公 kāichéngbùgōng, [開誠佈公]/[開誠布公], variant of 開誠布公|开诚布公[kāi chéng bù gōng], lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom);...
推开 tuīkāi, [推開], to push open (a gate etc)/to push away/to reject/to decline
开价 kāijià, [開價], to quote a price/seller's first offer
拆开 chāikāi, [拆開], to dismantle/to disassemble/to open up (sth sealed)/to unpick
离不开 líbukāi, [離不開], inseparable/inevitably linked to
裂开 lièkāi, [裂開], to split open
开销 kāixiāo, [開銷], to pay (expenses)/expenses/(old) to dismiss (an employee)
开展 kāizhǎn, [開展], to launch/to develop/to unfold/(of an exhibition etc) to open
撕开 开学 kāixué, [開學], foundation of a University or College/school opening/the start of a new term
开创 kāichuàng, [開創], to initiate/to start/to found
开幕式 kāimùshì, [開幕式], opening ceremony
开饭 kāifàn, [開飯], to serve a meal
开阔 kāikuò, [開闊], wide/open (spaces)/to open up
开门见山 kāiménjiànshān, [開門見山], lit. to open the door and see the mountain; fig. to get right to the point (idio...
开机 kāijī, [開機], to start an engine/to boot up (a computer)/to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete/to begin sho...
开场白 kāichǎngbái, [開場白], prologue of play/opening remarks/preamble (of speeches, articles etc)
开脱 kāituō, [開脫], to exculpate/to absolve/to exonerate
开花 kāihuā, [開花], to bloom/to blossom/to flower/fig. to burst open/to feel happy or elated/new dev...
开幕 kāimù, [開幕], to open (a conference)/to inaugurate
开罗 Kāiluó, [開羅], Cairo, capital of Egypt
甩开 shuǎikāi, [甩開], to shake off/to get rid of
大开眼界 传开 chuánkāi, [傳開], (of news) to spread/to get around
开朗 kāilǎng, [開朗], spacious and well-lit/open and clear/(of character) optimistic/cheerful/carefree
撇开 piēkāi, [撇開], to disregard/to leave aside
开炮 kāipào, [開砲], to open fire
开进 开船 kāichuán, [開船], to set sail
开办 kāibàn, [開辦], to open/to start (a business etc)/to set up
开采 kāicǎi, [開採], to extract (ore or other resource from a mine)/to exploit/to mine
翻开 fānkāi, [翻開], to open up
开路 kāilù, [開路], to open up a path/to make one's way through/to construct a road/(electricity) op...
不可开交 bùkěkāijiāo, [不可開交], to be awfully (busy etc)
公开赛 gōngkāisài, [公開賽], (sports) open championship/open (as in "the US Open")
开发商 kāifāshāng, [開發商], developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc)
开开 开刀 kāidāo, [開刀], (of a surgeon) to perform an operation/(of a patient) to have an operation/to de...
开曼群岛 KāimànQúndǎo, [開曼群島], Cayman Islands
开设 kāishè, [開設], to offer (goods or services)/to open (for business etc)
异想天开 yìxiǎngtiānkāi, [異想天開], to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fantasy
盛开 shèngkāi, [盛開], blooming/in full flower
寻开心 xúnkāixīn, [尋開心], to make fun of/to seek diversion
开局 kāijú, [開局], opening (chess etc)/early stage of game, match, work, activity etc
开窍 kāiqiào, [開竅], to get it straight/to start to understand things properly/enlightenment dawns
开播 剖开 开演 kāiyǎn, [開演], (of a play, movie etc) to begin
开明 kāimíng, [開明], enlightened/open-minded/enlightenment
开怀 kāihuái, [開懷], to one's heart's content/without restraint
断开 duànkāi, [斷開], to break/to sever/to turn off (electric switch)
开走 kāizǒu, [開走], to go (of car, train etc)/to drive off
开拓 kāituò, [開拓], to break new ground (for agriculture)/to open up (a new seam)/to develop (border...
开怀大笑 开拓者 kāituòzhě, [開拓者], pioneer
开辟 kāipì, [開闢], to open up/to set up/to establish
掀开 xiānkāi, [掀開], to lift open/to tear open
开赛 kāisài, [開賽], to start a match/the kick-off
开眼 kāiyǎn, [開眼], to open one's eyes/to widen one's horizons
开曼 开导 kāidǎo, [開導], to talk sb round/to straighten sth out/to enlighten
信口开河 xìnkǒukāihé, [信口開河], to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out
开水 kāishuǐ, [開水], boiled water/boiling water
开外 kāiwài, [開外], over and above (some amount)/beyond (budget)
米开朗基罗 Mǐkāilǎngjīluó, [米開朗基羅], Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Renaissance painter and sculptor
开瓶器 kāipíngqì, [開瓶器], bottle opener
开天窗 kāitiānchuāng, [開天窗], to leave a blank to mark censored area
网开一面 wǎngkāiyīmiàn, [網開一面], open the net on one side (idiom); let the caged bird fly/to give one's opponent ...
拨开 bōkāi, [撥開], to push aside/to part/to brush away
开阔地 开小差 kāixiǎochāi, [開小差], to be absent-minded/to desert/to abscond from the army/absent without leave (AWO...
岔开 chàkāi, [岔開], to diverge/to branch off the road/to change (the subject)
开化 kāihuà, [開化], to become civilized/to be open-minded/(of ice) to thaw
开户 kāihù, [開戶], to open an account (bank etc)
开释 kāishì, [開釋], to release (a prisoner)
掰开 bāikāi, [掰開], to pull apart/to pry open with the hands
开来 开足马力 kāizúmǎlì, [開足馬力], to accelerate at full power (idiom); at full speed/fig. to work as hard as possi...
除开 chúkāi, [除開], besides/except/to get rid of (sb)/(math.) to divide
开放式 开天辟地 kāitiānpìdì, [開天闢地], to split heaven and earth apart (idiom); refers to the Pangu 盤古|盘古[Pán gǔ] creat...
开篇 kāipiān, [開篇], start of literary work/opening song of ballad in Tanci style 彈詞|弹词[tán cí]
开放性 kāifàngxìng, [開放性], openness
开夜车 kāiyèchē, [開夜車], to burn the midnight oil/to work late into the night
劈开 pīkāi, [劈開], to cleave/to split open/to spread open (fingers, legs)
开课 kāikè, [開課], school begins/give a course/teach a subject
开房间 kāifángjiān, [開房間], to take a hotel room/to rent a room
开国 kāiguó, [開國], to found a state/to open a closed country
开春 kāichūn, [開春], beginning of spring/the lunar New Year
开恩 kāiēn, [開恩], to give a favor (used of Christian God)
开封 Kāifēng, [開封], Kaifeng prefecture-level city in Henan, old capital of Northern Song, former pro...
开后门 kāihòumén, [開後門], to open the back door/fig. under the counter/to do a secret or dishonest deal/to...
开普敦 Kāipǔdūn, [開普敦], Cape Town (city in South Africa)
丢开 diūkāi, [丟開], to cast or put aside/to forget for a while
开花结果 豁然开朗 huòránkāilǎng, [豁然開朗], suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom); to come to a wide clearing/fig. ev...
开尔文 Kāiěrwén, [開爾文], Lord Kelvin 1824-1907, British physicist (William Thomson)/Kelvin (temperature s...
想开 xiǎngkāi, [想開], to get over (a shock, bereavement etc)/to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things/to...
开裂 kāiliè, [開裂], to split open/to dehisce (of fruit or cotton bolls, to split open)
开裆裤 kāidāngkù, [開襠褲], open-crotch pants (for toddlers)
开挖 kāiwā, [開挖], to dig out/to excavate/to scoop out
开赴 kāifù, [開赴], (of troops) to depart for/to head for
开间 kāijiān, [開間], alcove/bay in a room/unit of length used for rooms, approx. 3.3 meters
开道 kāidào, [開道], to clear the way
吃得开 chīdekāi, [吃得開], to be popular/to be getting on well/much in demand
对外开放 开司米 kāisīmǐ, [開司米], cashmere (loanword)
开审 开门红 kāiménhóng, [開門紅], a good beginning
扒开 bākāi, [扒開], to pry open or apart/to spread (sth) open with both hands
左右开弓 zuǒyòukāigōng, [左右開弓], lit. to shoot from both sides (idiom)/fig. to display ambidexterity/to slap with...
开凿 kāizáo, [開鑿], to cut (a canal, tunnel, well etc)
开快车 kāikuàichē, [開快車], an express train sets off/fig. to work in haste/to rush
公开化 gōngkāihuà, [公開化], to publicize/openness (of government, PRC equivalent of "glasnost")
铺开 开垦 kāikěn, [開墾], to clear a wild area for cultivation/to put under the plow
迈开 开闸 茅塞顿开 máosèdùnkāi, [茅塞頓開], murky darkness suddenly opens (idiom); a sudden flash of insight and all is clea...
挣开 开发区 kāifāqū, [開發區], development zone
春暖花开 喜笑颜开 xǐxiàoyánkāi, [喜笑顏開], grinning from ear to ear (idiom)/beaming with happiness
洞开 dòngkāi, [洞開], to be wide open
开拔 kāibá, [開拔], to set out (of troops)/departure/start date (of military expedition)
米开朗琪罗 开锅 kāiguō, [開鍋], (of a pot) to boil
开路先锋 kāilùxiānfēng, [開路先鋒], pioneer/trailbreaker
绽开 zhànkāi, [綻開], to burst forth
阿尔布开克 开具 kāijù, [開具], to draw up (a document)
开箱 kāixiāng, [開箱], unboxing/to unbox
开矿 kāikuàng, [開礦], to mine/to open a seam
开盘 kāipán, [開盤], to commence trading (stock market)
开腔 kāiqiāng, [開腔], to speak out/to start speaking
开荒 kāihuāng, [開荒], to open up land (for agriculture)
想得开 xiǎngdekāi, [想得開], to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to adopt a lighthearted pers...
开创性 kāichuàngxìng, [開創性], innovative
开屏 kāipíng, [開屏], (a peacock) spreads its tail
金石为开 开绿灯 kāilǜdēng, [開綠燈], to give the green light/to give the go-ahead
错开 cuòkāi, [錯開], to stagger (times)
摆开 开山 kāishān, [開山], to cut into a mountain (to open a mine)/to open a monastery
开市 kāishì, [開市], (of a store, stock market etc) to open for trading/to make the first transaction...
开发部 公开信 gōngkāixìn, [公開信], open letter
开行 白开水 báikāishuǐ, [白開水], plain boiled water
想不开 xiǎngbukāi, [想不開], cannot figure out/to be unable to take a lighter view/to take things too hard/to...
掘开 兰开斯特 Lánkāisītè, [蘭開斯特], Lancaster
车开来 撩开 liāokai, [撩開], to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something/to toss aside
旗开得胜 qíkāidéshèng, [旗開得勝], lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have...
米开朗基罗的大卫 吃不开 chībukāi, [吃不開], be unpopular/won't work
开式 开班 冲开 南开 Nánkāi, [南開], Nankai district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tiān jīn shì]
开讲 kāijiǎng, [開講], to begin a lecture/to start on a story
开诊 笑逐颜开 xiàozhúyánkāi, [笑逐顏開], smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure/all smiles/joy writt...
开小灶 kāixiǎozào, [開小灶], to give preferential treatment/to give special attention
脱开 tuōkāi, [脫開], to withdraw
皮开肉绽 píkāiròuzhàn, [皮開肉綻], flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)
对开 duìkāi, [對開], running in opposite direction (buses, trains, ferries etc)
开锁器 开席 开票 kāipiào, [開票], to open ballot boxes/to count votes/to make out a voucher or invoice etc/to writ...
半公开 bàngōngkāi, [半公開], semiovert/more or less open
开发权 开金 kāijīn, [開金], carated gold (alloy containing stated proportion of gold)
开远 Kāiyuǎn, [開遠], Kaiyuan county level city in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
开航 抹不开 继往开来 jìwǎngkāilái, [繼往開來], to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transitio...
开盘价 开创者 铁树开花 tiěshùkāihuā, [鐵樹開花], lit. the iron tree blooms (idiom)/a highly improbable or extremely rare occurren...
开平 Kāipíng, [開平], Kaiping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/Kaiping district of Tangs...
公开课 亚开玛 先开 栗树开 东开才 开拓性 kāituòxìng, [開拓性], pioneering/groundbreaking
车开成 罗德开 罗开特斯 开幕词 kāimùcí, [開幕詞], opening speech (at a conference)
重开 chóngkāi, [重開], to reopen
兰开夏 兰开斯 开方 kāifāng, [開方], to extract a square root
开本 kāiběn, [開本], book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° etc (a 16-kai format 16開|16开[shí liù kāi] i...
开炉 kāilú, [開爐], to open a furnace/to start up a furnace
开幕会 花开花 西开普 别开 开堂 kāitáng, [開堂], to open a law court/to set up a mourning hall
开卷 kāijuàn, [開卷], to open a book/open-book (exam)
开仓 开瑜 开氏 遍地开花 biàndìkāihuā, [遍地開花], to blossom everywhere/to spring up all over the place/to flourish on a large sca...
别开生面 biékāishēngmiàn, [別開生面], to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path/to break fresh ground
开庆生 转换开关 开倒车 kāidàochē, [開倒車], to drive in reverse/fig. to take a backward step/retrogressive/trying to turn th...
张开来 开场戏 门开成 乐开花 lèkāihuā, [樂開花], to burst with joy
张开双 米开朗其罗 人来开 开发署 东开来 开馆 开锁 kāisuǒ, [開鎖], to unlock
开阳 Kāiyáng, [開陽], zeta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/Kaiyang county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Guì yáng], ...
开蓬 公开性 云开日出 窦初开 开信器 草开花 王开 开工率 邹易开
工 ⇒
工作 gōngzuò, to work/(of a machine) to operate/job/work/task/CL:個|个[gè],份[fèn],項|项[xiàng]
特工 tègōng, secret service/special service/secret service agent/special agent
员工 yuángōng, [員工], staff/personnel/employee
工 gōng, work/worker/skill/profession/trade/craft/labor
工具 gōngjù, tool/instrument/utensil/means (to achieve a goal etc)
工厂 gōngchǎng, [工廠], factory/CL:家[jiā],座[zuò]
工人 gōngrén, worker/CL:個|个[gè],名[míng]
工资 gōngzī, [工資], wages/pay/CL:個|个[gè],份[fèn],月[yuè]
工作室 gōngzuòshì, studio/workshop
工程 gōngchéng, engineering/an engineering project/project/undertaking/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
工程师 gōngchéngshī, [工程師], engineer/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
打工 dǎgōng, to work a temporary or casual job/(of students) to have a job outside of class t...
开工 kāigōng, [開工], to begin work (of a factory or engineering operation)/to start a construction jo...
工业 gōngyè, [工業], industry
罢工 bàgōng, [罷工], a strike/to go on strike
清洁工 qīngjiégōng, [清潔工], cleaner/janitor/garbage collector
手工 shǒugōng, handwork/manual
人工 réngōng, artificial/manpower/manual work
工会 gōnghuì, [工會], labor union/trade union/CL:個|个[gè]
工地 gōngdì, construction site
矿工 kuànggōng, [礦工], miner
完工 wángōng, to finish work/to complete a project
工夫 gōngfū/gōngfu, (old) laborer, period of time (may be months, or mere seconds)/spare time/skill/...
加工 jiāgōng, to process/processing/working (of machinery)
工具箱 gōngjùxiāng, toolbox
收工 shōugōng, to stop work for the day (generally of laborers)/to knock off
施工 shīgōng, construction/to carry out construction or large-scale repairs
工钱 gōngqián, [工錢], salary/wages
劳工 láogōng, [勞工], labor/laborer
本职工作 管工 guǎngōng, plumber/pipe-worker
工作者 gōngzuòzhě, worker
工作服 gōngzuòfú, work clothes
人工智能 réngōngzhìnéng, artificial intelligence (AI)
工作狂 gōngzuòkuáng, workaholic
临时工 línshígōng, [臨時工], day laborer/temporary work
电工 diàngōng, [電工], electrician/electrical engineering/electrical work (in a house)
女工 nǚgōng, working woman/variant of 女紅|女红[nǚ gōng]
工头 gōngtóu, [工頭], foreman
修理工 职工 zhígōng, [職工], workers/staff/CL:個|个[gè]
技工 jìgōng, skilled worker
搬运工 bānyùngōng, [搬運工], porter
工藤 Gōngténg, Kudō (Japanese surname)
工艺 gōngyì, [工藝], arts and crafts/industrial arts
人工呼吸 réngōnghūxī, artificial respiration (medicine)
做工 zuògōng, to work with one's hands/manual work/workmanship
工作量 gōngzuòliàng, workload/volume of work
工程学 gōngchéngxué, [工程學], engineering
分工 fēngōng, to divide up the work/division of labor
工作站 gōngzuòzhàn, (computer) workstation
工作日 gōngzuòrì, workday/working day/weekday
理工学院 工蚁 木工 mùgōng, woodwork/carpentry/woodworker/carpenter
工匠 gōngjiàng, artisan/smith
管道工 停工 tínggōng, to stop work/to shut down/to stop production
工艺品 gōngyìpǐn, [工藝品], handicraft article/handiwork/CL:個|个[gè]
工场 化工厂 huàgōngchǎng, [化工廠], chemical factory
工作台 gōngzuòtái, [工作檯], workbench/work station
勤杂工 化工 huàgōng, chemical industry, abbr. of 化學工業|化学工业[huà xué gōng yè]/chemical engineering, abb...
苦工 kǔgōng, hard labor (in penal code)/coolie
动工 dònggōng, [動工], to start (a building project)
人工授精 réngōngshòujīng, artificial insemination
工资单 闲工夫 加工厂 jiāgōngchǎng, [加工廠], processing plant
工人阶级 gōngrénjiējí, [工人階級], working class
工作组 gōngzuòzǔ, [工作組], work team/working group/task force
小工 工业区 gōngyèqū, [工業區], industrial zone
工商 gōngshāng, industry and commerce
童工 tónggōng, child labor
工棚 手工艺品 偷工减料 tōugōngjiǎnliào, [偷工減料], to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom)/jerry-building/sloppy work
监工 jiāngōng, [監工], workplace overseer/foreman
工作间 破土动工 钟点工 zhōngdiǎngōng, [鐘點工], hourly worker/hourly job
旷工 kuànggōng, [曠工], to skip work/absence without leave
零工 línggōng, temporary job/odd job
工蜂 gōngfēng, worker bee
帮工 bānggōng, [幫工], to help with farm work/casual laborer
民工 míngōng, migrant worker/temporary worker enlisted on a public project
打零工 雇工 工具包 车工 chēgōng, [車工], lathe work/lathe operator
工兵 gōngbīng, military engineer
义工 yìgōng, [義工], volunteer worker/volunteer work
工伤 gōngshāng, [工傷], industrial injury
上工 shànggōng, to go to work/to start work
工作证 电焊工 工作餐 工事 gōngshì, defensive structure/military fortifications/(Tw) construction works/civil engine...
兵工厂 bīnggōngchǎng, [兵工廠], munitions factory
工程兵 美工 měigōng, art design/art designer
工时 gōngshí, [工時], man-hour
费工夫 fèigōngfu, [費工夫], to spend a great deal of time and effort/(of a task) demanding/exacting
工友 gōngyǒu, workmate
手工艺 shǒugōngyì, [手工藝], handicraft/arts and crafts
包工头 bāogōngtóu, [包工頭], chief labor contractor
工房 防御工事 fángyùgōngshì, [防禦工事], fortification/defensive structure
工整 gōngzhěng, fine work/carefully and neatly done
工大 漆工 月工资 出工 鬼斧神工 guǐfǔshéngōng, supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods/uncanny workmanship/supe...
竣工 jùngōng, to complete a project
焊工 hàngōng, welder/solderer/CL:名[míng]/welding
军工 工期 gōngqī, time allocated for a project/completion date
工薪阶层 gōngxīnjiēcéng, [工薪階層], salaried class
招工 唱工 工装裤 gōngzhuāngkù, [工裝褲], overalls (clothing)/coveralls
教工 蓝领工人 教职员工 jiàozhíyuángōng, [教職員工], teaching and administrative staff
工党 gōngdǎng, [工黨], worker's party/labor party
工业化 gōngyèhuà, [工業化], to industrialize/industrialization
军工厂 巧夺天工 下工夫 xiàgōngfu, to put in time and energy/to concentrate one's efforts
理工 lǐgōng, science and engineering as academic subjects
劳工法 能工巧匠 返工 工作队 gōngzuòduì, [工作隊], a working group/a task force
务工 wùgōng, [務工], to work as a laborer
工种 gōngzhǒng, [工種], kind of work in production (e.g. benchwork, foundry work etc)
工程部 合同工 工长 工日 男工 nángōng, male worker
勤工俭学 qíngōngjiǎnxué, [勤工儉學], to work part time while studying/work-study program
短工 duǎngōng, temporary job/odd job/seasonal worker
水暖工 shuǐnuǎngōng, plumber/heating engineer
总工程师 农工 nónggōng, [農工], agricultural worker/abbr. for 農業工人|农业工人/peasant and worker (in Marxism)
长工 精工 Jīnggōng/jīnggōng, Seiko, Japanese watch and electronics company, refined/delicate/exquisite (craft...
工科 gōngkē, engineering as an academic subject
工位 工程队 工序 gōngxù, working procedure/process
钻井工 社工 shègōng, social work/social worker
消极怠工 石工 shígōng, stonemasonry/stonemason
佣工 yōnggōng, [傭工], hired laborer/servant
水工 总罢工 工业界 志工 zhìgōng, volunteer
换工 huàngōng, [換工], to change workshifts
清扫工 怠工 dàigōng, to slacken off in one's work/to go slow (as a form of strike)
工资表 同工同酬 tónggōngtóngchóu, equal pay for equal work
工价 工薪 工装 工业部 工龄 gōnglíng, [工齡], length of service/seniority
打工仔 dǎgōngzǎi, young worker/employee/young male worker
船工 chuángōng, boatman/boat builder
磨工 工作制 复工 fùgōng, [復工], to return to work (after stoppage)
装卸工 zhuāngxiègōng, [裝卸工], docker/longshoreman
白工 工具房 工学院 gōngxuéyuàn, [工學院], school of engineering/college of engineering
下工 xiàgōng, to knock off (at the end of a day's work)/to finish work
非工会 夜工 用工 教职工 jiàozhígōng, [教職工], teaching and administrative staff
学徒工 误工 wùgōng, [誤工], to delay one's work/to be late for or absent from work/loss of working time
工薪族 gōngxīnzú, salaried class
工细 打短工 工区 教育工作者 jiàoyùgōngzuòzhě, educator
工作员 钳工 qiángōng, [鉗工], fitter/benchwork
交工 半工半读 bàngōngbàndú, [半工半讀], part work, part study/work-study program
日工 磨洋工 móyánggōng, to idle on the job
人工降雨 休工 遗传工程 yíchuángōngchéng, [遺傳工程], genetic engineering
工具书 gōngjùshū, [工具書], reference book (such as dictionary, almanac, gazetteer etc)
工艺学 季节工 森工 系统工程 人工湖 工工整整 奴工 núgōng, slave labor/slave worker
歇工 记工 jìgōng, [記工], to record work points 工分[gōng fēn]
装配工 包工 bāogōng, to undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to specifications...
工艺美术 gōngyìměishù, [工藝美術], applied art
工本 农民工 nóngmíngōng, [農民工], migrant workers
工厂化 铁工 机工 安居工程 ānjūgōngchéng, housing project for low-income urban residents
化学工业 huàxuégōngyè, [化學工業], chemical industry, abbr. to 化工[huà gōng]
精工细作 工效 手工业 shǒugōngyè, [手工業], handicraft
工段 瓦工 wǎgōng, tiling/bricklaying/plastering
工笔 gōngbǐ, [工筆], gongbi, traditional Chinese painting method characterized by meticulous brush te...
产业工人 chǎnyègōngrén, [產業工人], industrial worker
工交 工分 gōngfēn, work point (measure of work completed in a rural commune in the PRC during the p...
工农 Gōngnóng/gōngnóng, [工農], Gongnong district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[Hè gǎng], Heilongjiang, workers and peasa...
核工程 hégōngchéng, nuclear engineering
轻工业部 手工费 工程化 打工妹 dǎgōngmèi, young female worker
工程量 锻工 工读生 gōngdúshēng, [工讀生], student who also works part-time/(old) reform-school student
韩顺工 建工 包身工 bāoshēngōng, indentured laborer